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专八写作范文pdf 第1篇

Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.


If you have a good neighbor, you are a lucky person. You have someone who cares about your needs and your property, who is helpful in the little day-to-day situations that come up, and who is supportive in times of crisis.

A good neighbor is someone who, for instance, understands that your children may occasionally run across his lawn, even though you tell them not to. He’ll realize that children can be careless about things like that, and he won’t make a big fuss about it unless it becomes a regular thing. In the same vein, he knows that you’ll understand if some of the trash from his trash cans blows across into your yard. IN other words, he is sensitive to the unintentional things that can happen. He doesn’t make a big deal about them.

A good neighbor is also respectful of your property. For example, she asks your permission before doing anything that interferes with what’s yours. This means she wouldn’t plant a huge tree in between your houses without asking how you feel about it. If she wanted to put up a fence, she would let you know first. She might work with you to decide where it should be placed. Maybe the two of you would even split the cost.

A good neighbor would lend you some milk if you ran out . She’d give you a ride to work if your car was broken, and let your children stay at her house in the evening if you got stuck working overtime. You would do the same for her. Both of you would help make the other’s life easier.

when something really awful happens to you, like a death in the family, a good neighbor will volunteer to help in any way he can. This could mean something small, like making some casseroles to put in your freezer to feed vesting relatives, Or it could mean something big, like helping you get through the sadness of the funeral.

I think only someone who has experienced a bad neighbor can really appreciate a good one! A good neighbor can be a good friend. He or she can make all the difference in the world to your life

专八写作范文pdf 第2篇

Cooperation Goes with Competition

In our times, cooperation and competition spread over the world. Both of them speed up the wheel of economy and enrich the intelligence of mankind. It is possible to accomplish a complicated program by only one person now. As we know, the more cooperation a company depends on, the more efficient it will become in business.

Furthermore, we can’t avoid competition in our exchanges. From time to time, we compare ourselves with others, expecting to catch up with others. This is the spirit of competition, by which we pursue the highest goal. It is only by competition in the market that a company can raise its reputation. Were it not for competition, say, all of us would not enjoy what we have achieved.

专八写作范文pdf 第3篇

Living in university dormitories or apartments in the community?

I think it is better for college students to live on campus during their first two years, and then move into an apartment for off-campus life, while juniors and seniors need the independence of off-campus life. Student’s needs change over four years, so their housing should too.

Living on-campus makes it easier to get oriented to the way things are done. You get the whole university experience. Plus, you interact more with other students. This includes not only your roommates, but everyone in your dormitory. The older students in the dormitory can be a big help for the new students. Keeping up with studies in your first year is hard enough. You should not have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy.

Living in the dormitory also makes a student feel more a part of the university community. There are more opportunities for becoming involved in university activities and networking with students and university administration.

Living off-campus, however, is a definite advantage for older students. Finding an apartment, dealing with leases and the landlord’s regulations, cooking meals, and figuring out budgets are all good practice for life after graduation. This kind of independence helps older students grow in adulthood.

Off-campus housing also gives students a better perspective on what is going on around them. Campus can be like little worlds of their own. There are few children or older people and everyone is focused on education. Getting to know neighbors who are not students is good for students coming from difference places. It is a chance to find out what other people think and feel.

I think a combination of two years on-campus and two years off-campus is a winning combination for most students.

专八写作范文pdf 第4篇


Model Essay(范文):

Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. If our greatexplorers and scientists did not live by this creed,where would we be? I think that we must all take risks in our lives, but these must becalculated risks. Like the great thinkers of our time, we must plan carefully, seize allopportunities, and reevaluate our plans.

There is no such thing as a chance occurrence. Columbus in his search for the Indies drewmaps, plotted his route carefully, and set out. Madam Curie worked diligently in her laboratoryrecording every aspect of her experiments. You need to have a careful plan so you canmeasure your success.

Even with a careful plan, changes occur. Columbus was looking for the Indies, but ended upin the Caribbean. Lewis and Clark were looking for a river passage west, but discovered muchmore. You have to be ready to take advantage of new things as they occur.

When things go against plan, you must be ready to change direction. Columbus didn't bringback spices from the East Indies, he brought back gold from the West Indies. It is important tosee the positive side of things. Make your mistakes work for you.

You will never succeed in life if you don't take chance. But before you start, you must plancarefully so you are ready to take advantage of every opportunity and turn mistakes to youradvantage.


Model Essay(范文):

“If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.”These are wise words. One should never give is always another opportunity, another goal, or another option.

Once I ran for president of my class. Unfortunately, I lost. I lost because I did not promotemyself enough. I looked at my mistakes and decided how to correct them. The following year, Iran for president again. This time I gave speeches, called voters on the phone, and banded outbrochures. This time I won. Never give up. There is always another opportunity.

Once I wanted to study medicine. Unfortunately, I didn't like science. I failed all my sciencecourses at school. Then I realized that what I liked about medicine was helping people. Ichanged my goal from healing people to helping people. Now, I'm studying psychology. Thereis always another goal.

Once I wanted to talk with my friend. Unfortunately, his computer was down and I couldn't e-mail him. His phone line was busy so I couldn't call him. Mail would take too long so I couldn'twrite him. Since I really wanted to talk with him. I got on the bus and went across town to visithim. There is always another option.

If you give up, you might as well die. My advice is to always look for another opportunity,another goal, or another option. There is always something else. Don't give up.

专八写作范文pdf 第5篇

People have different views on what children should do at a very early age. Some think that children should begin their formal education and start to spend most of their time on studies. Others believe that it is still time for young children to play. Both views are based on respective ground.

Those who argue for the playing time for children suggest that children at a very early age are still too young to focus their attention on learning. Their brain may not be ready for serious studies such as comprehension and memorizing learning materials. These people are partially right, for it is true that young children can hardly concentrate. Their attention on one thing lasts for no longer than 15 minutes or so. But we can arrange classes for shorter periods, can’t we? And we can shift teaching subjects. Through putting them to study, young children are occupied with learning but not with playing.

Those who argue for children’s early commencement for formal education believe that being put to studies, children can develop good habit of studying, for the process of learning helps develop children’s mental abilities like the ability to memorize, the ability to understand and the ability to do simple calculation. Children’s habit of studying and love for learning are of great importance to youngsters because these two things set up the sound foundation for their future studies.

Having children start formal education at a very early age benefits young children much more than simply letting them play most of their time. A good habit needs a long time to develop to become a second nature. More importantly, it is better to develop a good habit before a bad one may grow. Similarly, the love for learning should take toots for before the love for playing is established.

专八写作范文pdf 第6篇

Nowadays, food has bee easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.

The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is pletely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing an oven-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.

Food preparation today allows for more variety. With refrigerators and freezers, we can preserve a lot of different foods in our homes. Since technology makes cooking so much faster, people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal. Parents are more likely to let children be picky, now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese on the side. Needless to say, adults living in the same house may have very different eating habits as well. If they don’t want to cook a lot of different dishes, it’s mon now to eat out at restaurants several times a week.

Healthful eating is also easier than ever now. When people cook, they use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. Additionally, we can buy fruits and vegetable fresh, frozen or canned. They are easy to prepare, so many of us eat more of those nutritious items daily. A hundred years ago, you couldn’t imagine the process of taking some frozen fruit and ice from the freezer, adding some low-fat yogurt from a plastic cup and some juice from a can in the refrigerator, and whipping up a low-fat smoothie in the blender!

Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. What new food preparation technology has given us is more choices. Today, we can prepare food that is more convenient, healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history.

专八写作范文pdf 第7篇

Crisis is to us what illness is to our body. Just as fatal disease can destroy our body and sometimes even put an end to our lives, so does smashing crisis knock us down so irrevocably and hopelessly that we might never have chance of standing up again. However, most crises that frequent us in life are not such category. They, like occasional ailments which sometimes can bolster our body’s immune system, are mostly minor and surmountable and therefore making us hardy enough to survive whatever adversities in our later life. Even those serious crises, if handled properly, can be turned to a blessing to us, too.

A ready example that comes to mind is SARS crisis that has recently torn apart and ravaged most of China. Admittedly, it has cost us quite a lot. Some people suffered health damage and still some even lost their lives. And our economy suffers a temporary setback and a slowdown. However, we still have much to learn and are yet to exhaust listing legacies left by this crisis. Among them are:

First, we are more concerned than ever before with our health, and the environment we live in, and above all, the vulnerable medical system and practice we have so long cherished and regarded as matter of course (have taken for granted). Also, we, all of sudden, realize otherwise not so obvious a truth that life is so infirm, feeble and precarious that if we somehow fail to take advantage of it right here and now, we may have no chance of even saying any words of love to our beloved, not to mention doing anything. Additionally, we tried and bettered and are still bettering our mechanism to respond to unexpected crises. These and other lessons and legacies brought about by blood, tear, toil and sweat are benefiting and continue to benefit us and generations of Chinese to come.

As a well-known ancient Chinese notion goes, the past lessons if not buried in oblivion are mentors for us all. If we can bear in mind sufferings and ordeals we have experienced, then those of our compatriots who had died did not die in vain and our sufferings will not go unrewarded.

专八写作范文pdf 第8篇

关于专八的备考,其实资料书蛮少的。我自己看了一下这三本书:《日语专业八级考试详解》《大学日语专业八级轻松过级一点通》《日语专业考试综合测试指导(8级)》。当然每本都是选看的,介么多也看不完呢~ 这些书里都有介绍考试题型、分值、时间的。









考前自己看了些惯用句的,但是考试的时候,好像都没考到看过的......= =|||所以还是贵在积累啊!

















为神马叫做半裸考呢?因为没有完全复习啦。真正复习了的,就只有古代语法、敬语。惯用句看了些。考前拿近几年的真题做做(我自己选做了点,而且真题也只做了笔试客观题的部分),就是找找感觉,熟悉一下题型。真正复习的时间可能就一个星期吧~当然大家有时间的话,可以好好准备,我自己是比较仓促。嗦了这么多,望天~ 如果想要准备考专八的童鞋,还是加油吧~

专八写作范文pdf 第9篇

Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.


Some people may believe that going to classes should be optional, but I disagree. I don’t understand how university students can expect to learn anything if they don’t attend classes. Personal experience can help people learn about themselves and the world outside the classroom, but when it comes to learning about academic subjects, students need to be in class.

In class they receive the benefit of the teacher’s knowledge. The best teachers do more than just go over the material in than class textbook. They draw their students into discussion of the material. They present opposing points of view. They schedule guest speakers to come, give the students additional information, or show documentary films on the subject.

Also, attending classes on any subject teaches more than just facts. It teaches students how to learn, how to absorb information and then apply what they’ve learned to other situations. Their teacher is the best one to help them with these skills. They can’t learn them just by reading the textbook.

Going to class also teaches students how to work with the other members of the class. Many times students will be given group assignments. This is different from what they did in secondary school. Here they’re with people from different backgrounds and experiences. In this situation, they learn how to handle working with people different from themselves to achieve a common goal.

Going to class also teaches students responsibility and discipline. Having to be at a particular place at a particular time prepares them for getting a job. Being at a place on time with an assignment completed prepares them for a career.

In short, by going to class students learn more than just information from the teacher. They also learn how to learn, how to work with others, and how to work responsibly. These are not optional skills in life, so attending classes should not be optional in college.

专八写作范文pdf 第10篇

Some people are committed to their dreams and work hard to achieve their goals. What is guiding them is akind of people think that illusion is good for success while others argue that it is not sogood because it may get people far as I am concerned, illusion is necessary in our life only if it is encouraging and realistic.

There are several of all,there is power in illusion. The illusion can lead people to thepath they want to go on and it gives us passion. We need to live each moment wholeheartedly,with all our senses so that we can find pleasure in the fragrance of backyard garden, the crayoned picture of a six-year-old,and the enchanting beauty of a illusion can be enthusiastic love of life that puts sparkle in our eyes,a lilt in our steps and smoothes the wrinkles from our souls.

Secondly,we are born with wide-eyed,enthusiastic wonder as anyone knows who has ever seen an infant’s delight at the jingle of keys or the scurrying of a is this childlike wonder and illusion that gives enthusiastic people such a youthful air,no matter how old they are. For example,the famous cellist Pablo Casals would start his day by playing the music flowed through his fingers,his stooped shouldrs would straighten and joy would reappear in his ,for him,was an elixir that made life a never-ending author and poet Samuel Ullman once wrote,“Years wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”

Lastly, people with illusions also love what they do,regardless of money or power or we cannot do what we love as a full-time career,we can as do a part-time vocation,like the head of state who paints,the nun who runs marathons and the executive who handcrafts cannot afford to waste tears and energy and time on “might-have-beens”.We need to turn the tears into sweat as we go after “what-can-be”.

To sum up,God gives each bird its food,but he does not throw it into its you want to go,just cherish your precious illusion and let your dream be realized.

专八写作范文pdf 第11篇

Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don’t always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home. While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spendcan add up. When I have dinner at restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.

Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and they serve big plates of food--much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate of food ^v^because you paid for it^v^. It’s true that eating out is convenient. You don’t have to shop, or cook, or clean up. But real home cooking doesn’t have to take a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don’t take long to make. In fact, they’re faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spenddriving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table, waiting for service, and driving home.

Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.

专八写作范文pdf 第12篇










专八写作范文pdf 第13篇

As a student having received many years of education, I’m both nicely surprised and gratified by the term“class rights”. This educational concept challenges the traditional education rules, and can be considered as a revolution in classroom teaching. And my favor goes to the abandoning of previous rigid disciplines.

First of all, class rights actually cater to natural physiological needs and basic legal rights of learners. Students’ drinking water and going to bathroom during class used to be denied due to class disciplines previously adopted. And this practice is against human rights, according to western educators. It can be regarded as an improvement that we have taken care of these basic human needs. Schools and teachers used to stress students’ obligations to observe school regulations, but tend to ignore their class rights. Students, though young in age, are inalienable part of human, it was unreasonable for them to have obligations but no rights.

Secondly, the classroom is not only a place for knowledge transfer, but also a place of humanity education. As independent individuals, children should be respected in class. Only when their status as human individuals is valued, can they grow up healthily in a sound educational environment. The caring for class rights implies the principle of equality, democracy and mutual respect, thus encouraging the students’ thinking and stimulating their creativity. Therefore, old-fashioned school discipline can no longer keep up with current situation. Respecting students’ class rights means not only permitting them to drink water or go to bathroom during class, but also encourage them to think, to speak out, to practice what is learned, to communicate and to give them enough opportunities to express themselves. They can question what teachers teach, make their options in doing teachers’ assignment, or refuse to answer teachers’ questions in class. In this way, they can fully enjoy their school experience.

Whether the class rights are scientific or not, the move itself is valuable and significant. If these class rights can be translated into legislation and become legal principle, then students’ rights would be well protected. The education circle should not only recognize these class rights, but also put them into actual practice.

专八写作范文pdf 第14篇


Harvard Business School professor George Lodge calls the ritual acceptance of blame “almost a feudal (封建的) way of purging (清除) the community of dishonor,” and to some in the United States, such resignations look cowardly. However, in an era in which both business and governmental leaders seem particularly good at evading responsibility, many US managers would probably welcome an infusion (灌输) of the Japanese sense of responsibility, If, for instance, US automobile company executives offered to reduce their own salaries before they asked their workers to take pay cuts, negotiations would probably take on a very different character.


acceptance n.接受, 承诺, 容忍, 赞同, 相信

resignation n.辞职, 辞职书, 放弃, 顺从

cowardly adv.胆怯地

evade v.规避, 逃避, 躲避

executive adj.实行的., 执行的, 行政的 n.执行者, 经理主管人员



plan met with universal acceptance.

. Ambassador John Danforth submitted his resignation after holding the job for less than six months .

held them in contempt for behaving in such a cowardly way.

me a direct answer, and stop evading the issue.






专八写作范文pdf 第15篇

Most of us can learn how to do something simple on our own with just a set of instructions. However, to learn about something more complex, it’s always best to have a teacher.

Teachers bring with them varied and useful backgrounds. They’ve been trained to teach individuals in different ways depending on their style. For instance, omen students learn better by discussing a topic. Others learn more by writing about it. Teachers can help students learn in the way that’s best of each student. A textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something. Plus they’re only as helpful as your ability to understand them. A good teacher can adapt her teaching to your needs.

Teachers help you focus on what you’re learning. If you’re learning something by yourself, it’s easy to become distracted, and go on to other activities. Teachers keep your attention on the subject. They also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. On your own, it’s tempting to skip parts of the learning process you think you don’t need. That can binder your ability to really understand the subject.

Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning. You can only use the information you get from the textbook. With a teacher, you get the information in the written materials as well as the teacher’s own knowledge of the topic. Teachers can also provide extra materials to broaden the scope of what you’re learning.

There’s nothing wrong with studying on your own, and a learner can always benefit from some quiet study. For the best possible learning, though, a good teacher is the biggest help you can have.

专八写作范文pdf 第16篇


1 . in common (和…)有共同之处,共用 be common to sb. 是与某人所共有的

2 . keep company with (=be friendly and go out together) 和…要好

3 . compare…with … 把…与…比较

4 . compare…to… 把…比作…

5 . by comparison 比较起来

6 . in comparison with (=in contrast to) 和…比起来

7 . compensate for (=give sth. to make up for) 补偿, 赔偿,弥补 compensate sb. for sth. 赔偿,弥补

8 . complain of (or about)抱怨;诉苦;控告;complain about 抱怨某人或事情;complain to sb. about sth. (or sb.) 向某人抱怨…;complain (抱怨);complement (补充);compliment (恭维)

9 . comply with (=act in accordance with a demand, order, rule etc.) 遵守, 依从

10 . conceive of (think of, imagine, consider) 想象,设想

11 . concentrate on (or upon) 集中,专心

12 . be concerned with (=about) 与…有关

13 . concern oneself about with 关心

14 . in conclusion(=as the last thing)最后一点;at the conclusion of 当…结束时

15 . condemn sb. to 判决

16 . on condition that (=if)以…为条件, 假如. in that = because因为;now that = since既然 for all that = although 尽管

17 . in out of condition (=thoroughly healthy or fit not fit) 健康状况好不好 in good (bad) condition处于良好(坏)状态

18 . confess(to)(=admit a fault, crime, or sth. wrong)承认, 供认;confess to a crime 承认罪行

19 .take…into consideration (=take account of, take…into account)考虑到, 把 …考虑进去

20 . considerate (=thoughtful of the needs) 体贴的, 考虑他人需要的, considerable相当大的,值得考虑的

21 . consist of(=be composed of)由…组成的. consist in主要在于. consist with符合,与…一致

22 . be consistent with(=be in agreement with)与…一致. be consistent in一贯的

23 . by chance(=accidentally, by accident) 偶然

24 . for a change换换环境(花样等)

25 . charge sb. with …控告某人犯有…

26 . in charge of (=responsible for) 负责(某事) in the charge of …由…管

27 . take charge of (=to be or become responsible for)负责管理(照顾)

28 . charge…for 因…索取(费用) , charge sb. with sth. 控告某人犯有…

29 . round the clock(=all day and all night, usually without stopping) 昼夜不停地

30 . comment on 评论

31 . commit oneself to 使自己承担… commit sb. to prison把某人送进^v^;commit one's idea to writing 把某人的想法写下来;commit a matter to a committee 把某事交给委员会讨论

32 . consult sb. on about sth. 向…征求…方面的意见, 就…向…请教

33 . to one's heart's content尽情地,痛痛快快

34 . confide in (=to talk freely to sb. about one's secret) 对…讲真心话, 依赖

35 . in confidence 推心置腹地;with confidence 满怀信心地;have confidence in 对…有信心

36 . confidence in sb. /sth. 对…的信赖

37 . be confident of 有信心;confidential 机密的

38 . confine…to… 把…限制在某范围内

39 . confirm sb. in 使某人更坚定(信念等)

40 . conform to (=be in agreement with, comply with) 符合,遵照,遵守;)obey 服从;) observe;)comply with照…办;)keep to遵循;)abide by服从;)stick to按..做

41 . be confronted with(=be brought face to face with) 面对, 面临

42 . congratulate sb. on 祝贺

43 . in connection with(=with regard to)关于

44 . be conscious of(=be aware of)觉察,知道

45 . consent to(=give agreement to permission)同意

46 . in consequence (=as a result) 结果

47 . in consequence of (=as a consequence of)由于…的结果

48 . under consideration 在考虑中

49 . in consideration of (=in return for, on account of, because of )由于

50 . on no consideration(in no case)无论如何也不

专八写作范文pdf 第17篇

Peoples ideas about donating blood vary from person to people think that it is glorious to donate blood. They hold this opinion because those who are in urgent need of blood can be ,others hold that it is foolish for people to donate their opinion,blood is very precious and losing 200ml or more may do harm to their health.

As to me, I am in favor of the first following are the reasons for my , while it is true that the loss of too much blood is dangerous to ones health,it does not mean that donating a little blood is also the contrary,doctors say that donating a little blood can promote ,there are many people who need our help. If my little donation of blood can pull back somebody on the way to death,will there be anything that can make me happier?

In a word, donating blood is glorious.

专八写作范文pdf 第18篇

I disagree strongly with the idea that the same amount of money should go to university sports activities as to university libraries. Although playing sports is a wonderful way to learn about teamwork, strategy and reaching your goals, it should not be the principal focus of a university education.

Students need the most up-to-date library facilities available to get the best education. Many of those facilities are very expensive to buy and maintain. These include computerized programs and access to internet research databases that students can use to find information all around the world. If a university is only offering its students resources of a decade ago, it’s depriving those students of a tremendous amount of information.

Even the book and magazine budget of universities has gone up tremendously in last decade. More is being published on every subject, and every university wants to have this information available to its students.

It also costs money for universities to keep their libraries open. Students need to have access to all the libraries' research tools as much of time as possible. Because students are young and can stay up all night studying, many universities are starting to leave their libraries open all night during exam periods. This costs money, because the staff has to be paid extra to be there. It also costs money to run the building (electricity, heat) during that time.

Students at universities are only going to benefit from their education if they can get to all the tools they need to learn. Sports are secondary to the resources that students need from university libraries. For this reason, libraries should always be better funded than sport activities.

专八写作范文pdf 第19篇

What emerges into our sights is a familiar yet far-reaching picture that there are a wide range of reality shows in front of a middle-aged man who, half lying on the sofa, is swinging a remote device in his hand with a confused face, wondering which one is the best to choose.

The meaning revealed by the picture is that reality shows have hit into our common cultural market. On the one hand, not only does this sort of consumer culture drives the improvement of cultural industry, but also it exerts a strong influence on our daily life, such as being informed of local customs and folklore from place to place, relieving the pressure derived from our working class’ regular work and so on. On the other hand, it is the wide spread of this form of entertainment that makes it difficult to present the real, cultural contents but only stays in the half-hearted nature. What’s worse, what the increasing imitative behaviors brings about, to a new high, is the national over-consumption.

As for me, the type of reality shows is a special product of the economic and social development that produces more benefits but less adverse impact. However, it is imperative for us, common people, to take a rational yet responsible attitude to the life we lead, especially the kind of activity we are obsessed with.

专八写作范文pdf 第20篇

Some people like to eat out at food stands and restaurants, while others like to prepare food at home. Often it depends on the kind of lifestyle people have. Those with very busy jobs outside the house don’t always have time to cook. They like the convenience of eating out. Overall, though, it is cheaper and healthier to eat at home.

While eating in restaurants is fast, the money you spend can add up. When I have dinner at restaurant with a friend, the bill is usually over twenty dollars. I can buy a lot of groceries with that much money. Even lunch at a fast-food stand usually costs five or six dollars for one person. That’s enough to feed the whole family at home.

Eating at home is better for you, too. Meals at restaurants are often high in fat and calories, and they serve big plates of food--much more food than you need to eat at one meal. If you cook food at home, you have more control over the ingredients. You can use margarine instead of butter on your potatoes, or not put so much cheese on top of your pizza. At home, you can control your portion size. You can serve yourself as little as you want. In a restaurant, you may eat a full plate of food ^v^because you paid for it^v^.

It’s true that eating out is convenient. You don’t have to shop, or cook, or clean up. But real home cooking doesn’t have to take a lot of time. There are lots of simple meals that don’t take long to make. In fact, they’re faster than eating out, especially if you think of the time you spend driving to a restaurant, parking, waiting for a table, waiting for service, and driving home.

Both eating at restaurants and cooking at home can be satisfying. Both can taste good and be enjoyed with family and friends. I prefer cooking at home because of the money and health issues, but people will make the choice that fits their lifestyle best.

Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

专八写作范文pdf 第21篇


Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little as ten years before, you can’t help being strucked by the __1__appearance of the women taking part. Their hair styles and make-up look date; their skirts look either too long or too __2__short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly men taking part, on other hand, are clearly recognizable. __3__There is nothing about their appearance to suggest that they belong to an entire different age. This illusion is created __4__by changing fashions. Over the years, the great minority of men __5__ have successfully resisted all attempts to make it change their __6__style of dress. The same cannot be said for women. Each year,a fewer so-called top designers in Paris and London lay down __7__on the law and women around the world run to obey. The __8__decrees of the designers are unpredictable and they decide arbitrarily,that skirts will be short and __9__waists will be height; hips are in and buttons are out. __10__.


1 strucked改为struck或者stricken。过去分词形式有误。strike的过去式是struck,过去分词为struck或者stricken。

2 date改为dated或者outdated,

3 on other hand 改为 on the other hand

4 entire改为entirely,副词修饰形容词different,并与different一起修饰age。

5 minority改为majority。 从上下文以及常识判断,多半男性成功地抵制了改变他们服装款式的.企图,即多年来,男性大服装款式跟女性服饰相比没有多大的变化。

6 it改为them,them指代the great majority of men。

7 fewer改为few,此处没有比较的意味。

8去掉on。lay down为习语,表示“规定(规则,原则,法规等)”。

9 sometime改为 sometimes。

10 height改为high。形容词作be 的表语。

专八写作范文pdf 第22篇

With the development of market economy in China arise the income gaps between people working in different fields: some earn good money; some make ends meet; some others live on narrow means. On top of many social problems this financial disparity may cause there is a claim that it affects friendship. The assumption seems reasonable but we may find it does not really hold water by taking a close look into the subject.

First of all true and lasting friendship is built on common values pursuits or hobbies rather than similar incomes. Friends are those who agree with your life views and stick to the some principles those who encourage you when you lack confidence in meeting challenges and pursuing your dream or those who share your interests and appreciate your tastes. Indeed what strengthens these emotional bonds between you and your pals is not the same amount of wealth but spiritual commonalities. Of course with similar financial backgrounds you will probable know better about each other's life style but the difference in this aspect will not matter if you are mutually appreciated needed and trusted. The friendship between Marx and Engels--the two German revolutionists--is a case in point. The former was often in debt while the latter was well-off; yet the same socialist dream drew them together and made them forever friends.

Moreover financial disparity between friends does not cause trouble because each of them usually lives a self-reliant life. Different from a married couple who have common properties budget and spend their income together even very close friends live on their own finances. For instance though we exchange ideas with and confide secrets to our friends we will never rely on them for a comfortable life no matter how rich they are. Admittedly there are times when we may go out for fun or to dinner together with friends; however whether they are richer or poorer than us we can definitely find a place suitable for all rather than one beyond somebody's means.

It is claimed that people with different financial backgrounds have different social contacts and accordingly as friends will get estranged sooner or later. It is true in some cases but bosom friends are not those who you get in touch with every day instead they are those who lend their hands to you when you fall into trouble just as the old saying goes a friend in need is a friend indeed. Hence despite their distinct material life the richer and the poorer can retain their friendship as long as they still care about each other understand and support each other.

To sum up financial disparity will not affect friendship when people have common spiritual pursuits lead an independent life and stand by each other for better or worse. It might be quite safe to say that money is not the barrier but the touchstone of real friendship.


Ambition is the decision one makes and the resolution with which he carries out that decision. It provides us with the required driving force to accomplish any undertakings in our life. Just as Joseph Epstein, a famous American writer put it,” And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed.” Indeed, once we make up our minds to choose to do something, then our life becomes meaningful and specifically orientated. This notion of life, as far as I observe, is closest to truth and does apply to almost all aspects of life. First things first, ambition renders us a sense of mission. No matter what decision you make you have to be responsible for your choice. Your choice procures you a sense of orientation, or more specially a sense of mission. And only a strong mission may enable one to accomplish greatness. Caesar of the ancient Roman Empire was urged by his ambition “I came, I saw, I conquered.” And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome. John Milton, stimulated always by his ambition that aimed at writing some “mighty lines” which England would unwillingly forget, had in due time secured his position as the second Shakespeare in the history of English literature. In the second place, ambition can bring one’s potentials to the full. Ambition may well serve as a catalyst activating one’s dormant potentials. Without ambition one’s potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano. A case in point is Ms Zhang Heidi, a Chinese Helen Keller. It was her ambition to be a useful person has turned the almost paralyzed Zhang Heidi into a well-accomplished figure whose achievements would dwarf those of some normal people aim at the sun, though, at worst, they may probably land on the moon. Influential as it is upon us, however, ambition must be channeled in the right direction. If wrongly directed, one’s ambition may bring havoc on him and others. Hitler, whose ambition was to conquer Europe by whatever evil means, finally turned him into a demon. It was this demon that almost cast Europe into an unfathomable abyss of anguish and suffering. Another case is Macbeth whose ambition was to become the king of Scotland. However, his ambition was materialized by the murder of King Duncan. Consequently, unbearable guilt and psychological agony drove him to his tragic doom. To sum up, ambition can benefit us tremendously if wisely and correctly channeled, otherwise it may ruin others and ourselves. A poet says: life can be bad.  Life can be good. Life can be dirty. Life can be sad. Life can even be painful. In my mind’s eye, a person can make his life beautiful, meaningful and rewarding and stand out as a respectable personage if he is motivated by a well-orientated ambition.

05: Interview An Effective Way to Recruit Employees       Nowadays, interview is frequently used by employers as one of the preferable means to recruit prospective employees. As a result, there have been many arguments for or against it as a selection procedure. Some people regard it as a good way to select employees in a short time while others think it not proper to decide on a person just by the simple means of interview. Both of them have some truth. But in my opinion, it is an efficient way to recruit a prospective employee.

First of all, interview serves as an efficient way to examine if a person has the qualities that are needed for modern competition or for a certain company. In interview, one needs to present the best part of oneself to the interviewers. If the interviewee is well prepared and has a knowledgeable mind, he or she should show it plainly to the interviewers. The key point for the interviewee on this occasion is to be quick-minded and resourceful. Certainly one will come across some tough questions from the interviewers. What the latter expects is a witty even humorous answer. What is more, in an interview, facing a group of interviewers, who will make a decision on the interviewee' fate, the interviewee has to remain calm which is an essential quality for modern competition.

Secondly, interview embodies fairness--the principle of modern society. During an interview, all interviewees will face the same conditions, such as the same place, the same time; they will face the same interviewers and questions of similar difficulties. The outstanding candidate has to surpass all the other interviewees in answering ail sorts of questions and it mainly depends on his or her own ability. And the judgment is not made by one interviewer but usually by a group of interviewers, which is more objective and democratic.

Thirdly, interview offers a broader scope of selection for both the interviewers and interviewees. A company that needs to remit employees can hold a big interview to select their most ideal employees they expect from many applicants. The interviewees on the other hand, can attend several interviews to find the most appropriate companies in which they wish to work and develop. Thus interview is really a~ important bridge in the process of job hunting.

To sum up, interview has many advantages to cater for modern society. Thanks to the interview, both companies and interviewees can make their best choices.

03Love, and Then Be Loved     In recent years, more and more teachers complain that their students are indifferent to others. Some even worry that the young generation might ruin the future of China. To be sure, many of our young people cannot see eye to eye with this view. However, as a university student, I myself would like to content that we young people today are in general more self-centered and unsympathetic than our previous generations.    To start with, most, if not all, young people choose to attend exclusively to their own needs. In their eyes, it is all too natural to seek satisfaction from what they do, even if it may mean inconvenience to others. Take my dormitory for example. It is a common scene here that a roommate cheerfully talks to his girlfriend on the phone at midnight when others are struggling for a sound sleep. One may complain now and then, but to no avail. In fact, the others, to the exclusion of me, live their dormitory life much in the same way. When I take a nap at noon, they often play cards. They have no regard for others. Life is a joy to them, yet they often enjoy it to the neglect of others' feelings. In sharp contrast, our caring parents always pay heed to our needs and those of others. Whenever my father comes back home late in the night, he tiptoes in for fear that he might awake me.    Moreover, our young people tend to be insensitive to others' difficulty. When a classmate falls ill, few people offer to help, but regard it as none of their business. Some students in my class come from poor families. Yet, they are active mobile phone users, who may spend twice as much as what their parents earn from arduous labor. When asked why they behave so, they answer that their parents have the obligation to accommodate their expenses. Personally, I detest their answer, for I know my parents never thought that way when they were young. Being aware of their parents' financial difficulty, they managed to save every penny they could.    For the above reasons and those not mentioned here, I subscribe to the view that young people in today's China are more self-centered and unsympathetic than were our previous generations. It is high time that we learned from older generations so that a harmonious and splendid future can be anticipated.

专八写作范文pdf 第23篇

The advent of technological era has brought many changes which have made a considerable impact on human life. On one hand technology has remarkably improved our standard of living and solved many of our problems, but on the other hand it has also exposed us to new problems some of which are irremediable.

There is no doubt that technological advances have made our lives easier. Thanks to them the world has become a global city. Now we can traverse several continents in a single day. We can gather loads of information with a single click of the mouse. We can talk to our friends whenever we want to. We enjoy the cool air of air conditioners during hot scorching summers and warmth of heaters in freezing winters. A lot of our manual, tasks are taken up by machines, which manufacture, assemble and pack the products for them. People are leading longer and healthier lives due to development of vaccines and availability of state of art surgical equipment. They can travel to the moon and are exploring the space. All of these have been made possible only because of technological innovations.

However, every thing comes at a cost and hence we are paying a hefty price for relentless use of technological tools. The water we drink is no longer safe. The air we breathe is laden with the pollutants. The ozone layer that provided a natural protection against fiendish ultraviolet rays is depleting. Deforestation and strip mining is making vast areas of land barren. The balance of our ecosystem is greatly disturbed. A large number of organisms have become extinct and several more are on the verge of extinction, and if proper measures are not adopted human beings might be one of them.

The baneful effects of technology have harmed our personal lives as well. Human beings have become slaves to their own machines. The pride of accomplishing a task all by ourselves is gone. The strong family ties have become tenuous and computers and televisions have become our family and friends. The confidential information is no longer safe from hackers. The frustrations endured due to malfunctioning machines are making us amnesic. The development of vaccines has given rise to more virulent form of organisms some of which are incurable. We continuously feel threatened by chemical and biological weapons. A single atom bomb can erase millions of us within seconds. Our peace of mind is lost.

In conclusion, though technology has improved our standard of living, it has harmed our environment and deteriorated the quality of life to a far greater extent.

专八写作范文pdf 第24篇


我曾经问过我的外教老师, 外国人看文章最注重的是什么, 他告诉我说是文章的framework. 即一篇文章好不好, 首先看的不是他的句型, 词汇,或是论点等。 而是段落之间的衔接一定要十分清楚,我们不能老是采用大三段的形式-开头,经过, 结尾。我们可以多用用连接词, 例如:first of all, morever, secondly, lastly等,另外可以多分自然段,给考官一目了然的感觉。还有我们可以多看看国外的文章, 看看他们的写作模式, 我当初写文章的时候,用的就是我看到一篇国外文章的模式,我觉得可以套用, 我最后介绍给大家。


如果一篇文章, 从头到尾, 永远用的只有一种句型, 那么这篇文章一定拿不到高分,我们可以适当的改换一下句型, 我给大家一定建议,希望给大家有点帮助。

3、基本句型包括Ⅰ。主谓句;Ⅱ。 There be;Ⅲ。 主系表结构的句子;Ⅳ。 被动语态(我看到一张帖字说, 不要用被动, 我不这样认为, 国外的文章, 用被动的也比比皆是。)

4、复杂句型包括 Ⅰ。 并列句;Ⅱ。 从句(定语,状语,名词性,非谓语)


说实话做到这点真的很难, 首先你要有庞大的词汇量,第二你要用的恰当,不出错误。我自认做不到这点,所以我用的词汇有时候会重复。当然大家可以累计一些固定搭配的词汇,例如:激烈的竞争 fierce competition等


大家不要小看这点, 我认为对于写作基础不是很好的考生来说,这点是最重要的。一篇文章如果让你从头到尾都在讲道理,你有这么多话要说吗?而且有时候还不一定说的清楚。那么这时候你就用例子来表明你的观点。我认识一个朋友, 可以说她的英语基础很差,但她的文章也拿了6分, 我问她怎么写的, 她告诉我说就是拼命的举例子。就这点我也曾问过我的外教老师, 他曾是IELTS的考官,他说考官欢迎考生多举例子。


1)、写文章最关键的就是审题千万不要出错误, 不然就前功尽弃了。


Cultivate independence

Develop a strong sense of responsibility

Enhance social awareness

Build up one‘s confidence and offer one’s a sense of achievement―realize ones value and capacity

Widen one‘s horizon and sharp one’s character

这些句子比较常用, 而且在口语考试中也可以派上用处。最后给大家介绍一种写作模式,我觉得很不错:

With unprecedented advances in medical technology, a debate has developed over whether or not a person on life support has the right to die. On one side of the debate are those who say that…… On the other side is the view that…… In my mind, I completely agree/disagree the later .

There is no denying that ……has many positive effects. To begin with,……Secondly, …… Finally, ……

However, every coin has its two sides. ……is no exception. Many opponents say that ……

To conclude, ……

专八写作范文pdf 第25篇

In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.

You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

专八写作范文pdf 第26篇

Owing to economic development and improvement in living standards of common people, more and more private cars are on road. Some believe private cars have brought convenience and mobility to the owners while others argue that private automobiles deserve a limit on the increasing number. As far as I see it, we should not put a limit on private cars.

First of all, the private car is a symbol of freedom and wealth. The private car has given us a freedom and convenience our ancestors could not dream of. We can travel to relatively remote places that it is hard to reach on foot or public transport rarely goes to. A car enables an individual or a family to travel at any time they wish. With a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the bitterly cold or under the scorching sun. Furthermore a car can serve as a symbol of one’s wealth, which makes him or her proud of his or her accomplishments and glorious past.

Secondly, a car can make our work more efficient and life more convenient. Nowadays many Chinese can enjoy the comfort and luxury of owning a private car. Having a car of one’s own means no more traveling to work on crowded buses or subway trains; no more waste of time for waiting at the bus stop or train station. With a car one does not have to worry about the possible danger their child suffers when they are elbowing their way through the crowd, instead they can drop off the children at school on the way to work. In the case of illness, the car takes its owner or other sick person to hospital without any delay.

Last but not least, lifting bans on private cars will stimulate the automobile industry, which provides jobs for a large team of workers. Known as a sunrise industry, Chinese automobile industry needs strong and continuous fueling from domestic demand. If more people buy cars, the industry will embrace continued growth, thus contributing more to the national economy. Moreover, its growth will trigger the boom of related industries like iron and steel production and energy.

In conclusion, the advantages of private cars convince us that we should not put a limit on the number of private cars. What we should do at the moment is to perfect the transport infrastructure to ensure private cars to go faster and more safely.

专八写作范文pdf 第27篇

Is a sound social environment necessary for people to be good to others

Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture, but nowadays many people dare not offer help to those in need, for fear of getting into trouble. The issue has aroused public debate over the climate of morality and credibility, and many people sigh over the moral degeneration. In my opinion, while social environment is necessary for people to be good to others, each individual should try his or her best to do good deeds and be sympathetic with others, instead of waiting for the environment to improve.

There is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions, so people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits. some people even wonder, ‘Is our society hostile to good people?’ The question may sound ridiculous but many people apparently think so. They believe that our current society provides a bad environment for good people doing good things, and good people pay a high price for being compassionate. In fact, such kind of things only accounts for a pretty small percentage, but massive media coverage makes the situation seem serious. Actually, most people around me are kind, warm-hearted and helpful, and I am quite delighted in their company. So I believe media should pay more attention to publicizing good people and exemplary deeds to enhance our confidence, rather than exposing disgusting behaviors.

At the same time, as John Donne puts it, “No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” Since everyone of us is a component of the society, it is each individual’s conducts that form social morality. Just imagine it is you who need help, what would you feel if everyone watches indifferently or suspiciously? So, put yourself in other’s position and be sympathetic. If we do nothing but wait for the environment to improve, nothing will happen. Only by removing the fence around our kind consciousness can we reverse the regress of social ethics, and make our world full of warmth and happiness. Therefore, if help is needed, never hesitate to lend a helping hand. It will make you happy and feel better about life.

In sum, I contend the idea that while social environment is necessary for people to be good to others, it is each individual’s responsibility to offer help to those in need, and together we build up a more harmonious society.

专八写作范文pdf 第28篇

Part IV. Writing

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad.

Directions: Write an essay of about words to state your view.

In the first part of your essay you should present the advantages of studying abroad. In the second part you should put forth the disadvantages of studying abroad. And in the last part you should clearly state your views about whether you prefer to study abroad or to study in your own country.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they can from universities in their own country, especially when they go to a developed country where they can catch up with the pace of scientific and technical advance of the world from that country' s modern lab facilities. In addition, they can pick up the latest developments of the living language there more quickly, develop their ability of coping with the routine matters such as finding a part-time job, renting a house and helping with the house work, and learn many new things to widen their views and broaden their minds.

But some people don't agree to it. They think that attending a college or university in  foreign country also has many disadvantages and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. They hold that students studying in a foreign country will have more difficulties in both life and study. The most serious problem is the language barriers. They have to spend much time learning a foreign language and even if they have learned the language, they still can' t understand thoroughly what the foreigners and teachers say just because of the unfamiliar culture background and social cu

专八写作范文pdf 第29篇


Model Essay(范文):

Technology has greatly improved the way we getinformation. Students can now get more information,get it more quickly, and get it more conveniently.

The Internet and the World Wide Web has opened every major library and database tostudents around the world. Information comes not only in print form, but also in can get audio and video data. You can get information about event in the past as well asevents that unfold as you watch your computer monitor.

Information comes at the speed of the Internet, which is to say in nanoseconds. You cantype in a few key words in your search engine, and the engine will search the entire www to findinformation on your topic. You don't have to spend hours pouring over card catalogs in thelibrary and looking at the shelves. This research is done for you instantly on the Web.

It is certainly more convenient to sit at home and do research on your computer. Yourcomputer is open 24 hours a day, unlike a library or office, which has limited hours and limitedresources. You can do research in your pajamas while you eat breakfast. What could be moreconvenient?

Technology, especially the Internet, has certainly changed the quantity and quality of theinformation we get. The speed and convenience of a computer helps students learn more,more quickly.

As is vividlydepicted by the drawing above, the job-hunting girl refuses a service post without any hesitation, complaining that she will never take a job of serving others. At the same time she is wondering why finding a promising job is so difficult in modern society.

This phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life, especially on campus. On the one hand, many job-seekers are reluctant to take jobs that they consider to be humble and trivial, because they have great ambitions and they only want to ride on the peak of success. On the other hand, wanting to gain more but pay less, both the jobless and graduating students aspire to seek a job that is well-paid, relaxed and comfortable. We should not look down upon service industry, the third industry, because it does provide us with many employment opportunities and positions.

Therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve the current situation. For one thing, an education campaign should be launched to popularize the idea that “the longest journey starts with a single step” and to cultivate a down-to-earth attitude toward life. For another, the tendency of being lazy must be eradicated from the mind of the young. Only in this way can people realize their value of life better and can unemployment rate be reduced and thus can social harmony be achieved.

专八写作范文pdf 第30篇






这个比较考验基本语法。万变不离其宗,翻开自己上课时的笔记本吧,认真温习这4年来学过的语法,最好是边看边读,记忆的效果会更好。若觉得四周时间紧,就先着重看大二的。要知道,对法语学生来说 ,大学四年最重要的一年,就是大二。大二比较集中的讲了法语的各种时态和语法,当然这并不代表其他3年都是白上的,大一的语音,大三和大四的语法以及阅读都是非常非常重要的,缺一不可。都需要在专八考试前温习一遍。













专八写作范文pdf 第31篇

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad.

Directions: Write an essay of about words to state your view.

In the first part of your essay you should present the advantages of studying abroad. In the second part you should put forth the disadvantages of studying abroad. And in the last part you should clearly state your views about whether you prefer to study abroad or to study in your own country.

Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.


Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they can from universities in their own country, especially when they go to a developed country where they can catch up with the pace of scientific and technical advance of the world from that country' s modern lab facilities. In addition, they can pick up the latest developments of the living language there more quickly, develop their ability of coping with the routine matters such as finding a part-time job, renting a house and helping with the house work, and learn many new things to widen their views and broaden their minds.

But some people don't agree to it. They think that attending a college or university in foreign country also has many disadvantages and the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. They hold that students studying in a foreign country will have more difficulties in both life and study. The most serious problem is the language barriers. They have to spend much time learning a foreign language and even if they have learned the language, they still can' t understand thoroughly what the foreigners and teachers say just because of the unfamiliar culture background and social customs. So ff they are not persons full of courage, flexibility, and determination, they are most likely to fail and learn nothing eventually. Besides, since costs and expenditure are much higher than those in their native country, most overseas students have to work for a living, and will find it impossible for them to pay all attention to studying. So it is of benefit to them if they study in their own country.

The above two viewpoints, I should say, are all reasonable in some respects. But I support the first kind of people. I think people should attend a college or university in a foreign country ff they can. In this way they can learn not only the useful knowledge of science but also the culture and Customs of other nations.

Besides, they can learn some new ideas and, when they come back, bring in some fresh air in our way of thinking and promote the development of our country. If nobody went to study abroad because of the disadvantages, the development of our country would be slower.

专八写作范文pdf 第32篇



首先是听,如果你还没有听过历届专八真题,那么花三天左右的时间先从真题开始;接下来的二十多天时间,听法语广播,首推RFI的français facile,资源在沪江法语频道都有,并附有法语原文,大家一定不要投机取巧,对着原文听广播,应该先听几遍广播,大致弄懂意思了再参考原文,看有哪些重点遗漏;此外,沪江听写酷中的听力填空题建议多做。对于已经听完专八真题的同学,就可以省去第一步骤了。






专八写作范文pdf 第33篇

In this competitive society,people cannot avoid the stress from the bustle and hustle of modern pressure is the motivation for our progress,while too much stress will have harmful effects on our health and cannot avoid it,so we must learn deal to with it properly.

In the first place,it is important to have a correct understanding about are now in a world where the fittest will survive,and it’s better to ensure survival than being to individuals, the social environment will not have to realize both the positive and negative aspects of is like a double-edged sword,which may be used by us,or may hurt key point is whether you hold the blade or the handle. We can take it as a motive force for us to make progress,ma^v^ll use of it and avoid being hurt by it.

In the second place,people have to adjust their own mood and should say to ourselves thatI like challenges and I am strong,but never think I am a loser or I cannot stand that any positive hint will change your attitude,and then affect the result of your it is also of great importance to cherish what you have common weak point of the human being is that he longs forwhat he cannot get,but does not value and protect what he has at the people are thinking about how to own more,such as social status,power,honor and so on.

At last the more they want,the more pressure they they can give something up,they will feel ,some practical measures can help us to handle stress in our a plan on the career, increasing the competitiveness and learning to control your time will do much help to reduce the is advisable to separate work from hard when you are at work and have a good rest when you are other words,there must be a boundary.

To sum up,the stress in our life is inevitable,and we must learn to handle it effectively. We must have a right understanding about it,try our best to adjust our own mentality and use practical ways to reduce it.

专八写作范文pdf 第34篇



首先是听,如果你还没有听过历届专八真题,那么花三天左右的时间先从真题开始;接下来的二十多天时间,听法语广播,首推RFI的franais facile,资源在沪江法语频道都有,并附有法语原文,大家一定不要投机取巧,对着原文听广播,应该先听几遍广播,大致弄懂意思了再参考原文,看有哪些重点遗漏;此外,沪江听写酷中的听力填空题建议多做。对于已经听完专八真题的同学,就可以省去第一步骤了。







专八写作范文pdf 第35篇









专八写作范文pdf 第36篇


高校英语专业八级考试大纲写作部分规定:写作部分设一题,20分,要求能根据所给题目及要求撰写各类体裁的文章,文章长度约400个单词,能做到内容充实、语言通顺、用词恰当、表达得体。真题在Directions的最后会告知考生:“Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks”。考试时间45分钟。

就字数时间比来看,专八作文难度介于雅思和托福之间;就写作体裁来看,迄今为止,历年真题考的都是议论文;就出题形式来看,都是给出背景和题目的写作;就写作内容来看,考到的基本上都是考生比较熟悉的关于大学生的话题或社会常见话题。而且文章结构一律规定为三部分:introduction, body 和conclusion. 从这些方面看,专八写作对于学习英语专业达到三年或四年的学生来说并不是特别难的事。但每年仍有为数不少的考生失利,令人惋惜。






专八写作范文pdf 第37篇

Is it helpful to build an honest and clean government by a fund for incorruptible civil servants? Such an issue has aroused controversy among the public. Proponents believe the innovative move will help to fight against corruption and build a clean government. Opponents say that being clean is an official’s obligation and duty and there is therefore no need to reward them with additional funds. Personally, I’d like to express my disapproval on this question.

First of all, to establish an accumulation fund for clean officials is in fact a challenge to social justice. Public servants should work diligently in an honest and clean way and abide by laws and regulations when performing their duties. That is the basic requirement for them. Any official who fails in this sense does not deserve the position of a public servant. Extra pay for clean public servants will naturally damage the image of public servants in the eyes of ordinary people. In addition, it will play a negative role in their professional work ethics. When public servants are rewarded for what they should do, what about clean doctors, teachers, lawyers, policemen? Obviously such a policy is not well-grounded.

Secondly, the most unfair part about the reserve fund is that it infringes upon the interests of taxpayers who contribute to public servants’ salary in the first place. It’s God’s truth that officials should work for the taxpayers’ interests. But to sustain such a fund system, a large number of workers and farmers will have to pay more for what public servants are supposed to do. As for the reserve fund, only when the amount of the award comes to a tempting figure can it restrain corruption to a certain degree. However, it is impossible to raise such an enormous fund only from their welfare fund. So, the fund is actually a disguised form of reward to public servants through taking advantage of fiscal revenue.

Relatively speaking, public servants are well paid for their service, so it is not rational to raise such a fund of reward. What we can do is to strengthen supervision mechanisms, so as to effectively track down and punish corrupted officials and let them pay higher costs for their behavior. In addition, to fundamentally minimizing the corruption phenomenon in the government, we should take effective measures to put a limit on their power in an attempt to provide fewer opportunities to abuse power.

专八写作范文pdf 第38篇

1. [* * * 加油 * * *]这是一个考试顺利符哦,考试的人收到后会考出理想的成绩,愿你带着我的祝福,怀着一个好心情,轻松面对专八考试!

2. 手机铃响,那是问候;手机唱歌,那是祝福;手机震动,那一定是我握住了你的手。专八考试成功!我的朋友。

3. 今天就要参加英语专八考试了,送你一小礼物,据说在考试当天能收到这样一小礼物,就会考出自己满意的成绩,祝你考试好运气啊!

4. 考试的日子里,你要像猪一样能吃能睡,能像马一样多拉快跑,像鼠一样能钻能窜,像猴一样能蹦能跳,最后像被通缉一样跑不掉被录取,然后从此过上幸福生活。

5. 就要考试了,希望我的问候短信会为你送去一份轻松清爽的心情,不要太紧张哦!不然可会把答案忘掉的!我在这里支持着你,鼓励着你,为你祝福!

6. 快到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!

7. 我知道你正在经历人生中的一次重要挑战,或许你有焦虑有恐惧,也有激动,但我想说,请不要忘记身边所有关爱着你的人,我们是你坚强的后盾。

8. 悲观些看成功,乐观些看失败。轻松些看自己,宽容些看别人。不问收获,但问耕耘!天道酬勤。

9. 春天是碧绿是天地,秋天是黄金的世界。愿你用青春的绿色去酿造未来的金秋。

10. 放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!

11. 放下包袱开动脑筋,勤于思考好好复习,祝你在专八考试中取得好成绩!

12. 专八过后好好玩一把吧,用放纵的快乐把专八复习的那些功课统统忘掉!

13. 专八考试没有什么大不了的,我能做得出的题目别人不一定能做出来,我做不出的题目别人同样做不出,我所做的就是对的,我就是最棒的!

14. 专八属于你!相信自己,你是最棒的!祝你在专八考试中旗开得胜一鸣惊人!

15. 厚德载物,天道酬勤。你我不是一直都相信吗?!呵呵,所以你已经付出了这么多了,就不要怕了(虽然嘴上没说),呵呵,绝对没有问题的

16. 挥一挥手,送你先走,我的潇洒微笑,但愿你永远记住。专八考试如期而至,希望你我高中,相约在理想的学校里再见!

17. 或许,人生不可能像自己想象的那样美好,一生的路也不可能都是平坦的,人的心情也不会永远静如止水。

18. 健康身体是基础,良好学风是条件,勤奋刻苦是前提,学习方法是关键,心理素质是保证。

19. 就要考试了,放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!

20. 就要考试了,希望我的问候短信会为你送去一份轻松清爽的心情,不要太紧张哦!不然可会把答案忘掉的!我在这里支持着你,鼓励着你,为你祝福!

21. 开启专八考试成功之门,钥匙有三。其一:勤奋的精神;其二:科学的方法;其三:良好的心态。

22. 考试的日子里,你要像猪一样能吃能睡,能像马一样多拉快跑,像鼠一样能钻能窜,像猴一样能蹦能跳,更要像狼一样坚韧不拔,最后像被通缉一样跑不掉被录取,然后从此过上幸福生活。

23. 考试的意义是在于你真正投入的过程。请务必坚持信念,守得云开见月明!祝你们成功!

24. 快到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!

25. 流霞,因为我们坚信,不经过战斗的舍弃是虚伪的,不经过劫难磨炼的超脱是轻佻的,逃避显示的明哲是卑怯的。

26. 路始终要走 不必回头 都是天空下的孩子 都是四季绽放的花儿 风雨中 都是一张张美丽的脸 愿你的双眸在我深处停留 你是我的兄长 是我的姊妹。

27. 没有付出,就没有收获,人只有上坡路才是最难走的,相信自己能成功,自己就一定能成功。努力吧,希望会属于你的。

28. 没有了旋律,就没有了诗歌,没有了色彩,那是怎么样的生活?愿春天赋于你绚丽是色彩无限的希望美好的未来。

29. 那年那月那个孤独的考试人,那山那水那条寂寞的考试路, 那曰那夜那颗迷茫的考试心,那恨那爱那份无奈的考试情,那风那雨那个执著的考试梦,亲爱的战友坚持到底!愿天下考试人:忧愁是可微的。

30. 你笔下拥有一个色彩绚丽的世界:愿你,也相信你,拥有另一个笔下灿烂的图景。

31. 你一定能行的!你要相信自己!对自己要有信心!我等你的好消息!

32. 你有你的赤橙黄绿,我有我的青蓝靛紫,天空同属于我们,因为我们年轻。

33. 努力的苦读,就为这一刻啰!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩!

34. 努力了,就无怨无悔。有道是:天道酬勤!相信自己,你是最棒的!!愿和你分享每一份的喜悦!

35. 如果你想得到甜蜜,就将自己变成工蜂,到花芯中去采撷,如果你想变得聪慧,就将自己变成一尾鱼,遨游于书的海洋。

36. 善待你的爱好,别让它们为学习让路,要让它们替学习服务。

37. 我知道你正在经历人生中的一次重要挑战,或许你有焦虑有恐惧,也有激动,但我想说,请不要忘记身边所有关爱着你的人,我们是你坚强的后盾。

38. 我最大的愿望就是:祝愿你能顺利考上今年的研究生,多少个日日夜夜,多少天风风雨雨,多少次挑灯夜读,相信辛勤耕耘终会有回报,相信你专八考试成功,相信你是我的骄傲,加油啊!

39. 相信自己吧!坚持就是胜利!

40. 想说爱你,感觉太沉;想说喜欢,感觉太轻;一天天地眷恋,一夜夜的无眠,我只有数着相思的绿莹帘珠,托星月寄到你窗前.祝专八考试顺利!

41. 信念告诉我的人生,没有比脚更长的道路,没有比人更高的山峰。

42. 信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。

43. 阳光不会永远灿烂,没有一成不变的幸福,磨难或许是上苍赐予我们的礼物,用来考验我们的意志,如果是这样,就让我们微笑着面对生活。

44. 仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。

45. 要树立信心,一定要争取成功!相信自己永远是最棒的!明天的阳光将因你而更加灿烂!

46. 一直相信,你是最棒的!展开你隐形的翅膀高飞吧!

47. 依依终须别,此后盼珍重,再叙情更浓,专八考试顺利!

48. 用那些彩贝去编织你是诗吧,用那簇星座去谱写你的歌吧——生活,需要幻想的音符。

49. 在生活中,有成功,也会有失败。因此,我们要放飞生命,也许远方很渺茫,也许我们要被“倾覆于人生的荆棘”刺伤,但我们仍无怨无悔。放飞,即使是黄昏,也必然布满歌唱的。

50. 真的,人生要是能有一个草稿,能再誊写一次,那该多好!我们会绝对认真地叙写自己的人生,也许不一定比别人写得更好,但肯定要比自己第一次写得漂亮。

专八写作范文pdf 第39篇


Do It, but with Love and Sincerity

The year witness target=_blank class=infotextkey>witnessed the birth and boom of an activity online and offline both at home and abroad: the ice bucket challenge. Originally designed to attract public attention to the disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the practice has aroused a heated debate during its development. There exist opposing views on this matter. Proponents, represented by the ALS Association, claim that it is beneficial and praiseworthy, for it substantially increased donations for sufferers of the disease. Opponents, however, argue that it wastes water, does harm to one’s body and risks becoming a form of entertainment or commercial advertisement.

Personally, I deem that both sides have an element of truth in their arguments and the issue should not be addressed in a simple and crude way.

On the one hand, no one can deny the fact that the practice has benefited patients of ALS. Many people have not only donated money but also begun to learn about the disease and pay more attention to it.

On the other hand, however, the activity does seem to have deviated from its original purpose. As we have heeded, quite a number of the attendants got involved to attract eyeballs to themselves, rather than the disease. Most remain ignorant about the disease though bombarded by pictures of celebrities soaked in iced water that went viral online.

In the final analysis, I should say that the activity is a two-edged sword. But we should not give up eating for fear of being choked. The best policy, as I see it, is to take measures to avoid the harm done by it. For instance, a campaign should be launched at the same time to provide people with more knowledge about the disease, and encourage them to help those in need with love and integrity. Besides, the activity can well take a different form in drought-stricken regions.


Problems Created by the opulatton Explosion

This sudden increase in the population of the developing countries has come at a difficult time. Even if their population had not grown so fast they would have been facing a desperate struggle to bring the standard of living of their people up to the point at which there was enough food, housing, education, medical care and employment for everyone to have a reasonable poor countries are having to run faster and faster in their economic activity in order to stay in the same place, and the gap in wealth between rich and poor countries grows wider every year.

The most pressing problem created by the rapid increase in population is a shortage of food. More mouths have to be fed every year and yet a high proportion of the existing population are not getting enough of the right kind of food. Over the past two years the total amount of food has decreased, and of course the total amount of food per person has decreased even more sharply.

More and more of the babies born in developing countries have been surviving infancy, and now nearly half the people living in those countries are under the age of 15. The adults have to work harder than ever to provide for the needs of the children,who cannot contribute to the economy until they are older. There is a shortage of schools and teachers, and there are not enough hospitals, doctors and nurses. Farming land is becoming scarce,so country people are moving to the towns and cities in the hope of finding a better standard of living. But the cities have not been able to provide housing, and the newcomers live in crowded , there are too few jobs, and unemployment leads to further poverty.


In a frantic society where efficiency is put great emphasis on, maybe it is high time we should take a breath and think about the bad consequences brought about by the head-spinning life. In the following excerpts, the author presents his opinion on the slow lifestyle versus the fast one. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should: briefly the author’s opinion;2. give your comment. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.

Fast-free Living What Americans would do if they were serious about stopping to smell the flowers? Is the American lifestyle slowing down, in a response to national trauma and the onset of war? Judging from commentaries by cultural analysts and newspaper columnists, the answer is yes.

A Boston Globe editorial looked back on a hard year: “But it brought growth, too, and a deeper understanding of just how fragile life is, and how what we often take for granted―the kiss goodbye in the morning, the chat with a friend, the Saturday soccer game―is what matters most.” An observation from The Washington Post: “People seem to walk more slowly. They are off their brisk, self-important stride... Motorists are driving better. They lay off their horns. They don’t jump lights.” From The Dallas Morning News: “Americans are experiencing a sort of ‘cocooning of the heart’, cultural experts say. They’re using this time to reconnect with their families and friends.”

If Americans really were beginning to slow down, the contemporary simplicity movement would not be adding another meeting or two a month to our schedules. The antidote to a frenetic work life wouldn’t be something called “power leisure”.

The celebration of the new slowness may not reflect reality, but it surely does reflect some degree of yearning. Yet there may be a few bold steps we should take to get us on the path to fast-free living.

Backpacks. The task of slowing the country down must begin with efforts aimed at prevention. It should begin early, as an inspection of any schoolchild’s backpack will reveal. These encumbrances typically have a capacity of one and a half cubic feet and hold loads of forty pounds. The contents, unpacked and spread out like a GI’s battle kit, represent hyper-achievement in microcosm. A simple yet revolutionary reform would be to decree that the capacity of school backpacks be reduced by two thirds.

Drive-thru windows. The whole point of these amenities is speed, and without intervention drive-thru service will only get faster. According to The Futurist, McDonald’s will soon introduce e-mail billing at some of its drive-thru facilities in southern California. Other chains are experimenting with an E-Z Pass system, similar to the one used for bridge and highway tolls; a transponder in the car would permit purchases to be deducted automatically from prepaid accounts.

Electric light. Another issue related to biorhythms is the seemingly inexorable drift toward a 24/7 economy. The rule of thumb is that if anything can be done twenty-four hours a day, it will be; daycare centers and dentists’ offices are now open at midnight. Almost by definition, the maintenance of basic diurnal rhythms is essential to a humane way of life. Political arithmetic may forever doom a significant rise in the gasoline tax, but what about levying a ten-cent-a-watt tax on light bulbs? One happy consequence might be a shift back to daytime baseball.

Computer keyboards. Yes, computers have made many aspects of modern life more tolerable, enabling stupendous feats of calculation, storage, and management. But they are also an attractive nuisance, putting unimaginable amounts of sheer capability―to buy, to pry, to surf, to meddle―into the hands of people unaccustomed to its wise use. One way would be to decide that every computer must have two separate keyboards―one with all the vowels and the other with the consonants.

The measures outlined above would be a start. Should more impetus be needed, we could ban cup holders from cars, demand that breaking news be delivered only by mail, and add a ball and a strike to the standard at-bat. If Americans intend to take slowness seriously, they need to start picking up the pace.

Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

专八写作范文pdf 第40篇


What is good writing?


It depends on what country you’re from. We all know what’s considered “good writing” in our own country. We grow up immersedin the cadencesand sentence structure of the language we were born into, so we think, “That’s probably what every country considers good writing; they just use different words.” If only! I once asked a student from Cairo, “What kind of language is Arabic?” She said, “It’s all adjectives.”

这取决于你来自何处。我们都知道在自己的国家好文章是什么样的。我们从小到大,已经熟知我们 母语的抑扬顿挫和句子结构,于是我们认为,其他国家所谓的好文章也应该是这样,只不过用的语言不同。要是这样就好了!我有次问一个来自开罗的学生:“阿拉 伯语是什么样的语言?”她回答说:“都是形容词。”

Well, of course it’s not all adjectives, but I knew what she meant: it’s decorative, it’s ornate, it’s intentionally pleasing. But all those adjectives and all that decoration would be the ruin of any journalisttrying to write good English. No proverbs, please.


Spanish also comes with a heavy load of beautiful baggagethat will smotherany journalist writing in English.

西班牙语也一样,有太多 不利于英文写作的修饰语。

English is not as musical as Spanish, or Italian, or French, or as ornamentalas Arabic, or as vibrantas some of your native languages. But I’m hopelessly in love with English because it’s plain and it’s strong. It has a huge vocabulary of words that have precise shades of meaning; there’s no subject, however technical or complex, that can’t be made clear to any reader in good English—if it’s used right. Unfortunately, there are many ways of using it wrong. Those are the damaging habits I want to warn you about today.

英语不像西班牙语、意大利 语或者法语那样富有音律美,也不像阿拉伯语那样华丽,可能也不像你们的母语那样生动鲜活,但我就是无可救药地热爱英语,因为它平实有力,拥有海量意义鲜明 的词汇。描述一样事物,不管多高科技多复杂,在标准英语中读者都看懂——如果描述准确。不幸的是很多人都不能正确使用英语。以下就是我希望大家避免的一些错误习惯。

First, a little history. The English language is derived from two main sources. One is Latin, the other is Anglo-Saxon. The words derived from Latin are the enemy—they will strangleand suffocate everything you write. The Anglo-Saxon words will set you free.

首先,了解英语的历史。 英语来源于拉丁语和安格鲁-撒克逊语。来自拉丁语的.单词是我们的宿敌——它们会使你的写作佶屈聱牙。安格鲁-撒克逊语才能解开你的束缚。

How do those Latin words do their strangling and suffocating? In general they are long, pompousnouns that end in -ion—like implementation and maximization and communication (five syllableslong!)—or that end in -ent—like development and fulfillment. Those nouns express a vague concept or an abstract idea, not a specific action that we can picture. Here’s a typical sentence: “Priorto the implementation of the financial enhancement.” That means “Before we fixed our money problems.”

拉丁词语是怎么束缚你的 文体的呢?一般来说都是些长并华而不实的单词,以ion结尾,像implementation、maximization、 communication(五个音节那么长!)或者以ent结尾,像development和fulfillment。这些词语描述的都是一个模糊或抽 象的概念,不是我们能够明确说明的行动。一个典型句子就是:财政强化计划实施之前。其实就是说:解决钱的问题之前。

Believe it or not, this is the language that people in authority in America routinely use. They think those long Latin words make them sound important. It no longer rains in America; your TV weather man will tell that you we’re experiencing a precipitation probability situation.

不管你信不信,这些就是 美国的高层人士常用语。他们认为这些长长的拉丁单词能突显自己的身份。美国已经没有下雨这一说了,天气预报员只会提到降水概率这个词。

I’m sure all of you, newly arrived in America, have already been driven crazy trying to figure out the instructions for ordering a cell phone or connecting your computer, or applying for a bank loan or a health insurance policy, and you assume that those of us who were born here can understand this stuff. I assure you that we don’t understand it either.

专八写作范文pdf 第41篇


1 . attach(to) (=to fix, fasten;join) 缚, 系 ,结

2 . make an attempt at doing sth. (to do sth.) 试图做…

3 . attend to (=give one's attention, care and thought)注意,照顾;attend on(upon)(=wait upon, serve, look after) 侍候,照料

4 . attitude to toward …对…的态度、看法

5 . attribute…to…(=to believe sth. to be the result of…)把..归因于.., 认为..是..的结果

6 . on the average (=on average, on an average)平均

7 . (be) aware of (=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)意识到,知道

8 . arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起

9 . arrange for . to do sth. 安排…做…

10 . arrive on 到达;arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,作出;arrive in 到达某地(大地方)

11 . be ashamed of (=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done) 以… 为羞耻

12 . assure sb. of sth. (=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.) 向…保证, 使…确信

13 . at the back of (=behind) 在…后面

14 . in the back of 在…后部(里面);on the back of 在…后部(外面);be on one's back(=be ill in bed) 卧病不起

15 . at one's back(=supporting or favoring sb.) 支持,维护;have sb. at one's back 有…支持, 有…作后台

16 . turn one's back on sb. (=turn away from sb. in an impolite way) 不理睬(某人),背弃,抛弃

17 . behind one's back 背着某人(说坏话)

18 . be based on upon 基于

19 . on the basis of 根据…, 在…基础上

20 . beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢

21 . begin with 以…开始 to begin with (=first of all) 首先, 第一(经常用于开始语)

22 . on behalf of (=as the representative of) 以…名义

23 . believe in(=have faith or trust in;consider . to be true) 相信,依赖,信仰

24 . benefit (from) 受益,得到好处

25 . for the benefit of 为了…的利益(好处)

26 . for the better 好转

27 . get the better of (=defeat sb.) 打败, 胜过

28 . by birth 在出生上,论出身,按血统 at birth 在出生时;give birth to 出生

29 . blame sb. for sth. 因…责备某人 blame sth. on sb. 把…推在某人身上

30 . in blossom开花(指树木) be in blossom开花(强调状态) come into blossom开花(强调动作)

31 . on board 到船上, 在船上, 上火车或飞机

32 . boast of (or about) 吹嘘

33 . out of breath 喘不过气来

34 . in brief(=in as few words as possible)简言之

35 . in bulk 成批地,不散装的

36 . take the floor 起立发言

37 . on business 出差办事

38 . in case of (=in the event of)如果发生…万一 in the case of 至于…, 就…而言

39 . in no case 在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装句)

40 . be cautious of 谨防

41 . center one's attention on(=focus one's attention on) 把某人的注意力集中在…上

42 . be certain of (=be sure of) 有把握, 一定

43 . for certain of (=for sure ) 肯定地,有把握地

44 . be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

45 . last but one 倒数第二

46 . but for (=without) 要不是. 表示假设

47 . buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买

48 . be capable of 能够, 有能力

49 . in any case(=for love or money, at any rate, at any price, at any cost , whatever happens;anyhow)无论如何

50 . in case (=for fear that) 万一;

专八写作范文pdf 第42篇

1. 听写








部分同学会急于用这2分钟浏览听力考题,导致听写部分出现一些“小儿科”错误。单词的单复数、过去时态、has/is 的错用、主谓一致等都是在这2分钟内可以检查并更正的。另外一个要注意的就是,根据得分、扣分的规则,如果有一句话基本没听清楚,那放弃这句话去检查其它句子才是明智之举。听写是专四的第一题,它的成败在很大程度上决定了考生的心情。在这六周时间里,每个早晨从听写开始,培养自己的答题风格。

2. 听力





专八写作范文pdf 第43篇

What Kind Of Life To Live-Realistic Or Romantic?

There has always been an argument between the young and the old about what kind of life to live-realistic or romantic. Young people tend to think real think that real lofe is as dramatic and fascimating as it is in the novels and movies while more experiened adults think this na?ve daydream is certain to be broken by later experiences and everyone should learn to get used to the dull routine of his everydy life.

However, there are some inadequacies in the opinions on the part of both sides. Life will be unimaginable if everything we do is only for realistic purpose, and the same is true if what we do everyday is just to enjoy ourselves. So it’s not difficult for us to see that neither way can ensure a happy life.

In my opinion, a real happy life can never be separated from either of the two ways. On the one hand, let’s enjoy life-enjoy the excitement of sports. On the other, let’s not forget our work. Happy life can never go without hard work.
