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现代年轻人英语作文范文 第1篇

Many young people believe that in the government, the views of young people and their views are not appropriate. In many people's minds, there is a contradiction between whether young people are competent for these jobs. The younger generation is considered immature and inexperienced.

If they are responsible for important departments, they are likely to make decisions without full consideration, which may lead to As a result, many young people are spoiled in their childhood and adolescence. Therefore, they are often less considerate and responsible than their parents and grandparents. Because government positions are related to the welfare of citizens, they need serious commitment.

It seems that young people are not suitable for these positions. However, some people think that young people should be given more opportunities than the older generation Energy and enthusiasm to partite in government work. More importantly, we hope that young people can perform better in some aspects.

Young people are willing to accept new ideas and new technologies. They can bring innovative styles to government work. This is usually considered to be rigid and conservative.

A good example is that in recent years, in my opinion, young officials in many cities use network tools to communicate with local residents To improve the relationship between the government and the public. It is a good way to let more young people partite in government work, which can bring new ideas to the government's public service. Considering their lack of experience, they may also need vocational training.

Young people will inevitably make mistakes when they are in their positions, but in the process, they can learn and master their own work vocabulary.).



现代年轻人英语作文范文 第2篇

In the past few years, a variety of talent shows have appeared on the national TV channels, from super girl voice to happy boy. This type of entertainment program is very popular, especially among young people, which has a profound impact on their study and life. There are several reasons behind this trend.

As young people need role models to learn from, many people are fascinated by the contestants who partite in these programs, which leads to the continuous emergence of these programs, because the television network naturally needs to cater to young audiences, and because of the economic and political reform carried out by the government, however, as a young man, he can release his desire and talent For a generation, it's a great way to release and show off the desires of young people. Instead of indulging in it, we should realize the importance of learning.



现代年轻人英语作文范文 第3篇

(job hopping) people have different attitudes towards their jobs, and some prefer to take a career as their lifelong career. These people believe that only one job can do a good job in one's life. Therefore, if a person changes jobs frequently, he will not get the necessary experience to do the job.

On the other hand, on the other hand, in their view, people work to make more money. If they have a chance to get a job with higher salary, they will definitely take the opportunity. In addition, if a person only does one job in his life, he will certainly be bored.

My idea is that if a person wants to surpass others in his own work, interest is the most important. So if a person is not interested in his work, it is normal or even necessary to change jobs. Otherwise, he will suffer from the pain of work, and inevitably, he is unlikely to succeed in his career.

In my opinion, many people like to change jobs in order to do something in their life They think that people who change jobs frequently are incompetent. They think that the only way to succeed is to stick to a job, because continuous practice in the professional field helps to become an expert. However, many people advocate changing jobs.

They think that change means progress. They think that if you are not satisfied with your current job, you certainly have the right to a more challenging salary Water works higher to replace it. Every change means greater success.

My view on job hopping is that if you have a better chance, it's reasonable to change your job.




现代年轻人英语作文范文 第4篇

ABC's method of _becoming an effective ager_ is: Lin Miao A: acquiring a strong and positive attitude B: jumping out of your shell C: shaping your hero image D: demanding respect for your standards, yourself and your beliefs e: motivating yourself with the goal of change F: planning failure, failure in planning G: growing up or going home H: Humility, power is power 1: list your strengths, look for your strengths, not your weaknesses J: jealousy always ends in negativity rather than in positivity K: keep your momentum, never stop, move on L: live your life M: amplify your opportunities n: nothing is better than the truth o: OK, you failed, now cheer up P: Put yourself in a positive environment Q: quality is more important than quantity R: recognize problems and quickly solve them s: stick to your goals T: cherish all your friends, because they are your most precious wealth U: understand that everything has a goal V: imagine success, don't be afraid of failure, you miss the opportunity you didn't miss W: work hard if you expect to succeed 10: X shows that you are better than that. Y: Yes, it is not always the answer to the answer learn to say no Z: enlarge the reality, pull down the hair a a a a a a a a a a a a a a f g g h h I I J K L L m n n n n: enlarge the reality, pull down down the down the P Q Q Q Z: enlarge reality, C R s t u W: x y Z.


ABC的“成为一个有效的青少年”的方法是:林淼 A:获得坚强和积极的态度 B:跳出你的外壳 C:塑造你的英雄形象 D:要求尊重你的标准、你自己和你的信仰 E:用改变的目标激励自己 F:计划失败,是在计划失败 G:做大还是回家 H:谦逊权力就是力量 一:列举你的优点,寻找你的长处,而不是你的弱点 J:嫉妒总是以消极而非积极告终 K:保持你的动力,永不停歇,继续前进 L:过你的生活 M:放大你的机会 N:没有什么比更好 O:好吧,你失败了,现在重新振作起来 P:把自己放在积极的环境中 Q:质量重于数量 R:意识到问题并迅速解决它们 S:坚持目标 T:珍惜你所有的朋友,因为他们是你最珍贵的财富 U:理解所有事情都有一个目标 V:想象成功,不要害怕失败你错过了你没有错过的机会W:工作努力如果你期望成功 X:X表明你比那更好 Y:是的,不总是答案的答案学会说不 Z:放大现实,拉下绒毛 A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N N O O P Q Q Q Z:放大现实,C R S T U W: X Y Z。

现代年轻人英语作文范文 第5篇

My dream is to study in a natural school. There are trees everywhere in the school. There are many birds singing on the trees.

There is a big garden behind the teaching building. There are many beautiful flowers in it. There is a swimming pool beside the garden.

We can swim in it in summer. There is a river around my school. There is a bridge on the river.

I think we are very happy in this school. My dream school, my dream major, news photography. This is the only school I applied for photography, and it is the school and major I want most, because it may mean a major change in my career, and I am very happy and proud from one of the most powerful people Although I even tried to borrow a lot of money from my aunt, she didn't want me to come to Reno.

Although I still put the notice of my first admission in my mailbox, I cherished this honor and dream. After a year, I still dream of having one A better chance to apply to the same school again. I waited and prepared to spend the rest of my life in Reno.

I didn't lose hope, but I knew that the chance was very slim. The school didn't have the tradition of giving a lot of money to graduate students in the first semester, and the Ta / Ta gave it at least one semester later.


