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备忘录范文及格式 第1篇

Mr Peter Watson is visiting us in October. Could you please hire a hotel room for him? He is arriving on 22nd October and will stay for three nights. If possible, the hotel should be one near the office. Thank you.

You are the manager of a small export company. Peter Watson, an important client, is visiting your company for three days from 22 October.

Write a note of 40-50 words to your secretary:

Asking her to book a hotel room

Saying where the hotel should be

Giving her the dates

Mr Peter Watson is visiting us in October. Could you please book a hotel room for him? He is arriving on 22nd October and will stay for three days. If possible, the hotel should be one near the office. Thank you.

备忘录范文及格式 第2篇


称呼从左边顶格写起,对一般机关、团体的负责人一般用 Dear Sir, 对政府官员可用 Sir。

“事因”一项目前采用得较少。它可放在称呼语之前,也可放在其后,前面可加 Re或Docket, Subject。如果此项写在称呼语之前,多从左边的顶格写起;若放在称呼语之后,一般写在信笺正中。它多采用不完整的句子,只需很少几个词,甚至一个词,目的在于使收文人对文中的主要内容一目了然,便于及时处理。


备忘录范文及格式 第3篇


You are the factory manager of a car company. You are waiting for urgently needed components from your purchasing department.

Write a note to Mr Grayson, the Assistant Purchasing Manager:

enquiring about the reason for the delay;

stating when the components are needed;

suggesting a meeting to discuss future deliveries.

Write 40 – 50 words on your Answer Sheet.

备忘录范文及格式 第4篇

You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.

Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:

informing them of the postponing and giving the reason

stating a new date and time for the meeting

requesting suggestions for the agenda.

Write on your Answer Sheet.

词汇:postpone; delay

agenda, schedule, timetable


I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed. Because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am. Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.


Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?

I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.

备忘录范文及格式 第5篇



收文人的姓名、头衔、地址(Addressee’s Name, Title, Address);



正文(Body) ;

结束语(Complimentary Close);


备忘录范文及格式 第6篇

You are the training manager of a company which has won a large export order. You have been asked to organise foreign language training for some of your staff.

Write a memo to staff:

explaining why the courses are necessary

saying which members of staff should attend

announcing when the courses will start

Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.

To: All staff

From: the Training Manager

Date: 1 March 2005

Subject: A Foreign Language Training Course

I was asked to organise a foreign language training course because of the large export order we received recently. It will start on 15 March and will last 2 weeks. Those who will deal with orders should attend this course.

备忘录范文及格式 第7篇





备忘录范文及格式 第8篇

To:sui xin


Date:April 12, 2012

Subject/Re:Comments on The Researching and Application of Historical Data Processing In Real-Time Database System

This memo is in response to your requirement of the reaction to the paper which I have read. The memo will first explian the backgroun of the Real-Time Database and then dicuss the methods and sources the author have used used to solove the problems. Thirdly, I will comments on the paper I have read.

Real-Time Database is the result of the integration of traditional database technologies and real-time systems,and it’s core of the supervisory information system(SIS). It acts as an essential role in industrial fields and thus is very significant and valuable to research and of the historical data is a very important function of real-time database the design of real-time database influences system performance.

Real-time database get data from the interface layer,these data will be written to memory and disk historical point in memory of the historical database to store the data length is in a configuration before. In the process of data related to pass before the disk into the compression process. The historical data,and related index information ,the index and the historical data management documents preserved the real-time database of all history data files,documents and information between the time of index,so quick orientation of historical of historical data files historical data is time measuring Index page used to establish a period of historical data in order of time,in order to improve the speed of index,a time to query the index page save more time index. Management information files’ main purpose is to quick locate certain time of historical data historical data buffer is a piece of memory area in order to prevent disk write write to the historical data ,first disk in buffer,when the buffer accumulated a certain amount of historical data and one-time write history data modules is mainly provides to the historical data operation this paper present two data cpmpression menthods:the floating-point data compression and the switch quantity data compression.

This paper discusses the historical data real-time database system,and the detailed process of processing technique to realize the historical database to the limited space available ,based on the detailed historical database disk problems such as structure are most historical data processing is one of the important aspects for real-time present,this area has put forward a lot of new concepts,and has opened wide research.

备忘录范文及格式 第9篇

The heading segment follows this general format:

TO: (readers’ names and job titles)

FROM: (your name and job title)

DATE: (complete and current date)

SUBJECT: (what the memo is about, highlighted in some way)

Make sure you address the reader by his or her correct name and job title. You might call the company president “Maxi” on the golf course or in an informal note, but “Rita Maxwell, President” would be more appropriate for a formal memo. Be specific and concise in your subject line. For example, “Clothes” as a subject line could mean anything from a dress code update to a production issue. Instead use something like, “Fall Clothes Line Promotion.”

备忘录范文及格式 第10篇

tell notify mention express inform explain note report advise

I am writing to tell/inform you that…..

I am writing to explain…. (tell your boss why you cannot attend)

I am writing to express (my regret)
