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日本留学申请书范文中文版+日语 第1篇









日本留学申请书范文中文版+日语 第2篇






日本的治安良好在世界上都是非常有名的,甚至有些地方可以做到夜不闭户。日本酒店、餐厅、超市等所有的服务行业,无论店铺规模大小,服务都是一 流的,在日本不会看到店员和客人吵架。在日本无论是未成年人或是老年人在礼仪方面都非常注意。在日本默认的规定就是:“不要给他人添麻烦”。
















日本留学申请书范文中文版+日语 第3篇












日本留学申请书范文中文版+日语 第4篇

Dear --,

Ever since my little sister became a teenager and started going through herrebellious phrase I just haven't been able to help myself from analysing herbehaviour. Although she grew out of her moody phase my interest in Psychologydidn't change and I find that I regularly am e-amining the behaviour ofdifferent members of my family. Psychological and social theories and analyseshave become a feature of my life, whether it is at home or the outside gained a good grounding in Psychology during my time at school andcollege I realise that this is not enough and that there is so much more for meto appreciate and understand.

The A level Psychology syllabus has confirmed my commitment to Psychology,and encouraged me to challenge and e-pand upon my perceptions of the diversity of developmental and cognitive thought I have discovered, in JeanPiaget’s e-periments for instance, has made me curious, and led me to researche-periments including Margaret Donaldson’s ‘Children’s Minds’ which drew myattention to the social conte-t in which a child learns and the child’sunderstanding of that conte-t. What is most intriguing is the fact that childrenare actively working out what the e-perimenter wants and may well misjudge thesituation through no fault of their own which contradicts Piaget’s theory onConservation.

I feel the A-Levels I study have a number of transferable skills andcomplects in aiding the study of Psychology. I enjoy Economics because we lookat the real cost of making choices and also I have learnt how concepts andtheories provide a tool to help me understand how economies work and develop. Ihave found Adam Smiths theory on ‘Invisible Hand’ most striking because itfocuses on the ideas of capitalism, a person pursuing self-interest will resultin an increase in the common good. Studying Law has given me an insight into thefundamentals that make up our English Legal System and has helped me realisethat the rule of law is crucial in providing a basis for trust andpredictability. Both these subjects have taught me to develop my analytical andevaluative skills, and also problem solving skills. I believe all the qualitiesI have gained through my courses are essential in order to strengthen mycompetence.

In my spare time, I take pleasure in reading be it short stories or neverending novels. I enjoy playing badminton and tennis: being a member of my localtennis club has enabled me to interact with other people who share similarinterests. Something which I find significant is the belief that every one of uscan make the world a better place be it by helping others. As someone pointedout “We have two hands, one to help yourself the second to help others”. I ambeen fortunate to take part in charitable events raising money for from Breast Cancer to Aids. My remaining free time goes in working as asales adviser. The retail e-perience has given me a great insight in to myinterpersonal skills and taught me how to deal with a various range ofsituations efficiently I would be an asset to your university and am veryenthusiastic about my subjects. The course you offer will broaden my knowledge,satisfy my curiosity and deepen my understanding; I am very determined andthoughtful, and would find the course you offer highly motivating

Yours sincerely,


日本留学申请书范文中文版+日语 第5篇














日本留学申请书范文中文版+日语 第6篇

Dear --,

The dynamics of Psychology affect our everyday life and behaviour,this iswhat me so interested in the subject. From an early age, I often wondered why weact as we do and what effects us as we grow up. I always had a strong interestas to why people were so different even though genetically, everyone is have thoroughly enjoyed the subject, especially conformity. It fascinates meas it portrays how strong peer pressure can be and I believe this is the mainsubject that deals with why we act the way we do. We conform everyday, offeringa wide knowledge on behaviour. I am enjoying studying how the body and mind workand why certain things affect certain people. I find it useful on a personalbasis as it can be used to e-plain many problems such as how illness isconnected to stress.

For 9 years I have aspired to be a teacher. After studying psychology, I amcertain that is what I wish to do for the rest of my life. After a weeks worke-perience at Mill Lodge primary school, I decided I did not want to teach suchyoung students, however, it made me certain that I want to pursue a career inteaching. My work e-perience increased my patience with children and gave me awide overview of types of students. For a year and a half I have worked inTesco, helping my patience and confidence, which was once lacking, has improved,showing a large e-panse of people skills, with customers and staff members,giving me the e-perience of working as a team.

Active participation in school life has also been rewarding. Whilst atLight Hall, I helped with projects run by the school. From February 2005onwards, I was commended for supporting special needs pupils from Hazel OakSchool by helping with IT work. I assisted one teacher and one pupil in helpingthem create various IT projects. This boosted my enthusiasm to be a a young age I played netball, playing for 7 years in total in the positionof goal keeper. In Year 11, I taught students in years 7-9 how to play to thebest of their abilities. However, I had to give up this hobby when startingcollege due to other commitments and desire to start e-tra courses. Regardless,I am determined to begin this hobby once again.

I was part of the student council at Light Hall, additionally attendingmeetings with the head teacher and other senior staff. In year 11, the 'StudentVoice' was introduced where two students from each year, including myself, wereselected to speak to the school's board of governors. At college, I joined thestudent council again. In my first year, I was nominated as a member of my formto be in the student council and I was then asked to attend a 'faculty meeting'every so often with my head of faculty and other students. However, in my secondyear I am part of a small group of around 10 students in the year who are the'e-ecutive'. My role is Environmental Officer, something I am proud to berepresenting and passionate about as it is a problem which is being discussedglobally and I am happy to do my bit to help. At college and school Iparticipated in Open Evenings. I then proceeded to help on a 'Welcome to CollegeDay,' speaking to students about the benefits of taking Sign Language as part ofa Enrichment course and then advertised the student council whilst guiding newstudents.

One of my main strengths is Sign Language. I began a course with CACDP inyear 12, sustaining a qualification of Level 1 in BSL. As a form of worke-perience, I will be helping students this year with their Level 1 , I am a committed and reliable student with passion about days at universities (Warwick, O-ford and Birmingham) made me certainthat university is the ideal environment for me to enhance my studies. I feelthis course will lead me to success. After Higher Education, I plan to studypsychology further and become a teacher of Psychology in colleges, hopefullygiving students the chance to share my keen interest in Psychology.

Yours sincerely,

日本留学申请书范文中文版+日语 第7篇








