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2017级绵阳二诊语文作文范文 第1篇

“珍惜”是当代热点词汇之一,许多人谈起这个词语也许会说:“珍惜,顾名思意,不就是珍惜,重视的意思喽,这有什么难的。”是啊,知道这个词语的意思,确实没什么难的,但是真正做到的又有几个人呢? 以前不懂事时总是不珍惜,不重视别人的劳动成果,总是以自我为中心,觉得自己好就行,但那件事后,我明白了珍惜的含义。



那位英姿飒爽的女军官诉说着老一辈的故事,说着我们的英雄梦伟大事迹并且教导我们要珍惜今 天的生活,因为它是来之不易的,是我们的先祖们用命换来的。从此,珍惜这个念头就在我心里溢散开来。





2017级绵阳二诊语文作文范文 第2篇





2.结构角度: 结构更连贯、严谨(指出作用1分)。“一刮风或一雨,树叶就会掉落到地上”与上文“走向终点”和下文“落叶还会发挥他们的价值”连接更紧密(具体分析1分)。




(2)表达方式角度:乙句多用描写(指明表达方式1分),使树叶的飘落更具画面感 ,或使文段表达方式灵活多样(作用1分)。



2017级绵阳二诊语文作文范文 第3篇















2017级绵阳二诊语文作文范文 第4篇




















(1) 鲁破则益州强,曹公虽来,无能为也。(5分)


2017级绵阳二诊语文作文范文 第5篇










2017级绵阳二诊语文作文范文 第6篇



I can still remember every change of intonation whenever I recall what that old lady said to me, “Life may give me up, but I’ll never give up my life.”

She was admitted to hospital because of her stroke(中风)for the second time, which also meant that I need to spend a lot of 16 with her.

Honestly, she was a good patient, with no complaint, no 17 requirements, and she always cooperated with me very well, which I 18 very much. And she always held an optimistic point of view toward her condition, 19 I guessed she knew that there wouldn’t be much improvement. I actually asked why in a 20 way, and she said to me the very sentence. It was not spoken very clearly, since her stroke had 21 the movement of her tongue. I was not moved then, since after spending a few months in this hospital, I was almost 22 .

And that old lady had 23 stroke a few days later, which made her unable to speak or move anymore. I thought she would be 24 as others, lying there, waiting the day, and crying sometimes. But I was wrong. She still held that someday, somehow, she would fully 25 , though both she and I knew the possibility for that was extremely small.

Then, the very sentence she said 26 to me. A patient with absolute no hope still held the optimistic aspect in her life, regardless how 27 it was. How could I lead my life in that way? Since then, I’ve tried harder and worked harder. I would not give up my life either.

16. A. chance B. time C. life D. money

17. A. practical B. unreasonable C. acceptable D. meaningful

18. A. enjoyed B. suffered C. appreciated D. congratulated

19. A. so B. as C. since D. though

20. A. brave B. daring C. secret D. cautious

21. A. affected B. disturbed C. improved D. increased

22. A. indifferent B. frightened C. concerned D. anxious

23. A. other B. another C. few D. little

24. A. silently B. painfully C. exactly D. patiently

25. A. operate B. succeed C. understand D. recover

26. A. lived up B. looked forward C. made sense D. worked out

27. A. expected B. negative C. strange D. unlikely

Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving Day, is a busy shopping day in the United States. Many people have a day off work on that day. Some use this to make trips; others use it to start 28 for the Christmas season.

Many stores have special offers and 29 their prices on some goods. Some 30 their opening hours. There can also be traffic jams on roads to 31 shopping destinations.

There are 32 common theories as to why it is called Black Friday. One is that the wheels of vehicles in heavy traffic on the day left many black markings on the road surface, 33 the term Black Friday. The other is from an old way of recording business accounts. 34 were recorded in red ink and profits in black. Many businesses, 35 small businesses, started making profits before Christmas, so they started to mark in black ink on the day after Thanksgiving.

28. A. traveling B. shopping C. visiting D. cooking

29. A. prepare B. check C. lower D. raise

30. A. shorten B. enlarge C. reduce D. extend

31. A. popular B. outstanding C. splendid D. ordinary

32. A. many B. two C. few D. no

33. A. leaving for B. leading to C. coming out D. sticking to

34. A. Prices B. Interests C. Losses D. Benefits

35. A. particularly B. specially C. obviously D. eventually



A US student has just spent 30 days on an “insect diet ” – eating insects three times a day. Camren Brantley-Rios says traditional meats such as pork and beef are unable to continue and he wanted to try out what many consider the diet of the future.

Many people would not like the idea of eating insects distasteful, even if it were not disgusting. Not so long ago Brantley-Rios was among them. But for the last month he has been eating insects for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

“I’m mainly sticking to three kinds,” he says.

Occasionally he has included different insects. Preparing these he “actually cried”, though he insists they were surprisingly good.

Insects consume fewer resources than animals, like pigs and cows, to produce the same amount of protein(蛋白质), Brantley-Rios says – and more than two billion people worldwide include insects in their regular diet, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

“There’s not really a need to eat insects in America because we have it so nice,” Brantley-Rios says. “We have finer meats and we’re lucky to have that luxury(奢侈), so there’s not much of a pressure to eat insects right now. But what a lot of people are trying to do is make it a little bit more marketable.”

He has ordered insects from farms that usually supply zoos, which need them “to feed certain animals”. He has always made sure the insects have been fed on an organic diet, he says, and only bought species he knows are safe to eat.

He knows that one person eating insects won’t make much difference. To have a real environmental effect, millions would have to follow his example.

36. Why has the US student tried out an “insect diet”?

A. To seek for future vegetables.

B. To advocate traditional meats.

C. To make up for the lack of meat.

D. To explore new forms of protein.

37. What can we learn about Brantley-Rios from Paragraph 2?

A. He is tired of meats like pork and beef.

B. He didn’t like the idea of eating insects.

C. He had nothing to eat but insects last month.

D. He advised people to eat insects though disgusted.

38. What does the underlined part “actually cried” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. was scared B. was pitiful C. was sorry D. was puzzled

39. How does Brantley-Rios guarantee the safety of his insect diet?

A. He tests each species before eating it.

B. He has insects raised on his own farm.

C. He feeds his insects on an organic diet.

D. He orders insects for certain zoo animals.

It’s no secret that doing good makes others happy – but did you know it can make you happy as well?

According to a study, people participating in meaningful activities were happier and felt that their lives had more purpose than people who only engaged in pleasure-seeking behaviors.

Try giving these four things to others to start your journey to a happier and healthier lifestyle.

1. Your Time

With a busy life, it can be hard to find any time to give away. However, volunteering your time has great benefits, including making new friends and connections, learning new skills and even advancing your career.

According to a paper about the link between health and volunteering, volunteering is connected with lower instances of depression and reduces the risk of dying by 22 percent.

2. Your Attention

Most of us think we’re good listeners, but according to psychologist Paul Donoghue, most people are aware that others don’t listen as well as they could. In addition, they’re not fully aware that they themselves aren’t listening.

When practicing mindfulness meditation(正念禅修), you focus on what you experience in the moment and let your thoughts and emotions pass through without judgment. Did you know that giving someone your undivided attention helps you also? When done well, active listening strengthens your focus-which is a major part of good meditation.

3. Your Compassion

The psychological meaning of compassion is the ability to understand another person’s emotional state. Compassion differs from empathy(移情) in that those who experience compassion not only put themselves in another person’s shoes, but also want to reduce that person’s suffering.

A brain-imaging study showed that the brain’s pleasure centers are equally active when we give money to the poor as when we receive money ourselves.

4. Your Money

According to an experiment, those who spend money on other people are significantly happier than those who spend the same quantity of money on themselves.

Whether or not you can offer other gifts, donating money helps make real change happen. It represents time spent, compassion and careful attention to the needs of others.

40. Who is the happiest according to the study mentioned in Paragraph 2?

A. Bill, who is often invited to play golf by his wealthy uncle.

B. Tom, who is on the way to be the richest man in the world.

C. Mike, who is not well-off but often does what he can to those in need.

D. John, who is a disabled young man but has married a very beautiful girl.

41. What does the underlined word “depression” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A. pleasure B. unhappiness

C. connection D. misunderstanding

42. Which of the four gifts matters most according to the author?

A. Time. B. Money. C. Attention. D. Compassion.

43. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To encourage people to help others.

B. To give the meaning of “happiness”.

C. To offer a practical way of life.

D. To show his kindness.

2017级绵阳二诊语文作文范文 第7篇



高届 语 文 (2013﹒12)

第Ⅰ卷(单项选择题 共27分)



A.藤蔓(wàn) 弦外之音(xuán) 肇事 百尺竿头,更近一步

B.玩弄(lòng) 童山濯濯(zhuó) 恶梦 城门失火,殃及池鱼

C.债券(juàn) 毁家纾难(shū) 报歉 盛名之下,其实难副

D.咋舌(zé) 扺掌而谈(zhǐ) 纪要 出其不意,攻其无备

2. 依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是

(2)三十几年过去了,我们心中依然珍藏着那段美好的回忆, 我们己经远离了那段激情燃烧的岁月。
