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关于at的唯美句子 推荐74句

1. The meteor turned into a flash, cutting through the night sky.

2. You are like the night, with silence and stars.

3. The starry sky delays sending you, sweeping away the bad mood of the day.

4. The sun, moon and stars are not as good as you.

5. Even if you live in the gutter, remember to look up to the stars.

6. There are no stars in the lonely night sky, and even the moon doesn't know where to hide.

7. 那盛开的花朵儿,不正像一张张美丽可爱的脸儿吗

8. Sporadic thoughts of you also make up the Milky way.

9. 在那浓密的绿叶丛中,盛开着一簇簇娇小的丁香花,它们互相偎依,竞相开放,细嫩的柄托着五六片浅绿色的花瓣,片片都小巧纤细,尽力向外舒展,时而露出了星星点点的花蕊。

10. The starry sky and myth go hand in hand.

11. I want to pick the stars in the sky for you.

12. It was not easy for Yao and Shun to rise with the sun and moon, and for Jie and Zhou to die with the stars.

13. Remember to look up at the stars, don't look down at your feet.

14. The moon is a metaphor, and all noumenon is you.

15. The grass and trees shake their murderous spirits, and the stars have no brilliance.

16. 雨中的桃花,那么娇嫩,那么可爱,仿佛刚刚从睡梦中醒过来的小女孩,稚气地望着你;那些湿润的小花蕾,好象婴儿们的小嘴唇,红艳艳地咧开着。

17. A trace of tranquility, a ray of soft starry mood.

18. Drunk under the starry sky, the dream is broken among the grass.

19. 一阵风吹来,蜻蜓花摇了几下,那样子多迷人,真像一位穿花裙的姑娘在跳着优美的舞蹈。

20. Looking at the stars, singing and quiet people, running water today, the predecessor of the bright moon.

21. Don't look at the sun and moon, you are the stars.

22. 蝴蝶花的叶子长而宽,又是那样多,颜色是深绿色的,面上有不明显的叶脉,叶子的边缘是波浪形的。

23. Stars can be picked, and so can you.

24. I carry all the stars to give you, but I still feel that the stars are not as good as you.

25. May there be mu Xiqing on the mountain here. Last night, the stars were just like you.

26. Wake up at midnight, you are a star falling from the eaves.

27. My journey is the sea of stars, the stars are you, and the sea is you.

28. You are my dream gently, strong sky stars.

29. In the southeast and northwest, the emperor's pole is in effect, and the sun, moon and stars sing a triumphant song.

30. I have seen the universe, but I only love one star.

31. There are no guests in the ten mile Pavilion, and the stars appear in the Ninth Heaven.

32. Wait until the stars are asleep, and then miss you.

33. I like the stars in your eyes when you look at me.

34. 学校的春天,那真是太美了

35. The moon is cold and the stars are sparse, and the courtyard is deep and bleak.

36. I hope you are full of stars, but only to me.

37. With you tonight, the starry sky is brighter.

38. 喇叭花的叶子碧绿碧绿的,稠密得很,远远看去,就像一匹绿布挂在空中。

39. Looking up at the starry sky, the sound of the wind.

40. I have seen the Milky way and still only love you.

41. Pick a thousand stars to light up your future.

42. Stars fall on the city, diffuse as floating light.

43. I burn a star to say goodbye to you.

44. There are stars in the sky and you on earth.

45. Stars fall into the sea, sweets fall into dreams, and you fall into my heart.

46. 您瞧那盆水仙花,花盆里的水清亮亮的,叶子绿盈盈的,花儿白丝丝的,恰似凌波仙子在水上漂浮。

47. You and Xinghe can be collected.

48. 那株紫丁香到了暮春,满树便开出字色的小花,那话并不艳丽,想笔尖大小,绽放开来,却纯净雅洁,犹如一片紫色的迷离的雾。

49. Send you a song, don't ask the song, and people will gather and disperse.

50. The stone at the top of the station is the star.

51. The stars are all over the sky, and you are the one that twinkles most.

52. You see, I always smile. I see stars in your eyes.

53. The stars and moons are very beautiful today.

54. Hidden among many lonely stars, I can still find you.

55. My love has three, white clouds, stars and you.

56. The stars all over the sky can't beat you.

57. Looking at the stars, you are in my dream.

58. All over the sky, just for you.

59. From then on, I'll see for myself.

60. Write all the mountains, it is you who write; Looking at the stars, beauty is you.

61. How many nights, looking at the starry sky will think of you.

62. The darker the sky, the more stars you can see.

63. I scattered stars all the way to you.

64. Your tenderness, with light, pours down the whole length of the Milky way along the hairline.

65. Everyone is mediocre. You are the star of the world.

66. Mountains and seas are scattered, and you are the starlight on earth.

67. The night is lonely enough for the starry sky to be beautiful.

68. If you are in a bad mood, please remember to look up to the stars.

69. I like stars, quiet and bright.

70. A boat full of stars, singing in the beauty of stars.

71. The vast starry sky, countless meteors are passers-by.

72. The stars and the sea are you, and the flowers are you.

73. 一簇簇鲜艳的花朵,聚集在叶片下,犹如无数只蝴蝶,微微张开翅膀,停在空中,凝然不动。

74. Once you were everywhere, but now the sea and stars are out of reach.
