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外贸信函范文英文格式 第1篇

Exporter Writes to Importer


(1)Dear Sirs,

Your firm has been recommended to us by John Morris&Co., with whom we have done business for many years.

We specialize in the exportation of Chinese Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals, which have enjoyed great popularity in world market. We enclose a copy of our catalogue for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is interesting to you.

We hope you will give us an early reply.

Yours faithfully,


in 专门(从事),专门(经营)

We specialize in the import an export of Arts and Crafts. 我们专门经营工艺品的进出口。

n. 常用复数,化工产品、化学制品 (=chemical products)

n. 药品,药剂,成药

great popularity 享有盛誉


The goods are most popular with our customers.

The goods have commanded a good market.

The goods are selling fast (or enjoy fast sales).

The goods are universally acknowledged.

The goods are unanimously acclaimed by our customers.


ready seller;quick seller;quick-selling product.

Judging from our experience in marketing our garden tools in Australia, we are rather confident that they will soon become quick-selling products in your market. 根据我们在澳大利亚销售园林工具的经验,我们相信这些产品将很快在你方市场上成为畅销品。

. 与...联系;与...接触

For further details, please contact our local office. 详情请向我们当地的分支机构探询。

contact n. 联系;交往

We have been in contact with that firm for nearly two years. 我们与那家公司有近两年的交往。


Dear Sirs,

Through the courtesy of Messrs. Freemen&Co., Ltd., Lagos, Nigeria, we come to know your name and address. Also we are informed that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods. As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you.

We enclose a brochure and a pricelist to acquaint you with our commodities now available for export. Quotations and samples will be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.

Your favourable reply will be highly appreciated.

Yours faithfully,


the courtesy of..., we come to know your name and address. 承蒙...使我们得知你公司的名称和地址。


We owe your name and address to...

We are indebted to... for your name and address.

within the scope of our business activities 属于我们的经营范围

类似的表达方法有 be within (lie within, come under) the scope of our trade activities; be within (lie within, fall within) our business scope (sphere)等。

n. 小册子(法语), 相当于英语pamphlet

. 使认识,使了解

acquaint sb. with (或 of;that)

In order to acquaint you with our products, we airmailed you two samples this morning. 为使你方了解我方产品,我们今晨寄去两个样品。

v. 感谢,感激(可接动名词,不可接不定式);理解,体会

We highly appreciate your kind cooperation.我们十分感激你方的合作。

We shall appreciate your giving this matter your serious consideration. 请你方对此事认真考虑为感。

We shall appreciate it if you will send us a brochure and sample book by air immediately. 如能立即航寄一份说明书和一份样本,不胜感激。

We hope you will appreciate our position. 希望你们能理解我们的处境。


It will be greatly appreciated if you will send us your samples immediately. 如能立即寄来你方样品, 我们将不胜感激。

Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. 如能尽快回复将不胜感激。

外贸信函范文英文格式 第2篇

居 住 地:天津-天津 户 籍 地:湖南-

婚姻状况:未婚 身高(cm):160


本人主修 外贸 英语 ,大学 英语 6级,熟练的办公室软件操作,熟悉 外贸 业务流程。四个月赴美实习经验,积极勤奋,吃苦耐劳,个性主动,思路敏捷,沟通能力强。

求职 意向


期望从事行业:家用电器/消费电子,汽摩及配件/交通产品,商务服务/ 国际货运

期望从事职位: 外贸 业务



2011/6-2011/10 Belvedere Motel

工作地点: Atlantic,New Jersey,USA

工作职位: house keeper

工作职责和业绩: be waitess do some cleaning

2011/2-2011/6 **化妆品店

工作地点: 长沙市雨花区香樟路

工作职位: 营业员

工作职责和业绩: 销售化妆品

2010/11-2011/2 潮流前线

工作地点: 湖南株洲**

工作职位: 营业员

工作职责和业绩: 销售服装


2008/9 - 2011/ 长沙理工

学历: 本科

专业: 经济学类 :外贸 英语

描述: 英语语法,综合英语,英语阅读,英语视听, 英语口语 英,语国家概况, 日语 , 外贸英语 函电,英文写作,英汉 翻译 ,英美文学,英语语言学,第二外语,汉英 翻译 ,,英文报刊选读,外贸 单证 , 外贸英语 , 商务英语 阅读,WTO文本英语, 国际贸易 与实务,商务谈判等


英语 - 熟练

日语 - 一般

汉语 - 母语

外语 简历

外贸信函范文英文格式 第3篇

培养目标::旨在通过基础理论知识教学和基本技能训练,培养既有较扎实的英语听、说、读、写、译的语言综合运用交际能力,又能熟练地应用经贸专业知识和技能,从事经贸和其他涉外企业事业的管理和实务工作的应用型、复合型人才,满足社会对高素质、专业性强外贸英语人才的需求。 核心课程::商务英语精读,商务英语视听说,英文应用写作、国际贸易实务、外贸函电、国际市场营销、外贸谈判、国际金融等。 实践教学:主要进行商务礼仪模拟情景实训及外贸流程仿真实训。并与校企合作企业进行真实育人环境训练。 就业领域::企事业单位涉外文秘和管理人员,国际贸易及进出口贸易从业人员、英语培训及相关翻译人员、商务谈判、商务助理等。确保就业率在95%以上。

外贸信函范文英文格式 第4篇


Thank you for your letter of 26 January. I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month. To prevent the occurrence of these problems, I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your orders. We have devised the enclosed checklist to be used for your future orders. It includes your firm's particular specifications, packing requirements and marking instructions. Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.

感谢1月26日来信。非常抱歉上个月给你方造成的运输问题。唯恐类似事件再发生,本公司生产和运输部经理已商议制订更有效的方法处理贵公司事务,并为此特别设计清单。 随信奉上该清单,供贵公司今后订货之用。当中包括特殊规格、包装要求和市场说明等栏目,相信此举有助本公司提供更佳服务,促进双方合作。如欲增设任何栏目于该清单上,恳求惠示。

外贸信函范文英文格式 第5篇

其他日常工作的函电写作Other routine letter 1. 出差的自动回复说明你正在出差、发送你的暂时联系方式、表示不便的抱歉2. 职务调动通知你提早改变的你的职位、告诉顾客说继续负责并提供联系方式、表示客户理解的感谢。3. 休假的通知简单描述具体的休假时间、安排交接、希望客户理解。4. 通知客户展会安排给潜在客户的具体展会信息、展示展会细节、希望客户来参展。5. 通知客户公司新规定通知代理人你公司的新规、解释新规的细节、希望业务能够继续壮大。 节日问候Holiday Greetings

CAT辅助翻译工具Trados, Memsource, MemoQ, Word fast, Aegisub.

外贸信函范文英文格式 第6篇

Dear Sirs: June 24, 2001

Thank you for your letter of June 18 enclosing details of your terms. According to your request for opening an irrevocable L/C, we have instructed the Beijing City Commercial Bank to open a credit for US$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until Sep. 20. Please advise us by fax when the order has been executed.


外贸信函范文英文格式 第7篇

支付 Payment1. 催款函提及相关订单。催促买家付款,说明金额和支付条款。表达你的态度。 2. 收到客户付款通知通知支付已经被创建。附上银行水单如果有的话。询问原始单据和电放提单。 3. 请客户提供银行汇款凭证提及相关订单。寻求银行水单并说明理由。表达你的态度。 4. 发现付款错误跟客户重新谈论说明付款错误。请求重新支付。推进解决。 5. 告知客户款项收到提及相关订单号货物和合同。说明支付已经收到。表达你对未来业务的期待。 6. 请客户接受信用证不符点说明不符点和导致不符点的原因。请求买家告知银行接受不符点。表达你的态度。 7. 讨论新订单付款方式表达你对实际业务完成的满意。询问新的支付方式。说明为什么你需要新的付款方式的理由。期待同意并提前说明你的态度。 The order has executed to the entire satisfaction of customers.这笔订单执行令顾客完全满意。 We regret to find that there is a discrepancy in the amount od your L/C我们很遗憾的发现你放信用证金额有误。 It is expensive for us to open an L/C and it will tie up the capital of small company like ours, so it is better for us to adopt the collection of D/P or D/A.开立信用证费用很高,会影响像我方这样的小公司的资金周转。因此最好采用付款交单或承兑交单的托收方式。

外贸信函范文英文格式 第8篇

装运 Shipment 1. 提出装运指示参考装运的订单货物。提供具体的装运要求细节。希望尽快收到货物。 2. 包装要求参考装运的订单货物。提供具体的包装要求。希望尽快收到货物。 3. 催促尽早发货直接说明信件的目的:查询订单货物的装运。催促装运并给出理由。尽可能表达尽快收到货物。 4. 申请第三方验货参考装运的订单货物。表达申请第三方验货的意愿 5. 装运通知告知装运订单和船名。表达货物可以准时达到和业务可以持续发展的希望。 Please make every endeavor to arrive punctually.请尽量准时到达。 If you believe it is fair for all concerned, it will withstand the test of time.如果你相信它从任何观点考量都是公平的,它将会经得起时间的考验。 Arranged in container用…包装 The packages are intact,包装完整无损。 The debts of many smaller developers will fall due next year.许多更小型开发商的债务将会在明年到期。 You may ship the goods in three lots.你可以分三批装运。 We wish to call your attention to the fact that…以下情况你们应该注意(起委婉强调的作用的句型) You should make the delivery in the time of validity.你应该在信用证有效期内完成交货。 保险 Insurance 1. 进口商要求出口商办理保险提及需要保险的货物。说明保险涵盖的风险和金额。澄清保险费的支付。表达你的期望。 2. 回复函电确认进口商请求的接受。通知进口商做完的事情。澄清保险费支付的金额。 Which is a state-operated enterprise enjoying high prestige in settling clams promptly and equitably.中国人民保险公司是国有企业,享有理赔迅速处理公正的声誉。 The premium for the above-mentioned goods is at the rate of of the insured value declared against All Risks plus against War Risk.上述商品投保一切险的费率为保险金额的,加投战争险的费率为保险金额的。

外贸信函范文英文格式 第9篇

Gentlemen: June 18, 2001

Thank you for your order No. 599. In order to execute it, please open an irrevocable L/C for the amount of US$ 50,000 in our favor. This account shall be available until Sep. 20. Upon arrival of the L/C we will pack and ship the order as requested.


外贸信函范文英文格式 第10篇

Kiddie Korner,Inc. March 2nd,2000 Datex Trading Co. Ltd. Lianfang building 666 Huayuan Avenue Dalian,Liaoning China

Dear Sir or Madam,

We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the Menswear Exhibition that was held in Chicago last month.

We are a large chain of retailers and looking for a manufacturer who could supplyus with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market.

As we usually place very large orders,we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off net list prices,and our terms of payment are normally 30 days bill of exchange,documents against payment.

If these conditions interest you,and you can meet orders of over 1000 garments at one time,please send us your current catalogue and hope to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Fred Johns

China Trade Manager

外贸信函范文英文格式 第11篇

To: Purchase Manager

Supplier of Deep Groove Ball bearings

April 29, 2010

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to write to you and hope to establish business relations with you. I got your company's name and email address from the Internet.

Ningbo Fenghai bearing Co., Ltd. Is a professional production of deep groove ball bearings manufacturers. The company's products have passed ISO 9001: 2000 quality system certification.

For more information, we would like to let you know that our company website is as follows.

Hope to hear good news from you.

Sincere you,


Export Manager

Ningbo co., Ltd.






外贸信函范文英文格式 第12篇

Dear Sirs: May 1, 2001

Inquiries regarding our new product, the Deer Mountain Bike, have been coming in from all parts of the world. Reports from users confirm what we knew before it was put on the market - that it is the best mountain bike available. Enclosed is our brochure.

Yours faithfully

外贸信函范文英文格式 第13篇

Dear Mr/Ms,

I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?

I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.

Yours faithfully
