
admin 2024-05-31 网站管理员 admin

表扬信的正确格式范文 第1篇

xxschool leaders:


One day, the school grade two students in a certain unit (a certain unit) I picked up 600 yuan in cash, when he (she) stood in place so that the owner would return the money back, but he did not wait for a long time, the owner did not come.

Because he is in a hurry, had picked up the money to my unit at hand, repeatedly asked the doorman to pay to the owner in the hands, but did not leave a name.

After the efforts, we have lost the money back to the owner, he is a worker in our unit, then take the wages to buy supplements to pregnant wife, what are installed only to find the money gone, back to our ATM units looking for, found by my guard unit put the money back.

Later, after many inquiries, we know that the students are the first two days of your school.

In such a materialistic era, a student can have such a Shijinbumei spirit is commendable, you know 600 yuan for him perhaps two or three months of pocket money.

Therefore, I am writing this letter of commendation to commend him for this quality, and ask your school to be able to give recognition to his behavior in the spirit or material under the allowed conditions.

At the same time, he can have such a performance, and your school education and nurture is inseparable, your school can train such a good student, but also the pride of our people in Chongqing, is the whole education miracle!

I wish

Work smoothly

Praise person: such unit

表扬信的正确格式范文 第2篇

Respect school leadership:

I am ST2B evening students' parents, the child came to our school has two semesters, at a child changes from day to day, every little bit of progress, my mom has not moved and the pleasure, I know there 's two teachers Jemma and Xu Liyan's hard work and sweat.

The child came to class when the mood is somewhat inconsistent, not too likes to class, each time is I was forced to, but after a few classes, children are of great changes, every time when I was in school days, will be offered to you, is ill, will insist to class, children in the learning attitude is so big change, and I think our two teachers efforts are inseparable.

In this year, the child 's level of spoken English has changed, the pronunciation than ever learn in kindergarten to standard, still remember the boy came to class, and the teacher talk basically is a pop words, but now the children and teachers in the dialogue, are there in answering the question, also very naturally use acquired knowledge to real life, and often at home when the^v^ little teacher^v^, teach what they had learned to grandfather grandma, this let me see the progress of their children is very big also is very fast, thank you very much for Xu Liyan Jemma and two teachers.

Jemma teacher although usually after the communication with parents is not much, but each open class for me very deep impression, she always energetic, passionate, the classroom atmosphere is always so active, the child from the first minute of the class until the last minute is by Jemma teacher deeply attracted. Children always feel, 45 minutes had a good fast ah. I remember a public class Jemma teacher is ill, I am also after class to know, but a lesson time, I never felt a thing to Jemma teacher has signs of illness, she still as usual energetic child to school, very dedicated, it made me very moved. Still remember once open class fast at the end of the class, the teacher gave the children a small oil, after the children had finished conveniently to throw waste paper on the ground, Jemma teacher to let your child pick it up, and throw it into the garbage bin, although this is a small thing, but I was shocked, because I the children except here can learn standard English, also I can learn more good habits, which indicates that the Jemma teacher's character and morality are very good.

Each lesson after school, look at the other class teachers leave the children after the parents is all right, but our class teacher Xu Liyan is not the same, every time after school, is the first to come out and say in class today, the content of what is, what is the point, the next class to learn what knowledge, after coming home the parents should let their children to review and preview what content, can say each child class performance, is never parents after the teacher to understand the situation of children, which makes me very touched. But I found our class teacher always very early to meet every child in the class, and for the children are ready for the English little cartoon for children to enjoy, there were many times other classes of children to our classroom together, their parents say that we make the teacher to children are particularly good.

We usually work on Facebook, and teacher for each student 's restaurant, she is very careful, as parents of the students is also very satisfied. Xu for child care and meticulous, now cold, the children at school, so the teacher always in the afternoon, send text messages to remind parents, add to the baby clothes, pay attention to keep warm, although is a text message, but let me feel warm. Once in the class, and the friends' parents chat when she told me one thing, she said once, she took her children to go to the bathroom, I met a teacher with the class another little friend in the toilet stool, the children and her children in kindergarten classmates, she just want to wait for

the little friends stool over to help her, she wipes, because the parents feel a teacher just graduated from the school, not married and has no children, must be too dirty, but she did not think of is, Xu is the first step to her little friend eraser the ass, she was very surprised. After hearing her talk about it, I was very impressed by the. This bit by bit touching things there are many.

Here to the Jemma and Xu Liyan two the teacher said thank you very much, you have worked hard!

Paul’ mother

表扬信的正确格式范文 第3篇










表扬信的正确格式范文 第4篇





表扬信的正确格式范文 第5篇



据悉,该家长是阳光分园中六班某幼儿的奶奶,11月2日早上送孙子进园刷卡时,不慎丢失了100元钱,但她本人毫无察觉。幼儿园保安雷发友和柳毓现在巡视幼儿园安全动态时,看到了遗失的钱,并把钱拣到办公室。丢了钱的失主肯定万分着急!他们第一反应是赶紧找到失主。雷发友和柳毓现在询问周围家长无果的情况下,立刻查看幼儿园的监控录像,通过仔细地查看终于找到了失主。在家长走出幼儿园的时候,两位保安把钱及时地还给了她。从丢钱到失而复得前后不过一刻钟的时间,家长感激万分,连声说“谢谢”。 感谢保安拾金不昧的精神。




表扬信的正确格式范文 第6篇

Letter of commendation

Respect school leadership:I am ST2B evening students' parents, the child came to our school has two semesters, at a child changes from day to day, every little bit of progress, my mom has not moved and the pleasure, I know there 's two teachers Jemma and Xu Liyan's hard work and sweat.

The child came to class when the mood is somewhat inconsistent, not too likes to class, each time is I was forced to, but after a few classes, children are of great changes, every time when I was in school days, will be offered to you, is ill, will insist to class, children in the learning attitude is so big change, and I think our two teachers efforts are this year, the child 's level of spoken English has changed, the pronunciation than ever learn in kindergarten to standard, still remember the boy came to class, and the teacher talk basically is a pop words, but now the children and teachers in the dialogue, are there in answering the question, also very naturally use acquired knowledge to real life, and often at home when the^v^ little teacher^v^, teach what they had learned to grandfather grandma, this let me see the progress of their children is very big also is very fast, thank you very much for Xu Liyan Jemma and two teachers.

Jemma teacher although usually after the communication with parents is not much, but each open class for me very deep impression, she always energetic, passionate, the classroom atmosphere is always so active, the child from the first minute of the class until the last minute is by Jemma teacher deeply attracted. Children always feel, 45 minutes had a good fast ah. I remember a public class Jemma teacher is ill, I am also after class to know, but a lesson time, I never felt a thing to Jemma teacher has signs of illness, she still as usual energetic child to school, very dedicated, it made me very moved. Still remember once open class fast at the end of the class, the teacher gave the children a small oil, after the children had finished conveniently to throw waste paper on the ground, Jemma teacher to let your child pick it up, and throw it into the garbage bin, although this is a small thing, but I was shocked, because I the children except here can learn standard English, also I can learn more good habits, which indicates that the Jemma teacher's character and morality are very lesson after school, look at the other class teachers leave the children after the parents is all right, but our class teacher Xu Liyan is not the same, every time after school, is the first to come out and say in class today, the content of what is, what is the point, the next class to learn what knowledge, after coming home the parents should let their children to review and preview what content, can say each child class performance, is never parents after the teacher to understand the situation of children, which makes me very touched. But I found our class teacher always very early to meet every child in the class, and for the children are ready for the English little cartoon for children to enjoy, there were many times other classes of children to our classroom together, their parents say that we make the teacher to children are particularly good. We usually work on Facebook, and teacher for each student 's restaurant, she is very careful, as parents of the students is also very satisfied. Xu for child care and meticulous, now cold, the children at school, so the teacher always in the afternoon, send text messages to remind parents, add to the baby clothes, pay attention to keep warm, although is a text message, but let me feel warm.

Once in the class, and the friends' parents chat when she told me one thing, she said once, she took her children to go to the bathroom, I met a teacher with the class another little friend in the toilet stool, the children and her children in kindergarten classmates, she just want to wait forthe little friends stool over to help her, she wipes, because the parents feel a teacher just graduated from the school, not married and has no children, must be too dirty, but she did not think of is, Xu is the first step to her little friend eraser the ass, she was very surprised. After hearing her talk about it, I was very impressed by the. This bit by bit touching things there are many.

Here to the Jemma and Xu Liyan two the teacher said thank you very much, you have worked hard!


表扬信的正确格式范文 第7篇

dear head master

of f & b department:

first of all, we thank you for the perfect service and providing delicious foods, which give us a deep impression for everything you done. here, our company specially thanks you and your team, and sends the best regards and the most sincere gratitude to all of you. at the same time, we specially thank an outstanding employee ------ ×××whom gave the most cooperation during the events.

at the end, we sincerely thank for the all supports from you and your colleagues.

millions of thanks!

your sincerely

beijing ××× co., ltd.

date: ××-××-××××

表扬信的正确格式范文 第8篇

dear cheryl,

our guide, ^v^joy^v^, in beijing, was one of the best. very knowledgeable, friendly and organized. i didn't get the feeling that she had anything to do with scheduling the factory tours. but all things considered, we had the best experiences in beijing.

many thanks for your service. thank you for arranging such a wonderful trip for us. the best thing about your trip was hiking on the great wall, jinshanling to simatai. sandy and i both agreed on that one. many thanks for a fine trip to china. i would recommend your service to others

steven bradley booking code: 61008-c60123059

client's information: steven, united states

tour starting date: october 8, XX

tour itinerary: 19 days hong kong,beijing,xi'an,luoyang,dengfeng,zhengzhou,shan ghai,suzhou,shanghai,hong kong tour

表扬信的正确格式范文 第9篇







表扬信的正确格式范文 第10篇





学习了好多新东西,每天老师教的东西都会发信息回来要我们一起温习,我惊奇的发现,祺祺你的接受能力很好,看来上课是认真听讲的,从最初的语言课的《大姆歌》、《拉大锯》,到最近才学的《点点爱上幼儿园》;礼仪课的《入园》、《洗手》,都能说给我们听,《我爱我的小动物》、《我爱我的幼儿园》歌曲等等,都会一边说唱,还一边做动作呢;英文课的GOOD MORNING,和HELLO也会哦,呵呵,就是“GOOD 猫宁”每次都唱成“GOOD 猫咪”晕,HELLO还有点点没有记全,不过爸爸妈妈觉得已经很不错啦,进步很大;画画也不错哦,虽然和其他小朋友比有点点差距,但基本能领悟到老师的要点,没有涂到外面,就是用色上还要搭配好,细心耐心一点肯定会越来越好的!周日发回来的数学书,都主动告诉我们,老师布置作业了,叫《送图形宝宝回家》,晚上刚吃完饭就要求我们,帮忙连线,好主动啊!





表扬信的正确格式范文 第11篇


那段日子,因为我的生命可以无限延续而兴奋,因为有个生命依靠我生存而自豪。日子过的,仔细 轻快 喜悦。不久宝宝出生几个月大了,母亲一直跑前跑后忙活着我们母女俩,可有一次我从医院拿回来糖丸,在这之前我早已看资料学了怎样给婴儿喂药的方法。可母亲不知道,心爱的外孙女要吃药了如临大敌一样的她,拿勺子 拿水 拿毛巾还挽起袖子,一进屋我已经稳稳当当的把药喂进宝宝的口中,母亲站在那儿楞了好一会。我不敢抬头看她,怕看到伤心、失落或其它的什么,真后悔不该喂的那么快,应该问问她老人家,母亲慢慢的走出房门什么也没说,我能感觉到那被我忽略了的母爱,我依然拥有而且更深。望着母亲的背影上面写满了“女儿长大了”酸酸的几个字。

转眼间宝宝三周岁了,她是那么的懂事 聪明 可爱。一天宝宝在睡午觉,我做完家务想着宝宝该醒了,就洗了一些樱桃坐在她旁边,望着她圆圆的大苹果脸,想着太快了三年了!女儿带给我的没有烦恼只有欢乐。想着想着她象是就要上大学走了,天呀!不自觉中我急忙抓住女儿的小手,生怕她醒来真的上大学走了。这时女儿那长长密密的双眸悄悄地张开和我对望着,象似读懂了我的心情在安慰我,于是我拿了一个樱桃放在她的口中“宝宝,这就是爱你懂吗 ”宝宝点着头“我懂”我不确定她真的懂。但几天后,我下班回来,宝宝跑过来拉着我来到窗边,拿起她最爱喝的果奶说:“妈妈累妈妈喝”我笑着紧紧抱着她说:“谢谢”她却捧着我的脸说:“妈妈,这就是爱,我爱妈妈”。









表扬信的正确格式范文 第12篇



在软件问题解决方面:杨福全积极解决问题并告知注意事项。 在后续软件功能的开发需求方面:张晨舒和申炜多次上门沟通,就我公司目前的情况和软件如何对接做了很多具有建设性的工作。






表扬信的正确格式范文 第13篇


通过这次事件公司非常感动宫伟刚同志,在灾难面前不退却,一起努力克服困难、共同参与和支持消防安全行动。鹏广达有这样的员工这种职业情操、高素质表示赞扬,也反映出公司经营的工作高度负责的态度、是我们信任的。 为了倡导这种以及以大局为重的行为的精神,鼓励全公司职工向宫伟刚同志学习,特此在全山海四季花园工地范围内进行通报表扬,并给予200元经济奖励。同时希望宫伟刚同志再接再厉,努力工作,争取在工作岗位上做出更突出的贡献。



表扬信的正确格式范文 第14篇


学校将积累这些钱捐给那些需要帮助的人。张*、李*两位同学这种拾金不昧的行为,表现出作为一名普通学生高尚的品质和良好的道德情操,是新时期雷锋精神在我校学生身上的再现,是我校的“活雷锋”,是全校师生学习的榜样。我校对拥有这样的学生感到光荣和骄傲,对此进行全校通报表扬。并号召全体同学学习这种拾金不昧的精神,为建设文明和-谐校园贡献出自己的一份力量!(文章自实用工作文档栏目) xx三小20xx年9月13日10月23日上午,福星速录14班学员晁蕊同学在学校走廊路过时,捡到了一部手机。





表扬信的正确格式范文 第15篇







助人为乐表扬信范文四 (五)








表扬信的正确格式范文 第16篇

表扬信通常由标题、抬头、正文、结尾和落款五部分构成。 其基本格式如下:




表扬信的称呼应在开头顶格写上被表扬的机关、单位、团体或个人的名称、姓名。写给个人 的.表扬信,应在姓名之后加上“同志”、“先生”等字样,后边加冒号。若直接张贴到某机 关、单位、团体的表扬信,开头可不必再写受文单位。




用概括叙述的语言,重点叙述人物事迹的发生、发展、结果及其意义。叙述要清楚,要突出 最本质的方面,要让实事说话,少讲空道理。


在叙事的基础上进行评价、议论,赞颂该人所作所为的道德意义。如指出这种行为属于哪种 好思想,好风尚,好品德。


该部分要提出对对方的表扬,或者向对方的单位提出建议,希望对某某某给予表扬。如“某 某某同志的优秀品德值得大家学习,建议予以表扬。”写给本人的表扬信,则应适当谈些“ 深受感动”、“值得我们学习”等方面的内容。并要求在结尾处写上“此致敬礼”等结束用 语。但“此致”、“祝”、“谨表”、“向你”等字写在末尾,其余的字,要另起一行,顶 格写。



表扬信的正确格式范文 第17篇










表扬信的正确格式范文 第18篇



20xx 年 12 月 5 日傍晚 , 我回家停车时,一时疏忽将钱包遗失在车库,包内有银行卡、超市购物卡和现金若干,更重要的是包中还有身份证、社保卡等重要证件。正当我异常沮丧、心急如焚的时候,贵单位的 13 号保安毛中海打电话告知我他捡到了我的钱包,并让我马上去岗亭取。我当时简直不敢相信这是真的,在拿到失而复得的钱包后,我深感幸运,同时非常感动。




