After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked. 今天下过大雪,很多道路仍然堵塞。
Children were playing in the snow. 孩子们正在雪地里玩。
Heavy snow has caused total chaos on the roads. 大雪导致道路上交通一片混乱。
I remember one time (= once) we had to abandon our car in the snow. 我记得有一次我们迫于无奈把汽车丢弃在雪地里。
In this area there is snow cover for six months of the year. 这个地区一年中有六个月被积雪覆盖。
It began to snow lightly. 开始下小雪了。
It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast. 按天气预报,现在该下雪才是。
It's been snowing heavily all day. 大雪下了一整天。
It's hard work shovelling snow. 铲雪是个苦活儿。
Little by little the snow disappeared. 雪渐渐融化了。
The house was buried under ten feet of snow. 房子被埋在十英尺厚的积雪中。
The referee was forced to stop the game because of heavy snow. 由于下大雪,裁判被迫终止了比赛。
The remains of the snow had been cleared from the streets. 街道上的残雪已被清扫干净。
The road was blocked by deep drifts of snow. 道路被风吹来的厚厚积雪阻塞。
The sledge ran smoothly over the frozen snow. 雪橇在冻结的雪面上平稳地滑行。
The snow didn't settle (= stay on the ground). 雪没积起来。
The snow showed no sign of melting. 雪没有一点融化的迹象。
The snow was beginning to melt. 积雪开始融化了。
The snow was knee-deep in places. 有些地方的雪已齐膝深了。
The snow was like powder. 雪像粉末一样。
The streets had been cleared of snow. 街道上的积雪已被清除干净。
The sun had melted the snow. 阳光融化了积雪。
They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow. 他们冒着严寒出去铲雪。
We followed the bear's tracks in the snow. 我们跟着熊在雪地上留下的足迹走。
We had snow in May this year. 今年五月我们这儿下了雪。