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市场营销留学个人陈述范文 第1篇


Personal Statement

Program: Teenager & Juvenile Developmental Psychology

In my undergraduate program, I received education across two fields―a degree program in law at the Law School of XX University and a degree program in psychology at XX University. My rigorous academic trainings across those two fields have given me necessary qualifications for pursuing a more advanced program either in psychology or in law, endowing me with a unique advantage in interdisciplinary knowledge.

As far as I am concerned, law and psychology are reciprocal. They all pertain to human behavior. As a matter of fact, my thesis in law, entitled “ XXX “ explores juvenile delinquency by examining the complicated psychological factors of the younger generation of China in family, school and neighborhood settings. However, there are essential differences between them. In terms of the causal relationships of human behavior, law is primarily concerned with the treatment of the consequences of human behavior while psychology probes into the motivations that cause people to act as they do. In the framework of human relations, law aims at orderly and well-regulated social relationship while psychology, with its interventions into the process of human development, seeks to facilitate the healthy development of the individuals.

While law and psychology are both indispensable to the proper functioning of our society, when it comes to making a choice between those two fields in which to pursue a graduate program, I decide to opt for a program in Developmental Psychology. My decision is motivated by the fact that law can only deal with the aftermath of human behavior whereas psychology can provide preventive measures against possible negative human behavior. Child & adolescent psychology, a field I am interested in, may facilitate the development of healthy personality structure that may enable

市场营销留学个人陈述范文 第2篇


Personal Statement

Applied Program: Wireless Telecommunications

On August 27, , at the Central Institute of the Datang Telecom Technology and Industry Group based in Beijing, a young woman, full of energy and self-confidence, was giving a presentation entitled “The Design of the Switching Numerical Method of the Radio Resource Management (RRM) Strategy in TD-SCDMA, and the Testing of Its Simulated Systems,” which received rapt attention and high remarks from all the experts in Computer and Telecommunications who attended the meeting. That woman was I. At present, TD-SCDMA, W-CDMA, and CDMA are considered the main technological standards in the third generation of the world’s technological development in mobile telecommunications. And the design of a switching computation method for the RRM Strategy is a key element and technological crux for the TD-SCDMA technology. In retrospection, I found that it was my great enthusiasm for mobile telecommunications, and my persistent pursuit of accuracy and perfection that have helped me win accolades from colleagues and experts.

In China, since the TD-SCDMA uses a smart antenna, it makes a demand for a finer research on the computation method for the RRM Strategy, in areas such as PC, DCA, and HC. To me, a new starter in the company, it was a real challenge. Since the research team was new, it lacked engineering data and practical experience, although the equipment of the lab was quite advanced. It was only after much library research, thinking, and consultation with experts did I find a RRM computation method suitable for a smart antenna. Because a smart antenna has its advantages of a more accurate VE locating and reduced searching areas, this computation method effectively lowers the complexity of the switching process and its failure rate. During the time when I worked for the project, I often stayed up several days in a roll to p

市场营销留学个人陈述范文 第3篇


Personal Statement

Program Applied: Marketing Management

In a highly competitive environment, the ability to create competitive edges over one’s adversaries and to achieve ultimate victory in fierce competitions depends not so much on materials resources as on the mental factors of intelligence and concepts. Those concepts that can lead to new visions and perspectives and those approaches that can effectively solve problems will have the greatest value. The overriding factor which ensures the eventual materialization of new concepts and gives rise to effective approaches is management. As a branch of applied science, the science of management has crucial value not only for developing countries like China which are making uttermost efforts to catch up with the developed countries, but also for the leading multinational giants in the developed countries themselves. For a person like me who has decided to pursue marketing management as my career objective, to sharpen my intellectual caliber, to understand the essence of management and to grasp important skills of management have become my greatest aspiration.

As a Master’s student specializing in marketing and enterprise strategies, I am very proud to report that I have made some encouraging research achievements. Of the two research papers that I wrote concerning strategic development of enterprises―Enterprise Strategic Alliance Based on Resource Complementarity and The Strategic Orientation and Countermeasures for Chinese Enterprises in International Operations in the New Millennium, the former has been published by Economic Tribune in Sept. and the latter has been accepted for publication by China Economists in Feb. . These two research papers are the fruition of my active involvement in a research project named Study on Chinese Enterprises’ Cooperation-Competition Mo

市场营销留学个人陈述范文 第4篇


Personal Statement

Program: International Marketing

As a 23-year-old aspiring student who has grown up and received his education in pace with the evolution of China’s market economy over the past two decades, I deem myself in possession of many professional qualities for undertaking a career in advanced marketing and business management. I believe that I have demonstrated more creativity, management skills, English language proficiency, and the courage to accept challenges than most of my peers on a number of important occasions―being selected from a large number of competitors to study at XX University of XX on an exchange program, winning prize in the XX for University Students, launching my own company upon completing my undergraduate program. My interest and my demonstrated abilities show me unmistakably that to take up a lifelong career in high-level marketing management will be very appropriate for me because that is where my potential lies. In order to scale new heights academically and to lay a solid foundation for my later-day career development, I would like to apply for a Master’s program in international marketing at the prestigious Business School in XX University. For me, this is a self-conscious attempt to face challenge and to transcend my former self. I expect to be initiated into a first-rate academic environment in which my academic foundation is consolidated and my business potential is strengthened.

It was in XX Technology and Business School that I completed my undergraduate education, majoring in marketing. As an academic discipline, marketing fascinated me for its increasingly important strategic role in modern management and for its interdisciplinary character, as it encompasses management science, psychology, sociology, statistics, etc. From the very outset of my undergraduate program, I realized the importance of seeking a comprehensive development, on both acad

市场营销留学个人陈述范文 第5篇


Personal Statement

Applied Program: Advertising

Among the 26 English alphabets, the one I like most is the capitalized D because this alphabet, simple as it is, is the most beautiful one. The two strokes, one vertical line and one curve, adumbrate two totally divergent trajectories as if serving as constant indicator of the psyche of the professionals in the advertising industry: to travel from one point to another, there is an infinite number of routes to choose; but ultimately speaking, there are only two routes: one is along a straight line, the other along a curve. While the general public may opt for the first, advertising professionals should decide on the second. A curved trajectory may well enable one to expand his horizon, enrich his experience of life, and cultivate his capability for excellent interpersonal exchange and communication. I maintain the conviction that the longer the journey of life that one travels, the richer the experience one can derive from life and hence the greater the novelty that he can create out of the apparently commonplace.

In , I entered XX University with remarkable performance at the National College Entrance Examination (among the top 10 percent of the participants majoring in Humanities Disciplines). During the first year of my undergraduate studies, I majored in International Law but it immediately dawned on me that I was not meant for studies in this field and my real interest lied in advertising. Therefore, with extra efforts I audited all the major courses in advertising and in the second year, with a solid command of all the theoretical knowledge of the basic courses, I transferred to Advertising Speciality. Once I embarked on studying what really interested me, I made rapid progress and my GPA reached (among the top three for 26 students of my class). In addition, I achieved the highest score of the class in four most important courses in the f

市场营销留学个人陈述范文 第6篇


Personal Statement

Program: Ecomoics

As a 28-year-old female, there has been nothing sensational about my past education and career experience. I do not feel any regret because I have always been making worthy efforts to achieve personal development and to enrich my life in my own way. Helen Keller serves as a paragon that I will emulate in my entire lifetime. The beautiful things that she brought to the world with her loving heart and her strength convince me that the power of the spiritual motivation is infinite. An individual lives a meaningful live only to the extent of benefiting the welfare of others. Both my education and my five-year work experience have unmistakably made me believe that economics is a science whose ultimate function is the improvement of human welfare. The motivation behind my current application for a Master’s program in economics is to pursue a more fruitful career development in the future so that the process of my self-actualization will also be a process of making contributions to others.

My education background makes me an appropriate candidate for your program. My education consists of two stages. From 1993 to 1995 I received a junior college education from the Business School of XX University, majoring in marketing. Then I proceeded onto an undergraduate program in the Department of Business Administration of XX University, waived of entrance examination because of my distinguished academic performance at the junior college (ranking top second among 31 students in the class). During my undergraduate program, I continue to maintain a satisfactory academic performance, ranking top ten among a total of 51 students. Completing my undergraduate program in , I obtained a Bachelor’s degree in economics.

Through my undergraduate program, I gained an increasingly deep understanding of the importance of economics. As far as I am concerned, economics is by no means
