
admin 2024-03-05 网站管理员 admin

1.Steve and his friend played a computer game on his father's computer警告某人的霸气说说, though his father warned him not to do so.史蒂夫和他的朋友在他父亲的电脑上玩电脑游戏警告某人的霸气说说,尽管他的父亲告诫他不要这样做。(教材第45页警告某人的霸气说说,2)


① warn sb.(not) to do sth.警告或告诫某人(不要)做某事

The teacher often warns us to study hard.老师常常告诫我们要努力学习。

I warned her not to go near the dog.我警告她不要靠近那条狗。

② warn sb. of/about sth.提醒或警告某人注意某事

The morning paper warned us of danger.晨报提醒我们注意危险。

The message warned us of/about the danger.这一信息警告我们注意可能存在的危险。

③ warn sb. against( doing).警告某人不要(做)…

The policeman warned him against crossing the road at that place.警察警告他不要在那个地方横穿马路。

He warned me against going thereat night.他警告我晚上不要去那儿。
