美国留学申请文书范文 第1篇
我目前正在学习A2地理和生物学。这也伴随着我在第一年完成的 AS 体育和 AS物理。我很喜欢我今年的课程,因为我发现与去年的物理相比,我发现内容相对容易消化。去年我发现这个主题相当具有挑战性,因为内容主要由数字、数字、理论和集合方程组成,其中一些难以解释。与今年iamdo的课程相反,我发现内容更易于使用,因为我可以将其与视觉情况联系起来。去年我喜欢这门课程的部分内容,因为那里的科目之间有明显的联系。一年之中,地理和生物学的交叉瞬间不止一次。我开发了新技能,例如口语和与他人一起完成课程作业正如我上面提到的,我对未来的抱负在于武装部队。我需要具备良好的分析能力以及良好的口语能力。作为情报人员的一部分是能够注释图片和许多其他数据源,即红外线
我有过一次带薪工作经验和一次工作实习经验。在我的工作经历中,我曾在 H+S航空工作。这是一家修理直升机和轻型飞机的公司。在此期间,我体会到满足客户迫切需要的这些引擎的最后期限的重要性。我还建立了一个团队并与许多部门合作。我学到的一项重要技能是对细节的关注/这非常重要,因为最轻微的不准确都可能导致飞机发动机发生故障,从而导致客户死亡。在我的有偿工作期间,我在ASDA的一家咖啡馆工作。我在这里学到了许多重要的课程,例如健康和安全以及食品卫生。我也在繁忙的环境中锻炼,良好的沟通和团队技能是实现目标所必需的。我觉得我学到的许多技能不仅与地理有关,而且与生活本身有关。团队技能可以在实地工作以及满足最后期限和对细节的关注中得到很好的利用。这些都体现在课程和大学生活的某些方面
美国留学申请文书范文 第2篇
My name is Zhang Yujiao. I was born in Qingdao, Shandong Province on October 6, 1987. Now studying in Shandong Agricultural University, majoring in international economy and trade, will graduate next year. I began to learn Japanese in 2014. With the deepening of my study, I gradually fell in love with this language and various customs of this country. Since then, wherever I went, all kinds of things about Japan can immediately attract my attention. After graduating from high school, I entered university, and I continued to learn Japanese, I hope my Japanese level can be further improved on the original basis, and I also hope to know more about this country.
Since learning Japanese, I have been full of imagination about this country across the sea. With the deepening of Japanese learning, I have learned that this country not only has beautiful and charming natural scenery, all kinds of folk customs, a wide range of food, but also has strict etiquette, rigorous, down-to-earth, positive attitude towards life. Through reading books about Japan, we know that although Japan's natural resources are relatively scarce, Japan has the world's advanced science and technology and management level. We know that although Japan has learned from others in culture and politics, it has never lost its own characteristics, and we know more about the diligence and persistence of the Japanese people. Over time, these efforts have made this country a leader in the world and respected by the world. As an individual, the same is true. Only by continuous learning and progress can we realize the value of life. In order to really master this foreign language and learn economic management knowledge, with the support of my parents, I have the dream of studying in Japan.
With the development of China's economy, talent competition has become the most fierce competition. How to make oneself have a place in the fierce competition is the goal of everyone's life. This also makes me realize that my study is not enough. I need further study, training and further study. I also need to constantly increase social practice and sum up social experience. Only in this way can I become a successful social person. So I think studying in Japan is the most suitable way for me, and I believe it will become a major turning point in my life.
If I am lucky enough to study in Japan, I will abide by the Japanese laws and regulations, respect the local customs, understand the local culture, integrate into the local environment, and make good use of this rare learning opportunity. Due to the good family conditions, I can afford the tuition, living expenses and other expenses for studying in Japan. For this, I am very grateful to my parents. I will take this opportunity to realize my dream.
I hereby submit an application. I hope you can realize my sincerity and desire to realize my dream. I hope you can approve it.
Applicant: Zhang Yujiao
美国留学申请文书范文 第3篇
解决了写什么的问题,接下来是怎们写。这个问题有两个层次,一个是怎们布局这个圆圈的不同内容,第二个层次是技术性的问题,怎们展开,怎们落实到文段上。这个部分先解决第一个层次。在研究了一百多篇国内外PS范文,我惊讶得发现大家内容布局的逻辑基本上都可以总结为: 兴趣/动机---> 能力--->目标/计划--->项目匹配度。
事实上,每篇文章都千差万别,仔细读下来却是万变不离其宗。琢磨了一下,是有原因的。这并不是因为大家都在用所谓的模板,而只是遵循了基本的叙事逻辑而已。附加条件越多的逻辑上越后置。我们的职业计划,研究计划一般要依附于我们的研究兴趣,相关背景能力等,所以一般放在文章后半段。而兴趣和动机等没有缘由的爱或者各种^v^aha moment^v^无需太多解释,所依赖的条件少,所以逻辑上可以前置。所谓“喜欢你,没道理”。
因此我也强烈建议大家采纳这个思路。再次强调,这不是模板,不是让大家第一段写兴趣,第二段写能力,第三段写目标,第四段写匹配度 (当然,你要这样写也没有错),关键是不用这么死板。比如我们第一段前半段写动机A, 后半段写能力A,第二段前半段写动机B, 后半段写能力B, 这样可以吗?当然也很好!
美国留学申请文书范文 第4篇
学生能够获取的项目类型一般有三种,包括比较适合美国学生的Need Based、适合各国留学生的Merit Based,以及适合能力出众的学生的NeedBlind。
美国留学申请文书范文 第5篇
, Wenyuan Road, Yadong new Area, Nanjing,
School of Management Science and Engineering
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics
Nanjing 210023
April 23,_
Byerly Hall, 8 Garden Street, Cambridge, USA
Tel:(617) 495-1000 Dear Prof. _: I'm Yang, a master candidate from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China, supervised by Prof. Tang. And I ever contacted you for the password of your papers in the last time. I'm supported by a Chinese National Fund, which will support those PhD candidates in China to go abroad to some world class Universities of their fields. This programme will cover all living cost I need in USA. After I read a lot of papers of my research area, I understand that you are working on MAX phases and have published quite a lot of high level scientific papers. As such, you are the leading researcher in _ in the world. I find your area fits me well, so I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to study in your school. My CV and published papers have been attached.
My research area is mainly about MAX phases. I have published 5 papers in the journals including J. Mater. Res. and Solid State Commun. In addition, papers were submitted. And now I'm doing _. I am not applying a full time PhD programme, and this programme is a short time (12-24 months) co-education experiences more like a visit scholar programme. This programme is a new type of co-educate PhD programme supported by China Scholarship Council. The study period abroad varies from 12 months at least to 24 months at most. I have to accomplish my doctor degree back to my school (Harbin Institute of Technology), so I'm not supposed to acquire my doctor degree at Drexel University.
And this programme runs like this, students meet the application requirements can apply this programme, and my University and research area is among the main supporting Universities and areas. Students must acquire an official invitation letter from the prospective tutor/University. Therefore, all I need is an official invitation letter from you (or your University). The date of enrollment I'm considering is September/October 2010. In order to make sure I can catch up with the next year's programme, I have to prepare all the application stuff (including your official invitation letter) before January, 2010. And because it will cost about 1 month to mail your invitation letter from USA to China, so I really hope you can respond me as soon as possible to make sure I can receive your letter before the winter vacation this year. And if you can't make this decision or you have a better recommendation whose research areas fit me well, please inform me. Really hope to hear from you as soon as possible!
Yours sincerely,
美国留学申请文书范文 第6篇
Non-creative writing 的文段展开方法无外乎两种:递进和并列!这里的递进不要狭隘地去理解,只要体现出了元素之前的发展关系,都可称之为递进。这个规则在雅思托福写作中同样适用。接下来的问题是,这个规则如何运用在PS写作的场景中?我们已经介绍了PS内容排布的王逻辑,那么相对应的,当你确定了某个或者某几个文段是以哪个关键词为主题的时候,就可以至少有两种方法对这个关键词进行展开!下面这个表格对这些方法进行了命名,方便描述。
范文一 (动机剖析法)
范文二 (板块拼接法)
美国留学申请文书范文 第7篇
When it comes to service workers, as a society we completely disregard the manners instilled in us as toddlers.
For seventeen years, I have awoken to those workers, to clinking silverware rolled in cloth and porcelain plates removed from the oven in preparation for breakfast service. I memorized the geometry of place mats slid on metal trays, coffee cups turned downward, dirtied cloth napkins disposed on dining tables.
I knew never to wear pajamas outside in the public courtyard, and years of shushing from my mother informed me not to speak loudly in front of a guest room window. I grew up in the swaddled cacophony of morning chatter between tourists, professors, and videographers. I grew up conditioned in excessive politeness, fitted for making small talk with strangers.
I grew up in a bed and breakfast, in the sticky thickness of the hospitality industry. And for a very long time I hated it.
I was late to my own fifth birthday party in the park because a guest arrived five hours late without apology. Following a weeklong stay in which someone specially requested her room be cleaned twice a day, not once did she leave a tip for housekeeping. Small-business scammers came for a stop at the inn several times. Guests stained sheets, clogged toilets, locked themselves out of their rooms, and then demanded a discount.
There exists between service workers and their customers an inherent imbalance of power: We meet sneers with apologies. At the end of their meal, or stay, or drink, we let patrons determine how much effort their server put into their job.
For most of my life I believed my parents were intense masochists for devoting their existences to the least thankful business I know: the very business that taught me how to discern imbalances of power. Soon I recognized this stem of injustice in all sorts of everyday interactions. I came to understand how latent racism, sexism, classism and ableism structure our society — how tipping was only a synonym for “microaggression.”
I became passionate. Sometimes enraged. I stumbled upon nonprofits, foundations, and political campaigns. I canvassed for Senate candidates, phone-banked for grass-roots action groups, served as a board member for the Women’s Foundation of Southern Arizona, reviewed grant applications for nonprofits and organized events for the nearby children’s hospital.
I devoted my time to the raw grit of helping people, and in the process I fell irrevocably in love with a new type of service: public service. At the same time, I worked midnight Black Friday retail shifts and scraped vomit off linoleum. When I brought home my first W-2, I had never seen my parents so proud.
The truth, I recently learned, was that not all service is created equal. Seeing guests scream at my parents over a late airport taxi still sickens me even as I spend hours a week as a volunteer. But I was taught all work is noble, especially the work we do for others. Slowly, my mother’s gingham apron began to look more like metal armor. I learned how to worship my parents’ gift for attentive listening, easily hearing the things guests were incapable of asking for — not sugar with their tea, but somebody to talk with while they waited for a conference call. I envied their ability to wear the role of self-assured host like a second skin, capable of tolerating any type of cruelty with a smile.
Most of all, I admired my parents’ continuous trust in humanity to not abuse their help. I realized that learning to serve people looks a lot like learning to trust them.
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