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英语口语话题topic范文 第1篇


1、Do you think you are a happy boygirl? Why?

2、Will you get angry if your friend hit you? Why?

3、Do you like pop music?

4、Do you love your teacher?

5、What do you think of your school life?

6、Who is the most popular teacher in your school?

7、Are you happy today?

8、How are you getting on with your classmates?

英语口语话题topic范文 第2篇

Class : Class SixGrade Seven.

Time: September   ,

Teaching content :  The Topic of “ colours” and “numbers”

Teaching Aims:   :


What’s this?/ is it?

This is a/an_____.  It is a/an______.

What colour is it?  It’s + 颜色。

What colour are they?  They are +颜色。

What’s your favourite colour?

My favourite colour is______./It’s ______

How many colours do you like?

I like_____.

3. Oral  English

Do you like……….? Yes ,I  do./No ,I don’t.

What’s this?  It’s a /an ____

What are they?  They are ______


1. Remember  the  words

2. how to  use the  sentence patten  above

Puzzles: 1.  How to master  the  usage  of  sentnce form

“What’s  your favourite colour?”

Imagination: the flash cards  to show the different colours and numbers for Ss to review the sentence “ How many_____do you have?   I  have_____”   and then learn the new sentence “What colour ………?”  or “ What’s  yourr favourite colour?”

2   Show the Visual Aids to conform the sentence pattern have learnt and ask Ss to work in pairs  to practise .

3. Do the exercises to conform.

Teaching Tools:     Visual  Aids.        Small Bb

Teaaching steps:

一.       Revision.

Use the cards to review “ How many………?”  and  some words.

二.       Presention

1. use the Visual  Aids or cards  to conform the words of “numbers” and “ colours”

2. Lead out the sentence pattern “ What’s your favourite colour?” “My favourite colour is ____?It’s______”

“What colour is  it?” “It’s ____”

“How many colours do you like ?”  “I like ____”

(Teacher give out the model ,then ask Ss to practise! Last,ask Ss to report)

3. Show the Visual Aids to confirm the all keys.

4. Show the Bb to do some exercises.

一.       补全单词。

1.R____d  2 gr __ __ n    p l___     5. wh___t ___   6.  y___l l ___w   7. P____n k   r __w n

二.       口头说出一到十二的'数字。

On____     tw____      thr___ __   f ___ ___r   f____v___     s___x   s____v___n    e___ght   n____ne  t___n

三.       汉译英

1.它是什么颜色?What ______    is  it?

它是蓝色。    It  ____  _______.

2.你最喜爱的颜色是什么? What’s ____ ______ ______?

它是红色。It’s_______./My favourite colour is______.

4. 你喜欢多少种颜色? How many _____ _____ _____ ______?

5. 你喜欢苹果吗?_____you ______apples?  Yes,I____.

四.       翻译下列词组。





三.       Give the  homework.

Do some exercises from  exercise book

Bb design:

Colours         numbers

What colou  is  it?/ are  they?

What’s your favourite colour?

How many colours do you like?

英语口语话题topic范文 第3篇

兴趣与爱好:Interests and hobbies

1、Do you like sports?

2、Are you interested in watching TV?

3、What is the most popular sport in China?

4、How do you spend your free time?

5、Do you have much time on sports?

6、Are you interested in playing puter games?

7、What do you usually do when you are free?

8、What do you usually do in your free time?

9、What is your favorite color?

10、Which subject do you like best?

11、Who is your favorite singer?

12、What’s your hobby?

13、Do you like singing?

14、Do you like playing football?

英语口语话题topic范文 第4篇

I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer.

It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn‘t move any further. Nobody knew what to do.

One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.

英语口语话题topic范文 第5篇

1. It is difficult to find a job after you graduate from university

2. My ideal university

3. Do you support campus marriage?

4. Going to college is not the only way to success

5. A lot of student’s unions are in the college,do you want to join one?

6. Experience is the best teacher in work

7. Are you a workaholic?If so do think it’s good or not.

8. If you are a boss how to make your leadership

9. Do you think the history and culture of a company are important?

10. How can a good company better serve society?

英语口语话题topic范文 第6篇

person who can be the beacon in my life

to walk before you can run

is your feeling about the disasters that have happened in China

you have a foreign friend,how do you introduce your city

it better for a woman to find a good husband than to find a good job?

you think appearance will change one’s life?

to avoid violence in our life?

to balance your work(study)and your family?

be a candidate,you deserve this right

be a member of a group or the leader of a group,which one is better?

英语口语话题topic范文 第7篇

Unit8 Topic 2 Section A教案


1.学习新单词及短语 interview, policewoman, plain clothes, carry out, tie

2..学习“It’s+形+(for sb.)+to do sth.” 句型

Is it important for you to wear uniforms at work?

It’s suitable to wear uniforms at work.

【重点难点】“It’s+形+(for sb.)+to do sth.” 句型”





2. policewoman___________

3. 特殊的__________





2. 执行,开展____________________







1、Is it important for you to wear uniforms at work?

It’s suitable to wear uniforms at work.



例:早睡是好的。 It’s__________ ________ _________ early.

放风筝是快乐。 It’s ________ __________ _________ ___________.

2.Our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.


阻止,防止某人做某事_____________________ =____________________


You can’t ______ people ______ _______what they think.




The teacher came, everyone________________________.

我们停下来去休息了。We ________________________.

【句型操练】“It’s+形+(for sb.)+to do sth.” 句型”


_________ __________ _________ speak in class.

2. 随地吐痰(spit)是不好的。

__________ __________ __________ __________ in public.

3. 在一天内完成这么多的工作是不可能的

________ _________ _________ _________so much work in a day.


( ) 1. It’s necessary ____ us ____ wear suitable clothes on every occasion.

A. for; to B. for; for C. to; to D. to; for

( ) the police wear casual clothes to ____ special tasks.

A. carry off B. carry on C. carry with D. carry out

( ) 3. The windbreaker can make him________________ more handsome.

A. looks B. look C. to look D. looking

( ) 4. When you are _______________, you can turn to the policeman.

A. at home B. at work C. in trouble D. safe

( ) 5. The sign can stop people from _____________in the lake.

A. swim B. swimming C. swam D. to swim

6. The police is __________ ____________(执行) a special task.

7. When people are __________ __________(陷入麻烦),they can ask for help.

8. It’s easy for you to cook fried rice(同义句转换)

It’s ___________ ____________ you cook fried rice.



英语口语话题topic范文 第8篇

Narrowing Your Essay Topic

A common problem of beginning writers is wallowing around in a topic too wide for their purposes. General words such as “media,”“war,” “life,”or “nature”are often incorrectly used as if they were topics (even “dragons”is too broad). However, students often begin to write essays with nothing more in mind than a general concept, and the result is a vague and generalized essay, of little interest to the student and less to the instructor. If you start with a broad area, concentrate on narrowing your subjectit will also help you deal with your topic within the length of the paper assigned and the time you have been given to complete it.

You can narrow your topic by considering a particular approach to the subject, or a sub-topic within it. You might ask yourself key questions, such as the following:


Am I writing of one specific species of dragon, or of dragons in general?

What kind of dragon do I wish to write about? Chinese? Fire-breathers? Kites?

What activities, qualities, or myths of that particular dragon do I wish to explore?


Am I writing of one war or of war in general?

Which war do I wish to write about? WWI? WWII? The Gulf War? “War”taken more the sexes, siblings, or members of different races?

Am I concentrating on the history of the war itself, or its causes or outcome?

What specific events or examples will illustrate my points?

In deriving a workable topic from your subject, be careful not to narrow it too far; your topic must provide scope to develop a sustained presentation and argument.

General subject: Media

Narrowed topic: Commercials

Specific topic: How commercials manipulate their audience

General subject: Dragons

Narrowed topic: Fire-breathing dragons

Specific topic: Problems in fighting the medieval fire-breathing dragon.

英语口语话题topic范文 第9篇

语言学习:language learning

1、How do you learn foreign language?

2、How long have you been studying English?

3、Are you good at English?

4、Who is your English teacher?

5、Do you think English is interesting?

6、Do you like studying English?

7、What other languages do you want to learn? Why?

8、What other language do you know? like?
