
admin 2024-05-31 网站管理员 admin

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第1篇

good morning, ladies and gentlemen, e to china! e to hubei province!

today i am very pleased to shoeters, the yangtze river, next only to the amazon and the nile, isthe third biggest river in the e turbulent. sheer cliffs and steepmountains rise on either side, creating one of nature's most fantasticsights. the three gorges---qutang, eters. the gorgesvary from 300metres at their e of an ancient tribe e containingbronze seters along the other peaks on thenorthern bank to be the first to greet the morning sun and the last tobid it fare the zigzagging eters easte es es up to billion rmb, equals to billion . installed poic e back in the future, i hope to see you again and be your guideagain

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第2篇

Summer Palace

The Summer Palace (Yiheyuan) in the northwestern suburb of Beijing was built in 1750. by far the best-preserved imperial garden in China, it was endorsed by the UNESCO in 1998 as a world cultural heritage site.

As a paragon of Chinese gardens, this huge garden includes Longevity Hill, whose beauty is set off by a multitude of halls, kiosks and trees, and Kunming Lake, a huge body of liquid silver.

Major tourist attractions are Tower of Buddhist Incense, 17-Span Bridge, Long Gallery, Cloud Dispelling Hall, Marble Boat, Beamless Hall, Garden of Harmonious Delights, the theatre in the Garden of Moral Harmony, and Suzhou Street.

The entire place is a de facto museum of China's classical architecture. Housed in these buildings are an immense collection of treasures and cultural artifacts.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第3篇

The Red Star Pavilion in the Pipasha Park, the Kansheng Pavilion in the Eling Park, and a place called Yikeshu on the Nanshan Mountain are vintage points for observing the nocturnal scenes of the mountain city of Chongqing. At night the entire city is inundated in an ocean of lights, intang rule from November 1937 to October 1945. Vestiges of that period are still there in and around the include the Red Crag Village and 50 Zengjiayan, as intang) at the foot of the Gele Mountain in Shapingba District have become the mausoleum for those Chongqing to Yichang allobines sightseeing pted some European historians to laud Diaoyu City as the ^v^Mecca of the East^v^ and ^v^Where God broke his whip^v^. The ruins of the ancient battlefield of Diaoyu City are well kept there.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第4篇

Visitors: ous trees dotted eone said that the four criteria: ^v^mon; More valuable, this spring, summer, autumn and posing system, the harmony of the beauty of composition.

Visitors: a garden of the main landscape has finished touring. In splex, right against the face to see a building ground brick gate house, this is he garden gate, enter the door, came to the backyard of he garden, the garden can be divided into tpound, appear in front of our eyes in front of the t have send.

All the buildings in the east, the most delicate to ship to the north of the hall, hall like a boat, pebbles, tile floor, steps prior to pattern for e.^v^ Tourists, a distance, rockery is like a great rivers of the motherland. If compared the fire wall to the painter's rice paper, then in front of sidewall rockery is just draw good landscape painting, give a person the sense with long, round the corner is infinite thoughts. This is the east garden. Please visit freely and take photos.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第5篇

vince, is probably the most famous.

Originally known as it was renamed in 747 AD in recognition of the legendary Huang Di, who was the reputed ancestor of the Chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

Wu yue is the collective name given to China’s most important mountains, namely Mt.

Taishan in Shandong Province, in Shaanxi Province, in Shanxi Province, in Henan Province and in Hunan Province.

It is said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you won’t wish to see even wu yue after returning from .

This saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of .

Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, has become one of the great symbols of China.

can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第6篇

The word ^v^hutong^v^ means ^v^water well^v^ in Mongolian. The Mongolians keep thenomadic tradition of settling down around springs or wells. A hutong is the passage formed by lines of siheyuan ( four-side enclosed courtyards). Strictly, hutong alleys are less than nine meters wide. Most hutongs in Beijing run in an east-west or north-south direction, with most houses facing south to take in as much sunshine as possible.

A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center. The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings. Usually, a whole family lives in compound. The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations live in the side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.

Hutong joins hutong, and siheyuan meets siheyuan to form a block. Blocks join with blocks to form the whole residential constructions.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第7篇

Cloisonne is a famous traditional enamel ware, known as the Blue of Jingtai in China, with a history of over 500 years. it was so called blue was the typical colour used for enamelling and Jingtai was the reign title of the 7th Ming Emperor. Enamel ware became very popular during the Emperors reign. There is a great variety of products, such as vase, jar, bowl,plate, box and ash-tray. They are brilliant in colours and splendid in design.

Cloisonne is one of the famous arts and crafts of making of cloisonne requires rather elaborate and complicated processes; base-hammering, copper-strip inlay, soldering, enamel-filling, enamel-firing, polishing and gilding. The products are featured by excellent quality. The skill and workmanship have been handed down from the Ming Dynasty. Quite a number of new varieties have been created. it enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. They are mostly for export.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第8篇

Situated at the foot of Wulao Peak on the southern end of Xiamen is nanputuo Temple. The temple's Heavenly King Hall, the main prayer hall, the Hall of Great Compassion and the Shrine of Buddhist Scriptures are all graced passion Hall, all of another. The temple attracts a large number of pilgrims at home and abroad. The excellent craftsmanship of the Thousand-handed Guanyin is marked by its thousand hands and thousand eyes and glistening golden color.

As to the Pavilion the Song Dynasty, calligraphic the ancient times. Among them, ^v^Intriguing Lotus Scripture^v^ ing to the top, you not only have a vie far, the five peaks ing to the top, you not only have a view of the mountain undulating in the wind, but also the view of the sea surging in the distance.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第9篇








英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第10篇

Nanjing Ming city wall built in the Ming Dynasty, which lasted 21 years built, do not follow the ancient capital to take a square or rectangular old system, unique design ideas, construction workmanship, majestic grand scale in Nanjing pregnant with beauty and landscape, meandering linger up to km , while the outer profile of the city wall of Nanjing city perimeter is more than 60 kilometers. Nanjing Ming City Wall is not only the country's largest city walls, and is the world's largest city walls, and was named the world's largest association of World Records walls. Nanjing Ming City Wall of China ancient military defense facilities, the city wall construction techniques epitomize work, regardless of historical value, ornamental value, archaeological and architectural design, scale, function and other aspects, the walls can not be compared to domestic and foreign, can be described as following the Chinese Great Wall of Qin after another historical wonders.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第11篇

Bordering on the Yangtze River and crouching on the top of the Snake Hill, the Yellow Crane Tower is one of the three most famous towers on the south bank of the Yangtze River. (the other two are Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi)

First built in 223 AD, the tower has a history of over 1700 years. It is not only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of “piping times of peace“ in people‘s minds. Scholars in the past dynasties wrote hundreds of poems and scores of writings in praise of the magnificent Yellow Crane Tower. The legend about the tower has become a bright pearl of the Chinese literature.

Rebuilt in 1985, the Yellow Crane Tower Park occupies a hilly area and consists of towers, pavilions and corridors, forming an architecture complex and a garden complex of man--made and natural scenery. It has become the symbol of Wuhan for its long history, its magnificent outlook and its imposing architectural style.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第12篇

the dujiangyan dam, 45km north of chengdu, is an ancient technological plete the project to check the mingjiang many years the river,flooded the chengdu agricultural area and local farmers suffered a lot from the atically diverts the mingjiang river and channels it into irrigation canals. for many years the dam has continued to make the most of the the main stream. during the dry season the fence doesn't e stone tablets, atically this project.

not far from the dujiang dam, a daoist temple complex memorate the benevolent rule of li bing and his son li bing,^v^when the river flows in zigzags, cut a straight channel. when the riverbeb is wide and shallow, dig it deeper.^v^ the temple which is built near the mountaintop, is a popular stopping place for sightseers. there one can enjoy a unique view of the most modern parts of the water conservation project.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第13篇

emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum and the terra-cotta otion the development of economy and culture. they had a great and deep influence upon china’s 2,000 year old feudal society.

emperor qin shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. as a result, china’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. those events one palace to the other. often nobody kneb, were enclosed alive.

emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum has not yet been excavated. what looks like inside could noly be known when it is opened. however, the three pits of the terra-cotta warriot excavated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of emperor qin shihuang’s mausoleum was.

英语导游欢迎词范文120词 第14篇

Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to to pull a Sa tour, I am your guide**.

The cloth reaches to pull a temple to be located in interborough capital in Tibet to pull northwest suburban area in the Sa City about two

The cloth day of thousand meters place[red]top of the people heart that hides to spread Buddhism in the local faith, this knoll as if the kwanyin boddhisattva live of the mountain of Pu Tuo, as a result use to hide language to call that this pulls for cloth reaching.(Pu idea of Tuo)The cloth reaches to pull a temple repeatedly, the circuit fold and blends with mountain body together, high towering sign, sublime Wei le wall red and white intermingled, temple crest magnificent, have a strong art is the sign that pulls Sa city, also the symbol of the huge creative power of people in Tibet, the precious wealth that Tibet constructs an art, also cultural inheritance of the mankind of the one and only snow area language to be called ^v^great Mu Lin Jian Ji^v^, the meaning is value to arrive first half world.
