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出国文书中文范文 第1篇

Q. 有没有xxx专业的留学文书?

A. 很多同学希望在礼包里面找到跟自己的专业一样的留学文书范文,这样的心情可以理解。但是事实上,留学文书范文的最重要的作用首先是让你了解好的留学文书大概长什么样,再者是启发你的写作思路。其实专业相关或者不相关并不会影响留学文书范文的参考价值。即便某一两篇范文的专业和你的一样,也建议大家谨慎模仿,因为这个留学文书大礼包的分享范围非常广。总之,建议大家参考写作思路,但是千万不要抄袭素材和内容。

Q. 还有没有更多的留学文书个人陈述范文?20篇不够

A. 我选的这20篇个人陈述是写作风格和结构非常清晰且有代表性的文章。关于留学文书的不同排篇布局的逻辑我在这篇回答中说得比较详细,相信有一定的参考价值。


Q. 申请用的resume和cv有区别吗?留学文书范文包里都有吗?

A. 简单的回答是,申请中的这两种简历可以不做太细致的区分(申请MBA项目的除外),按照范文包中的模版去制作自己的简历即可。范文包中有在校学生和工作人士的简历范本,大家对照自己的经历去选择和参考即可。

Q. 工作推荐信和学术推荐信有什么区别?

A. 留学文书范文包里面有两种类型的推荐信范文,一种是雇主写的,一种是老师写的。前者称之为工作推荐信,后者是学术推荐信。申请中大多数情况下是至少要有一封学术推荐信,有的时候会要求2-3封学术推荐信。也有个别项目会要求有工作经历的申请人提供来自雇主的推荐信。大家根据自己申请项目的具体要求选择不同类型的推荐信范文进行参考即可。当然,如果你的推荐人英语很好,完全不需要你提供初稿的话,你就不需要学习怎么写推荐信了,hhhh.

Q. 本科也可以参考留学文书大礼包吗?

A. 礼包里面有一篇本科的文书。本科的留学文书个性差异非常大,而这种个性化的呈现是本科申请的关键,也因此使得范文的参考价值变得弱了一些,这一点和硕博的申请是很不一样的。本科的留学文书范文出版得也非常多,我建议本科申请的同学可以买几本范文集找找思路。


A. 请私戳鸟姐

Q. 留学文书大礼包适用于所有地区的申请吗?

A. 是的,只要是英文项目的申请,这些留学文书范文都有很大的参考价值。

出国文书中文范文 第2篇














3,日本SGU英语项目:Super Global University(超级国际化大学),是日本文部科学省在20__年推出的Global30(G30)计划的后续升级版。旨在通过全英文项目,教学、研讨、论文全过程英文完成为目标,吸引海外留学生,增加学生国家化比例,提高学校排名。其特点是需要申请人英语水平高(托福考到90以上,雅思考到以上)部分学校要求GRE/GMAT成绩;还有成绩单、推荐信、毕业证等基本材料;并且需要申请人是本科毕业生(有毕业证及学位证,自考学历不可以),申请时间通常情况下需要提前一年左右。但可选择的学校和专业有限,毕业后就业会成为一个大难题,如果这是想身临其境的感受一下日本文化就还好,否则显然就失去了赴日留学极大的意义。

出国文书中文范文 第3篇






我是浙江师范大学艺术系的一名学生,即将面临毕业。四年来,在师友的严格 教益及个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,系统地掌握了等有关理论;熟悉 涉外工作常用礼仪;具备较好的英语听、说、读、写、译等能力;能熟练操作计算机办公 软件。同时,我利用课余时间广泛地涉猎了大量书籍,不但充实了自己,也培养了自 己多方面的技能。

此外,我还积极地参加各种社会活动,抓住每一个机会,锻炼自己。大学四年,我 深深地感受到,与优秀学生共事,使我在竞争中获益;向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中 成长。我热爱贵单位所从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这一光荣的事业 添砖加瓦;并且在实践中不断学习、进步。随信附上个人求职简历,收笔之际,郑重地提 一个小小的要求:无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望您能够接受我诚恳的谢意!


申请时间: 20xx年05月



性 别:女


籍 贯:北京

专 业:设计

学 历:本科


手 机:138 88888888

邮 箱:123456@

地 址:北京海淀区


软件 平面设计: 办公软件: CSS:

语言 普通话:英语: 上海活




阿里巴巴公司 市场经理助理 负责公司团队组织建设,团队精神的培养,协调各部位工作,组织策划团队成员大会,竟选会、团队培训、招募新成员等工作;

腾讯公司 市场经理 负责公司团队组织建设,团队精神的培养,协调各部位工作,组织策划团队成员大会,竟选会、团队培训、招募新成员等工作;

教育背景 中国传媒大学艺术设计

主修课程 英文口语、笔译口译、英文写作、英美文学、导游实务、商务礼仪、文化交流、旅游心理学




年荣获第四届全国大学生广告艺术设计大赛江西赛区平 面作品类三等奖。

出国文书中文范文 第4篇
























出国文书中文范文 第5篇

Dear _,

My name is Lin Hao, from Northeast China---Heilongjiang Province. The long-term and cold climate has allowed me to develop a tough and tenacious character in the course of my life. In 20 years, I was admitted to China with excellent results. Jilin University, a prestigious university, is currently studying for a bachelor's degree in economics majoring in international economics and trade, and a second degree in futures investment and management major in the same period. My university is a comprehensive university with a very complete range of disciplines. My university life has not only enabled me to develop a comprehensive and three-dimensional development in learning methods and professional knowledge, but more importantly, it has improved my ability to integrate knowledge of various disciplines. At the same time, it greatly increased my desire for knowledge. Therefore, I decided to study in the UK after graduation. Through understanding, I currently hope to apply for a __University__ major.

Family is very important to everyone, because it is the first classroom for us to receive education. My grandfather was a banker, my father was a businessman, and my mother was a statistician. Their words and deeds to me played an extremely important role in the establishment and development of my outlook on life and values, and also helped me. Established an honest, hardworking, and never-say-fail character. So influenced by them, I am very interested in finance disciplines. My family is the most important asset in my life. It gives me the interest in learning this subject and the character of going forward courageously.

Through the learning of professional knowledge, I have developed a strong interest in economics and finance. I read ^v^Life Economics^v^ by Dr. David Friedman. In the book, he used easy-to-understand cases. Combining the misty principles of economics with people’s ordinary life has enabled me to master the economic principles that most people find boring, and the learning methods in real life. At the same time, I have a good understanding of Fried Dr. Man developed a feeling of worship. In the same year, I read his masterpiece ^v^Price Theory^v^ again. Through the study of this book, I became obsessed with knowledge of currency and finance. Due to the strong desire for knowledge, I started to minor in the second degree ^v^Futures Investment and Management^v^. During this period, I met a mentor, Professor Lu, a very famous scholar in China's futures industry. Professor Lu combines the theory and practice of the futures market, and combines the true meaning of life with the operation of the futures market, which is regarded as a ^v^casino^v^ by outsiders, and teaches us the knowledge of the futures market and economic investment. This teaching method is in line with my learning habits, so I quickly entered the state. We often discuss the development of China’s futures industry and the price fluctuations of the world futures market together. In the autumn of 2005, I was invited to assist him in completing the ^v^China Financial Futures^v^ Research work on the ^v^Enlightenment of the Japanese Yen Development Route to the Development of China's Renminbi^v^ in the ^v^Market Establishment^v^ project. Because of his outstanding performance, he won the appreciation of Professor Lu.

In addition to studying professional knowledge, in my spare time, I also established the first leukemia volunteer organization in Jilin Province and served as the chairman. Helped 10 children with leukemia from poor families in the form of voluntary activities. Every year, they held lectures on leukemia knowledge at Jilin University, as well as volunteer registration activities for the Chinese bone marrow bank (Chinese hematopoietic stem cell bank), and blood sample extraction activities. In the past three years, the association has been Under my leadership, we have made considerable progress and achieved outstanding results. Many media have reported on our activities. On the website of _社 on October 25, 20_, we also reported on our activities. In addition, my deeds were also reported to the famous Chinese student magazine ^v^East, West, South, North and University Students^v^ Issue 03 of the year 20_. These honors fully prove the affirmation of my work by the society and the school. Now, one of every 150 volunteers in the Chinese bone marrow bank is developed by my association. The association has also been awarded the title of Jilin University Boutique Association for three consecutive years. I was also named the first ^v^Moving Ji University^v^ of Jilin University. The title of top ten college students, and at the same time, through the establishment of a volunteer association, not only enabled me to realize the value of life, but also exercised my organizational skills, which greatly improved my personal quality. In addition, I also like sports very much. I am good at sprinting, football, etc. Young, I should be full of vitality.

In the summer of 20_, as a student representative of Jilin University, I visited a famous university. As a Chinese representative, I participated in more than ten student exchange activities, and as a cultural messenger, I spread Chinese traditions and modern culture to the students, and through the visit, I learned some culture and visited their education system. In the process, I was deeply moved by the university's advanced teaching mode and strong scientific research capabilities. Compared with my own school, although we have developed rapidly, there is still a gap between the world's top education. This feeling inspired my enthusiasm for learning. After returning to my country, I decided to use my own strength to make my own contribution to the development of my motherland. This is also an important reason why I applied to your school, because as a The responsibility of the Chinese is to use the advanced knowledge I learned overseas to build my motherland.

^v^Practice, firm, and hardworking^v^ is the fine tradition I inherited, and it is also my life creed. Facing the imminent graduation from university, a strong thirst for knowledge and a passion for professional knowledge, I decided to continue my professional study and accept the rigorous teaching, cutting-edge research and new ways of thinking in the university, so as to enrich myself and realize myself I also hope that I can become the messenger of the culture of the two countries. Thank you for your attention and look forward to your reply!

Yours sincerely,


出国文书中文范文 第6篇

Dear x,

Who am I? This is possibly the most ambiguous question, whereby a hiddendepth of meaning is drowned by a trivialized sense of simplicity. I could merelyreveal my name, but would that really portray who I was? “We become ourselvesthrough others” claims Vygotsky, but are we all just conformists? Are ourpersonalities just embedded in our genes? Do we act the way we do because wewant to? Is it free will which makes us who we are? Debates such as nature and free will v. determinism fuel my desire to learn more about bothpsychology and philosophy.

My passion for philosophy was sparked when reading Mitch Albom’s “The FivePeople You Meet in Heaven”, which overrides logic and offers an alternative toreligious belief. The book itself left me highly motivated to pursuephilosophical inquiry in greater depth. Through studying A level psychology Ihave developed a particular interest in social psychology and the influencesocial pressures can have on behaviour whilst developing vital skills such asthe ability to critically analyse a study or theory.

Aspects of each of my A level subjects have influenced my choice of mindedness is essential when studying A level politics. The subject itselfspurs endless abstract thought, especially when concerning issues such as curriculum has also enabled me to partake in structured debate with theability to articulate personal views being essential. In addition to oralcommunication, essay writing is also a key feature of the syllabus and my powersof expression are constantly evolving. My ability to analyse and develop mywriting skills has been accelerated through studying English at higher level, mycurrent concentration upon metaphysical poetry and the underlying message behindabstract imagery. Studying AS level history has enabled me to investigate thedifferent reactions to political, social, cultural, religious and economicsituations.

I have been a prefect since 20xx and act as a role model to youngerstudents as well as being an ambassador for the school. I am a learning championwithin the History department whereby I work with students who requireadditional tutoring in order to successfully pass their GCSE’s. I have to bewell prepared and patient but find it rewarding when my tutee grasps theconcept. Last summer I was involved in the organization, development andsupervision of a lower school fun day. Being selected to lead a small group ofmy peers with the brief of organizing this year’s Post 16 Prom has helpeddevelop my confidence as it has involved visiting and selecting a venue,organizing catering, transport, publicity and the funding of the event.

Currently I work for a well established retail store; working has taught meto be flexible and adaptable as well as emphasizing the importance of timemanagement when working under pressure. An enthusiastic, trustworthy andapproachable manner is vital in the workplace in order to maintain the alreadyhigh standards expected of the store. Previously I was employed in directmarketing where I monitored the system operations and the dispatch of relevantpost and information. This role required me to work both in small teams andindependently as well as applying my ICT skills in a real world situation.

I enjoy travelling and experiencing different cultures including theindividualist New York in comparison to the collectivist streets of Havana. I ama gregarious person and enjoy spending time with close friends in shopping trips and social gatherings. I also regularly attendthe gym in order to achieve realistic self set goals.

As an outgoing person I feel I would be able to contribute to and gain froma psychology and philosophy dual course which I see as both challenging and anexciting journey whilst helping me to understand people’s beliefs, behaviour andidentity. That’s “who I am”, who are you?



出国文书中文范文 第7篇


Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.

The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business.

With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly.

As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives.

My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter ker. I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties?

With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies.

Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned.

During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.

Yours sincerely,


出国文书中文范文 第8篇

Cambridge University

The University of Edinburgh


University of Newcastle Upon Tyne

University of Bath

I have always enjoyed studying Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and I would like the opportunity to continue this study. Chemical Engineering appeals to me because of the challenges involved in the application of scientific theory to practical, real world problems such as how to deal with nuclear waste. I particularly look forward to studying fluid dynamics as I was introduced to this during the Engineering Education Scheme (EES). I am aware that in today’s world chemical engineering has an increasingly important role across a wide range of industries from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. The broad range of career paths, and the opportunity to contribute to society through technological innovation, is for me, one of the main attractions of chemical engineering.

I have applied to take part in the Year In Industry scheme during which I hope to gain practical experience, as well as greater maturity enabling me to go into my degree course with improved skills and broader experience. I also hope to study e-learning courses on project management and presentation skills run by the IChemE. In Year 12 I took part in the EES, which improved my understanding and skills in team working, time management, and report writing, as well as visual and oral presentation. Throughout the course of the project the team had to frequently correspond with mentors in industry and academia and this experience has broadened my appreciation of practice and application in a real life situation. In July I attended a week-long ‘Into Engineering’ seminar run by REACT Engineering. Working in two teams, we were given a design exercise based upon a ty project. I also attended a Headstart course at Newcastle University, which I thoroughly enjoyed. One of the main activities was to design, manufacture and test a small crane. I found both of these experiences very challenging, as we were given only limited time so we had to prioritise our tasks and carefully plan our work.

This year a fellow student and I were awarded £500 by the European Scholarship Prize to fund a visit to Prague to do research for our A-level History coursework. I gained an understanding of the city’s culture and history and further developed my independence. During the summer I represented my school on a Connexions review of a government white paper on 14-19 education. I gained an insight into the government’s proposals and learned a lot about working with different groups of people. Last year I was part of the editorial team for the school magazine. I wrote a number of articles and I was responsible for ensuring that staff contributions were ready for the deadline. I also enjoy participating in a range of sports and have represented the school at football and cricket, which has further enhanced my team working skills.

In my spare time I am working towards my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. In September I completed a 4-day expedition in the Lake District, which tested my endurance but gave me a great sense of achievement. As part of the award I have been helping at the local youth café once a week, which I am really enjoying as it gives me the chance to meet new people. I also enjoy reading, particularly books on physics and Russian history. I am really interested in computers and I am currently trying to configure a Linux based file and print server for my home network.

出国文书中文范文 第9篇

Dear _,

It is my conviction that the meaning of life does not dwell in the length of time that one can live or the material abundance that one can acquire, but in the richness and the wonderfulness of life itself. With the increase of my age, many things in my life have changed. But one thing remains constant, that is, I will consistently insist on doing what I like to do and hope that my endeavors can be valuable to the life of others. I see this as the only way whereby I can realize the value of my life.

My undergraduate study focused on economics and I achieved remarkable scholastic performance in this field. My GPA is (my GRE score is 2020 and TOEFL---- ). For four consecutive years of my undergraduate study, I received scholarships for my distinguished academic performance. Due to my equally prominent performance in extracurricular activities I was conferred on the Outstanding Student in Campus Activities. However, honestly speaking, my real interest lies not in economics, but in education. Ever since I was a primary school student, I had cherished a strong desire for a teaching career exemplified by my teachers. In the actual teaching career that I embarked on upon my graduating from university, I have become increasingly aware that the existing educational conditions in China are far from satisfactory. The backward teaching methodology and the prevailing pedagogical ideology have rendered Chinese education out of place with the modern international development in education. On the macro level, the current education theory and practice in China lag significantly behind advanced countries in the West. For instance, though education via the internet has achieved considerable development in past two years, in practical operation such education has more often than not deteriorated into an extended form of the conventional examination-oriented education instead of a really interactive process. In my personal experience, despite the fact that some of the problems that I have encountered in my teaching career can be solved by consulting relevant technical literature, I have found that the more serious flaws inherent in China's current educational system cannot be worked out easily. Under such circumstances, an advanced program in education becomes necessary.

In this age of information, traditional education, both in its ideology and methodology, has met unprecedented challenge like many other aspects of human existence. Meanwhile, the pursuit for higher levels of educational development and of the quality of life has largely transformed the educational value orientation of the general public. The educational model that is centered around the cognitive and intellectual instruction has been seriously questioned. Greater attention has been devoted to the cultivation of well-developed personality and to the ontological status of the individual in education. Such issues as the internal studies of education science, scientific decision-making in education, and meta-education have also been increasingly emphasized upon. There have also been innovations in educational research methodology. The tendency has been to combine modern technology with humanistic research categories and with naturalistic research categories, and to organically integrate qualitative descriptions with quantitative descriptions. It is also important to carry out educational experimentations in which educational predictions are complemented by educational feedbacks. Both the complexity of education and the complexity of human individuals have made the comprehensive application of diverse educational approaches necessary. Those new horizons are what fascinate me.

In view of the following qualifications that I have acquired, I believe that I will acquit myself satisfactorily in the prospective . program in education that I am currently endeavoring to apply for. First and foremost, as is often claimed, one's interest is one's best director. I believe that I will do well what I am really interested in doing. Secondly, though I majored in economics as an undergraduate, my trainings during that stage helped develop effective modes of thinking and research approaches. In addition, I conscientiously self-studied many works related to education, including A Developmental History of Educational Science in the West, which enabled me to construct a solid groundwork for more advanced studies in this field. Next, it can be safely asserted that education and economics are not entirely separated. For example, it is necessary to apply many statistical methods in educational psychology and my academic record indicates that statistics is the subject that I am most good at. Last but not the least, my current teaching career and my teaching experience will play a positive role in facilitating my target degree program.

The reason why I apply for the University of -- is that it is the first state university with a time-honored history. The School of Education in this university is quite prominent among its counterparts in the field. I am particularly attracted by the School's powerful pedagogical resource, vibrant intellectual atmosphere and a comprehensive curriculum. I plan to apply for a degree program in Instructional Technology or Educational Psychology, both of which enjoy unparalleled academic reputation in the world. My application for Instructional Technology is motivated by my strong interest in the application of modern science and technology, especially the information technology represented by the Internet, in the field of education and in the nature of a series of revolutionary changes resulting thereof. Instructional Technology is a new discipline that has emerged as a result of the rapid development of modern communication technology since the late 20th century. It has tremendous potential for development and commercial application. As for my motive in selecting Educational Psychology as another possible area of specialization in my degree program, it is my long-cherished interest that primarily counts. On the other hand, all the accomplished educators since the 1960's have been well-versed in psychology. Almost every important new educational theory is derived psychological findings in one way or another so that educational psychology has subsequently developed into a fundamental subject for the science of education. The tendency in the 21st century is to emphasize on the micro research of educational activities and against this backdrop educational psychology will be attached greater importance. In Instructional Technology, I would like to focus on the following studies: how to improve educational efficiency by applying research results from natural sciences and engineering technology; how to explore the combination and coordination of pedagogical contents and to improve teaching methodology by exploiting the theoretical findings from psychology and educational science concerning the process of teaching and learning. In Educational Psychology, I will concentrate on applied cognition and development, gifted and creative education, genetics and children development, personality structure and individual differences and other related subjects.

For me, to shift from economics to education and to pursue an advanced degree in the United States is not so much a challenge as an opportunity. At present, major reforms are being introduced into virtually every important aspect of Chinese society. The field of education especially calls for comprehensive reforms. The United States occupies an absolutely leading position in the present-day world in education. It is my conviction that, in the United States, advanced educational theories, technologies and information will facilitate me immensely in the achievement of remarkable academic progress, fulfilling my aspiration to become an accomplished professional in the field of education. This will not only bring my patriotic fervor into reality but also make my life more meaningful and rewarding.

Yours sincerely,


出国文书中文范文 第10篇

我在之前的一篇回答中(撰写留学申请的个人陈述 (PS, personal statement)时有哪些常见的误区?),已经指出过一个内容方面的误区,即把PS变成了加长版的CV,也就是把自己经历罗列堆砌在PS里面,没有反思也没有逻辑。而一篇优秀的PS在内容上应该是饱满的,请看下图:

糟糕的PS像左边那个方块,停留在表层。有没有发现,外面那个粉色的清单就是简历的不同版块。不可否认,按照这样的思路写PS真的很轻松,甚至还有一点“清晰有逻辑”的幻觉呢!事实上,停留在“我做了什么”经历层面的PS是没有诚意的。我们要向下沉,向里面思考。并不是说我们不要写自己的经历。我们当然要写,还要写得漂亮写得有重点有逻辑。人是自己经验的总和,我们的当下总能在过去找到印记。而所谓personal statement就是要呈现这些personal的印记。因此我们要在表层的经历之上不断内省,去发现自己的motivation, interest, competence, goals, plan, 以及 fit for the program,这六个关键词比起经历本身来说,更应该是PS的内核。这里对这个六个词语稍作解释,具体的例子和分析在以后的文章中呈现,可以期待一下。

出国文书中文范文 第11篇

Non-creative writing 的文段展开方法无外乎两种:递进和并列!这里的递进不要狭隘地去理解,只要体现出了元素之前的发展关系,都可称之为递进。这个规则在雅思托福写作中同样适用。接下来的问题是,这个规则如何运用在PS写作的场景中?我们已经介绍了PS内容排布的王逻辑,那么相对应的,当你确定了某个或者某几个文段是以哪个关键词为主题的时候,就可以至少有两种方法对这个关键词进行展开!下面这个表格对这些方法进行了命名,方便描述。


范文一 (动机剖析法






范文二 (板块拼接法


出国文书中文范文 第12篇






























出国文书中文范文 第13篇












出国文书中文范文 第14篇

Due to the comprehensiveness of Chinas reform and open policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England.

The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of Chinas new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business. With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books to satisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly. As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 20__, I was so nervous that I didnt score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives. My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter . I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties? With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book Jack: Straight from the Gutby Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 20__, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT.

To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies. Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 20__, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned. During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply.
