
admin 2024-03-02 网站管理员 admin


  I already confessed, in every look at you.



  我早就向你表白了,只是你不懂,我在看你的那个眼神里已经表达了我真正的喜欢。喜欢是深色,全码一生不想再爱事过境,千帆温酒,煮茶般的心境。I have long confessed to you, but you do not understand, I look at you in the eyes have expressed my true love.Like is dark, the whole code life does not want to love things transit, thousands of sails warm wine, tea-like mood.我已经迷上了你的风景,但这一刻我已经明白我的爱有多么的在意。我多希望你可以认真地表达我的真实感觉,去诉说你的安慰,但这一刻静静面对,把所有的话都想通,我已经明白我爱了。I have been fascinated by your scenery, but at this moment I have understood how much my love cares.I hope you can seriously express my true feelings, to tell your comfort, but this moment quietly face, all the words, I have understood that I love.



  我想祝福你,那有的时候表面的祝福我会变得更加神伤,我只是想和你永远在一起。还记得那年夏天吗,你给我擦肩而遇你一眼看到我的眼神,我知道我这一辈子就是沦陷。我们来得刚刚好,新鲜感不仅仅是一时的,我珍惜你所有的东西,珍惜你的时间,体谅你的过去。More hurt, I just want to be with you forever.Remember that summer, you gave me a chance to meet you at a glance to see my eyes, I know my life is falling.



  We came just right, fresh feeling is not only for a while, I cherish all your things, cherish your time, understand your past.所以我早就做好准备了,就像作家琼瑶曾经说的,只要两情相悦无灯无月何妨,而婚姻想要脚踏实地,苦乐与共的,与爱人携手走完一生的日子。我更希望你可以和我平凡地走下去,因为我感谢你对我的喜欢。So I have long been ready, as writer Qiong Yao once said, as long as the two love no lamp no moon why not, and marriage wants to down-to-earth, bitter and common, and love hand in hand to complete a lifetime.I hope you and I can walk on the ordinary, because I thank you for your love for me.



  我会一直一直记得,我会早点遇到你的,我会把这一份珍贵送给你的每一个眼神。I will always remember, I will meet you early, I will give this precious to you every look.
