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During the Days of Military Training

The day we were looking forward to came at last----a weeks military training began.

During the training, each of us did his part in earnest. We

drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time. In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldnt wipe it off. Olny three days later our faces were felt happy and proud of it .

Our platoon officer was a young PLA man, about twenty years old. He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with him, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs. The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. Well never forget it.


In my family, there are only three people, my parents and I because of myparents’ work, they could only have one child at that time, so I don’t have anysiblings.

I felt so lonely when my parents went out for their work. Now thegovernment changed their policy, people can have the second child. But somepeople refuse because they think they can’t afford it. Despite the expense,there are many advantages to have the second child. For one thing, the onlychild can have someone company, so they won’t feel lonely on the process ofgrowing up. For another thing, two kids will help each other, they can sharethings together.

Learning to share things is a very important lesson forchildren. In Chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but I think two areperfect for the family.


With the development of the society and economy, various private schools arise. When you read newspapers, turn on TV, or even walk on the road, you will inevitably see lots of advertisements about private schools, mainly dealing with foreign languages, computers, music, sports, and so on.

However, is it a good or bad thing to have so many private schools? As a coin has two sides, so are the private schools. On the one hand, private schools can cater to the special need of the society and the special need of people. On the other hand, they often bring people extra burden because of comparison and competition.

Were it left to me decide whether we should have a society without



Dear Zhang Wei,

I‘m glad to know that you are coming to my city during the summer vacation.

However, I‘m afraid there‘s some bad news. I‘m planning to take part in an international conference to be held in another city during the time of your visit. All the top scientists in my field will show up at the conference. More importantly, I‘m lucky enough to have been selected to give a speech on behalf of my research team at the Conference. I really can‘t miss it.

I understand that it‘ll be your first time to this city and I‘m your only friend here. I‘ve asked my roommate to meet you at the airport, and you can stay in my room. He is a very nice person and he will show you around the city. Hope you two will get on well and have a nice holiday! Yours,

Li Ming


This histogram shows the number of people using blog services from January to October in 2007. From it we can see that the number of users increased monthly from January to August, except February. After two peak months, July and August, the number dropped slightly in September, while in October it picked up again.

Possible reasons for these changes are first, in February Chinese people celebrated the most important festival——Chinese New Year. This means more people spent more time with their families and friends, and therefore they didn‘t have as much time for surfing online. Secondly, college students are the main users of blog services. While in July and August,they had summer holidays, which enabled them to have more spare time reading and writing blogs. Thirdly, with improvements of blog services and the influence of some ―star bloggers‖, most of whom are celebrities, blogs are becoming an important way for people to express themselves and communicate with others. So more and more people are starting to use these services, which help explain the overall increase shown here.


Advertisements are forcing their way into people‘s lives. People refer to advertisements in their daily lives because they are consumers. The advertisers are usually manufacturers, retailers and salesmen. Their merchandise needs to be advertised to bring it to the attention to the customers. Thus nearly every product is advertised in some way. To a large extent, good advertising leads to success while bad advertising can mean failure.

There are many ways to advertise and ‗ads‘ come in different forms. Newspapers carry advertisements. Some products are publicized on TV and radio which bring them into notice of a wide audience. Billboards also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to furnish a variety of forms..

However, advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and have been dissatisfied with them。


Thanks to burgeoning technology,the past decades have witnessed the thriving of clone its application into human has made clone reach an unprecedented marvel gives rise to much concern among scientific human cloning should be advocated has aroused heat far as I am concerned,the merits of human cloning outweigh its demerits. On one hand,it’s safe to say that even the best clone technology has the possibility of failure,and this truth is also publicly known by scientific cloning is the indulgence of this it fails,it will do harm to cloned animal cloning experiments,the survival rate of the cloned species is very low.

Unfortunately,these cloned species that have survived often have more or less some physical researchers have begun to clone a human being,which leads to the birth of disabled infants because of the failure of human cloning crude phenomena leave us with a are the evidence of the crime resulting from human cloning and the trample on human order to succeed,those crazy scientists cruelly kill the lives of many cloned men,which is no doubt crimes rather than any rational persons will support a research at the cost of killing people?What is worse,result of this research will bring people with terrible research is a kind of technological progress that will make man liable to extinction. On the other hand,even if the cloning human experiments will succeed,it will also make chaos on civil legal ’s clear that cloned men have no guardians.

As is known to all,nature persons all have are the parents of the cloned men?In fact,cloned men can’t find their parents no matter through which are only research results of would be irresponsible to clone a human being,for they will become orphans thoroughly after they are that circumstance,will those crazy scientists undertake the responsibility of fostering these cloned men?Perhaps no one will ’s incredible to imagine that one will live a happy life that has both physical problems and lower social will be willing to educate them?Cloned men are just victims and experimental games. Technology is a double-edged properly,it will be advantageous to the whole society.

Used improperly,it will have great negative balance I hold on the stance that the scourge of human cloning is sum up,this technology should be restricted and the government should take effective measures to do with it.


Getting to Know the World outside the Campus

It is necessary for college students to know the world outside the campus. This is because the society is developing so fast that if we don't keep an eye on what is happening outside the campus, we will have no idea what to learn to keep pace with the development. As a result, it will be difficult for us to secure an ideal job after graduation; it will be impossible for us to contribute to the development of the society.

There are many ways for us to get to know the world outside the campus. First of all, we should be well informed about the happenings both at home and abroad with the help of mass media such as radio, television, newspapers, and the Internet. Moreover, we should do more practical social services so as to cultivate our social skills, widen our insight and enrich our social experience.

As for me, I intend to participate in as many social practices as possible and at the same time, hold a part time job in my spare time to get to know more about the world outside the campus.


Nowadays more and more migrant workers or peasant workers have poured into the cities. This trend has merits and demerits for the economic development of present China. Please write an essay and give a comprehensive analysis of the impacts migrant workers have had and will have on various aspects of people’s life, in urban areas as well as in rural areas.

With the reform and opening-up policy being implemented, our national economy is developing rapidly and the living standard of average Chinese people is ameliorated step by step, especially in big cities. However, in some rural areas, the living standard of some peasants is rather low. Due to the scarcity of arable land, the surplus laborers have to go out of the poor rural areas and flood into some cosmopolises to make a living, or earn as a prodigious amount of money as they could, so as to realize their dream of becoming wealthy. With more and more migrant workers like these streaming into the cities, there is an ambivalent feeling towards them.

No one denies the important contribution that rural workers have made to the economic development of present China. They have done most of dirty, dangerous and underpaid jobs in heavy industries, construction sites and other fields that city residents are unwilling to enter into. Meanwhile, some rural workers with higher education certification do their best in high-technology areas. Therefore, they have become an indispensable part of urban life to a point where the machine of a city cannot operate without those cogs, however small and unnoticed.

Furthermore, these migrant workers earn money with their own hand. With this money, they can pay for their children’s education, improve their living condition, and sometimes support their helpless parents back at home. This serves as a means to narrow the gap between urban and rural life.

However, there are some people who maintain that rural people should stay at their hometown. Those people complain that migrant workers have threatened to take the already scarce urban jobs, while many more rural ones are waiting for a chance to compete for employment. Those with anti-migrant attitude also blame them for the sharp rise in the crime rate in the cities. For example, we sometimes see thieves from the countryside who slip their hands into others’ bags. Also because the shelters where the workers dwell are dirty and stink, they have defaced the city’s image in some way. Besides, with the floating population increasing, the extra consumption of electricity, water, and other resources like public facilities adds to the city’s already heavy burden.

Despite the problems posed by migrants, I think, one thing is certain: a grand, prosperous edifice of our country is based on the work of millions of migrant workers and peasant workers. We need them and should give them more preferential conditions. At the same time, to educate

them to conform to the basic moral values and to observe the laws becomes urgent. Once their consciousness enhanced, they can bring us a better city life.

大学英语作文范文篇2:Electronic Dictionaries or Traditional Paper Ones

Nowadays more and more electronic gadgets emerge, among which various kinds of electronic dictionary is not the least uncommon. Rarely can you find a student who does not have an E-dictionary tucked somewhere in his schoolbag. They are popular with students partly because they are small and light-weighted compared with the traditional paper dictionaries and partly because students cannot only look up a word for the meaning but also hear its pronunciation. A useful tool for students it is also a good companion for a person constantly on the go/move. A multi-functional E-dictionary is simply a must because it serves the owner in many other ways, such as keeping name cards, being used as a calculator, and even playing games on it.

However, still other people hold that the traditional paper dictionaries are more advantageous in some circumstances. Although the letters are usually very tiny and thus in need of a good eyesight for this kind of dictionaries, the explanation of a word, plus its usage and collocation, are nonetheless more detailed,and more illustrations are provided. While it is true that the paper dictionary is heavy and awkward to carry along, an E-dictionary can run out of power or battery at any time.

In spite of their similar functions, the electronic and paper dictionaries are in striking contrast with each other both in physical looking and their contents. However, there is no such thing as good one or bad one. As far as I am concerned, I always pocket an E-dictionary wherever I go. On bus or on the roads you can see me referring to it now and then. But at home I always turn to my heavy but voluminous paper dictionary from which I can not only get the meaning of a new word, but also all its origin, usage and collocation with phrases or sentences going with them.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning! I am Oscar,the spokesman of the Students‘ Union. On behalf of the Students‘ Union,the main organizer of today‘s sports meeting,I welcome you all to the beautiful stadium. After two months‘ preparation,our annual sports meeting is held on schedule.

Thanks to the support and help from our school leaders and teachers. Though they have many school responsibilities,they have taken time off to take part in our sports activities. Let‘s give them a big hand. Through sports,we can not only develop our physical prowess,but also promote social and emotional skills,and even intellectual skills,which will matter in our future lives substantially. So hope everybody here cherish this opportunity and enjoy it.

At last,best wishes for the success of the sports meeting and best wishes for the good results of our athletes. It is my pleasure to announce the open of the sports meeting. Thank you and good luck!


Dear Jenny,

How is your survey on mobile payment going? I’m glad I can help with it.

It is generally believed that China is the largest mobile payment market. Nowhere else is the cashless trend more obvious than in China. Most of us are used to paying by scanning QR codes whatever we buy—books,clothes,and electronic devices,to name a few,which is a glimpse into the life of most Chinese like me and my family.

With the widespread use of mobile payment,Wechat or Alipay is the most convenient and safest way to pay. We rarely need to carry a wallet or cash at all. Besides,never will we worry about getting fake notes or having to count change. In short,mobile payment has greatly changed peoples life in China.

Personally,I think mobile payment should be encouraged. First,it has won over consumers with its convenience. Another advantage is that there are often discounts if you make mobile payment,as major online payment platforms are competing to have more consumers use their service.

I hope my explanation can be of some help to you. Wish you good luck.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Mama,that summer,on the way to Klitsemi,my straw hat flew down the you remember,the old straw hat you gave to me ?

I lost that hat long ago, it flew to the foggy canyou. Mama,I wonder what happened to that old straw hat which fell down the mountain-said and whirled out of my reach like your heart. Suddenly that wind came up,stealing my hat from me. Swirling gust of wind blew it higher ,and higher 鈥︹?Mama,that old straw hat was the only one I really I lost it,no one could bring it back,like tha life you give me.

Mama,that summer,on the way to Klitsemi,I lost me straw lilies along the road under that straw hat,the crickets wept every night ?


Football is the world’s , though our football players’ level is lagging much behind other countries, football in China is still very popular. The world famous football player like David Beckham is known to all, and the young players Messi and C. Ronaldo are favored by all. Messi takes the lead over C. Ronaldo in Ballon d’Or award, for Messi wins the fifth award.

Messi wins his fifth Ballon d’Or award recently, which helps him makes the new record. When talking about him, I admire him so much, because of his experience. Messi is not a tall boy, when he was small, he got sick which made him grow up slowly. In order to fight against this disease, he started to play football, it not only made him become taller, but also helped him earn some money to the treatment.

Now, Messi is the world famous star, his story inspires so many teenagers. Messi and his girlfriend had a boy. Being a father makes Messi much more mature, the boy’s coming completes his life.


1. Many people are inclined to _____________. In their opinion, ____________, they believe that ______________.

2. There are different opinions among people as to_____________. Some people suggest that ____________.

3. People's opinions about ______________ vary from person to person. Some people say that _____________. To them, _____________.

4. Nowadays although more and more people _____________, still there are some who think _____________, they may think _____________.

5. Recently the phenomenon of _____________ has caused public concern, and understandably so.

6. Nowadays, it is common to _____________. Many people like _____________ because ______________. Besides, _____________.

7. _____________, just like many other things, are preferred by While being attacked by the idea that _____________, some people consider _____________. They point out mat ______________.

8. Everything has two sides and ______________ is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.

9. For years ____________ had been viewed as ____________. But people are taking a fresh look at it now.

10. It has been stipulated by the government that ____________. To this stipulation, many people respond actively because _____________.

11. _____________ is a common occurrence in our daily life. Whatever we do, ______________ can't be avoided.

12. _____________ has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.

13. _____________ has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.

14. Man is now facing a big problem — _________, which is becoming more and more serious. First, _________. Second, ____________.

15. It is only during the last few years &at man has become generally aware that 16. There is an old saying, _____________. It's the experience of our forefathers; however, it is correct in many cases even today.

16. The English proverb says _____________. This is quite true because ______________.

17. ____________ is now ____________, and at the same time _____________. These two factors have caused ____________. Then what shall we do to solve ______________ in me face of such a situation?

18. One of our ancient philosophers said, ____________. Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.

19. One of the great early writers said that _____________. If this is true, the present situation should make us ponder over______________.

20. "Why do _____________?" Many people often ask questions like this.



Nowadays, more and more women have walked out of kitchen and become career women

instead of housewives. With the increase in the employment ratio of women in society, some subtle forms of job discrimination do exist.

To begin with, quite a lot of companies, if employing women at all, intentionally control the number of female employees when they advertise for staff in the newspaper. Therefore, it is rather difficult for women, even with a master degree, to get well-paid jobs. Some enterprises definitely refuse female applicants, either to avoid their maternity leaves stipulated by our government when they give birth to a child, or because of the employers’ prejudice against women. Some bosses think women are inferior to men in professional skill and spirit of enterprise. They argue that before marriage, women pay their attention to fashionable dresses and various cosmetics, and after marriage, their minds dwell on nothing but the comforts of life, baby-care and housework. Consequently, they hire very limited number of female employees or do not recruit any at all.

Some companies do employ women staff, but inequality is always there like an inerasable speck. Even when men and women are in the same position doing the same job, it is no easy task for a woman to be promoted or get equal pay. The employers take the biased attitude toward female employees, and usually think that a man is more capable than a woman. Sometimes they fire a woman without any good reason. Worse still, some women even complain about their supervisor’s sexual harassment during work time. If they do not succumb to their superior’s demand, their career may suffer.

In China, there is a saying “Women hold half of the sky”. But women are not given enough respect they deserve in their career as it is now. Since men and women are together playing the same important role in our whole society, our government, as well as the society, should take efficient measures to provide the same job opportunities to women. And the women themselves should enhance their work ethic and awareness of self-reliance and self-protection. In this way, more and more women can be motivated to work well at their favourite job and promoted to their desirable positions. Only in this way, can our society be called an equal, open and just one for everyone.

大学英语作文范文篇5:A course that has impressed you most in college

There are many courses in each college year. But the course which impressed me most in college is Advanced English Audio-Visual & Speaking. The reasons why I like this course are as follows.

The first reason is that I have learnt a lot from this course. My listening ability, speaking ability as well as translation ability has improved greatly after taking this course. The second reason is that I like the teacher of this course, Mr. Qin, very much. He is a charming gentleman with great patience. His oral English is perfect, sounding like American speakers. He treated us very strict but we still like him extremely.

Just as the proverb goes, “A strict teacher produces outstanding students.” Thanks to Mr. Qin’s guidance and teachings in this course, all my classmates have made great progress in English learning.


The Most Important Day in My Life

Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in,and the great ship,tense and anxious,groped her way toward the shore? I was like that ship before my education began,only I had no way of knowing how near the harbor was.

The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher,Anne Mansfield Sullivan,came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrast between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March,1887,three months before I was seven years old.

On the afternoon of that exciting day,I guessed vaguely from my mother’s signs and from the hurrying to and fro in the house that something unusual was about to happen,so I went to the door and waited on the steps.

I felt approaching footsteps. I thought it was my mother and stretched out my hand. Someone took it,and then I was caught up and held close in the arms of the person who had come to reveal all things to me,and,more important than that,to love me.

The morning after my teacher came she led me into her room and gave me a doll. When I had played with it a little while,Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word “d-o-l-l”. I was at once interested in this finger play and tried to imitate it. When I finally succeeded in making the letters correctly I was filled with childish pleasure and pride. Running downstairs to my mother I held up my hand and made the letters for doll. I did not know that I was spelling a word or even that words existed; I simply made my fingers go in monkey-like imitation. In the days that followed I learned to spell in this uncomprehending way many words,among them,“pin”,“hat”,“cup”,and a few verbs like “sit”,“stand” and “walk”,but my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.

One day while I was playing with my new doll,Miss Sullivan gave me my old doll,too. She then spelled “d-o-l-l” and tried to make me understand that “d-o-l-l” applied to both. Earlier in the day,we had a struggle over the two words “m-u-g” is “mug” and “w-a-t-e-r” is “water” ,but I persisted in mixing up the two. I became impatient and,seizing the new doll,I dashed it on the floor,breaking it into pieces. I was not sorry after my fit of temper. In the dark,still world,I had no strong sentiment for anything.

My teacher brought me my hat,and I knew we were going out into the warm sunshine. We walked down the path to the well-house. Someone was drawing water,and my teacher placed my hand under the spout. As the cool stream gushed over one hand,she spelled into the other word water,first slowly,then rapidly. I stood still; my whole attention was fixed upon the movements of her finger. Suddenly I seemed to remember something I had forgotten — a thrill of returning thought – and the mystery of language was revealed to me. I knew then that the “w-a-t-e-r” meant that wonderful cool something that was flowing over my hand. That living word awakened my soul and set it free.

I left the well-house eager to learn. Everything had a name and each name gave birth to a new thought. As we returned to the house,every object which I touched seemed to be full of life. That was because I saw everything with a strange,new sight that had come to me. On entering the door I remembered the doll I had broken. I felt my way to the fragments and tried in vain to put them together. Then my eyes were filled with tears,for I realized what I had done,and for the first time I felt sorry.

I learned a lot of new words that day. It would have been difficult to find a happier child than me when I lay in my small bed that night and thought of the joys that day had brought to me,and for the first time I longed for a new day to come.


The Reasons for the difficulties in College Graduates' Job-hunting

Nowadays, with the increasing number of college graduates emerging in the society, a harsh reality was placed in front ofthem. This is the difficulties of job-hunting. Some of them even Have been in self-mockery that the moment they are graduated, they are unemployed. An excellent college student should have found a satisfactory job with a considerable income, but why are there still numerous students who who are out of work. People's view vary. And there three factors accounting for the phenomenon: the deficiency of educational system, the incompetence of the graduates, and the high standard of employer.

Perhaps one of the most common cause is the college students themselves. That is to say they are not competent. Although, they have pursued the further education, they haven't studied hard enough at all when they were on campuses. They are always wasting their precious time hanging out, playing computer, and sleeping in their warm bed, however, all these are meaningless to their future job. What's worse, skipping classes become their often cases, and, as a result, nothing have they learned when it's the time to compete in the recruitment fair. So, the jobless should introspect themselves why they can not reach the certain standard that the society need.

Besides the incompetence of the students, another contributing factor is the employers' high standard. The company often demand too much from the competitor. For instance, the bosses hire the experienced while they candidates have graduated from the college and never do they have time to practice and gain experience. Some vacancies even only serves for the postgraduate, but a college graduate is competent enough.

Last but not least, the Chinese education system may be ignored but, actually, it's one of the primary cause. The Chinese education have arranged what the college should pursue instead of giving them choices. Just as a survey indicates there are 45% of the graduates' present jobs are not related to their majors, and only 15% of their knowledge could be adopted to their job-hunting. Thus the most of them knowledge is of no use for the future work, and also the students are not interested at all but they are still forced to take the such courses. It's tragedy, isn't it?

Taking all the above into consideration, difficulties of job-hunting are not only the problem of the graduates, bur also the cause of the demanding boss and the deficiency of education system. All the them should spare no efforts to handle it.


Distinguished guests,

Welcome to our university. Before you start to look around, allow me to give you a brief account of the school.

Founded in 1927, our university is one of this city‘s earliest universities of liberal arts. It is staffed with an excellent faculty, and has a total enrollment of over 10,000 students. In the past years, it has turned out numerous well-qualified students and found its graduates active in professions of all walks of life.

Since its establishment, the university has always steered itself toward the objective that its students have an overall healthy development. Not only does it provide the students with basic academic courses, but it manages to expose them to the up-to-date knowledge. Besides, students

are free to participate in colorful campus activities and social practice, which are intended for broadening their mind and developing their potential talent.

Currently, both our faculty and students are making every effort to improve the quality of our education in the direction of a first-rate university. Thank you.


Today I was at home lonely,due to my husband need to work overtime and no time to accompany me. I make my own way to leave SZ city to come to him,but unfortunately,my love lost his job and try to find a job in SZ city. Bad news for us,but we have no choice. We need to make money,I know it is hard for him to find a satisfactory job due to the overall economy situation is bad in 2012. But the New Year for 2013 is coming soon. We really hope that everything will be ok with us. I have to make meals by myself and just sit in front of computer.

Since I have not showed my concerned to my friends for a long time,I made some phone calls to my friends and say hello to them. Happily,most of them are living a good life. I visited some page or QQ Zone in some old friend’s space. Some of them got married and best wishes for this guy. I am a couch potato and crazy about the USA soap opera whose name is broken sisters. This series is very funny,so I will watch them as long as I am available. I really want to make some relaxation by listening to songs and watching funny series / movies. I guess I over use my eyes in the company,due to frequent overtime at the normal working days. My neck and my eyes feel terrible. I feel uneasy that I always dream a lot when I was asleep. The next morning when I woke up,oh,my god,I do not feel like doing anything at all,just feel headache. I hated to dream a lot in the sleeping time. Sometimes I feel ashamed for my poor oral English.

So many girls in our department can speak fluent English and absolutely do not have difficulty in communicating with foreign guys. I envy of them and I just too lazy to make some useful effort for spoken English. All the mangers in our company are proficiency in written and spoken English and all of them are from HK. Maybe I should learn something from them. I need to work 5 days per week,after two days rest. Every time when I back to office on Monday,just feel very sleepy. Somehow I have the same feeling every Monday. I just call it black Monday. Because I have to back to normal and resume to work. I have not written something in English to record my daily life for couple of weeks.

I think I need to make it up once I am available. No matter how busy I am,my strong interested in learning English will never stop. I think I‘d better go to bed early tonight,in order to avoid laziness for work tomorrow.
