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2017年英语全国二卷作文范文 第1篇

It’s well-known to us that the Zhuhai Hong Kong and Macao Bridge is being built in China. Of course it is not only well praised but also resulting in much doubt as well. Its advantages and disadvantages can be listed as follows.

Some hold the view that it is 50 kilometers long(the longest bridge in the world)and it must be a big challenge for the engineers to overcome the technical problems . Besides, the investment of the whole project is up to billion. If we use the huge money for the western poor areas, we can help them to live a better life to some degree. Finally, it will have a negative effect on the natural environment.

However, it is true that some show much support to the project. They have sufficient reasons for finishing the project, the one-hour economic circle will be realized and the local economy of all sides can benefit each other. Secondly,the bridge will be required to be the best one and become a landmark which is an attractive scenic spot. Most important of all, there will be a profound and significant meaning to carry out “one country, two systems”smoothly.

Personally speaking, building the bridge brings more advantages than disadvantages, so I am in favor of it.

2017年英语全国二卷作文范文 第2篇


1. 到达时间;2. 合适的礼物;3. 餐桌礼仪。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




例如受邀赴宴客人可以准时到达但切忌过早到达。外地客人所带礼物常见为能体现客人当地特色的物品。但注意,传统的中国人收到礼物后一般不会当着客人的面打开。中国餐桌为圆桌,正对门的位置为上座,一般为长者位置。 中国人特别尊敬长辈,用餐时,需等长辈先动筷子。吃饭时不得发出声响,强调“食不语寝不言”等。中国地域广文化差异也很大,给予思维发散的考生提供了充分表达自己的空间和机会。












1. 浏览信息要点。

2. 三个任务点,第一段内容:问候对方,马上呈现对方所涉及的话题,拜访中国家庭,做客时间的要求和忌讳! 第二段内容:做客拜访的合适礼物,可以适当延展,初次拜访,亲密朋友之间拜访,二次拜访,家庭情况适合的礼物,通用的礼物等。第三段:table manners,可以描述两三个通常的中国人的餐桌礼节和忌讳的地方,有鲜明特色之处,最后一句表达祝愿。

3. 时态,给对方的建议和说明,用一般现在时,描述风俗礼仪这是客观规律性的东西,用一般现在时。

4. 头脑风暴短语、句型结构,开始打草稿。

5. 行文。

6. 检查拼写和语法。


Dear Terry,

How are you doing? Learning that you are about to pay a visit to a Chinese friend and confused about the Chinese customs, I am writing to put forward some advice.

Firstly, I would 1ike to suggest that you arrive 5 to 10 minutes earlier, which is common in Chinese traditional culture. Secondly, if I were you I would bring some appropriate gifts with me, such as souvenirs from my own country. Besides, table manners are also what you should pay attention to. For example, you are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food. Instead, laying them on your dish is a smart choice.

If you have any other problems, please don’t hesitate to contact me.



1. 预先约定一个时间以便对方事先作好安排。如果事先已经约定好了时间,就应遵守约定,准时到达,如需提早十分钟二十分钟之内可以接受,不要迟到,以免主人等候,也不要太早到,以免主人未作好准备。这是一个基本礼节问题。




准时: on time/punctually

餐桌礼仪:table manners


拜访:pay a visit to

You are supposed/expected/required to do…

It' s a good idea to…

It' s appropriate/suitable to do …

It' s sensible/reasonable/advisable to do …

It' s good manners to do …

It' s noteworthy that…

I think it would be more helpful if you could do…

It would be wise of you to…

It' s desirable to do …

It' s inappropriate to do …

It' s impolite to do…

It' s unwise/inadvisable to do …

Never (助动词/系动词/情态动词)主语+谓语动词…

It' s not suitable for you to do…in such a situation.

2017年英语全国二卷作文范文 第3篇

【试题回顾】第一节 应用文写作。假定你是李华,你校英语协会招聘志愿者,接待来访的国外中学生。请你写信应聘,内容包括:

1. 口语能力:2. 相关经验;3. 应聘目的。

注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







Dear Sir or Madam,

My name is Li Hua. And I am writing to apply for being a volunteer of our school English association.

I have a good command of English and have been to the USA twice. So I can communicate well with native speakers of English. What's more, I am kind and friendly to other people. So I can easily get along with foreign students.

I' m particularly interested in this job because I want to further improve my oral English capabilities and interpersonal communication skills. Hopefully I can receive your acceptance.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua

【试题回顾】第二节 读后续写(满分25分)。阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

It was summer, and my dad wanted to treat me to a vacation like never before. He decided to take me on a trip to the Wild West.

We took a plane to Albuquerque, a big city in the state of New Mexico. We reached Albuquerque in the late afermoon. Uncle Paul, my dad's friend, picked us up from the airport and drove me up to his farm in Pecos.

His wife Tina cooked us a delicious dinner and we got to know his sons Ryan and Kyle. My dad and I spent the night in the guestroom of the farm house listening to the frogs and water rolling down the river nearby. Very early in the morning, Uncle Paul woke us up to have breakfast. ^v^The day starts at dawn on my farm,^v^ he said. After breakfast, I went to help Aunt Tina feed the chickens, while my dad went with Uncle Paul to take the sheep out to graze (吃草). I was impressed to see my dad and Uncle Paul riding horses. They looked really cool.

In the afternoon, I asked Uncle Paul if I could take a horse ride, and he said yes, as long as my dad went with me. I wasn't going to take a horse ride by myself anyway. So, my dad and I put on our new cowboy hats, got on our horses, and headed slowly towards the mountains. “Don't be late for supper,^v^ Uncle Paul cried, ^v^and keep to the track so that you don't get lost!^v^ “OK!^v^ my dad cried back. After a while Uncle Paul and his farm house were out of sight. It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late aftermoon sunmixed to create a magic scene. It looked like a beautiful woven ( 编织的) blanket spread out upon the ground just for us.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。




根据第一段所给首句Suddenly a little rabbit jumped out in front of my horse.这一句是故事发展的转折点,可从rabbit出现后带来的反应扩展开,可以写马的反应,也可以写人的反应,但要注意与第二段首句相呼应。第二段首句是We had no idea where we were and it was getting dark.这一句呼应前文Uncle Paul的叮嘱——不要误吃晚饭,可从如何寻路返回农场去写。



Suddenly a lttle rabbit jumped out in front of my horse. My horse turned to the 1eft to avoid the ittle rabbit as I held on tightly and tried not to fall. Then my dad turned around and shouted, Hoid on! All of a sudden the horse began to run My dad tried to keep up behind us. For a few minutes my horse slowed down to a trot and then stopped beside a river. I looked around and realized that we were way off the track.

We had no idea where we were and it got dark. Luckily the stars came out and gave us a little light when we were looking for the way to the farm house. After what must have been several hours, we suddenly heard the sound of sheep in the distance. My dad and I both rode our horses towards the sound of the sheep. As we got closer we saw Uncle Paul with a flashlight waving us over. What a night!





参考词汇:世界青少年机器人技能竞赛 the World Adolescent Robotics Competition

Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you.


I'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Jin





2. 介绍比赛的时间、地点等安排;

3. 说明邀请他的原因,包括Chris曾在机器人技能竞赛中获奖;

4. 告诉他训练计划将发送其邮箱,请他提出建议。



1. 代表兴趣小组发出邀请;

2. 介绍比赛的时间、地点等安排;

3. 说明邀请他的原因,包括Chris 曾在机器人技能竞赛中获奖;

4. 告诉他训练计划将发送其邮箱,请他提出建议。


Dear Chris,

I have good news to tell you. The World Adolescent Robotics Competition will be held in Tianjin at the end of July. Hearing that you once took part in a Robotics Skills Competition and won an award, I, on behalf of the Robotics Hobby Group, intend to invite you to join our team in the coming competition. I am sure that your involvement will not only help us in winning the award but also enhance the friendship between our two schools.

With this email I also send you our training plan, about which I wish to get your advice because you are more experienced than us. We sincerely hope that we can participate in the competition as team partners.

I' m looking forward to your reply.


Li Jin



1. 表示欢迎;2. 推荐他上哪所大学;3. 建议他做哪些准备工作。

注意:1. 词数不少于50;2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jim,



Li Hua




Dear Jim,

I' m so glad to hear your future education plan in Beijing in your last letter. First I would like to express my warmest welcome to you and I am sure you will have the most unforgettable experience during your college in Beijing.

Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture, I suggest you apply for Peking University, one of the best universities in China. Its Chinese Literature major is, perfect for you where you. can be completely soaked in Chinese profound history and rich culture. As for preparation some reading in advance in needed like The Story of the Stone while some online courses of spoken Chinese can be helpful for you to adapt into the Chinese language environment.

I sincerely hope your dream will come true and it’s my pleasure to show you around in Beijing when that day comes. If you have further questions, please feel free to let me know.


Li Hua





1. 认真读图,把握中心。




3. 连词成句,然后再连句成文。





Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture, which turned out be to extremely rewarding.

On arriving at the tea house, the foreign students were impressed by the unique tea pots and tea cups. I gave them a vivid and informative introduction of tea culture, including its profound history, its rich variety, and the exquisite craftsmanship of making tea with their interest greatly sparked, I then began to teach them how to make tea.

In order to deliver a clear presentation, I slowly explained the traditional procedure of making tea in detail. Absorbed in every move of mine, the foreign students were once again amazed by this unique culture and they couldn’t help taking pictures from time to time.

Next came the moment when I asked them to have a try themselves. Washing the tea pots, adding tea leaves, and pouring water into the cups, they followed my instructions and were really immersed in charming tea culture. The tea house witnessed a really enjoyable time for all of us.

At the end of the activity, holding the tea bags in our hands, we took a picture to memorize the unforgettable day. It suddenly hit me that traditional culture like tea culture was of great charm and huge value. And I swelled with pride to spread our own culture to people all over the world.



Last week, we took the foreign students in our school to experience the authentic tea culture, which turned out be to extremely rewarding.


On arriving at the tea house…

I gave them a vivid and informative introduction of tea culture, including its profound history, its rich variety,

Absorbed in every move of mine, the foreign students were once again amazed by this unique culture

holding the tea bags in our hands, we took a picture to memorize the unforgettable day.


Next came the moment when I asked them to have a try themselves.


It suddenly hit me that traditional culture like tea culture was of great charm and huge value.



【写作内容】1.用约30个词概括上述利用排名( ratings)进行消费的现象;2.谈谈你如何看待消费排名,然后用2-3个理由或论据支撑你的看法。





2017年英语全国二卷作文范文 第4篇

Dear Leslie,

How time flies! Next week, we are going to enjoy our next Chinese class. Are you ready? Now, I am writing to tell you some relevant details about it.

To begin with, we can have the class on Monday evening in the school library, when there will be less people. Besides, we are going to learn some basic rules about Tang poetry, which will be not only meaningful but also interesting. What’s more, you’d better learn some history about the Tang dynasty, which can cultivate your interests and broaden your horizons.

I have the confidence that we will have a great time. Looking forward to meeting you again!



2017年英语全国二卷作文范文 第5篇

【试题回顾】你受学生会委托为校宣传栏“英语天地”写一则通知,请大家观看一部英语短片Growing Together,内容包括:

1. 短片内容:学校的发展;2. 放映时间、地点;3. 欢迎对短片提出意见。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


2018年高考英语书面表达体裁为通知,替学校的“英语天地”邀请学生看英文短片Growing together。继2015年,2016年,2017年连续三年考查信件认识人写信之后,全国二卷考查了应用文中的另一典型体裁,内容为邀请电影相关的时间,地点的通知。学生对该题材和内容熟悉,对词汇的要求也相对基础。








Boys and girls,

May I have your attention, please? Recently, an outstanding movie will be shown in our campus. Welcome to join us end enjoy it! Here are some relevant details about it.

To begin with, the name of the movie is Growing together, which is about the development of our beloved school; as a result, it will be not only meaningful but also interesting. Besides, it will be in the library from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon on June 9th . What’s more, everyone of you will be welcome to take part in it, enjoying the movie, having a heated discussion afterwards and giving your own comments.

Hopefully, you would make it to our activity. I have the confidence that you will have a great time.

The Student Union
