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考研英语申请信范文 第1篇

Dear manager,

I write this letter to you to make some complaints about the com*r I bought in your store yesterday afternoon. There' s something wrong with it. That makes me extremely unhappy.

The com*r cannot be properly shut down when I got it back to the office. When I click the shutdown button, it seems that the machine gives no response. And I'm so annoyed with it.

It's obvious that you didn' t carefully examine the machine before you sold it. I think your store should take full responsibility for selling me the defective machine. I insist that you give me a satisfactory re*. I do want you to give back my money as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours,


考研英语申请信范文 第2篇

subject: introduction

dear mr. / ms, we are pleased to introduce mr. wang you, our import manager of textiles department. mr. wang is spending three weeks in your city to develop our business with chief manufactures and to make purchases of decorative fabrics for the com#ing season.

we shall be most grateful if you will introduce him to reliable manufacturers and give him any help or advice he may need.

yours faithfully,

yang ning

考研英语申请信范文 第3篇

dept. of chemistry

beijing university

beijing, 100081

. china

, 2000

dr. francisco gomes

chairman, department of chemistry

university of colorado at denver

denver, colorado 80202

dear dr. gomes:

i have read the announcement of the scholarship in chemistry that the university of colorado is offering, and i would like to submit my enclosed application form for admission to the graduate school of your university will give my educational history. however, i would like to point out that i have just received an .

sincerely yours,

ding jian


考研英语申请信范文 第4篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I am an undergraduate majoring in mathematics at Nankai University.

(2) I am hoping to have your help in gathering some important details about(主题词).


(3) As described in the next paragraphs, there are some specific contents of interest.

(4) In the first place, (第⼀个信息). Aware of its significance, I have prioritized it among all the must-have things.

(5) In addition, (第⼆个信息). Without question, this extra fact will greatly reduce my anxiety when making my decision.


(6) Knowing that you are reading my letter makes me feel very grateful.

(7) It would be most helpful if you can give me details in writing.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我是南开⼤学数学专业的学⽣。

(2) 我希望能得到你的帮助,获得⼀些与(主题词)有关的重要细节。


(3) 下⾯⼏段所阐述的便是我感兴趣的⼀些具体内容。

(4) 第⼀,(第⼀个信息)。因为意识到它的重要性,我把它列为所有必须了解的内容中的优先事项。

(5) 此外,(第⼆个信息)。了解这个问题将⼤⼤减少我做决定时的焦虑。


(6) 知您正在阅读我的来信,我⾮常感激。 (7) 如果你能以书⾯形式告诉我这些信息,那真是帮了我⼤忙。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第5篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I am a fourth-year student majoring in economics at Lanzhou University.

(2) It is for officially applying for ( 主 题 词 ) that I am writing this letter.


(3) I hope that my profile will impress you and win me the opportunity.

(4) First and foremost, thanks to my exceptional professional skills, I have championed several tournaments at the national level.

(5) What’s more, I always communicate well with colleagues and classmates, and I can navigate complex relations.


(6) Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read this letter.

(7) I hope you could get back to me at your first opportunity to do so.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我是兰州⼤学经济专业的⼤三学⽣。

(2) 我写这封信是为了正式申请(主题词)。


(3) 我希望我的简历能给你留下深刻的印象,让我得到这个机会。

(4) ⾸先也是最重要的是,凭借出⾊的专业技能,我曾多次在国家级⽐赛中获得冠军。

(5) 此外,我能很好地与同事、同学沟通,处理好复杂的关系。


(6) 感谢您在百忙之中抽出时间查阅这封信。 (7) 希望您可以⼀有机会就回复我。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第6篇







考研英语申请信范文 第7篇

Dear Sir or Madame,

Having read your advertisement on the internet, I feel it the very thing I like to do during the summer vacation. Therefore I am writing to ap* for the job.

The following are my advantages. First of all, I'm strong, healthy and hard-working. Besides, I have such a good knowledge of English and Chinese culture that I can have no difficulty communicating with foreigners. Apart from that, I am outgoing and optimistic, thus making it easy for me to get along well with others.

I will greatly appreciate it if I'm offered the chance, and I'm sure I can be of great help to you.

Looking forward to your early re*.


Li Hua

考研英语申请信范文 第8篇

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to ap* for it.

I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this ’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the com*r and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.

I hope I may be granted(授予) an interview,when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件) more fully. I am looking forward to your re*.


Wu Min

考研英语申请信范文 第9篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I had been hesitating for a long time before I finally decided to resign.


(2) To commence with, the training I received in college does not benefit me much in the position.

(3) In addition, I have decided to go abroad to pursue further study and broaden my horizon.

(4) If you need me to provide some excellent candidates for your consideration, I would love to help.

(5) The only thing I can do now is to humbly apologize.


(6) Thank you for reading my letter even when you are always busy.

(7) I hope that you will be in a position to respond soon.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我犹豫了很⻓时间,最终决定辞职。


(2) ⾸先,我在⼤学⾥接受的训练对这个职位没有多⼤帮助。

(3) 其次,我决定出国深造,开阔眼界。

(4) 如果您需要我推荐⼀些优秀的候选⼈,我很乐意帮忙。

(5) 我现在唯⼀能做的就是虚⼼道歉。


(6) ⾮常感谢您在忙碌之中还阅读我的信。

(7) 希望您能尽快做出回应。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第10篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I am a civil engineering student at Suzhou University of Science and Technology.

(2) I’m willingly writing to you to make a detailed recommendation/ introduction of(主题词).


(3) About my recommendation /introduction, there are two particular reasons for it.

(4) To start with, ( 第 ⼀ 个 推荐/介绍的内容); surely this being the case, one can understand why it is on everyone’s lips.

(5) Moreover, (第⼆个 推 荐 / 介 绍 的 内 容 ). This, above most of the other aspects, seems to be the reason for its popularity.


(6) Thank you for reading my letter; I know you have a busy schedule.

(7) Should you require further information, I can provide you with a detailed account.

Yours sincerely

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我是苏州科技大学的土木工程专业的学生。

(2) 我很乐意写信向您详细推荐/介绍(主题词)。


(3) 我的推荐/介绍主要出于两个特别的原因。

(4) ⾸先,(第⼀个推荐/介绍的内容);在这个基础上,你就可以理解为什么⼤家都在谈论它。

(5) 此外,(第⼆个推荐/介绍的内容)。这⼀点⽐其他⽅⾯都重要,似乎是它受欢迎的原因。


(6) 感谢您能阅读我的信;知道您平时很忙。

(7) 如果您想了解更多,我可以为您提供详细描述。

Yours sincerely

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第11篇

beijing science and engineering university

xueyuan st. beijing, 100081

. china

may 15, 2001


dept. of electronics engineering

university of massachusetts

amherst, mao1003 .

dear sir:

i should like to ap* for one of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries. would you please send me the necessary application froms and any further details about the scholarships.

i am a postgraduate student in beijing science and engineering university. i major in microelectronics engineering, and do some research work during my study years. i hope to have a further study and continue to do my research work if i succeed in obtaining the engineering scholarship.

enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card.

thank you for your consideration. i look forward to your re*.

respectfully yours,

ma minghao

考研英语申请信范文 第12篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I am a student majoring in history at Beijing University.

(2) I would like to know whether it is convenient for you to(做某事).


(3) I am willing to provide you with the fundamental information about this event/meeting.

(4) To begin with, the event/meeting will kick off at 9 am sharp, on Monday, at the auditorium.

(5) In addition, please fill in and submit the personal details, attached to this email, in advance.

(6) Finally, there will be a Question & Answer session for around forty minutes in the end.


(7) I am grateful that you have made time to read my letter.

(8) Your attendance will, without doubt, elevate this event /meeting, in our opinion.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我是⼀名北京⼤学历史学专业的学⽣。

(2) 我想知道,您是否⽅便(做某事)。


(3) 我很乐意告诉您关于此次活动/会议的基本信息。

(4) ⾸先,本次活动/会议将于周⼀上午九点整在礼堂举⾏。


(6) 最后,结束时将会安排 40 分钟左右的问答环节。


(7) 谢谢您抽出时间来阅读我的信。

(8) 在我们看来,您的到来⽆疑会让本次活动/会议更上⼀层楼。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第13篇

Dear Mom

Can you imagine that I’m now in the United States a country so different from China? Everything is new and interesting! I made some friends on the trip over and they have been very kind and helpful. Still you know how much I miss you and your cooking? My mouth waters at the mere thought of those delectable Chinese dishes you prepare. Last night my friends invited me to dinner. They had some strange ways of describing their hunger. For instance there was“I’m starving to death”“I’m famished” and“I’m so hungry I could eat a horse” which has a similar expression in Chinese; I’m sure you know the one. How about“I’m making a pig of myself”! A little confusing hmm? Anyway this stuff may be useful to you

as an English teacher so I’m also sending a tape. You can listen to our conversation and hear some real modern American English.

Your loving daughter,Amber





考研英语申请信范文 第14篇

Dear Mum,

I am writing to express my deepest thanks to you in Mother^v^s Day, dear mum ,you devote all of your energy and blood to our .I am writing to express my deepest thanks to you in Mother^v^s Day.

Such is sons‘ nature,I really do not know how to express my thanks to can imagine,on the day 18 years ago,when you gave birth to me,what a complex feeling you the past few years,every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me,then in the afternoon,you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a day‘s your son has been 18 and will go to university soon,like a bird is leaving its footprints on my heart will never ever fade and-----I love you mum & I hope that you have happiness everyday!

Your son

考研英语申请信范文 第15篇



(1) We are looking forward to meeting participants of ( 活 动 名 称 ) this Thursday in the Grand Lecture Theatre at 7 pm.

(2) You will glean the necessary information about the event from this bulletin.


(3) First and foremost, (第⼀个信息). The great importance of remembering this piece of information cannot be emphasized highly enough.

(4) To follow up, only those who have successfully registered and got the confirmation letters can be admitted.

(5) In finishing, photos of the best moments of the day will be presented to participants in an album.


(6) It is hoped that this event captures your interest and that you come.

(7) If required, we can supply a leaflet which includes extra information.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San




(1) 本周四晚上7点,我们期待在⼤演讲厅与(活动名称)的参与者⻅⾯。

(2) 您可以从本通知找到所有有关活动的必要信息。


(3) ⾸先,(第⼀个信息)。牢记这条信息⾄关重要,值得反复强调。

(4) 接下来,只有那些已经成功报名申请并通过的⼈可以参加本次活动。

(5) 在结束时,当天活动的最佳时刻将以相册形式呈现给参加者。


(6) 希望本次活动能引您加⼊。

(7) 如果您需要,我们可以提供有更多信息的宣传单。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


考研英语申请信范文 第16篇


































考研英语申请信范文 第17篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) The reason I pen this note is to thank you for helping me.(2) Were it not for your help, I might not have gotten through the conundrums.


(3) At the outset, (第⼀件 事 ); and I cannot begin to imagine how much time this took you.

(4)Furthermore, I cannot forget how you changed your holiday plans just to lend me a hand.

(5) Knowing you would never ask for anything from me, I still hope you accept my thank-you

gift: (具体的⽅案).


(6) I am truly grateful that you are making time for my letter.

(7) If I can assist you, please send me a message.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我写这封信是想向您给予我的帮助表示感谢。

(2) 要是没有您的帮助,我也许没办法度过难关。


(3) ⾸先,(第⼀件事);很难想象您在这件事上花费了多少时间。

(4) 此外,您还改变了假期计划,只为给我帮助, 我难以忘记。

(5) 我知道您肯定不会向我索取任何东⻄,但我还是希望您能接受我的答谢礼物:(具体的⽅案)。


(6) ⾮常感谢您抽出时间来读我的信。 (7) 如果我能帮助到您,请给我发消息。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第18篇

Dear Sir or Madame,

I am a third year mastor major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university, p. r. china. with tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am writing to ap* for acceptance into your . graduate program.

In 1995, i entered the nanjing university of science & technology (nust) -- widely considered one of the china s best engineering schools. during the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department. i was granted first class prize every semester,in 1999, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.

At the period of my graduate study, my overall gpa() ranked top 5% in the department. in the second semester, i became teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only. this year, i won the acer scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university. presently, i am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of excellent graduation thesis.

In retrospect, i find myself standing on a solid basis in both theory and experience, which has prepared me for the . program. my future research interests include: network sche*ng problem, heuristic algorithm research (especially in ga and neural network), sup* chain network research, hybrid system performance *ysis with petri nets and data mining.

——留学申请英语信 (菁选2篇)

考研英语申请信范文 第19篇

Dear Mother,

Such is sons nature,I really do not know how to express my thanks to can imagine,on the day 18 years ago,when you gave birth to me,what a complex feeling you the past few years,every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me,then in the afternoon,you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a days hardwork. Now your son has been 18 and will go to university soon,like a bird is leaving its footprints on my heart will never ever fade and-----I love you mum!


Your son

考研英语申请信范文 第20篇






















考研英语申请信范文 第21篇

12 May

Dear Sir,

I am writing to ap* for a British Council scholarship to study in Britain. I did my five years basic training in medicine at Shanghai University. After this I successfully completed a one-year postgraduate course in Ophthalmology at the Peoples General Hospital, where I am at present serving a two-year probation in the Eye Clinic.

As a result of the publication in 20xx of my article in New Scientist entitled ^v^Soft and Rigid Contact Lenses ^v^, which was based on a survey of 37 patients over 6 months, I made contact with Dr. Li Ming of the Capital Hospital and Dr. Ma Li of the

University College Hospital. I have received their help and advice with my current research project, which is a two-year survey of the acceptance of various types of contact lenses in 200 patients.

Despite their help, I feel that I cannot make real progress in this field unless I can actually have day-to-day contact with these specialists. I would therefore like to continue my research at either the Capital Hospital or the UCH as soon as my probationary period here is completed, and I would like to study in Britain for two years.

I enclose a detailed curriculum vitae and an offprint of my article, together with two letters of recommendation from Dr. Li Ming and Dr. Ma Li.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Chen

考研英语申请信范文 第22篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I write intending to beg your pardon about ( 某 事 ).

(2) Although what is done is done, I must explain my reasons for this apology.


(3) To begin with, ( 第 ⼀ 个 原 因 ). I have since been racking my brains to try and rectify this situation.

(4) What is more, (第⼆个原因). This was unquestionably adding insult to injury, making me feel down and sad.

(5) Having thought about it, I recommend that (具体解决⽅案), as this should rectify things.


(6) I would like to advance my thanks to you for considering my letter.

(7) I welcome any feedback from you at any time.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我写信的⽬的是请求你原谅(某事)。

(2) 虽然事已⾄此,但我必须解释我为何道歉。


(3) ⾸先,(第⼀个原因),我⼀直在绞尽脑汁试图扭转这种局⾯。

(4) 此外,(第⼆个原因)。这⽆疑是雪上加霜, 让我感到沮丧难过。

(5) 经过思考,我建议(具体解决⽅案),因为这应该能够改善现状。


(6) ⾮常感谢您对我的来信给予关注。 (7) 欢迎您在任何时候向我反馈意⻅。

Yours sincerely,

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第23篇

My dearest Mother,

The mother's day is coming and I would like to say “Happy mother's day” in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day,I will stay away and can't give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself,so don't worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can't be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother's day.

Love,Your son


考研英语申请信范文 第24篇

Dear Mum and Dad,

Time flies! I've been here for nearly a year. I'm very pleased to find that our school is really a good one. The students in our school work hard at their lessons. They take an active part in activities that help to improve their qualities and health. They are friendly to each other and always ready to help each other.

The teachers here all enjoy their work and they love their students. They work hard and do what they can do to help their students. And the students respect their teachers. They get on well with each other. The students in our school try their best to kkp the school yard clean and tidy. They never throw waste about nor pick the flowers.

In a word, I am dee* impressed by the harmonious atmosphere in this school. I love my new school.



考研英语申请信范文 第25篇


























考研英语申请信范文 第26篇

Dear Mr. Johnson:

I take great pleasure in introducing Mary Brown one of my classmates and best friends to you. She is going to pursue her education as a postgraduate in your university after her graduation here. She and I had lived and studied together for four years. No friend deserves so much love and respect as she does. Now that we have finished our study here we had to part with each other.

Will you please give her some guidance in regard to the entrance examination? Any information you can provide, as well as your introduction for him to meet the future tutor shall be appreciated very much.

Yours truly,


考研英语申请信范文 第27篇

Dear parents,

How is everything these days? I miss you very much.

I am very happy at my new shool. My teachers and students are very friendly to me .They ofen help me with my I am not worried about my English because I make a lot of progress in it anb I become more and more intrested in it. My shool life here is also wonderful. I take part in many part-time activities . I make many friends there and learn lots of learning methods.

Now final exam is coming. I am busy preparing it . I will try my best to do well in it.

I am glad that the summer holiday is coming. I want to take part in a GREEN CITY think I should make a contribution to protecting our environment.

It's hot these days but I can take good care of should pay more attention to your health.

Best wishes to you.

Love you,


考研英语申请信范文 第28篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

Im ________(自我介绍). Im writing to ap* for the position ________(说明写信目的).

I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because ________(说明自己为什么很想得到这个宝贵的机会).

________. Besides, ________.(分层次说明自己的优势)

I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your will be grateful if you could give me a kind consideration.

Looking forward to your re*(表达期望).

Yours truly,

Li Hua

考研英语申请信范文 第29篇































































考研英语申请信范文 第30篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m lihua from class one,senior two. I am wring to ap* for the opportunity to help the students in chenxin Hope School with their English. Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation. Meanwhile, I can learn how to get along well the students and benefit the whole school.

I' kind, easy-going and always ready to help others. I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence. English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests. So I think that I am qualified for the position.

I plan to communicate with students first to know what they need. Besides,I'l try to get them more interested in English by telling stories, singing songs,playing games and so on.

I' appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.

Yours Sincerely,

Li hua

考研英语申请信范文 第31篇

Dear Mr. John ,

I'm one of your I'm now writing and behave of the resident 's association to complain about your making disterb others' normal lifes.

Since you moved in the building three months ago we have received many complaints about your bad behaviors. According to the complaints you have shown very little consideration for the other residents of the example ,you often turned on the music very loudly till every weekend your extremely noisey partys last until the early hours of the next morning so that other residents can not have a good words though some residents have talked to you about the noise you made your behavior has no improvement.

A harmony community's life needs every resident's course you are no hope you can realise and stop your improper behavior as soon as you do something to improve the present situation,we will have no other choice but to take legal action.

Your's sincerely


考研英语申请信范文 第32篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

Im ________(自我介绍). Im writing to ap* for the position ________(说明写信目的).

I really want to obtain this precious opportunity because ________(说明自己为什么很想得到这个宝贵的机会).

________. Besides, ________.(分层次说明自己的优势)

I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your will be grateful if you could give me a kind consideration.

Looking forward to your re*(表达期望).

Yours truly,

Li Hua


考研英语申请信范文 第33篇

Dear Audrey:

Hi! My name is Li Ming. I am very glad to have this chance to write to you and become pen pals.

Let me first introduce myself. Im currently working as a com*r programmer in a large multi-national company. I graduated from Beijing Normal University with a Bachelors Degree in com*r science in 20xx. My hobbies include listening to pop music and traveling.

This summer, I will be traveling with Mr. Yang Guo to Norway. If you are free, I would be very happy to meet you in person. Well, let me finish here. I am already eagerly awaiting your re*. I hope that we can become good friends.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming (109)

考研英语申请信范文 第34篇

Dear Mr Minister,

On behalf of the United States Government, I now outline steps to resolve this issue.

Both President Bush and Secretary of State Powell have expressed their sincere regret over your missing pilot and aircraft. Please convey to the Chinese people and to the family of pilot Wang Wei that we are very sorry for their loss. Although the full picture of what transpired is still unclear, according to our information, our severely crippled aircraft made an emergency landing after following international emergency procedures. We are very sorry the entering of Chinas airspace and the landing did not have verbal clearance, but very pleased the crew landed safely.

We appreciate Chinas efforts to see to the well-being of our crew. In view of the tragic incident and based on my discussions with your representatives, we have agreed to the following actions:

Both sides agree to hold a meeting to discuss the incident. My government understands and expects that our air crew will be permitted to depart China as soon as possible.

The meeting would be April 18, 20xx.

The meeting agenda would include discussions of the causes of the incident, possible recommendations whereby such collisions could be avoided in the future, development of a plan for prompt return of the EP-3 aircraft, and other related issues. We acknowledge your governments intention to raise . reconnaissance missions near China in the meeting.


Joseph W. Prueher

考研英语申请信范文 第35篇

Dear Tom,

I am glad to hear you will come China to teach students. You told me that you wanted to rent a house near the school . For your requirements , I found a suitable house for you .The house detailed information as follows.

The house is located in the crossing of the North Street with a bedroom and a living room . It is on the second floor and covers an area of 70㎡. The shining point of this house is that il has enough furnitures and is opposite to the south .At there not only can you go to the gym to do physical exercise , but also can go shopping gladly by convenient traffic . The rent is 4500 yuan a month. If you want to know more about the house , please call 15382649512.

I sincerely hope that the information I offered will be beneficial for you .

Yours, Lihua.

考研英语申请信范文 第36篇

I am writing to ap* for a part-time job as an English tutor in your group. I am a senior grade three student in Beijing No. 18 High School.

I come from a teacher's family, and becoming an English teacher was my childhood dream. To realize my dream, I have been working very hard at my English. My efforts have paid off. So far my English grade has ranked high among the 240 students. In addition to my good academic performance, I have had a teaching experience that has enhanced my competence for this job. I taught my cousin, a sixth grader, English last summer. He made great progress in a very short time. This valuable experience has afforded me the opportunity to understand the students' difficulties in English and therefore work out effective ways to overcome them. I am an outgoing and warm-hearted person. I would like the opportunity to work with your tutor group and help the students in need. I can be reached by phone at 135-2098-9226 or by e-mail at . Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely

Chris Chen

考研英语申请信范文 第37篇

Dear mother:

I’m very happy to drop you a line, how is it going recently?

I write this letter to tell you what I want to say, thank you for all the things you have done for me, you are the person who I love best. As a mother, you love me very much, while I can do nothing for you. The reason why I love you is that not only have you done me so much, but also you always tell me to be willing to help others and devote myself to society in the future. On the one hand, you are my mother, on the other hand you are also my teacher, I will keep your words in mind all the time. I also want to say I will study harder in order not to let you down, I have confidence in myself, I believe there is nothing difficult if you put your heart into it. I think I will succeed by means of perseverance.

Now I must stop here, with my best regards.




考研英语申请信范文 第38篇

dear mr. liu,

we are dedicated to manufacturing the most advanced business machines and hope that our products are meeting with your approval.

please take a moment to fill out the enclosed card in order to receive lifetime technical support,special prices and updates.

if you have any questions concerning our products, please call our customer service department at 1234-567.

again, thank you for your purchase.

sincerely yours,

manager, channel

marketing department

考研英语申请信范文 第39篇

Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) I am a senior student majoring in medical imaging at the University of Tianjin Medical.

(2) The reason why I’m sending this letter is to present some considerations about (主题词).


(3) I will next elaborate on my two suggestions with real-life examples.

(4) First and foremost, (第一个建议 ).which is not an abstract proposal; it is firmly rooted in the real world.

(5) Furthermore, ( 第二个建议). It is my conviction that what we/you would gain from this greatly exceeds our/your expectations.


(6) I intend that these suggestions will be of use to you.

(7) I’ll keep checking my email to see if you have written to me.

Yours sincerely

Zhang San


Dear Sir/Madam,


(1) 我是天津医科⼤学医学影像专业(换成你自己的学校和专业就行)的⼤四学⽣。

(2) 我给您这封信是为了提出关于(主题词)的建议


(3) 下⾯我将⽤现实⽣活中的例⼦来阐述我的两个建议。

(4) ⾸先,(第⼀个建议),这不是不切实际的建议;它是与现实紧密联系的建议。

(5) 此外,(第⼆个建议)。我深信,我们的/你的收获将远远超出预期


(6) 我是希望这些建议对您有所帮助。 (7) 我会⼀直检查我的邮箱,看是否有您的回信。

Yours sincerely

Zhang San

考研英语申请信范文 第40篇

Dear parents,

Now I know clearly that you both are expecting me anxiously. I can say nothing but thanks to you both on this special occasion, because words have failed me when I want to express my thanks to you both for the loving care you have shown for me, especially since I went to Senior Three. These days I have been studying hard and have made some progress. And everything has got along well with my college entrance examination. I have performed my ability in this exam. I hope you both can set your mind at rest.

After this exam, I intend to help you do some housework which I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to cook in order to prepare a dinner for you both in person.

My dear parents, everything is going on well with me and do have a rest! Best wishes.


考研英语申请信范文 第41篇

Dear Sir/Madam,

I'm lihua from class one,senior two. I am wring to ap* for the opportunity to help the students in chenxin Hope School with their English. Thus they can improve their English during the summer vacation. Meanwhile, I can learn how to get along well the students and benefit the whole school.

I' kind, easy-going and always ready to help others. I wash clothes and make beds by myself to develop independence. English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests. So I think that I am qualified for the position.

I plan to communicate with students first to know what they need. Besides,I'l try to get them more interested in English by telling stories, singing songs,playing games and so on.

I'm appreciate it if you could give me the opportunity.

Yours Sincerely,

Li hua

考研英语申请信范文 第42篇

Dear Susan,

I’m very sorry that I was out when you came to see me yesterday evening. I’m afraid I’d gone to the pub with some friends and didn’t get back until 12 o’clock. I wish I had known you were in Luoyang as you could have come with us. It would have been a good introduction to the night life! Anyway, I will call on you at 10 o’clock on Saturday morning at your hotel. We can have the day together, if you have nothing else planned? I’ll show you some of the places of interest that you may not have seen.

Please let me know if you will be available on Saturday morning.

Best wishes

Chen Cheng

考研英语申请信范文 第43篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

I m writing to lodge the complaint about the poor quality of an air conditioner that I purchased from Sun Appliance Company.

Frankly speaking, Sun Appliance has always been my favorite. On April 4, 2007, I bought the air conditioner (serial number 12345) from one of your chain store located in Lang Fang. The machine operated well at first, but ten days later, there was a fault that bothered me, that is, the fan made so much noise that I could not sleep well at night. Worse still, the cooling system didn t work well and the machine began to leak recently. Its poor quality ruined almost all my previous impression toward your products.

I strongly suggest that a repairman or a service engineer should be sent to my home without delay. I wonder if you could pinpoint the exact cause of the malfunction as soon as possible. If you can t, I am afraid that I will request for full amount of refund or a new air conditioner.

I would appreciate all your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don t hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your re*.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming
