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高考英语概要范文 第1篇



高考英语概要范文 第2篇

When talking about the two sexes, people often say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus. Without doubt, men and women have great differences in many ways.

These contrasts in character could all be down to supposed differences between the male and female brains. For example, a study led by British psychologist Stuart Ritchie in 2012 found that men's brains are on average 10 percent bigger than women's. And another study led by Israeli psychologist Daphna Joel at Tel Aviv University in differences exist in male and female brains, although each individual's brain has a ^v^mix of features^v^, as New Scientist wrote.

But Lise Eliot, a professor of neuroscience(神经学)at the Chicago Medical School, begs to differ. She recently said that the brain is a unisex(不分性别的)organ. Through analyzing brain data of several different men and women, Eliot found that the statistics about brain differences mean nothing. According to her findings, male and female brains are not much more different from each other than male or female hearts or kidneys. And more importantly, these differences don't show that male and female brains work differently.

So, if it's not in the brain, what makes males and females behave differently? The answer may lie in socialization, according to The Atlantic. In the past, many gender studies ignored the effects of a person's social background and upbringing, relying on other data instead. Take former Harvard University president Lawrence Summers for example. He used a 1970 study that showed men outperformed women 13-to-one on the math part of the SAT to argue that males are more suited to science subjects. However, another study found that if females were given better opportunities to study science subjects, the rate would drop to three-to-one.

高考英语概要范文 第3篇



1) 概要应包括原文中的主要事实,略去不必要的细节,即要区分主要信息和次要信息,不能出现细节与实例。避免对原文进行抄袭照搬。

2) 概要写作不能对原文进行解释或评论,不可随意添加自己的观点(不能出现 “I believe”, “I think”等字句),一般用第三人称来写。

3) 概要写作并非简单罗列要点,各个要点之间要有恰当衔接,使概要衔接紧密、脉络清晰。写出的概要读起来要完整连贯、独立成篇。

4) 积累常见的同义短语和句型转换,掌握并运用单词、短语和句型,学会词汇、短语、句型的升级。

5) 注意词数是否符合要求。注意拼写、标点符号和书写的规范性。

高考英语概要范文 第4篇



高考英语概要范文 第5篇


Undeniably, sex differences between men and women exist in many aspects.


It is supposed that the differences in character are largely due to the fact that their brains differ in size, which has been stated by two psychologists.


However, by analyzing the statistics, a professor discovered that the differences have nothing to do with brains.


Based on The Atlantic, it may be socialization rather than other factors that contributes to sex differences.

高考英语概要范文 第6篇

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