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老托福作文范文 第1篇


The way a person dresses in is a good indication of his/her personality and character.通读此文时,应找到文章主要论点:1.着装习惯反映个人偏好;2.着装习惯透露了性格的某些方面;3.除了着装习惯,行为和举止是性格的更真实体现。

第2步,精读10篇范文,理清每句话之间的关系。如:Relatives were co-habitants inside a large house where more intimate relationships could be stably maintained and carried on. Nowadays, however, nuclear families are taking up the greatest ratio of social build-up... 这两句话之间形成了转折的逻辑关系。

第3步,详细分析10篇范文,弄懂每句话内部的关系以及每句话之间的关系。如:In addition, obsessed with computer games, children are gradually becoming slaves under the control of the pre-designed game modes. As a matter of fact, it is not only a waste of time, but may also considerably mislead children mentally... 在这段话中,标志词in addition表明首句承前启后,该句中,过去分词短语obssessed with... 表原因,children are usually...是原因所导致的结果。第二句是对首句的进一步解释说明,注意not only...but also... 这个典型句式的应用。



老托福作文范文 第2篇

In the reading passage, the author raises that reading less literature has caused unfortunate effects on the reading public, the cultural general and literature itself. On the contrary, the professor strongly contradicts with it.

To begin with, according to the reading passage, the author mainly talks about reading less literature cannot provide readers with intellectual stimulation. By contrast, the lecturer disagrees with it and she reasons that a book doesn’t have to be literature to be intellectually stimulating. Science books, history and political analysis aren’t literature but they are often of high quality and some of those books are just as creative and well-written as novels and poems. So don’t assume that someone who isn’t reading literature isn’t reading a good book.

To be followed, the reading passage indicates that the culture is in decline. However, the speaker holds the opposite opinion and she says that people are not just spending less time in literature and they are spending less time with books in general. However, today, there are many culturally valuable material that isn’t written such as a brilliant song and good movie. People are not wasting their time when they listen to good songs and watch good movies. Those non-literal activities will not lower the culture. Even some of those creative forms can speak more directly to contemporary concerns than literature does.

Lastly, the writer in the reading part says that it is the readers’ fault to lead to the less support for literature. By comparison, the listening material presents a totally different opinion that it is the authors’ fault because today’s literature is intended to be difficult to understand. So don’t assume the earlier’s generations of readers would read a lot modern literature today.


In 1990, new rules and guidelines were adopted in the United Kingdom that has changed the whole field of Archaeology in that country. The new guidelines improved the situation in all there areas discussed in the passage.

First, the new guidelines state that before any construction project can start, the construction site has to be examined by archaeologists to see whether the site is of archaeological interest or value. If the site is of archaeological interest, the next step is for the builders, archaeologists and local government officials to get together and make a plan for preserving the archaeological artifacts, either by building around them or by excavating and documenting them properly before the construction is allowed to proceed.

Second, an important part of the new guidelines is a rule that any archaeological work done on the construction site will be paid for by the construction company not by the government. The construction company has to pay for the initial examination of the site, and then for all the work carried out under the preservation plan. This is a whole new source of financial support. The funding from construction companies has allowed researchers to study a far greater range of archaeological sites than they could in the past.

Last, the new guidelines provide a lot of paid work for archaeologists, work that didn’t exist before. Expert archaeologists are now hired at all stages of the process to examine the site for archaeological value, then to help draw up the preservation plan to do the research in a professional scientific manner and finally to process the date and write reports and articles. The increased job and career opportunities in Archaeology have increased the number of professional archaeologists in Britain, which is now the highest it’s ever been.

老托福作文范文 第3篇

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


In my point of view,sports activities are as important as ,if not more important than,good it is wise for universities to give the same amount of money to their students' sportsactivities as they give their university are numerous clear reasons and i wouldexplore some important ones here.

First,good health is the prerequiste for future are not only the place forstudents to expand their minds, but also a place for student to build their good health isvery essential for study and future our university,there are several middle-agedteachers and researchers suffer from diseases,some even died when they were atill at the acme oftheir academic is a great loss for their families and our university.

Second,through sports activities,student can benefit both physically and who hasplayed in a football game knows that the cooperation and competition are important for are two basic traits for those who want to succeed,and student who can combinethem harmoniously have better chance of success in the future.

Third,investment in sports activities can save money in the long China, all of studentsmedical expenses are patronized by government anf this is a heavy the students healthimporved,a lot of money can be saved every these money,universities can build moreclassrooms,laboratories and libraries.

Of course, good libraries are also important for good library with its large collectionof books is the pride and symbol of a prominent libraries and sports activities areindispenable for unicersity,so it is wise for unicversities give the same amount of money to theirstudent activities as they give to their libraries.

老托福作文范文 第4篇

Some people believe that educatingchildren alt**ether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children shouldbe taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and giveyour own opinion.


老托福作文范文 第5篇

托福tpo真题写作53作文范文,托福tpo53独立写作independentwriting范文+ 题目解析是托福考试官方指南(officialguide),tpo21-54 独立写作范文+ 独立写作批改服务,真题解析,解析,模版解析,文笔分析,写作技巧等,是托福考试官方给出的考试指南。tpo21-34 真题,详细解说如下。1.托福综合写作真题范文+ 独立写作真题+ 综合写作真题范文+ 范文+ 配套练习,这是托福官方给出的备考资料,也是官方给出的备考资料。2.托福综合写作真题范文,tpo8套左右,tpo24-60 真题范文,配套解析,练习一下写作真题范文。tpo24-50 真题范文+ 配套解析,tpo25-50 真题范文。3.如何提高综合写作能力?

老托福作文范文 第6篇

What is the most useful action for people to help environment in their local communities?

1. Plant trees and create parks

2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags for consumers

3. Increase access to public transportation (such as buses and trains), and reduce the automobiles on roads


With the sense of community becoming much stronger, how to protect the environment of local communities has never failed to attract the attention of the general public. Therefore, when it comes to which is the most feasible measure to help environment, among planting trees and building parks, encouraging local shops to stop using plastic bags, and improving public transportation, people's notions may vary from one to another. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to claim that the first option is the best.

Firstly, growing trees and constructing parks can definitely help to ameliorate the environment. For one thing, more trees will contribute to the improvement of the air quality of the whole neighborhood. As is common sense, the prosperous industrial development has produced large amounts of waste gas, with the result that the haze and smoggy weather shroud quite frequently the major cities in our country. The current air condition necessitates the planting of trees, which can purify the contaminated air to a large extent. In other words, trees, the lung of the earth, play a vital role in absorbing some harmful gas and producing more fresh air through photosynthesis. For another, the public parks can be helpful to increase the biodiversity of the local community. Accompanying the rapid urbanization, an increasing number of natural lands have been utilized for constructing factories, shopping mall and skyscrapers, which greatly diminishes the natural habitats of animals, such as birds and squirrels. In this case, parks become the only place which can serve as habitats for those animals. Accordingly, the species of animals living here can become more diverse.

In addition, there are certain limitations for the other two options. Admittedly, reducing the use of plastic bags and making public transportation more accessible may also be conducive to the environmental protection in some degrees. To illustrate, if the plastic bags are prohibited, the so-called white pollution will be relieved. Also, easier access to public transportation means less use of private cars, which leads to the reduction of car exhaust. However, in comparison to planting trees and building parks, the above two measures enjoy less popularity among the residents of the community and thus are unlikely to be implemented. The underlying reason is that growing trees and constructing parks can create a more comfortable living environment while the other two choices can bring about more inconvenience. To be more specific, if shops stop the use of plastic shopping bags, the customers have to take a cloth bag while shopping. Also, taking public transportation will take longer time than driving the private cars, which means that commuters have to get up much earlier than before. It is self-evident that whether a policy can be carried out directly determines its effect, which is especially true of the above situation.

Taking what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that the most effective way of protecting environment in local communities is to plant trees and create parks.

老托福作文范文 第7篇

In recent years, many college students put great pressure on College English test in order to get high marks in the examination. Many students in the ^v^make-up test^v^ at the same time, although they have passed the CET-4, but the campus is full of students busy preparing for the test. Some people do not like the idea of taking part in the CET-4 repeatedly because of the high score.

Although the cost of CET-4 is not high, it will be a considerable financial burden to take part in the test frequently, and they are preparing every year It is a waste of time, because you can do something more meaningful in the golden age of college. Students should not focus on College English examination, but should strive to cultivate other abilities. If our future work needs to master English well, it is OK to repeatedly take CET-6 in order to be more competitive in the job market In order to understand, we can further take higher level examinations, such as TOEFL or IELTS, TOEFL or IELTS, but if not, we should not waste our time and energy to repeatedly participate in the preparation of CET in recent years [P R p_; re ɪʃə n] not approve [D D D D ᠬ s ˈˈˈˈˈ s ˈˈˈˈˈˎˎˎ s ˈˈˈˈˎˎˎˎˎˎˎˈˈˈˈin the job market, we should pay more attention to the employment market.


近年来,许多大学生为了在考试中取得高分而对大学英语考试施加了极大的压力。许多学生在“补考”的同时,虽然已经过了大学英语四级考试,但校园里却挤满了忙于备考的学生,有些人不赞成为了高分而反复参加大学英语四级考试的想法,虽然大学英语四级考试的费用不高,但是经常参加考试会是一个相当大的经济负担,而且每年都在准备它是浪费时间,因为你可以在大学的黄金时期做一些更有意义的事情,学生们不应该把注意力放在大学英语考试上,而是应该努力培养其他方面的能力,如果我们未来的工作需要很好地掌握英语的话,为了在就业市场上更具竞争力而反复参加大学英语六级考试是可以理解的,我们可以进一步采取更高水平的考试,如托福或雅思托福或雅思,但如果没有,我们不应该浪费我们的时间和精力反复参加CET在近几年的准备[ˌprɛpə712; reɪʃən]不批准[ˌd dɪsˇˈpruːv]反复[rɪˈpiːtɪdlɪ除了可以理解的[᯾ʌndʌndˈstˈstˈˈˈˈ在就业市场上。
