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报道格式与范文英语 第1篇

Professor Li from Peking University, who has won lots of championship and reach many relatively advanced achievement in many fields, will be invited to give us a lecture of Chinese idioms.






The winner of this game will be announced on the spot, and well-prepared gifts will be presented to the champion.

报道格式与范文英语 第2篇

④How is everything going?In light of your burning enthusiasm, I'm brimful excitement to invite you to participate in the tree-planting activity organized by our school, which falls on May 12th.

报道格式与范文英语 第3篇

Before Dr. Luther L. Terry, then an American surgeon, published his first _smoking and health report_ years ago, thousands of articles on the impact of tobacco use on the human body had been written about the risks of smoking.

Tobacco companies have refuted reports that claim to be linked to cancer and other serious diseases that deny the link between smoking and other serious diseases, so Terry and his smoking and Health Advisory Committee know that they are working on a study when they announce that _smoking in the United States is a health hazard that is sufficiently important to take appropriate measures._ The main focus of the debate was that for the first time in the United States, smoking was widely publicized as the cause of serious diseases, but the problem was not solved. Despite the fact that thousands of studies and lawsuits forced at least one tobacco company to admit the fact that some activists had known for years that smoking was harmful to health, it eventually solved the problem The problem seems to be solved in court rather than in the laboratory.



报道格式与范文英语 第4篇









参考词汇:义卖charity sale


On the afternoon of May 25th an charity sale was held by the Student Union on our school playground. Although it was hard work, students actively took part.

In order to organize it sucessfully, we made full preparations. Before the sale, from the students we collected various used books, second-hand goods which were still in good condition and classified them. When the day came,students and teachers all came and took an active part in it. At the end of the activity, we raised 5000 yuan in total.

All the money we raised will go to the students from poor families in our school to help finish their studies. It’s such a meaningful acitivty that students are all looking forward to the next charity sale.





报道格式与范文英语 第5篇



Ladies and gentlemen / Boys and girls, may I have your attention, please!

Attention to me please.

Attention please.

Excuse me, everyone! I'd like to tell you that

Listen , there is going to be..

I have an announcement to make

There is something important to be announced.

报道格式与范文英语 第6篇


然后提出你的倡议,你希望看完这篇倡议书的人做什么,希望他们怎么做,也就是呼吁appeal to

④Let’s join our hands in doing......(说你想呼吁的事情) and make our community a better place to live. We believe that your contribution can make a difference.


报纸上曾出现过一条重要新闻:全国塑料袋有偿使用(pay for plastic bags) 报道中说是^v^办公厅(general office of the State Council)发出的通知,商场、超市和农贸市场等商家将不允许提供免费的塑料袋。请你帮助小区居委会(Community Resident Committee)拟订份倡议书,包含以下内容:




Re-usable shopping bag可重复使用的购物袋

Degrade v.降解

Degradable adj.可降解的

As has been announced by the office of the State Council plastic shopping bags will not be provided free in supermarkets and other shops since June 1st We will be blessed with a better

world free from white pollution from now on.(先描述题干中给出的背景)

As a plastic bag user myself, I can understand your troubles without plastic bags. But we all know that one single plastic bag will take years to be degraded, which in the meantime, will do a lot of harm to our environment. In addition, plastic bags are poisonous to some extent. In order to make our environment cleaner and healthier, let's answer our government's appeal and take action with a positive attitude.(开始慢慢劝导,也就是我们上面写的,你想怎么做,那我想怎么做,我就是想让大家不要用塑料袋,并且说了他们的危害和弊端,并且倡议大家一起积极的采取行动)Our community residential committee has worked out several plans. First, we can substitute cotton bags and other re-usable bags for those plastic ones. Second, be encouraged to donate used clothes, and in return, cotton shopping bags will be provided for free. Last but not the least, tell your parents, children and friends the importance of using degradable shopping bags. If everyone has formed the new good habit, the society's awareness of env ironmental protection will be raised considerably.(OK,你不让我用塑料袋,那我用什么?我也得装东西啊,那我怎么办?没问题,那我就告诉你怎么办,这里就写出了解决办法,你倡议了一件事情之后,你一定要给出一个解决的办法,这是你需要思考的,并且围绕着你的解决办法去行文(比如分析他的利弊啊,好坏啊,集体实施的细节啊),并以此展开叙述)

Let's join our hands in fighting against white pollution and make our community a better place to live. We believe that your contribution can make a difference.(最后就打个鸡血,鼓励一下大家积极参与改变,倡议大家行动起来,展望未来,是一个美好的未来)

报道格式与范文英语 第7篇


⑧Hopefully, please feel free to contact me if you're eager to discuss this arrangement with me to further details.

⑧A prompt reply is encouraged.



①As has been announced by the office of the State Council......正如^v^办公室宣布的那样

It has been universally acknowledged that.....描述你要说的现象

③So as to tackle this problem, some conductive solutions will be illustrated as follow.

报道格式与范文英语 第8篇


①I am more than thrilled to see your advertisement for the position in .... , thus, I am writing this letter to you with the hope of / hoping to get more information of / with regard / regarding / concerning it.

②Sorry to disturb you, I am writing to consult you about further information of / with regard / regarding / concerning ......

③I am writing in response to your advertisement /with regard / regarding / concerning ......, and I want to get more detailed information of it.

④I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding / with regard to / about

报道格式与范文英语 第9篇



③You have kept working hard and devoted yourself into your major study during the past decades.

④It is a reward you richly deserve for your........(说他的努力和认真刻苦钻研)

⑤I am more than thrilled to know that now your efforts are rewarded in this memorable way.

⑥what deserves being emphasized is that it is your consistent effort that push you to this level.

报道格式与范文英语 第10篇


⑤From my perspective, it is wise of you to take the following actions

⑥If I were you, I would.......(假设法,如果我是你,我会怎么做)

⑦First and foremost, I suggest that you should............(建议内容一),which can make you........(说建议一的好处)

⑧In addition,you'd better ............(建议内容二),through which you can..........(说建议二的好处)

报道格式与范文英语 第11篇

一番番春秋冬夏, 一场场酸甜苦辣, 路在何方? 就在脚下。 抖开你的翅膀, 剪贴这明媚的阳光, 将所有力量凝聚, 将所有坚强聚集, 成功一定会属于你。

你的付出已是成绩, 你的汗水已是果实, 你的泪水不是哭泣, 你的微笑不是演戏, 你的毅力属于战绩, 你的坚强属于胜利, 你的自由属于天地, 你的辉煌属于自己。

致全体同学 蓝蓝天空

诉说拼搏与竞争, 青青芳草

诉说成功与失败, 灿烂阳光

诉说青春与热忱, 只要有拼捕的力量 奋斗的勇气,


既然看准了远方, 就要像雄鹰那样飞腾, 如果有泪,

就让泪洗清眼睛, 如果有血

就把血凝成誓言, 真正的青春,



闭上眼睛,回想我过去, 我有点疲惫,有点无奈。 睁开眼晴,看我的现在, 有点憔悴,有点感概。

握紧我的双手,我不怕失败, 未来会有我流过汗水的痛快, 握紧现在,总有一刻, 会有属于我的喝彩。

报道格式与范文英语 第12篇







报道格式与范文英语 第13篇






4. 当次考试CET4、CET6不可以同时兼报;


6. 学校不接受社会人员报名,不接纳非本校学生报名。












报道格式与范文英语 第14篇

In the future, I hope I can become a journalist. In order to find a lot of good news, I will travel in different cities every day. For example, if there is a terrible accident, I will quickly arrive at the scene and report to the people who I like to be a journalist as soon as possible, because as a journalist, I can help many poor people, for example, some people need the help of the society I can write a report to tell the public that these people need their help first.

I will study hard. As a reporter, I should be proficient in Chinese. If I have to report in English, I also need to study English very hard from now on.

I will read every day. I will try to write a diary to practice my writing skills. Becoming a journalist is my future goal Will study hard to realize it.



报道格式与范文英语 第15篇

1891 fanfares in Massachusetts springfield city ymca international training school for springfield (after college), by this school physical education teachers James naismith, when the doctor invents the basketball rules only 13, dr naismith in 1939, died at the age of 78. He never expected, he created by the basketball project in more than 200 countries actually circulating market, and so far the USA basketball also full global reputation. To commemorate naismith invented by dr basketball feat, in springfield college campuses built the USA basketball hall - James naismith celebrity memorials.

At first, two naismith peach basket don't nail in key body inside the stand of the railing, peach basket along with distance ground meters, football game tools, to basket throwing. Pitch into the basket scores one point, press scoring a decisive. Each pitch the shot, the ball out to climb the ladder restarted game. After gradually will live on the bottom of the iron instead of bamboo basket, again to hoops below hang nets.

报道格式与范文英语 第16篇










As the CEE is approaching, a yearly activity named “Come on Senior Three”was held on our school playground on the afternoon of May 30th.

Aiming to help Senior 3 students to relieve stress and cheer them up, not only teahcers but also the students in Senior One and Senior Two all took an active part in the activity, and they gave wonderful and inspring speeches,besides which, students and teachers sang songs together and they all enjoyed themselves very much.

In my opinion, this kind of activity is a great way to deal with study pressure for Senior 3 students, for they can get away from the study for a moment and get relaxed and refreshed. Therefore with the pressure gone, I think they will do well in the examination.





报道格式与范文英语 第17篇









As the CEE is approaching, a yearly activity named “Come on Senior Three”was held on our school playground on the afternoon of May 30th.

Aiming to help Senior 3 students to relieve stress and cheer them up, not only teahcers but also the students in Senior One and Senior Two all took an active part in the activity, and they gave wonderful and inspring speeches,besides which, students and teachers sang songs together and they all enjoyed themselves very much.

In my opinion, this kind of activity is a great way to deal with study pressure for Senior 3 students, for they can get away from the study for a moment and get relaxed and refreshed. Therefore with the pressure gone, I think they will do well in the examination.





报道格式与范文英语 第18篇


⑤I would greatly appreciate it if you could tell me something about the

⑥Looking forward to your early reply at your earliest convenience.

⑦Thanks again for your reading, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.

US Vice President Mike Pence was sworn in as education secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday after a Senate vote broke the deadlock and confirmed the controversial nomination of US President Donald Trump. For the first time in . history, a vice president is needed to obtain cabinet approval.

In her oath, Davos promised ^v^to support and, in her official oath, she also promised to^v^ faithfully ^v^perform her duties. The ceremony was carried out quickly, without any big fanfare. Except for the hum and click of cameras and other media equipment after the short ceremony, a small number of relatives and friends burst into polite applause.

Earlier in the day, two Republicans and the democratic coalition voted against DeVos. As a result, disagreements arose before pence's casting vote, because the Constitution stipulates that the house of Representatives has an equal number of votes.


副总统彭斯(Mike Pence)周二宣誓就任长贝特西•德沃斯(Betsy DeVos)出任长,此前参议院投票结果打破僵局,确认了总统唐纳德•(Donald trunp)备受争议的提名。这是历史上第一次需要一位副总统来获得内阁人选的批准,德沃斯在宣誓时承诺“支持并在她的誓词中,她还承诺将“忠实地”履行自己的职责。仪式迅速进行,没有大张旗鼓,除了简短仪式结束后摄像机和其他媒体设备的嗡嗡声和咔嚓声之外,一小部分亲朋好友爆发出礼貌的掌声。


Iran's semi official Fars news agency reported on Saturday that Iran has arrested some people for launching an organized internet war supported by the United States. Iran's judicial department said the arrested people had been funded by the United States since, and they planned to destabilize the country. Iran's judicial department said former President Bush had provided $100 million for cyber war projects, fares reported According to Fars, a branch of the project, known as the ^v^Iranian agent^v^, can penetrate Iran's database and destroy its website.

According to Fars, the . Justice Department also said that in recent demonstrations against the Iranian government, the United States used anti filtering software to carry out psychological ware against Iran. According to Fars, the Iranian media reported last month that it was alleged to have contacted Farda Taiwan related individuals are one of seven arrested by the Iranian government.


Dear XXX

报道格式与范文英语 第19篇



⑥ Should you grant me this precious chance, I would appreciate it a lot as well as spare no effort to do this job gorgeously.如果你能给我这个宝贵的机会,我将不胜感激,并不遗余力地做好这项工作(这里这个Should 在开头,用了一个虚拟语气,这个结构是真实存在的,也是很少人知道的,考场上写出来,可以作为文章的闪光点,因为是虚拟语气,后面就用了would,配合虚拟语气,如果大家不理解,可以直接背下来这句话)

⑦I'll appreciate it a lot as well as do my utmost to do this job gorgeously if I am offered this chance.

⑧I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview

⑨Please feel free to contact me if you are eager to know more about me.

⑩Thanks again for reading this letter.

报道格式与范文英语 第20篇

①I am more than thrilled on hearing that you are recruiting ......(申请的职位或者志愿者)也可以适当交代一些细节I'm more exceedingly overjoyed to know that some American high school students are to visit our city as well as our school, for whom you are looking for a volunteer tour guide.(根据题目中我们可以适当变换句式写在段首)

②I suppose I am quite qualified for this job and I do hope you can offer me this valuable opportunity.

报道格式与范文英语 第21篇






报道格式与范文英语 第22篇

⑦Your early reply will be highly / greatly appreciated.

⑧Thanks again for your reading, and your prompt attention to this letter will be highly appreciated.


Dear XXX

报道格式与范文英语 第23篇

According to the According to the recent ysis of the national census data, Wall Street is a place worthy of being a man. For those working in the financial sectors such as insurance agency, securities sales agent, financial manager and staff, men are easier to learn than women. In all occupations, women's income is only $1 of men's, and in the main job categories measured by the census Only one woman in the personal care and service industry earns more than men, including housekeeper, Valet, family minder and sshine.

On Wall Street, the gap is the largest. On Wall Street, women earn only cents per dollar of their male colleagues. Jobs in the financial sector have become increasingly popular in recent decades The more profitable, even in the past four years of economic downturn, bankers have received a lot of pay, but the ysis by the Bloomberg News Agency shows that women on Wall Street have not partited in the boom recession to some extent.

According to fins, the number of women on Wall Street has declined since then, and it is also the Internet asset of Dow Jones. In, the number of ual harassment charges per woman in the financial industry was also on the rise. Dow Jones ‰ women often report feeling undervalued and marginalized in the male dominated financial world.

Some women say they are ignored because they don't interact with male management, according to the report of NPR, some male bankers will talk about going to s and even bring prostitutes to the office; belittle: marginalize: ignore bonus; although the gender wage gap on Wall Street is particularly significant, the post recession economy as a whole is on the whole Being unfriendly to women, men have been offered new jobs since the mid-term, and Pew Research shows that women are lost.


根据彭博新闻社(Bloomberg News)最近对全国人口普查数据的分析,华尔街是一个值得做男人的地方,对于从事保险、证券销售、财务经理和职员等金融部门工作的人来说,男性比女性更容易学习,在所有的职业中,女性的收入仅为男性的1美元,而在人口普查所衡量的主要工作类别中,只有一个个人护理和服务业的女性比男性收入更高,这些工作包括管家、贴身男仆、看家人和擦鞋工,彭博社报道说,在华尔街,这种差距是最大的,在华尔街,女性的收入仅为男性同事的每一美元收入在美分之间;金融部门的工作在最近几xx年里变得越来越有利可图,即使在过去xx年的经济低迷时期,银行家们也收到了大量的薪水,但彭博社的分析显示,华尔街的女性在某种程度上没有参与到这场繁荣的经济衰退中。根据FINS的数据,华尔街的女性人数自那以后就下降了,同时也是道琼斯公司的网络资产,年,金融行业中每个女性的性扰指控数量也在上升‰道琼斯公司‰女性经常报告在男性主导的金融世界中感到被轻视和边缘化。FINS报告说,一些女性说,她们因为不太与男性管理层交往而被忽略了,据美国国家公共广播电台报道,一些男性银行家会谈论去舞俱乐部,甚至会把女带到办公室;贬低:边缘化:忽略奖金;虽然华尔街的性别工资差距特别显著,但经济衰退后的经济总体上对女性并不友善,男性从中期开始就获得了一些新的工作皮尤研究中心的调查显示,女性迷路了。

报道格式与范文英语 第24篇


③After thinking twice, nothing is better than presenting a ......as a gift in order to reciprocate your favor.(也可以送个小礼物什么的)

④You not only helped me in...,but also gave me numerous careful instructions.(这里只是举个例子,就是可以用各种结构夸他!)
