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故事续写征文通知英语范文 第1篇

According to the specific arrangement of the country on the New Year's day holiday, the company's notice of the New Year holiday and notice is as follows:

1. The New Year's day of the New Year of is: December 30, 20xx solstice, January 1, 20xx, the New Year's day holiday, a total of three days.

2. During the New Year holiday, if the department that needs normal work is required, the head of the department shall put on the record of the watch report office before December 29.

3. During the New Year holiday, all employees and leaders must ensure that the mobile phone is turned on for 24 hours to ensure the smooth connection;

4, during the New Year's day vacation, without approval, the attendant (except department heads) are not allowed to enter the company, if there are any special circumstances shall check with department manager's approval, can enter the company agreed;

5. Employees who return home or travel during the New Year holiday should notify the head of the department in advance and coordinate their work during the holiday.

6. During the New Year holiday, the monitoring center takes full responsibility for the safety and security of the company's property. Please do a good job of fire prevention and theft. Monitor and monitor the door and window of the office area.

7. All electrical appliances and office equipment outside the computer are forbidden during the New Year holiday.

Employees who go home or travel should pay attention to safety.

To all staff:

Happy holidays and good health!

故事续写征文通知英语范文 第2篇


We're going to have interesting activities in the school library at 8:00 on November 20, 20xx. By then,some of us will read poems and some will tell stories. You can also hear wonderful singing and watch beautiful dancing there. We hope all the senior students can come and join in the activities. All the headmasters will be invited to our activities as representatives of teachers. Please get one performance ready because some of you will probably be asked to give us one .

Students of Class3,Senior2.

November 11,20xx.

故事续写征文通知英语范文 第3篇

























may I have your attention,please!l have something to tell summer holiday is just around the I know,all of you work very hard during school time,so you should take a good rest during the holiday.

And I hope you can relax yourself and try to help your parents with 's more,keep studying for at least 2 hours every day and get prepared for the next pay attention to your health,so l suggest you doing exercises every day to keep fit.

And finally,pay attention to your safety while playing outside and get home on the way,please write a diary to remember some interesting moments on holiday if you think ir's worth 's you for your attention.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO EVERYONE IN (你们学校的名字), if you want to improve your english, or practise your english, there's a cathedra which be held by American professor “Jackson” from Shandong University during 2 to 3 pm on wednesday, the 5th of Feburary 20xx in our school canteen.

Time: 2-3pm, 05/02/20xx

Venue: School Canteen

Leturer: American Professor _Jackson_ from Shandong University

Information: Mordern American English.

IMPORTANT: You can bring your friends along, but don't be late!

Our SRC (Student Representative Council) will existence an English corner, it will help you to communicate in English, and it will help you to improveyour English as well. More discussion will be held after the meeting.

Dear teachers and students.

Our school in 20xx February 15th Wednesday afternoon 2-3 points in the school canteen modern American English speech held, the speaker is shandong university professor Mr. Jackson, another American shows that we are to be set up English corner, is students have the opportunity to talk in English improve our English!!

Note, Can bring friends to don't be late!

Forget the classmates tell each other!



故事续写征文通知英语范文 第4篇




We will hold an important meeting for all of the student cadre inthe office of the Youth League Commission at 4 o'clock pm on Firday this do not be late or absent.

Student union


学校办公室通知,为了迎接“教师节”, 学校准备开会庆祝,校长将要在会上讲话,表彰三好学生(the three-good student),先进班级(the advanced class)和出色教师(the model teacher),各班还准备了精彩节目. 时间:9月9日下午两点(星期三). 地点:学校大礼堂. 希望全体师生准时到会.

注意:1.词数:100左右.2. 参考词汇:表彰to be commended


In order to celebrate the Teachers’ Day, a meeting is to be held at the meeting hall at 2:00pm on Wednesday, . Our headmaster will make a speech at the meeting. The three-good students, advanced classes and model teachers will be commended. Wonderful performances will be put on for celebration. All the teachers and students are required to attend the meeting on time.

The School Office Sep. 8, 2005



(1) 书面通知的正文上面的正中有NOTICE或ANNOUNCEMENT 标志。

(2) 在正文最后的右下角要写上发通知的单位或组织者的姓名。

(3) 在左下角写上发出通知的日期。


All teachers and students will be required to…(全体师生务必要)

Notice is hereby given that…(兹通知)

Our school / The Student Union will / is going to hold…

A lecture will be given at 7:00 this evening in…


Everybody is expected to attend it.

Be sure to attend it on time.

Please / Do be present on time.



(1) 10班在本周五晚上要开个英语晚会。

(2) 晚饭后6:30在教室集合,晚会7:00开始。

(3) 每个同学都要表演一个节目,内容不限。

(4) 欢迎老师和全班同学参加。


An English evening party will be held on Friday Evening. Every one of our class is requested to be in the classroom at 6:30 after supper. The party will begin at 7:. Each of the students should perform during the evening party. You may tell a story, sing a song, make a speech or read a poem and so on. All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening.

Please be present on time.

Class 10

, 2004


故事续写征文通知英语范文 第5篇


our class will go to the red star farm to help the farmers to pick the apples to morrow morning. we' ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. we' 1! have lunch on the farm. you' d better put on your old clothes. please get to school on time tomorrow morning.

the headmaster's office

故事续写征文通知英语范文 第6篇

Boys and girls,

Attention please, there will be an English speech contest held by city TV station on Oct 4th to the requirements, students in senior one and senior two can entry the contest. Different kinds of topics are welcome, but should be written by your own and each school is allowed to enter 5 names for the contest.

Aftereach school is tried, our school is going to hold the tried on Sep 25th. Those will be good for your spoken English. Pls dont hesitate to enter your names. Thank you.

故事续写征文通知英语范文 第7篇

There will be a talk on the education of high school in America from 2:00 to 4:30 . on September 25th in Room 105. The talk will be given by Professor Li Ming Guo, who has just been back from a visit to America. All students in Senior Two are to attend it. Please be on time and bring your pens and notebooks. Students from other grades are welcome. Thank you.

故事续写征文通知英语范文 第8篇

Boys and girls,May I have your attention ,please ?I have announcement to make .

The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening ,August 15 .To welcome our friends from the States, the party will be held in the lecture hall of the Main Building .It will begin at 7:00 . There will be music ,dancing ,singing and exchange of gifts .Will everyone please bring along a small gift for this purpose .Remember to wrap it up ,sign your name and write a few words of good wishes .

Don`t forget the time .There is sure to be a lot of fun .Everyone is welcome .

That`s all .Thank you .

故事续写征文通知英语范文 第9篇

This is to announce that the university will organize a “Teach in the West” program. This program applies to all the undergraduate students on campus. The volunteers will teach at junior middle schools for a year in the west area, and the subjects are Chinese, English, Math, Physics and Chemistry. The specific locations of the middle schools are upon further notice.

Each year, many students from other universities volunteer themselves to work in the

poverty-stricken areas of the west to try to improve the education level there. We should also take the lead in response to the appeal for offering aid to children in poor areas. The children need us. Let us hold out our helping hands to them and do whatever we can to help them.

Your participation will be very much welcomed. Anyone who is willing to apply for the program can contact either the Student Affair Office of the university or the Student Union office at working hours. For further information, please call 87653634 or 87653636.

The Student Union

June 20, 201x

故事续写征文通知英语范文 第10篇

Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please?

We will have a sports meeting next Friday. The meeting will be held on the playground of our school, from 8 oclock in the morning till 5 oclock in the afternoon. Anybody who would like to take part in the competitions? Just come on and join in!

Also, we would like to remind you to make sure you can arrive on time. Thank you!

the Students Union Feb 13th,20XX
