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接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第1篇

Dear xxx,

I am so sorry that I was late to the class this it because that I missed the bus so that I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next one,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

If you would accept my appologize,that would be promiss you that I will not be late to any class again.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Blair

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第2篇

Dear Mrs.


I'm sorry that I was late.

I think it,s bad manners,but I didn't mean to do so.

This morning, I got up very early.

When I reached the crossing near the bank,I saw a white car running so fast that it knocked over an old lady.

She was badly injured and in danger.

I ran over to help the meantime dialed the hospital.

As the witness I described the whole accident to the police and told them the plate number of the white car.

It was already 8 o’clock before I realized I would be late.

Forgive me and I promise I will never be late again.

Please accept my apology.

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第3篇


此外,我也看到了这件事的恶劣影响,如果在工作中,大家都像我一样自由散漫,漫不经心,那怎么能及时把工作落实好。做好呢。同时,如果在我们这个集体中形成了这种目无组织纪律观念,不良风气 不文明表现,我们工作的提高将无从谈起,服务也只是纸上谈。因此,这件事的后果是严重的,影响是恶劣的。为了严肃法纪,也为了让公司广大员工从此不要再走我的老路犯下如我一样的罪行,我衷心希望公司全体员工以我为反面教材,拿我做一面黑色的镜子,每天对照自己检查自己,倘能如此,我想今后类似的悲剧就不会再上演。

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第4篇

Dear David,

I am truly sorry that I cannot attend the project meeting to be held on next Tuesday afternoon.

The reason is that I am going to take a business to Shanghai by plane that day, so I will be unavailable for the meeting. However, considering the importance of the meeting, I will be grateful if you could send me a brief record of the project progress by E-mail. I will check the record and send my feedback to you.

Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. Hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Sincerely yours,


接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第5篇



事情发生在我的中学时代,那时我很小,只有16岁,处在青春叛逆期的我,自信,爱较真。从小我就喜欢语文,特别是写字很好,讲课风格利索漂亮的老师,到初三后,我们的班主任李老师就把这些优点发挥到了极致,他的板书刚劲有力,漂亮极了。我特别喜欢他的课,我的语文成绩空前的好,他讲课,我从不走神,认真 很认真。他是我最尊敬的老师。






接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第6篇

Hello, welcome to Beijing tourism. Today is sunny, god see you all ha ha laugh happily stayed at Beijing. (under the weather today the rain is over noble excursions that old retroflex suffixation: water spilt street, loess mat, welcome master wife.) (today under the snow is you bring to the za Beijing, blessed a snow harvest.) We represent us here in Beijing 14 million people thank you chose Beijing as your tourism destination. Your choice will not wrong. Beijing this boundary son was five dynasties, China's political and cultural center. The word according to foreigners' Chinese translation is “the center”, China is the center of the state, Beijing is the center of China, and you really into the center of the center. Older people may remember, Beijing has been called “the people of the world revolution to heart” you see, you are in the heart, you picked the right.

Here I introduce myself first. I am you the tour guide, my name is wu, name, word, a word, the name is Beijing when the “heart” the people of the world revolution. At that time, the life of the child name, unlike now, young couple with grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma turn rotten as early as before the child is born a xinhua dictionary, that's not, single root only child that is not valued. At that time to name the child's name is mostly related to the prevailing political climate, many call what “ja” WeiGong “what”, the significance of having children grow up to defend the chairman MAO, defend the red political power. But my ancestors pass under the name can be bad for me, surnamed wu, if call what wei-dong wu, wei-hong wu, let a person listen doesn't seem to ja, not WeiGong. If the name, I'm afraid at that time would have been blended into the counter-revolutionary, let a person killed. Fortunately I old she clever, this “wu” is not sounds like “no, no, that's good, woody. There is no imperialism! How good to listen to, hear name, is loud and clear, and politics. Who know this name is for decades, imperialism has not disappeared, not only is quite rampant. This why ah? Return a dictionary that I discovered, the improper ”wu“ word without speaking, it means ”gulp of air, speak loudly,“ good! Originally I the ”woody“ these decades has been in for imperialism.

Ok, just kidding. Our driver teacher surnamed liu, all call him Lao liu. We would have been in liu's teacher of the car to visit these days, it's convenient for you to take note of the chef, cars and car number: large jinlong, car number B51098, easy to remember, ”I do“.

So we just off the plane in the airport Beijing capital international airport. You listen to the son, one portion. It not only has the place name, and said, Beijing is the capital (stress). Listen there significant weight. We just came out of the terminal is built in the end of last century, was originally built for the 20xx Beijing Olympic Games, then the bid failed, can be left at the airport. For the 20xx Olympic Games, now also in Beijing for the airport expansion project. Not only the new terminal building, but also create a new runway. Now the west and south two terminal buildings are respectively in the 80 s and 50 s old terminal. We are now about 40 minutes from the airport to the city, the airport highway 20 km to town.

Beijing is the capital of China, is the political, cultural, financial center. Beijing covers an area of 16800 square kilometers and a population of 14 million, most of the han nationality, also have a full, hui, Tibetan, Mongolian and other ethnic minorities. Beijing climate, clear four seasons: spring sandstorm, the north of Beijing is the inner and outer Mongolia, desert. So Beijing spring dust weather there is always a few days. Is the most severe dust storms, it worked before, get up in the morning the following day, boy all the loess. With dust storm weather, no other color cars, advanced the yellow car. Despite the Beijing municipal government and Beijing residents and Inner Mongolia people did a lot of effort, but this natural phenomenon is not a day two days can solve, man can conquer nature also really a little difficult. Summer hot there is always a few days to let people get to maneuver, or why empress dowager galeries lafayette ran the Summer Palace as soon as I get to the summer! In winter the weather in Beijing is too dry, a lot of the south came to friends feel uncomfortable, more beautiful girl face up doug. I recommend friends to drink water more, eat more fruit, hang the towel wet when you go to sleep at night on the bed, the room increase moisture. Don't go to Beijing to play a circle, a little girl coming home with rough rough face bag, it can look like son and mother and sisters son. The best season is autumn in Beijing. People often say that ”autumn“ in Beijing. Neither too hot nor too cold day high, is the best season to travel, of course is also the most expensive season.

Visit Beijing first going to tian 'anmen square. That's one of the world's largest square, how big is it? 440000 square meters, more than 60 lightup. Tiananmen square around the perimeter of the building have tiananmen square, the great hall of the people, national museum, the monument to the people's heroes and chairman MAO's memorial hall. Through the tiananmen gate just arrived in Beijing the smallest city, its area is 720xx0 square metre only, although it is small, it inside the room it is said that there are 9999 and a half. This is the Forbidden City, we call it the Palace Museum.

The Summer Palace is the largest imperial garden in Beijing, it is the area of 293 hectares. If the Forbidden City is the royal palace, the Summer Palace, the Summer Palace is the royal. The Summer Palace in the foreign language translation is the Summer Palace. To Beijing have to go and see the Buddha incense cabinet, kunming lake, promenade, beautiful, is a common saying, of course, also can't forget the ”boast all the bull, the Summer Palace, blowing up the“, haven't to check the blowing up of the bull.

The Great Wall is the backbone of the Chinese nation, is the symbol of our country. Pyramids of ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon hanging gardens, the Suez Canal and the Great Wall of China is the world who don't know, who don't know. As a Chinese, of course, more should be on the Great Wall to have a look, ”not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall“.

As if the landmark building is the Great Wall of China, Beijing's tourism logo? The tiananmen square? No, it is China's political symbol, the Summer Palace? The north sea white tower? All right. Beijing's tourism logo QiNianDian is the temple of heaven. The temple of heaven is one of the nine places in Beijing. Is the place where the emperor qi day. Unique architectural style of the temple of heaven, Israel or circular main building, the building reflects the ancient Chinese concept of nature round place, is well worth a look.

We all know that the Ming emperor has 16, the first emperor zhu yuanzhang based in nanjing, nanjing Ming tomb buried after his death. The second emperor Zhu Yun turn, that is, his was the third to overthrow the emperor, he stepped down could be dead or alive, I don't know where was buried. The third emperor zhu di was the prince, moved the capital from nanjing to Beijing after he began to reign and select the Ming tombs bury the place. Someone asked: emperor of the Ming dynasty is not 16? Since emperor Zhu Diqi toward the back should be 14 ah, why is here called the Ming tombs, not 14 ling? Want to know? Good. Let's go to the Ming tombs that day I will tell you.

China is a socialist country. In our country constitution explicitly: Chinese citizens have the freedom of religious belief. Our country's traditional religion is Buddhism and Taoism. Buddhism and Taoism which is a Chinese native religion? The two religious Pope, whether the doctrine? The Tibetan Buddhism is how to return a responsibility? The dalai lama and panchen lama, who is a disciple? We will know the details to the lama temple with these problem.

There is two words in foreign language, one is called civilisation, another name is culture. We often put them into Chinese ”civilization“ and ”culture“. The two translation owes exactly, too general. From the perspective of tourism, if they are translated into ”cultural relics“ and ”culture“ is more accurate. Writer feng jincai ever for the city's cultural relics and cultural penetrating elaboration, he said: ”on a city's historical heritage, heritage and culture are two different concepts. Is the historical cultural relics have classical humanism in the process of creation, is given priority to with the royal and religious architecture; the local-style dwelling houses and culture. It is the residence retains a large amount of historical and cultural wealth, flesh and blood living history, as well as soil unique spiritual temperament. For example, the cultural features of Beijing, is not in the temple of heaven and the Forbidden City, and in the hutongs and courtyard houses.“ Want to know from Beijing to live? Want to understand how people in Beijing of human behavior? Want to try some Beijing package dumplings, hand rolling, fry sauce noodles? Want to know the hutong uncle, aunt, brothers and sister, big ye, Beijing Beijing big aunt? Well, then please you sit with me on the tricycle, wandering the alley ways of Beijing. Thank you for listening to my AD.

Beijing is the cultural center of China. Not to mention those great writers, artists, since the Ming and qing dynasties, most of the stars, big artists live in Beijing, even today, the mainland of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan artists, as long as a little famous star, and even some male who are driving the industry in Beijing. ”Say Beijing house price expensive! No Beijing cultural programs, I suggest you if you are interested, to see an authentic Peking Opera or Chinese acrobatic troupe of acrobatics. I wonder if you watch the 20xx Spring Festival evening party, the pillar inside the program “qiao” is the acrobatic troupe performances. Can you but see the TV screen, you can see the reality of this time. If you are interested in these programs, I'll try to arrange for you.

Finally, someone said let's trip to Beijing, want to give the old man home and take some souvenirs or relatives and friends to eat, do you see what to buy? You don't have to worry about that, in our trip, we will arrange you to visit with characteristic of Beijing cloisonne factory, will also take you to the famous xiushui street. As to eat, don't forget to relatives and friends with some dried fruit, in Beijing to bring parents two Beijing roast duck.

Well, to the hotel. I'll give you a room, if have which a few friends willing to live near some please say hi to me first, I will try my best to arrange. The hotel on the left is a supermarket, if you need to buy some daily necessities can go there to buy. Dinner is on the first floor Chinese restaurant, we are to meet in the lobby at half past six, I will lead you to have dinner together. Can you get the key to the room to have a rest, wash a hot bath is beneficial to fatigue. Ok, see you later.

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第7篇












接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第8篇

Hello, welcome to Beijing tourism. Today is sunny, god see you all ha ha laugh happily stayed at Beijing. (under the weather today the rain is over noble excursions that old retroflex suffixation: water spilt street, loess mat, welcome master wife.) (today under the snow is you bring to the za Beijing, blessed a snow harvest.) We represent us here in Beijing 14 million people thank you chose Beijing as your tourism destination. Your choice will not wrong. Beijing this boundary son was five dynasties, China's political and cultural center. The word according to foreigners' Chinese translation is ”the center“, China is the center of the state, Beijing is the center of China, and you really into the center of the center. Older people may remember, Beijing has been called ”the people of the world revolution to heart“ you see, you are in the heart, you picked the right.

Here I introduce myself first. I am you the tour guide, my name is wu, name, word, a word, the name is Beijing when the ”heart“ the people of the world revolution. At that time, the life of the child name, unlike now, young couple with grandpa, grandma, grandpa, grandma turn rotten as early as before the child is born a xinhua dictionary, that's not, single root only child that is not valued. At that time to name the child's name is mostly related to the prevailing political climate, many call what ”ja“ WeiGong ”what“, the significance of having children grow up to defend the chairman MAO, defend the red political power. But my ancestors pass under the name can be bad for me, surnamed wu, if call what wei-dong wu, wei-hong wu, let a person listen doesn't seem to ja, not WeiGong. If the name, I'm afraid at that time would have been blended into the counter-revolutionary, let a person killed. Fortunately I old she clever, this ”wu“ is not sounds like ”no, no, that's good, woody. There is no imperialism! How good to listen to, hear name, is loud and clear, and politics. Who know this name is for decades, imperialism has not disappeared, not only is quite rampant. This why ah? Return a dictionary that I discovered, the improper “wu” word without speaking, it means “gulp of air, speak loudly,” good! Originally I the “woody” these decades has been in for imperialism.

Ok, just kidding. Our driver teacher surnamed liu, all call him Lao liu. We would have been in liu's teacher of the car to visit these days, it's convenient for you to take note of the chef, cars and car number: large jinlong, car number B51098, easy to remember, “I do”.

So we just off the plane in the airport Beijing capital international airport. You listen to the son, one portion. It not only has the place name, and said, Beijing is the capital (stress). Listen there significant weight. We just came out of the terminal is built in the end of last century, was originally built for the Beijing Olympic Games, then the bid failed, can be left at the airport. For the Olympic Games, now also in Beijing for the airport expansion project. Not only the new terminal building, but also create a new runway. Now the west and south two terminal buildings are respectively in the 80 s and 50 s old terminal. We are now about 40 minutes from the airport to the city, the airport highway 20 km to town.

Beijing is the capital of China, is the political, cultural, financial center. Beijing covers an area of 16800 square kilometers and a population of 14 million, most of the han nationality, also have a full, hui, Tibetan, Mongolian and other ethnic minorities. Beijing climate, clear four seasons: spring sandstorm, the north of Beijing is the inner and outer Mongolia, desert. So Beijing spring dust weather there is always a few days. Is the most severe dust storms, it worked before, get up in the morning the following day, boy all the loess. With dust storm weather, no other color cars, advanced the yellow car. Despite the Beijing municipal government and Beijing residents and Inner Mongolia people did a lot of effort, but this natural phenomenon is not a day two days can solve, man can conquer nature also really a little difficult. Summer hot there is always a few days to let people get to maneuver, or why empress dowager galeries lafayette ran the Summer Palace as soon as I get to the summer! In winter the weather in Beijing is too dry, a lot of the south came to friends feel uncomfortable, more beautiful girl face up doug. I recommend friends to drink water more, eat more fruit, hang the towel wet when you go to sleep at night on the bed, the room increase moisture. Don't go to Beijing to play a circle, a little girl coming home with rough rough face bag, it can look like son and mother and sisters son. The best season is autumn in Beijing. People often say that “autumn” in Beijing. Neither too hot nor too cold day high, is the best season to travel, of course is also the most expensive season.

Visit Beijing first going to tian 'anmen square. That's one of the world's largest square, how big is it? 440000 square meters, more than 60 lightup. Tiananmen square around the perimeter of the building have tiananmen square, the great hall of the people, national museum, the monument to the people's heroes and chairman MAO's memorial hall. Through the tiananmen gate just arrived in Beijing the smallest city, its area is 720000 square metre only, although it is small, it inside the room it is said that there are 9999 and a half. This is the Forbidden City, we call it the Palace Museum.

The Summer Palace is the largest imperial garden in Beijing, it is the area of 293 hectares. If the Forbidden City is the royal palace, the Summer Palace, the Summer Palace is the royal. The Summer Palace in the foreign language translation is the Summer Palace. To Beijing have to go and see the Buddha incense cabinet, kunming lake, promenade, beautiful, is a common saying, of course, also can't forget the “boast all the bull, the Summer Palace, blowing up the”, haven't to check the blowing up of the bull.

The Great Wall is the backbone of the Chinese nation, is the symbol of our country. Pyramids of ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon hanging gardens, the Suez Canal and the Great Wall of China is the world who don't know, who don't know. As a Chinese, of course, more should be on the Great Wall to have a look, “not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall”.

As if the landmark building is the Great Wall of China, Beijing's tourism logo? The tiananmen square? No, it is China's political symbol, the Summer Palace? The north sea white tower? All right. Beijing's tourism logo QiNianDian is the temple of heaven. The temple of heaven is one of the nine places in Beijing. Is the place where the emperor qi day. Unique architectural style of the temple of heaven, Israel or circular main building, the building reflects the ancient Chinese concept of nature round place, is well worth a look.

We all know that the Ming emperor has 16, the first emperor zhu yuanzhang based in nanjing, nanjing Ming tomb buried after his death. The second emperor Zhu Yun turn, that is, his was the third to overthrow the emperor, he stepped down could be dead or alive, I don't know where was buried. The third emperor zhu di was the prince, moved the capital from nanjing to Beijing after he began to reign and select the Ming tombs bury the place. Someone asked: emperor of the Ming dynasty is not 16? Since emperor Zhu Diqi toward the back should be 14 ah, why is here called the Ming tombs, not 14 ling? Want to know? Good. Let's go to the Ming tombs that day I will tell you.

China is a socialist country. In our country constitution explicitly: Chinese citizens have the freedom of religious belief. Our country's traditional religion is Buddhism and Taoism. Buddhism and Taoism which is a Chinese native religion? The two religious Pope, whether the doctrine? The Tibetan Buddhism is how to return a responsibility? The dalai lama and panchen lama, who is a disciple? We will know the details to the lama temple with these problem.

There is two words in foreign language, one is called civilisation, another name is culture. We often put them into Chinese “civilization” and “culture”. The two translation owes exactly, too general. From the perspective of tourism, if they are translated into “cultural relics” and “culture” is more accurate. Writer feng jincai ever for the city's cultural relics and cultural penetrating elaboration, he said: “on a city's historical heritage, heritage and culture are two different concepts. Is the historical cultural relics have classical humanism in the process of creation, is given priority to with the royal and religious architecture; the local-style dwelling houses and culture. It is the residence retains a large amount of historical and cultural wealth, flesh and blood living history, as well as soil unique spiritual temperament. For example, the cultural features of Beijing, is not in the temple of heaven and the Forbidden City, and in the hutongs and courtyard houses.” Want to know from Beijing to live? Want to understand how people in Beijing of human behavior? Want to try some Beijing package dumplings, hand rolling, fry sauce noodles? Want to know the hutong uncle, aunt, brothers and sister, big ye, Beijing Beijing big aunt? Well, then please you sit with me on the tricycle, wandering the alley ways of Beijing. Thank you for listening to my AD.

Beijing is the cultural center of China. Not to mention those great writers, artists, since the Ming and qing dynasties, most of the stars, big artists live in Beijing, even today, the mainland of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan artists, as long as a little famous star, and even some male who are driving the industry in Beijing. “Say Beijing house price expensive! No Beijing cultural programs, I suggest you if you are interested, to see an authentic Peking Opera or Chinese acrobatic troupe of acrobatics. I wonder if you watch the Spring Festival evening party, the pillar inside the program ”qiao“ is the acrobatic troupe performances. Can you but see the TV screen, you can see the reality of this time. If you are interested in these programs, I'll try to arrange for you.

Finally, someone said let's trip to Beijing, want to give the old man home and take some souvenirs or relatives and friends to eat, do you see what to buy? You don't have to worry about that, in our trip, we will arrange you to visit with characteristic of Beijing cloisonne factory, will also take you to the famous xiushui street. As to eat, don't forget to relatives and friends with some dried fruit, in Beijing to bring parents two Beijing roast duck.

Well, to the hotel. I'll give you a room, if have which a few friends willing to live near some please say hi to me first, I will try my best to arrange. The hotel on the left is a supermarket, if you need to buy some daily necessities can go there to buy. Dinner is on the first floor Chinese restaurant, we are to meet in the lobby at half past six, I will lead you to have dinner together. Can you get the key to the room to have a rest, wash a hot bath is beneficial to fatigue. Ok, see you later.

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第9篇













递接都要双手,接过来要先看一下再收起来表示对对方的重视 ,递的时候有字的一面朝向对方。















接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第10篇

Directions: One of your pen friends, John, will be visiting your city. However, for some reasons, you can not meet him at the airport on time. Write a letter asking to wait for you at the airport and tell him how to recognize you. Your letter should be no less than 100 words. You don’t need to write the address. Don’t sign your own name at the end of the letter, use Alice instead.

Dear John,

I am eagerly looking forward to your visit to our city. After all these years of writing to each other, I can not wait to see you. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport on time.

The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the earliest I can reach the airport will be about an hour after you land. Will you please wait for me in the arrival lounge? You can have breakfast while you wait.

By the way, as we have never met I must tell you home to identify me: I am of 165cm tall and have a long hair. In addition, I will wear a white skirt and carry a China Daily at hand.

Hope we can meet soon.

Sincerely yours,









接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第11篇


I am writing this letter to express my apology that xxxx. I feel terribly sorry about this.

Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours Sincerely


接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第12篇


Im so sorry ,I was late for school .I think its a bad habit and bad manners. I will go to school a little earlier ,and go to attend class on time.

I ll never be late for school again,please forgive me and believe me.

Thank you!





年 月 日

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第13篇

Dear xxx,

I am writing this letter to express my apology that xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I feel terribly sorry about this.

Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Yours Sincerely xxxxxxxxx

Sincerely yours,


接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第14篇





道歉人: xx


接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第15篇







接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第16篇








接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第17篇



























接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第18篇


Dear John,

I’ve got my plane ticket to New York, I will take Flight CA981 to New York on June 25th. My plane takes off at 10:20 AM from Beijing Airport. It arrives at Shanghai at 12:20 PM and stops for one hour and twenty minutes. Then it continue its flight and lands at Los Angles at 10:50 AM on June 25th. I will have to stay about four hours at Los Angles Airport. Then my plane leaves Los Angles at 14:45 PM. The flight takes five hours and I will finally get to New York at 7:45 in the evening.

I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.


Li Ping

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第19篇

Dear ,

I am so sorry that I was late to the class this it because that I missed the bus so that I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next one,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

If you would accept my appologize,that would be promiss you that I will not be late to any class again.

Yours sincerely

Tony Blair

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第20篇




接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第21篇

Dear Mr. Hunnicutt,

I am writing to apologize for the incorrect invoice you received from us. Owing to a breakdown in communications, we did not credit you with a 10% discount, as agreed.

We shall send you the correct invoice as soon as possible and make sure that such a mistake will not occur again. Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience we have caused.

Your sincerely,

Peter Gibson

接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第22篇








5、到机场接客户,不妨给客户准备好花束或者花篮,不懂的话可以到花店里问一问,例如祝福客户事业的“欣欣向荣”:红掌2枝,多头粉香水百合2枝(5朵),红太阳花3枝,红康 乃馨5枝,粉康乃馨5枝,紫罗兰3枝,巴西叶+水竹+龟背叶。

6、 机场接领导: 接年轻的领导的话可以送百合花,百合的花朵大,花期长,白百合的鲜花香气清幽,显得大气。也可以搭配红掌(代表一帆风顺),鹤望兰(代表步步高升)这些高档鲜花,显示对领导的尊重。年长的领导可以送百合和康乃馨鲜花束。























递接都要双手,接过来要先看一下再收起来表示对对方的重视 ,递的时候有字的一面朝向对方。

























花语:这是一夜的梦,像灰姑娘一样的梦,只希望十二点的钟声不要响起。 今天的你,真的很漂亮,跟平常都不太一样。今天遇见你真的很开心!














接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第23篇







接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第24篇


I am writing this letter to express my apology that xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I feel terribly sorry about this.

Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. Yours Sincerely xxxxxxxxx


我写这封信以表达我的道歉 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx(道歉原因)。




接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第25篇





接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第26篇


I am writing this letter to express my apology that xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. I feel terribly sorry about this.

Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be really appreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours Sincerely


接机迟到道歉信英文范文 第27篇


I am writing this letter to eXXpress my apology that XXXX.

I feel terribly sorry about this.

Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused. I will be reallyappreciated if you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.

Yours Sincerely
