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英语打电话对话范文 第1篇

A: And the number? 电话号码呢?


A: OK. You’ll be hearing from Mr. Bush later in the morning then, Mr. Smith.


B: Thank you for your help. Good-bye. 谢谢你的帮助,再见。

A: You are welcome. Good-bye. 别客气,再见。

A: Madison Industries. This is Cathy Winer speaking. Can I help you? Madison工业,我是Cathy Winer, 我能帮您吗?

B: Good afternoon. Could you connect this call with Mr. Black, please? 下午好,麻烦你接到Black先生,好吗?

A: May I know who’s calling? 请问您是哪位?

B: This is Mary Fox of . Computer Co…I’m calling on behalf of Mr. Tom Backer, the general manager of our company. 这里是电脑公司的Mary Fox. 我是替我们公司总经理Tom Backer先生打电话。

A: I am sorry, Ms. Fox. Mr. Black is now in a meeting. May I have your number and ask him to call back later?


B: I’m afraid Mr. Baker would like to speak to Mr. Black right now. He has got an urgent matter to discuss with Mr. Black without delay.


A: OK. Then, would you please hold the line? (one minute later) 好的,请你别挂机。(一分钟后)

Ms. Fox, the line is through. Mr. Black is ready to answer the call. Go ahead. Fox小姐,电话接通了,Black先生可以和你通话了,请吧。

B: Thank you for your kind assistance, Ms. Winer 非常感谢你的善意帮助,Winer小姐。

A: You are welcome. 别客气。

A: Good morning. NTT Co… 早上好,NTT公司。

B: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Ira Black, head of the Export Section, please? 你好,可以和出口部负责人Ira Black先生通话吗?

A: I’m sorry. Mr. Black has just gone out. May I ask who’s calling? 对不起,Black先生刚出去。可以问一下您是哪位吗?

B: This is John Carter from Ace Consultant. Would you please tell me when I could get a hold of him?

我是Ace咨询公司的John Carter. 请你告诉我什么时候能找到他。

A: I really have no idea when Mr. Black could be available in the office. Could you call back later or would you mind leaving a message? 我真的一点都不知道Black先生什么时候会在办公室。您可以过一会儿再打来或者给他留言吗?

B: I think it’s better for me to leave a message. But it’s important and urgent. Please make sure he gets this message.


A: I see. I’m sure to pass your messages to Mr. Black. 明白了,我一定把您的留言传达给Black先生。

B: Good. Would you mind telling him that due to some sudden changes, do not fill out any orders for NNC Corporation until further notice? It’s very important. I’ll explain later. 那就好,你可以告诉他,由于意外变化,在进一步通知之前,请勿给NNC公司发货。事关重大,稍后我会做出解释。

A: Okay, let me repeat your message to see if I’ve got it all. 行。我重复一遍留言,看看是否记全了。

英语打电话对话范文 第2篇


Robin:Oh,hi Julie. Finally back from your vacation,I see.

Julie:What do you mean,“finally”?I feel like I've only been gone for two days instead of two weeks.

Robin:Well,you know what they say—“Time flies when you're having fun. ” You did have fun,didn't you?

Julie:Oh,it was marvelous. B. C. is so beautiful. And it was so nice to get away from this cold,miserable weather.

And those mountain views—they were absolutely breath taking.

Robin:How was Vancouver?

Julie:Busy. So much to see and do there. I hadn't realized how much I missed big-city life after being stuck out here in the boonies for so long(laughs)。

Robin:So what all did you do?

Julie:Oh,we went to Stanley Park and the aquarium,up Grouse Mountain,and to museums and galleries. All the usual touristy things.

Robin:Did you get over to the island? It's only two hours away by ferry,isn't it?

Julie:Yes,it was funny how on the ride over everyone stayed out on deck to enjoy the view,but on the way back,wejust sat inside like seasoned travellers and read magazines!

Robin:Victoria is a city I've always wanted to visit. They say it's such a quiet and elegant city with a lot of British influence.

Julie:We liked Victoria so much that we stayed in a day longer than we'd planned. I did like the custom of afternoon tea. It was a nice break from sightseeing too.

Robin:Oh,well,one of these days I'll get there myself. In the meantime,I better get back to work. Maybe we can get together sometime and you can tell me more about it.

Julie:Sure,and I'll show you my pictures once I get them developed.

Robin:Great. See you later.


英语打电话对话范文 第3篇

A: Stone Corp. Hi, Mary speaking. 隐四通公司, 您好,我是Mary。

B: Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Hunter, please. 你好,我想找Hunter先生。

A: May I ask who is calling, please? 请问您是哪位?

B: My name is Herbert Wood of IBM Computer Company. 我是IBM电脑公司的Herbert Wood.

A: Thank you, Mr. Wood. One moment, please… (into PBX) Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wood of IBM Computer Company is on the line. 谢谢,Wood先生,请稍等。(打内线电话)Hunter先生,IBM电脑公司的Wood先生找您。

C: Can you find out what he wants? 你可以问他有什么事吗?

A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (to caller) Im sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Wood. Mr. Hunter is rather busy right now and would like to know what you wish to speak to him about. 好的,Hunter先生。(对来电者说)对不起Wood先生,让您久等了。Hunter先生现在非常忙,他想知道你有什么事对他说。

B: Yes, I want to buy some computer software and talk about developing some other software. I don’t know whether he is interested in that or not? 是的,我想买一些计算机软件,另外再谈一谈开发一些其它的软件。我不知道他是否有兴趣。

A: I see. Thank you very much, Mr. Wood. Would you wait a moment, please? (to PBX) Mr Hunter, Mr. Wood wants to buy some computer software. 我明白了,非常感谢,Wood先生。请你等一下好吗?(打内线电话)Hunter先生,Wood先生想买一些计算机软件。

C: I see. Put him on line two. 好的,请转到2号线。

A: Yes, Mr. Hunter. (To caller) Mr. Wood, I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting. I’ll put you through to Mr. Hunter.



A: Good afternoon, Sales Department. May I help you? 下午好,销售部,我能帮你什么忙吗?

B: Could I speak to Mr. Bush, please? 可以和Bush先生说话吗?

A: I’ll see if he is available. Who shall I say is calling, please? 我要看一看他是否在。请问我得告诉他谁打来的?

B: John Smith.

A: Hold the line, please. Mr. Bush is in a meeting with the Managing Director at the moment, I’m afraid. Can I help you?


B: Well, I want to discuss with him the new contract we signed last week. 好的,我想跟他讨论一下我们上星期签订的合同。

A: I don’t think the meeting will go on much longer. Shall I ask him to call you when he is free? 我想会议不会开得太久,我让他有空给你打电话,好吗?

B: Yes, that would be easiest. 是的,那样最好了。

英语打电话对话范文 第4篇

A: Good morning. Hudson Textile Company.


B: Good morning. Could I speak to. Mr. White, please?


A: Yes. Hold the line, please... Hello, I'm afraid Mr. White is completely snowed under atpresent. He shouldn't be free until 11 o'clock. Can I take a message?


B: Of course. Could you ask him to call me back? It's about the sample of article .


A: Yes. What's your name, please?


B: This is Aram of Trans-America Clothing.


A: Mr. Aram. Does he have your number?


B: Yes , but I'll give it to you again. It's 82345678.


A: Thank you, Mr. Aram. I'll give Mr. White the message.


英语打电话对话范文 第5篇

Making a phone call

useful sentences

that Jane speaking?

is 's that?

's calling? Who is speaking? May I have your name?

May I beg your pardon?

on, please!

go ahead.

put it through.

you repeat your phone number?

she's out.

I take your message?

you like to leave a message?

I have you mobile number?

's on the another line now.

line is busy.

am occupied. I have no time. I'm not available.

line is free. Her line is through

line is broken. Her line is dead. Her line is out of order.

line is busy.

Fashion conversation

Conversation 1


B:This is Sofy,may I speak to Lamley?

A:This is Lamley.

B:Hello, you free tomorrow?


B:Would you like to go to an activation with me?

A:I'd like you tomorrow.

B:See you.

Conversation 2

A:Hello,is Mr Ofer there

B:Sorry, afriad you have a wrong don't have Mr Ofer here.

A:I want 64204223,is that right?

B:No, you give a wrong number.

A:oh,I'm sorry to bother you.

B:That's all right.

Conversation 3

A:Gongshan Development Co., I help you?

B:I'd like to speak your export manager,please.

A:May I ask who's calling?

B:This is Mrs Wang,from @ @.

A:I'm sorry Mrs wang,but Mrs Fu is not in at the moment.

B:When will he come back,do you know?

A:As suppose you reback at 10:30?

B:May I leave message?

A:Of course.

B:Please ask him to give me a call as soon as he return .he has my number.

A:Ok,Mrs 'll do that.

B:thank .

Conversation 4

A:Operator,I want to make a correct oversea phone call to Beijing.

B:Who would you like to talk to ?

A:Rachel Jahon

B:What is phone number?

A:The code is 880 ,the area code is 010 , and the local number is 88245784

B:Your name,please.

A:Monicole Tan.

B:hold on ,please.

A:Ok,thank you.

B:Her line is through now,please go ahead.

Conversation 5

A:I'm going to the fair any one looks for me. ask them to call the fair.

B:What is the telephone number?

A:88267894,extension to 208

B:When will you reach there?

A:About 10: thing is that I want an appointment with the customer at

Chanxing hotel at 3:30 this help me phone the customer so we

can confirm now.

B:What is the customer's name,and what is his room number?

A:You can check them from the fax yesterday.

B:Ok,I'll phone the customer right you want to pick him up at our


A:No,I'll discuss the business with him at hotel.

Conversation 6

A:May I speak to Mr Green,please?

B:Just a moment,'m sorry,but his line is busy at the you

please hold on?

A:How long will I take?

B:Sorry,but I'm not sure about it.

A:I'm calling one distance,so please ask him to as soon as gets off the

'm Lucy.

B:I'll have him call you he have your phone number?

A:I think so.

B:When should he try to reach you?

A:Any time before 6:00.

B:'ll let him call you later.

A:Thank you.

B:You are welcome.

Conversation 7

A:United trading company,good afternoon.

B:Good I speak to Mr Green,please?

A:May I ask who's calling?

B:This is Mrs Jahon from international textile

A:Just a minute,Mrs Jahon.

A:Mr Green,Mrs Jahon from international textile wants to speak to you.

C:Put it through ,please.

C:Hello,Mr Green speaking.

B:Good afernoon,Mr 'm calling about the dress agreement you send me

Conversation 8

A:Marketing manage office,can I help you?

B:Mr Green,please.

A:Sorry,he's out.

B:What time you suspect back them?

A:Sorry,I am not sure,can I take a message?

B:No,'ll call back later.

A:That's call again later.

B:Ok,thank .

Conversation 9

A:Is Mr Li there,please?

B:Sorry,I can't hear you,would you please speak a little loud?

A:I said is Mr Li there?

B:Mr Green,the line is 't hand up,'ll have a call chance to

another line.

英语打电话对话范文 第6篇

In this conversation, Sally is a receptionist for a major computer hardware supplier. This particular morning, she is also filling in for a personal secretary who called in sick.

Sally: Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

Caller 1: Yes, I'm Dave Michaels. I'd like to talk to Amy Winters, please.

Sally: Just a moment, please. I'll transfer you.

Caller 1: Thank you.

Sally: Good morning, ABC Computers, Sally speaking. Can I help you?

Caller 2: My name is Lance Stevens. May I speak to your Customer Service manager?

Sally: I'm sorry, he's in a meeting. May I take a message?

Caller 2: When will he be available?

Sally: I don't know, sir. Would you like to leave a message?

Caller: No, that's OK. I'll call back.

Sally: Good morning. Ms Carling's office. What can I do for you?

Caller 3: This is Marlene Casper. I need to meet with Ms Carling. She knows who I am.

Sally: Hold on , please. I'll check her schedule... You can meet with Ms Carling at 10:00 tomorrow.

Caller 3: That'll be fine. Thank you very much.

中文参考: 在这段对话中,Sally是一家大型电脑硬件供应商的接待员。今天早晨,一位私人秘书请了病假,Sally暂替她的工作。

Sally: 早上好。ABC公司,我是Sally,请问您有什么事吗?

Caller 1: 是的,我是Dave Michaels,请Amy Winters听电话。

Sally: 请稍等。我给你转过去。

Caller 1: 谢谢。 Sally: 早上好。ABC公司,我是Sally,请问您找那位?

Caller 2: 我是Lance Stevens,请你们的客户服务部经理接电话,好吗?

Sally: 对不起,他在开会。要留个口信吗?

Caller 2: 他什么时间方便?

Sally: 我不知道,先生。您需要留个口信吗?

Caller 2: 不用了。我会再打过来的。

Sally: 早上好,Carling女士的办公室,我能为您做什么吗?

Caller 3: 我是Marlene Casper,我要约见Carling女士,她知道我是谁。

Sally: 请稍等,我查一下她的日程……您明天10:00可以会见Carling女士。

Caller 3:很好。非常感谢。


英语打电话对话范文 第7篇

乘客A: Excuse me, is this seat taken?


乘客B: No, I don't think so.


乘客A: Thanks,I am waiting for the train at 9 o’clock to will you go?


乘客B: What a coincidence! we are the same train.


乘客A: Really? What is your seat number?


乘客B: on the second row. And you?


乘客A: I am on the third row, .


乘客B: Could you please keep an eye on my luggage? I want to go to the washroom.


乘客A: No problem.


乘客B: Thank you so much.


英语打电话对话范文 第8篇

A:I think this spring is a good time for us to start looking.


B:We should plan to move out of here before July. I'm tired of living in apartments.


A:I know, dear. I am too. But we've just been too busy to look for a house.


B:We need to find a good realtor.


A:Not necessary. If we use a realtor to find a house, it will be more expensive.


B:What do you mean?


A:Realtors always get a mission. If the realtor helps us find something, we have to pay him.


B:But doesn't a realtor help with the contract? I thought they take care of all the legal troubles.


A:Yes, that's often true. But you have to pay them.


B:I still think we should have a realtor. We're new in this country. We don't know all the laws of buying a house. And also, the realtor will inspect the house. He can tell us if the house has any problems.


A:Of course we need a house inspector. But we can hire an inspector on our own. As for the legal problems, Ihave friends. They can help us.


B:So how can we find a house if we don't have a realtor?


A:It takes a little more time. We have to check the ads in the paper. Probably also there are special real estate magazines with ads. Then we have to drive to the homes and look at them.


B:And doesn't the person selling the house have a realtor?


A:Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. It's best to find someone who is selling by themselves.




A:That is because if the seller has a realtor, their price will be higher. He will have to pay a mission to the realtor.


B:Hmm. It all sounds very plicated.


A:It is. But buying a house is very important. So it takes time. That's why we haven't done it yet. It's very troublesome.


B:I want to look in the papers today. Maybe we can see something we like.


A:All right. I'll buy a newspaper when I go to the drugstore.


英语打电话对话范文 第9篇

Bob: Tom,I will delivery goods to A city tomorrow.


Tom: How long does it take from here to the destination?


Bob: It is about 3 days.


Tom: Oh,I see, is everything ready?


Bob: Everything is all set.


Tom: That is good,but just to be on the safe side,you go to check with the car and the goods again.


Bob: I will check them again before setting out.


Tom: OK,take good care of yourself.


Bob: I will. And good night.


Tom: Good night.

