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英语作文题目及范文 第1篇


1月11日 (北京,大连,武汉,西安,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,昆明 ) V104

1月18日 (北京,长沙,济南,沈阳,广州,海口,福州,成都 )V115

1月25日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,郑州,广州,厦门,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,重庆 )V105

2月8号 (大连,济南,深圳,)V115

2月15日 (北京,长沙,青岛,沈阳,西安,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都 )V121

2月22日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆,宁波 )V118

3月8日 (北京,大连,济南,青岛,广州,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,昆明 )V107

3月15日 (北京,沈阳,天津,武汉,郑州,广州,海口,福州,成都 )V107

3月22日 (北京,长沙,哈尔滨,西安,广州,厦门,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,重庆 )V114

4月12日 (北京,大连,济南,青岛,广州,深圳,上海,杭州,南京 ) V120

4月19日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都) V113

非典原因,GZ取消以下考试:4月26日 5月10日 5月17日 5月24日 6月14日 6月21日的考试

6月28日 (北京,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳 )V106


7月12日 (北京,大连,青岛,沈阳,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)V112

7月19日 (北京,长沙,济南,西安,郑州,广州,海口,福州,成都) V104

7月26日 (北京,哈尔滨,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆) V119

8月9日 (北京,大连,青岛,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,昆明) V112

8月16日 (北京,长沙,哈尔滨,济南,沈阳,郑州,广州,福州,上海,杭州,南京,成都) V109

8月23日 (北京,天津,武汉,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆) V110


9月6日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)


9月13日 (北京,长沙,大连,济南,沈阳,广州,海口,福州,成都)


9月20日 (北京,天津,武汉,郑州,广州 ,厦门,深圳,上海,杭州,南京,重庆)


10月11日 (北京,哈尔滨,济南,青岛,沈阳,西安,广州,福州,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都)


10月18日 (北京,长沙,大连,天津,武汉,郑州,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆)


11月1日 (北京,济南,沈阳,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,昆明)


11月15日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,武汉,广州,海口,福州,上海,杭州,南京,成都)


11月22日 (北京,长沙,大连,郑州,广州,厦门,深圳,重庆)


12月6日 (北京,济南,沈阳,西安,广州,深圳,南宁,上海,杭州,南京,合肥,成都)


12月13日 (北京,哈尔滨,青岛,天津,武汉,广州,福州,重庆)


12月20日 星期六


英语作文题目及范文 第2篇


Greetings from China!

Im Li Hua ,a student in been a panda lover since I was a three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and Ive been watching her grow on your shes going to be like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work ,because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.

By the way ,could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.

Yours truly,

Li Hua

英语作文题目及范文 第3篇

As autumn winds blow,leaves from a tree,leaves decompose into theearth and eventually return to a tree‘s the saying:“fallen leaves are destinedto return to the root.”

The picture above depicts the motion of leaves towards the root,which in turn can beinterpreted as the intense bond Chinese feel towards their motherland.

More and more overseas Chinese are returning or have already returned to length of time they have spent abroad,or regardless of the life they may have lead,theyare often disposed to return to their roots,to come is commonly said that blood isthicker than they are grateful for their homeland‘s nourishment and support,they return to contribute to the construction of their country with the knowledge,experienceand wealth acquired inclination is an expression of people‘s attachment to,andlove of,their is a prevailing emotion among the overseas still living in China should also cherish and love their country,and give back with theirknowledge and actions in order to cultivate the country‘s present and future.

英语作文题目及范文 第4篇

水污染Water Pollution

Everybody knows that there is serious problem of water pollution on the earth. Yes, water pollution is becoming more and more serious. The water in the river is getting dirtier and dirtier. Most of fish in the water have died, and we can’t swim in the water.

My grandfather says, when he was very little, the water in the river was very clean. He often swam in the river with his friends.

That was before, but now we can’t see such clean rivers. Let’s protect the water from pollution, because we can’t live without water. The water is really important to us of all




英语作文题目及范文 第5篇

作文题:Suppose a foreign friend of yours is going to visit yourhometown/your campus/China(多题多卷的'三个不同), what is the most interestingplace you would like to take him/her to see and why?

The most interestingplace

Dear Pacival,

I am thrilled to know that youare going to visit my hometown and I can’t wait see you everything that happened when I was in your city,and yourparents and you were so kind to me that I will try my best thistime to make your stay an enjoyable and memerable one。

My home town,Changsha,is thecapital of Hunan province and best known as the star city for itswell developed entertainment industry and arenumerous places and attractions worth recommending,and YueluMountain is the first one that I’d like to introduce to the foot of Yuelu Mountain is the prominent has an exceedingly long history and its architecture ischaracteristic of Song a half hour,we willreach the Bird are various rare birds there,and theycan sing,perform,and interact with about an hour,wewill arrive at the peak,Baiyun scenery there isspectacular and we can have a wonderful panorama of the wholecity。

I bet you must be very excitedabout all these activities,and the Yuelu Mountain is waiting forus to you need to do is pack up and go,and I assureyou that this trip will be a great fun。

Should you have any questionand suggestion,please let me know。

I am looking forward to yourarrival。

Yours sincerely,


英语作文题目及范文 第6篇


例1:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.玛丽和我姐姐很要好,因为她要她做她的伴娘。解析:读完上面这一句话,读者无法明确地判断两位姑娘中谁将结婚,谁将当伴娘。如果我们把容易引起误解的代词加以明确,意思就一目了然了。改为:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid.

例2:And we can also know the society by serving it yourself.我们还可以通过亲身参与、体验的方式了解社会。解析:句中人称代词we和反身代词yourself指代不一致。改为:And we can also know the society by serving it ourselves.


例:I believe I can do it well and l will better know the world outside the campus.我相信我会做得很好,而且我将对校园外的世界有更好的了解。解析:better位置不当,应置于句末。改为:I believe I can do it well and l will know the world outside the campus better.


例:They earn some money so that they can independence.他们挣钱是为了自立。解析:independence是名词,句中误用为动词。改为:They earn some money so that they can be independent.


例:There are many ways to know the society. For example, by TV, radio,newspaper and soon.了解社会的途径有很多,比如,可以通过电视、广播、报纸,等等。解析:本段后半部分“For example,by TV,radio,newspaper and so on.”不是一个完整的句子,仅为一些不连贯的词语,不能独立成句。改为:There are many ways to know society,for example,by TV,radio,and newspaper.


例:Once one have money,he can do what he want to do.人一旦有了钱,他就能想干什么就干什么。解析:one是单数第三人称,因而本句的have应改为has;同理,want应改为wants,本句是典型的主谓不一致。改为:Once one has money,he can do what he wants to do.


例1:In spite of the fact that he is lazy,I like him.尽管他很懒惰,我还是喜欢他。解析:本句的“the fact that he is lazy”系同位语从句,我们应按照“简洁”的原则加以简化。改为:In spite of his laziness,I like him.

例2: For the people who are diligent and kind, money is just the thing to be used to buy the thing they need.对于勤奋善良的人来说,钱只是用来购买所需东西的工具。解析:整个句子可以大大简化,累赘重复过多。改为:Diligent,caring people use money only to buy what they need.


例:The fresh water,it is the most important things of the earth.淡水是地球上最重要的东西。解析:The fresh water与逗号后的it不连贯,It与things在语法上不一致。改为:Fresh water is the most important thing in the world.


例1:There are many students are playing basketball on the playground.操场上有许多学生在打篮球。解析:上面的句子中出现了两个谓语动词,不符合英语的语法习惯。改为:Many students are playing basketball on the playground.

例2:The girl is standing over there is from a big city.站在那边的女孩来自一个大城市。解析:一个简单句中不能有两个谓语系动词,结构混乱。改为:The girl standing over there is from a big city.



英语作文题目及范文 第7篇




提示词语:help, encourage, respect, cook


? Who is very important to you?

? Why is he/she so important?

? What are you going to do for him/her?


My mother is very important to me and I love her

She is very busy and often goes to bed very late, but sheinsists on getting up early every morning to make breakfast for me. What's more, she often helps me andencourages me to solve problems by myself when I'm in trouble. With her help, I made great progress in my study. She respects my privacy and never checks my mobile phone.

I always want to do something for my mom. Mother's Day is coming. I'm going to make a surprise breakfast for her on that day.

英语作文题目及范文 第8篇










Attention please, everyone,

Our class will go to have a physical examination in Peoples Hospital on Saturday, 10th May. Well meet at the hospital gate at 7:45.. It is not far from our school. Its about fifteen minutes may either walk there or go there by bicycle.

The examination will begin at 8:00. We are not allowed to eat or drink anything before the examination. Keep quiet there and listen to the doctors and nurses. After the examination you may go home.
