英语作文范文10句 第1篇
1 . 骂吧。有时候骂别人反而把自己骂得气愤。我就是属于这一类型的人。生气了,特喜欢骂人,不是乱骂,是说着骂。内容不知道自己骂得什么,反正就是见人就说着骂。要是有胆大的人回击我,我觉得很有趣,不但我不骂人不生气了,还会大笑的鼓励他,拍案叫绝骂得好。我就是故意让回击人意识到,什么叫生气的力量。生气人不生气了,反而越来越快乐。他自己却越骂越生气,很无趣,只有气冲冲的一走了之。
2 . 人生如水,有激越,就有舒缓;有高亢,必有低沉;不论是绚丽还是缤纷是淡雅还是清新,每个生命必定有其独自的风韵。一个人的一生,有轰轰烈烈的辉煌,但更多的是平平淡淡的柔美。人是需要一种平淡的,这种平淡无声无息,但又无处不在。
3 . 丝瓜与肉豆,何必执着于将其分开,只要内涵没有走偏,又何必纠结于无关紧要的形式呢?
4 . 当然,由于我们不肯实实在在地努力,不愿含辛茹苦,我们总是一厢情愿地不劳而获,结果未能如愿就是理所当然的。
5 . “你看我,”树说,“我的树枝上有知更鸟,树干中有猫头鹰,苔藓和瓢虫生长在我的枝皮中。它们能带走我所拥有的,但带不走我自己。”
6 . 人生不止,奋斗不息!
7 . 人,这一生不知道怎么说!它好比一条坎坷的小路!一辈子都要在这没有尽头的路上留下一点一滴的痕迹!
8 . 我们不是一张白纸,即使心灵再纯洁,那也会是一种淡淡的色彩,只是我们看不到,必须用心去感受;我们不是一张白纸,从一诞生就不是,因为我们是描绘自己人生的绘师!
9 . 天黑鸦鸦的连成一片,像一块铅似的慢慢的沉下来,闷得人喘不过起来,但这样糟糕的天气不一定意味着没有一桌丰盛的晚餐。正是如此,不免吃得太饱,便散步消食。
英语作文范文10句 第2篇
In the morning, we arrived at the school gate early. The teacher first gave a number of these figures, 1-15, to the family in the car, and told the car family to stick it in their car. After leaving the tutorial, we set out in order. The teacher's car was at the front, and my mother and I were sitting in an aunt's car.
After getting on the bus, I was very excited. I really want to go to liu shuo's home quickly to see what the vineyard looks like? The car was on the road and I saw a lot of beauty. After a long time, I finally arrived at the home of liu shuang, I saw a large vineyard, beautiful.
We got off and we didn't rush into the orchard. The teacher put us into groups A and B in the order of registration. The teacher first explained the grape knowledge to us, then asked us to answer questions and answer the advanced garden.
After dividing the group, the teacher gave us two sets of questions to ask us to answer the question. The answer quickly ended, and we won the group A, so we went ahead and picked the grapes. We took the tools -- a pair of scissors and a bucket -- and then we went in and picked the grapes. When we came to the middle one of the grapes, the leaves of the grapes were like the palms of men. The grapes we picked were very large, and when I finished, I tasted the big grapes I picked, and then I tasted the small grapes. Ah! We picked a good acid. I didn't believe that the grape was sour. Now, I regret very much that I didn't pick small grapes.
I like this grape harvest very much. It's unforgettable!
英语作文范文10句 第3篇
It's summer vacation today. Summer vacation is here, but what about summer vacation? I think I want to do something different, but I don't know where to start and where to end... Maybe it didn't start, it didn't end. Summer vacation is so, and so is life.
In the eyes of the children, society is always full of truth and kindness, and life is sweet and colorful. In the eyes of the adults, there are two sides to society, both true and beautiful, and false and ugly, and life is bittersweet. Why is there such a big difference between adults and children? There is only one conclusion: this is the fundamental difference between maturity and infantile.
In the world, everything has two sides. The adults have a lot of experience, and they decide that they see things in a comprehensive way. When a child is mature, he must experience something. Some people say, ^v^life is a training ground, a stage for honing people.^v^ On this special stage, everyone will meet with happy things and sad things. Sad things make people miserable, and happy things make people feel good. If we face the sad things all day long, we will lose our confidence, and we will abandon ourselves. In the face of happiness, people are confused by what they see, lacking social experience and gullible. Just as plants can't lack sunlight and rain, there is no shortage of happiness and sadness in human experience.
英语作文范文10句 第4篇
There are some pandas in the zoo. They look like a bear, but they are not a bear. They live in China. They have a small tail and fat body.
They are black and white. They’re very clumsy, but they can climb trees. They like to eat bamboo very much. Look! The baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping.
They look very lovely. Pandas are my favourite animals.
英语作文范文10句 第5篇
1 . 很多时候,我们总是希望得到别人的好。一开始,感激不尽。可是久了,便是习惯了。习惯了一个人对你的好,便认为是理所应当的。有一天不对你好了,你便觉得怨怼。其实,不是别人不好了,而是我们的要求变多了。习惯了得到,便忘记了感恩。
2 . 愿他们以后都可以很勇敢地去尝试自己想做的事,茁壮成长!相信自己,一步一世界,你的人生会因此而变得更美好。孩子,加油!
3 . 地球离开我们任何人,照样会转。这和时间不会为任何人停留是一个道理。
4 . .儿孙自有儿孙福,莫为儿孙做远忧。
5 . 骂回去是好事,但是我们为自己生气想过没有。如果他在继续骂下去,就像爱好唱歌一样,越骂越有劲,自己也是不是跟着他耗下去。假若他是故意阻止你一个爱生活积极奋斗的青年前进的绊脚石,自己有没有发现,为这样一个不值得牵引成功的事情而费尽脑汁,争夺成败,是不是有点浪费上天给我们的命运。失败是不是离自己更近,成功反而更远呢!我们自己想想吧!
6 . 呵呵现实就是这样的!没有金钱权利地位的爱情是不可能长久的!无知的我们别在想只要有感情就会天长地久的的,那只是一个美丽的谎言!醒醒吧!
7 . 我们如水的生活,只要有点缀的颜色,就有阳光日子甜蜜的味道。有了惊涛骇浪,不需要迎浪踏险,只要心的风力去击碎那汹涌的浪墙。一切都风平浪静……
8 . .把自己的欲望降到最低点,把自己的理性升华到最高点,就是圣人。.嫉妒别人,仇视异己,就等于把生命交给别人。
9 . 要知道等我从^v^农场出来以后,我已经快到花甲之年了再结婚我可真的一点想法都没有了
10 . 在挫折面前,人们有各自的情绪表现。
英语作文范文10句 第6篇
1 . 自从一粒种子植入土地,它便不再茫然四顾,而是一味地扎根下来,吸养料而发芽,沐甘雨而拨节。它甘于贫瘠的土壤,忍受着成长的艰辛,不因外面的世界而心旌飘摇。它的根须尽管还纤细柔弱,却欲达土地之下;它翠绿的枝叶尽管还稚嫩幼小,却欲与蓝天比肩,直到顶天立地,枝叶婆娑。
2 . 希望,是一种甜蜜的等待;想念,是一份温馨的心情;朋友,是一生修来的福分;爱情;是一世难解的缘分。祝你在人生的道路上多点快乐!多点开心!
3 . 生活可以无所谓,生命可以无所求无所谓的生活极其乐观,无所求的生命极其悲观乐观与悲观不能失调,一个完整的生命,二者有着一定的比例成功的生命,对乐观和悲观都不排斥,同时存在才使得生命如此的绚丽迷人我们往往只是看到它的外表,有些时候还是悲观占上风,到了一天,他们认为自己有足够的能力让自己乐观,一切又恢复了原来的自然
4 . 正如国学大师饶宗颐所说:“人的生命如同蜡烛,烧得红红旺旺的,却很快熄灭,倒不如用青青的火苗,更长久地燃烧,来得经济。”我们的生活一旦被形式主义所左右,那么整个时代的人文精神即将失控。
5 . 在小蟑螂身上,我明白了一个深刻的人生哲理:不管周围的环境怎样恶劣,都不应该放弃努力,不管面对怎样的生命的威胁,都不要放弃一个信念:我一定要活下去!
6 . 那么什么是人生?
7 . .积金遗于子孙,子孙未必能守;积书于子孙,子孙未必能读。不如积阴德于冥冥之中,此乃万世传家之宝训也。
8 . 洪战辉作为感动中国最年轻的人物,他说:“不是我感动了中国人民,而是他们自己感动了自己,因为他们心中都有一个爱的天使,心存责任之天使。”是的,他们用爱之天使感动了自己,也感动了中国。
9 . 遥想百万年坎坷长途都是一次拉纤的过程,何况短暂的人生不就是飘荡在蓝天的纤歌吗?
10 . 是谁本着一颗报恩的心,是谁守望着偏僻的山村,如果说眼泪是一种财富,那么你就是一位富有的人,你让我们泪流满面。
英语作文范文10句 第7篇
1 . 工欲善其事,必先利其器
2 . 自大的人,都是不能正确认识自己的人。不能正确认识自己的人,这一生是不可能有什么伟大成就的。
3 . 智,是经历世事波澜之后的泰然心境,它需要阅历的积累,需要一颗敏感的心灵去不断发现;它以四两拨千斤的方式,战胜异常强大的困难,它以不露声色的方式,在无形中瓦解强敌。
4 . “多难兴才”曾一度被人定为规律。请看:屈原被放逐而作《离骚》;司马迁受宫刑而作《史记》;欧阳修两岁丧父笃学而成才;曹雪芹举家食粥而写出了不朽的《红楼梦》;越王勾践卧薪尝胆而雪洗国耻;韩信遭胯下辱而统率百万雄兵……他们都是在与逆境搏斗中成为伟人的!
5 . “大了,不再怕黑暗。”这样想着,只听着身后屋顶上有动静,转眼一看,两只火眼金睛正定神看着我。我这一转身,倒把它吓了一跳,接着跃起开溜,以积极地速度在屋上掠过,模糊的身影消失在阴暗的夜中。表弟不知何时冒出来,捡起一块石头狠狠地扔向了屋顶,听那声音,瓦碎了,小家伙挨批了,眼泪说流就流,抽泣着向屋里跑去。这时,我真有点想笑,因为我又看到了小时犯错时的身影,可又有点自责,如果当时我拦他一下,这“悲剧”就不会上演了。
6 . 男人说:“我无法改变自己。”
7 . 如今的社会就是一个大熔炉,若是坚硬无比说不定终有一天会修成正果,若脆弱不堪,就算温度再低也终将化为虚无
8 . 用歌声动人,听者有泪;用行者之心动人,行者无疆。徐本禹,是什么驱动着你奔向贫瘠的大山?是爱的天使,是一种对社会报恩的责任感吧!
9 . 人生就像一本书,记录我们生活的点点滴滴。而你就是这本书的主人。
10 . 亲爱的朋友,人生是短暂的,而灵魂的成就是永远的。把握好今天,让每个人的生命舞台绚丽多姿,用每个人的智慧,创造未来的生命桥梁。用自己的灵魂,跨越美丽的彩虹桥!
英语作文范文10句 第8篇
Dear He Jian,
My name is Wang Jiajia. I study in Xinqi School. I’m twelve years old.
I like English very much, because my English teacher is very kind. My favourite fruit is apple, because it’s sweet and healthy.
My favourite day is Tuesday, we have computer, . and English.
It’s a great day. Tall me about your school, please.
Your pen pal,
Wang Jiajia
英语作文范文10句 第9篇
Today, my mother and I went to the supermarket.
I saw a lot of items and food. I saw some of the delicious, like in the past, but my mother to buy eggs, I do not think that in the past, otherwise it will get lost. After a while, my mother has bought things.
So next time myself ...... delicious!
英语作文范文10句 第10篇
Last summer, I went to visit my uncle by air. I had never taken a plane before. So I was on top of the world at the news.
I was too excited to fall asleep the previous night. On the day of flight, the crew took me from my parents to the seat in the plane.
Luckily my seat was near the window. Before the plane took off, I imagined how nice it would be in the sky. But before long I was so tired that I couldn't help sleeping.
When I woke up, the plane had just landed. Isn't it interesting?
英语作文范文10句 第11篇
Have you ever seen a house like this? When you're hungry, according to white, the house will give you a meal delicious rice, when you want to wash bath, issue instructions 15 minutes in advance, the house will give you wash bath things ready before, this kind of building structure is very sturdy, let tornadoes and the earthquake hit, it won't fall down, as long as one click Huang Jian, it becomes a plane, take you to travel around the world.
Invented in 3036, my house is very popular with everyone, as long as people live parts of the world is bound to have invented by my house, I am very welcome to stay in my magic house, when you want to go to bed after bath in the evening, a directive from the house and the house will sleep, when you wake up in the morning, the houses will be followed to wake up, with sweet voice to greet a new day together with you, also has the function of environmental protection, this kind of house on a rainy day of rain fell on the house, the house will automatically collect function the rainwater collected, processed rainwater can cook a meal to eat, water the flowers and wash his clothes, and very environmental protection.
I invented the house can not only into the ground can also be heaven, heaven to travel to the moon, you are welcome to stay in the house I invented magic, I welcome you all to visit me at any time the magic house!
英语作文范文10句 第12篇
1 . 里面的年轻人回答他:“所有满周岁的人进入球场都需要交美元,先生。我们这个球场让岁以下的儿童免费进入,请问你的两个孩子多大了?”
2 . 看过一个女作家写的文章,名字就叫不扶。说她在一个雨天,看到街上一个打扮入时的女人摔倒了,而她并没有去扶她,怕给她造成尴尬,怕使她更加难堪。像那个转身一样,只几秒钟时间,那个女人就从容站起,继续前行。
3 . 共和国迎来了她六十诞辰。六十年像一条长河,有急流也有缓流;六十年像一幅长卷,有冷色也有暖色;六十年像一首乐曲,有低音也有高音;六十年像一部史诗,有痛苦也有欢乐。长河永远奔流,画卷刚刚展开,乐曲渐趋高潮,史诗还在续写。我们的共和国正迈着坚定的步伐,跨入新时代。
4 . 世事忙忙如水流,休将名利挂心头。粗茶淡饭随缘过,富贵荣华莫强求。
5 . .存平等心,行方便事,则天下无事。怀慈悲心,做慈悲事,则心中太平。
6 . 如若把人生征途中战胜艰难想过程,作一个形象的比喻笔者认为把它喻作江河边拉船的纤夫比较恰适。
7 . 人之心胸,多欲则窄,寡欲则宽。
8 . 在生活中,我们常可以听到“有人说”这三个字。不论是谁说的,那都只是他一个人的观点,你可以认可,也可以置之不理,因为那是他的,不是你的。所以,当听见“有人说”时,完全可以不必放在心上,你的生活不是别人的,而是你自己的。你应该对自己说“我认为”。或许有的时候你的观点并不被人认可,可那至少被你所认可,至少证明你曾经为之思考过。
9 . 没想到,范雎很淡然,回答说:“我没什么可难过的。”
10 . 在我的坎坷经历中,它曾经陪我度过多少春秋:当别人亲切地叫我一声时,我会很乐意地答应他;当我在困难面前时,它会勉励我坚强起来;当我高兴时,我在日记里总会留下“魏剑威你真棒”的字句;当我被表扬获奖时,我的名字总会出现在周围人的耳旁。
英语作文范文10句 第13篇
1 . 学习走路的孩子没有不摔跤的,并且在千万孩子之中,可能有一个摔成脑震荡。有一位母亲因此坚决不让她的孩子走路,那孩子果然从来没有摔过跤,身上也没有疤痕,但是终于变成瘫子,一生要坐轮椅。人生的有些苦是要受的,有些代价是要付的,有些过失是要犯的——只犯一次,不犯第二次。
2 . 从婴儿刚诞生,这本书就被翻开,人们看它读它,同时也留下自己的痕迹。只不过有人留下了深印,有人留下了浅痕,有人留下了肮脏的爪印,有人留下了圣洁的白痕。
3 . 人这一生就是这样的酸甜苦辣都有!成功的人他们当初也是从我们这个阶段走过来的!只不过人家比我们醒悟的早!
4 . 人,有些时候,实在需要一个转身,不被打搅地独自悲伤。
5 . 事后论人,局外论人,是学者大病。事后论人,每将智人说得极愚。局外论人,每将难事说得极易。二者皆从不忠不恕生出。
6 . 人生没有必要总是回首,调整心态,淡然的看待过去的得失吧。
7 . “当你错过太阳而流泪,你也将错过群星了。”当我读到这句话时,心灵仿佛受到了一次有力冲击,在我的胸腔不安分的跳动着。多么浅显的话语,却寄寓了多么深奥的人生哲理!时间总是不停的在走的,它不会为了任何一个人而停留。也许人们错过了它,会懊悔不以的流泪。但是人们可曾在意,在那明媚的阳光之后,灿烂星空同样值得人们去留恋!又有多少人曾仰望过…。正如朱自清的《匆匆》中说到:去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着;去来的中间,又怎样地匆匆呢?时间对每个人都是公平的,只有去利用去充实,才能不因错过而流泪悲伤!
8 . 如果让我们回头来检视自己,你就会发现,我们都会颓丧,都会有发脾气的时候,甚至有时候我们还没有弄清事实的真相,就暴跳如雷起来,紧接着还出言伤人,可是事后,又为此而感到十分的内疚。
9 . 做天下好事,既度德量力,又审势择人。“专欲难成,众怒难犯”,此八字者不独妄动邪为者宜慎,虽以至公无私之心,行正大光明之事,亦须调剂人情,发明事理,俾大家信从,然后动有成,事可久。盘庚迁殷,武伐纣,三令五申,犹恐弗从。盖恒情多隐于远识,小人不便于己私,群起而坏之,虽有良法,胡成胡久。
10 . .莫妒他长,妒长,则己终是短。莫护己短,护短,则己终不长。
英语作文范文10句 第14篇
This summer holiday, I went to zhuhai with my father, sister and great-aunt. Because is the first sitting so long time of air conditioning train, I kept watching the two sides of the scenery along the way, I saw pieces of green fields like pieces of carpet, the undulating hills from time to time.
In front of my eyes, there were a few white birds flying in the field. I watched as I drifted off to sleep, and when I woke up, the train had arrived at the Canton station, and I was overwhelmed by the tall buildings and the crisscrossed flyovers. We braved the rain luxury coach ride to zhuhai, the passenger cars, clean the road full of tropical trees, branches take root of banyan tree, fragrant air of mango trees, tall and straight, its low wide palm, green banana trees, camphor trees, banana trees, etc. How clean the road is! Not even a piece of paper.
Under the tree, there are various kinds of flowers, colorful flowers and flowers, from time to time radiated fragrance, refreshing. I stood in the road when a distance, is full of green carpet of grass, there are many children playing in the grass, and some old man to walk on the grass, some children is flying a kite, look! How happy they are! I the most enchanted is the boundless sea, a wave with a green sea waves constantly rushed to the beach, the beautiful sea shells and pebbles rushed to the beautiful beach, give the children brought infinite joy.
Zhuhai at night is more charming, all kinds of neon lights the street dressed up more beautiful and moving, we walked on the beach under the sway of sea breeze, feel very cool, looked up at the night sky, you will be surprised to find that there are many planes flew over in the air in the night sky, the lamp on the aircraft flash, like stars, like naughty children in blinked... Ah! Zhuhai you are so beautiful!
英语作文范文10句 第15篇
I have a good friend, her name is Li Hua. We know each other two year ago, and she is my classmate. As we sit in the same desk, we become friends soon. Li Hua is a good girl, and she is kind and helpful. She helps me solve all kinds of problems. I love her so much. Thanks to her, I have grown up.
英语作文范文10句 第16篇
Many people like watching TV. TV brings the outside world into people’s homes. People say the world is smaller than before because of TV. What is going on in other countries?How do people live in places far away? What sports do people play in other countries?
If you want to know the answers to these and other kinds of questions, just turn on the TV. Of course people can also learn through reading books or listening to the radio,but many say they learn more by watching TV. Why? Because they can listen to and watch it.
TV opens our eyes to the outside world,at the same time also helps to open our minds. TV often gives us new ideas. We learn newer and better ways of doing things.
英语作文范文10句 第17篇
A dream is to a man what wings are to a bird. With a dream in the deep heart's core, a man is spontaneously driven to hitch his wagon to a star. A dream is an inexhaustible source of energy that keeps our enthusiasm burning, and kindles our desire to enhance our spiritual cultivation, refine our character, and upgrade our quality of life. A life without a dream is like a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and oblivious of what lies beyond the range of its vision. On the contrary, a man with a dream is like a warrior armed with ambition, foresight and gallantry, daring to step into an unknown domain to make a journey of adventure. It is dream that adds fullness, variety, and spice to our life and makes it worth living.
I have a dream. It is a dream that is deeply rooted in human nature. I dream that one day people of all origins can live in harmony and peace without being discriminated against or persecuted. The bounty of the earth can be shared by every single human being. Mutual respect will guarantee the existence and continuation of the diversity of customs and cultures. Love, sympathy, and cooperation will alleviate the sufferings and disasters inflicted upon our fellow men. Respect for basic human rights will put an end to social injustices and evils.