
admin 2024-03-05 网站管理员 admin


Don't treat me like a rival in love, I despise your partner


Is your blush red enough? Not enough. I'll slap it for you


I really envy the skin on your face. It's so thick


Sorry, I didn't mean to, after all, you are too ugly

五,妹妹腮红不够 姐姐巴掌来凑

My sister's blush is not enough for my sister to slap her face

六,说我说过的话 吃我嚼过的馍 比我孙子还孝敬我

Say what I said and eat the buns I chewed, and honor me more than my grandson.

七,我看你两眼都是给你的施舍 他并不喜欢你 ,只是无聊的时候逗逗你

I see your eyes are giving you alms. He doesn't like you, just Doby when you are bored.

八,我发脾气的时候别给我讲道理 我聋

Don't reason with me when I lose my temper. I'm deaf

九,难过就请给我打电话 我会挂了让你更难过

Being young doesn't mean that you can't get angry and press you to death

十,我的空间我做主 指手画脚妈入土有些人错过了真是谢天谢地谢乾坤

My space is my boss, my mother is buried, and some people missed it. Thank God Xie Gankun

十一,三官没用 五官才有用

Three officials are useless. Five senses are useful


I have dreams, so I have no time to drink hot water.


Don't judge Laozi's people, good and bad are Laozi's don't like to see less

十四,有事直说 反正我也帮不了你

Just say something. I can't help you anyway


Sister is a chatterbox, but I can't spit when I see you

十六,不用你说姐也知道,姐是你惹不起的大佬太阳起了老子不起 老子就是了不起

You don't have to say that I also know that I am a big brother that you can't be taunted. When the sun rises, I can't afford it. I am amazing
