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翻译类论文开题报告模板范文 第1篇











开题报告是指开题者对科研课题的一种文字说明材料。这是一种新的应用文体,这种文字体裁是随着现代科学研究活动计划性的增强和科研选题程序化管理的需 要应运而生的。开题报告一般为表格式,它把要报告的每一项内容转换成相应的栏目,这样做,既便于开题报告按目填写,避免遗漏;又便于评审者一目了然,把握 要点。







翻译类论文开题报告模板范文 第2篇

I. Introduction

A. A Brief Introduction of Ellipsis in Translation

B. What Should We Pay Attention to When Dealing with Ellipsis

C. The Reason Why Ellipsis Is So Widely Used in Translation

1. Chinese Expressions Are Much Briefer Than That of English

II. Literature Review

Long before, some people began to learn other countries’ languages to understand others cultures. In China, Xuanzang was the first translator who not only translated the Sanskrit sutras into Chinese, but introduced the first Chinese writings to foreign countries, making foreigners understand China’s ancient culture. Meanwhile, he was the first to translate Lao Tse's works into Sanskrit. Indian scholars had a high opinion of Xuanzang, ^v^In China, there is no such great translator, and also in the human cultural history, we can only say that Xuanzang is the first great translator.^v^(Ye Lang, 2008) We can say that it was Xuanzang who motivated people to know the different parts of the world, their cultures and the peoples who live there. Then, some big countries such as America, China, and so on became a melting pot.(Gu Zhengkun, 2000) People have imperceptibly spent thousands of years in knowing each other.

With China’s entry into WTO and its open-up policy, cross-cultural exchanges are increasingly frequent between this country and others. A lot of foreign tourists come to visit China. While traveling, these foreigners are not satisfied with the translations of the scenic spots. Sometimes, they even feel confused. A lot of problems exist in the translation, such as misuse of words, poor expression of meaning and so on. All of these poor translations do harm to our country’s international image, and cause a lot of inconveniences for the foreign visitors. (Ma Zuyi, 2000). I am fond of tourism and being a free tourist like the others who are good at enjoying their wonderful lives. The love of tourism makes me feel the need to improve the translation. But every time when I have a trip, many unsuitable translations of the names of those scenic spots will embarrass me. Tourism is part of intercultural communication, so proper translation of the scenic spots become more and more important to our country.

Communication plays a significant role in the globalized society. In order to know each other better, people from all over the world have tried a verity of ways. Of course, translation is one of them. All translators have done their best to make the translated works more consistent with the needs of people.(Gu Jinming, 1997) From my perspective, they really have done a great job. And I want to retrospect the cause of their development. After a thorough evaluation, I choose a branch of translation—ellipsis in translation from English to Chinese, then I did the following jobs.

I put all my researches and other stuffs together, and then I found that it is a common case in English and Chinese which draws much academic interest. In 1976, Halliday and Hsan classified ellipsis into nominal, verbal and clausal ellipsis. This classification exerts great influence in academic circle. Thereafter, ellipsis in Chinese and English has been studied according to this theory, which is based on different layers of structure. This kind of study underlines differentiations and similarities of ellipsis in Chinese and English.

2. English Grammar Is Wee-Knit and Complete in Sentence Structure

II. The Principles of Ellipsis

A. Omitted Words Must Be Useless And Unnecessary in the Translated Works

B. The Meaning of the Omitted Words Is Implied in the Test

C. Omitted Words Which Are Self-Evident

Ш. The Functions and Applications of Ellipsis

A. The Coherence of the Meaning of Expression

B. The Coincidence of the Manner of Expression

1. Ellipsis of Articles

a. Ellipsis of Definite Articles

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Articles

2. Ellipsis of Prepositions

3. Ellipsis of Pronouns

a. Ellipsis of Personal and Impersonal Pronouns

b. Ellipsis of Indefinite Pronouns

c. Ellipsis of Relative Pronouns

4. Ellipsis of Conjunctions

a. Ellipsis of Coordinating Conjunctions

b. Ellipsis of Subordinate Conjunctions

5. Ellipsis of Rhetoric

a. Ellipsis of Repeated Words

b. Ellipsis of Synonyms

翻译类论文开题报告模板范文 第3篇







翻译类论文开题报告模板范文 第4篇



一、崔延强所翻译的《修辞术》;穆雷与其学生翻译的《修辞的复兴——韦恩·布斯精粹》;华明与付礼军分别译出了两个不同译版的《小说修辞说》;汪建峰的译作《《中美混合修辞的崛起——兼读中式签语饼》(Reading Chinese Fortune Cookies: The Making of Chinese American Rhetoric) 西方的修辞学译作无疑是人们学习和研究西方修辞思想的重要桥梁。翻译是一项历史悠久的活动。在经济全球化的今天,翻译在世界各国之间文学、艺术、哲学、科学技术、政治经济的频繁交流与往来,维护世界的稳定和持久和平,发挥了不可估量的作用。翻译是不同文化、不同语言的转化,是为了更好地交流与学习。要想翻译出合格的作品,译者在翻译过程中要综合考虑原文本、文化以及目标语读者等因素的基础上采用一定的方法和技巧遣词造句,翻译出让目标语读者能够接受的译文。而修辞学这一类的学术型著作,有较高的理论性、系统性,在翻译的过程中也必须还原出原文的系统性、理论性与逻辑性。刘亚猛教授(2014)在“修辞是翻译思想的观念的母体”一文中,阐述了翻译与修辞密切联系,他认为翻译的“信”与“忠实”本质上是一种修辞构筑


穆雷(2008)与其学生曾一起翻译过The Essential Wayne Booth一书,并把书名译为《修辞的复兴》。笔者认为书中的有些篇章段落翻译得甚好,值得翻译者们借鉴和学习,但也有少许地方不太符合中文的表达习惯。笔者想从《布斯精粹》(The Essential Wayne Booth)一书中选取自己感兴趣的第六章节“The Empire of irony”,做一份翻译实践报告,说明翻译的过程,尤其是解决难点的过程,并与穆雷的此章翻译产生对话,进行对比,提出自己的看法、译法与见解,总结此次翻译任务中的心得体会、翻译过程中的不足,及努力的方向。

翻译类论文开题报告模板范文 第5篇

This academic paper is a feasible project and the reasons are as follows:

have great interests in the way of English-Chinese translation.

have already studied translation methods and have been familiar with the functions and applications of ellipsis .

have collected enough references both Chinese and Western on ellipsis in

translation and do a scrupulous study of the relationship between them.

have a carefully planned schedule and have worked out a detailed outline of this thesis.

have acquainted myself with the correct format, a clear and complete structure required by the academic paper, and my adequate English competence will enable me to write in fluent and precise English.

instructor is a qualified translator who is familiar with the subject I havechosen.
