简单proposal范文 第1篇
James Wordsworth
Mother Teresa Hospital
56, Boston Road, New York
12th September 2012
Sub: Submitting the proposal for a shelter home
Dear Mr. James
I am writing this letter to submit my proposal to setup a shelter home in your hospital’s premises. This shelter home will be for the relatives of the patients who are admitted in your hospital.
This shelter home will contain facilities like canteen, bathroom and waiting room. Those who come to visit the admitted patient in your hospital can take rest and food from the shelter home. This is a non profitable proposal that is this project will neither make loss nor profit for your hospital. The intention behind this proposal is just to help the people who come to your hospital. I think this project will take your hospital to new height of success.
The cost for establishing the shelter home will be financed by our hope you will provide a positive response towards this proposal. I will be eagerly waiting for your response. To confirm the proposal you can call me on my mobile number. Please find the complete details of the proposal enclosed with this letter.
Yours sincerely
Jolly Wills
简单proposal范文 第2篇
Construction Bid Proposal Cover Letter
Respected Miss. Watts,
This letter is in regards to the construction of a branch of your hotel in the city of New York. This is to bring to your notice that we are reputed construction company and would be interested in undertaking the construction project of your hotel.
Our organization is involved in the construction industry since last ten year and we have undertaken the construction of number of reputed projects in the city. We have also received numerous awards for our construction projects. We would like to bid for the construction project of yours and assure that we can complete the construction process with five million dollars.
I can assure you that we will leave no scope for complaints. We are aware about the reputation of Hilton Group of Hotels and will surely deliver the job keeping that in mind. The bid that I am quoting is the most economical one in the market.
I am enclosing the breakdown of the cost details with this letter. Please let us know if any further information is needed from our side.
Jane Fonda
简单proposal范文 第3篇
James Wordsworth
Mount Companies Private Limited
56, Boston Road, Cambridge
12th September .
Sub: technical proposal cover letter.
Dear Mr. James
I am writing this letter to submit my application for technical proposal. We have planned a technical project based on designing and developing an energy saving chip.
To make it successful we need your technical support and for this we need your technical resources and equipment’s. The chip will be designed and developed by our team of expert electronics engineers. This energy saver chip can be used with all the electronic devices like computers, laptops, televisions, air conditioner etc. To make this chip we need some technical expertise from your side. Once the chip is developed, it will be a great boon for the electronics industry. Hope that you will support us in our research project.
You can get more details of the proposal project from our official website . And if you want to personally meet us please send a mail on our official email- id gkltechnologies@. I will wait for a positive response from your side in this regard.
Thanking you
Henry Watson
GKL Private Limited
Enclosures: details of the technical proposal.
简单proposal范文 第4篇
Peter Fox
Financial Contracting Officer
Reddies Pvt. Ltd.
Box 12450, Building 12
9th September 2012
Sub: unsolicited proposal cover letter.
Dear Mr. Peter,
I am writing this letter to submit my proposal for opening a new business venture in the real estate sector. Today everyone wants a home of their own and I think this would be the best sector for investment. I have also finalized the area where we will start our housing project. All the paper works like registration of the plot have been done. All I need is a business partner who is ready to invest in the project.
I assure you that this project will be a profitable one. I am targeting the higher middle class people for selling the flats. The total project will be on 300 acres of land and it will be township where the residents of the flats will get every amenity like restaurant, school, gym, hospital within the premises of the project. Also I would like you to inform that this is first mega project in the city.
I am herewith enclosing the complete details of the project with this letter and hope to get a positive response from your side.
Yours sincerely
Tycoon Dowden
简单proposal范文 第5篇
简单proposal范文 第6篇
A research proposal for putting Whole Language Approachin the minorities′ English Language Teaching
Ⅰ The significance for the minority students in Xinjiang to learn foreign languages. Xinjiang is a region with many minorities. The population of the minorities accounts for 60% of the total population. For the past several years, the minorities in Xinjiang spread their own histories, culture and scientific knowledge by using their own languages mostly.