
admin 2024-03-02 网站管理员 admin


  你我擦肩而过,印入心间,虽不知姓名,大概一见钟情I miss her again, or I can't help it. You and I passed by, printed into the heart, although I do not know the name, a beautiful woman can be good!



  多少句我喜欢你,最后都变成了我喜欢过你。我又想她了,还是忍不住。How many sentences I like you, and finally become I like you.I miss her again, or I can't help it.我从不喜欢迁就,却用最干净的真心为你妥协了很久。我还是想等等,等一个不可能的可能,直到彻底失去。



  I never liked to accommodate, but with the cleanest heart for you to compromise for a long time.I still want to wait, wait for an impossible possibility, until completely lost.“很遗憾,明明不想失去,却又无能为力,说真的,那种想放弃又相爱的滋味,真折磨人,我尽力不打扰你了,你要好好的”爱是我们死去时唯一能带走的东西,它能使死亡变得如此从容。"Unfortunately, clearly do not want to lose, but there is nothing you can do, seriously, that want to give up and want to love the taste, really torture, I try not to disturb you, you have to be good"



  Love is the only thing we can take away when we die, and it can make death so easy.“满眼都是你的人,才配得上你全部的爱,年龄何干,相貌何顾,家境何妨。”兄弟,可以醒醒了,你的人不在是你的人了,已经是别人的了。All eyes are on you, just worthy of all your love, age, appearance, family situation.Brother, you can wake up, your people are not yours, already someone else's.你羡慕我 逍遥自在 不缺钱花,我羡慕你 热饭热菜 回家有她。



  爱得仓促 ,就像行走于沙漠 ,风一扬 ,就没有了后路 !You envy me, I am not short of money to spend, I envy you hot meal hot dishes home with her.Love hasty, like walking in the desert, the wind, there is no way back!感谢你在冬天给我的一丝温暖,尽管现在不是冬天,但我想表达的不是这个,我只是想说,我想你了。愿意送你满天星的人都很想送你玫瑰,只不过后来觉得他不配!Thank you for giving me a little warmth in winter, although it is not winter now, but I want to express this is not, I just want to say, I miss you.People who are willing to send you stars want to send you roses, but then think he doesn't deserve them!


