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七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第1篇

Hello,everyone!I'm ! This is my family photo. This is my grandmother. She is 58. This is my father. He is a teacher. He works in a school .He uauslly go to the school by car .

He is 36,and my mother is 36, too. Who’s that boy? Oh, he is my brother. He is 13 and I am 12. My brother and I are students.



七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第2篇

I’m Tom. I’m English. I’m a middle school father is a reporter. He is

of medium height and a little bit has short straight black hair and wears likes playing mother is a is tall and has long curly blonde likes reading books. My parents are made some have to follow example,I have to do my homework after can’t watch TV 0n school have to be in bed by weekends,I have to clean my room and wash my have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the never have any can I do?

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第3篇

Look! This is Tom’s room. His photos are on the wall. His T-shirt is on the bed. His baseball bat is behind the dresser. The keys are in the drawer.

The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s baseball? Oh, It’s under the bed. What is on the floor? They are Tom’s shoes, socks and computer games. What do you think of Tom’s room?

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第4篇

Last night, I saw an interesting movie, it told about a boy and a girl who were at the same age, but the way they thought was so different. The boy was skin-deep, he judged the person by their faces, while the girl could think much further, she found the beauty of life. During their process of growing, finally the boy became mature and started to have the real talk with the girl.

I learn that boys and girls indeed think in a very different way, so misunderstanding always happens. It is important to have the communication, so that they can know each other’s thoughts.

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第5篇









































七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第6篇

ShenZhen is the youngest city of China. Though it has a history of 7,000 years, its true development didn't start until 1980 when China start its refom and openging policy, so I believe most of of the Chinese will recognize it as the youngest city.

With its vigour of youth, Shenzhen has developed at an incredible speed. In a time range of 30 years, it has changed from a nameless fish town to one of the most prosperous city in China. And Shenzhen yet, hasn't stopped its pace of growing. In summer 2011, it will hold the 26th Universiade whose magor stadium, Chunchan, has became a mew sight of the city. I firmly believe Shenzhen will be even more recognized worldwidely after this game.



七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第7篇

Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now. As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit.

First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful.

Second, I should obey seven no's and be good at learning from others.

Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第8篇

The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people. In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food. They could only eat these during the Spring festival. So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon. Now, although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday. People still like the festival. Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family. In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programs.

I like the Spring Festival very much. How wonderful the Spring Festival is!



七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第9篇

I have a good friend. Her name is May. She is 12 years telephone number is 87634966 Her birthday is March 5th. She is good at English and often plays the piano.

She likes reading books and listening to the music. Her hobbies are reading and listening to music. She is a nice girl. We often help each other. We are good friends.

我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。


七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第10篇

My Summer Vacation

my summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. i went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. it is very beautiful there. there are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people. i spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. i wrote down what happened in my diary every day.

besides that, i helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. i helped them read english improve their spoken english. their parents thanked me for this.




七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第11篇

Ms. Gao our English teacher is my favorite is slim and beautiful with curly,long hair. She is in her early thirties. She is always full of energy and her lessons are always well-prepared . All of us like her lessons very much because we can gain much from her lessons.

Besides, I admire that she is always friendly and kind so she can make friends easily with us outside the classroom. When we have any difficulties, we all like asking her for is truly a wise teacher.



七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第12篇

What we should do? First, finding what the source of the situation is. People have destroyed the environment. People have hunted for meat. Actually, wild animals areendangered by some man’s can we do?

The first is to make laws to protectendangered species. One other useful thing is to create protective areas. It could create a safe environment for animals to live animals to the zoo is not the best choice, but better than have been , we must have the moral character to protect the animals, and we must continue living by sharing the land with the other different animals.

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第13篇

When I was in primary school, my mother sent me to learn ballet, like other mothers, she hoped me to act like a princess, but I was not interested in dancing, so I quit the class. Later my mother tried to send me to learn singing, but I had no talent in it.

When my mother’s friends were talking, they were so proud of their children, because they had the talent in dancing and singing. I felt a little loss, I must find my own talent and learn some skills. I found I was very interested in painting, now I have learned it for four years, my teacher speak highly of me.



七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第14篇

In 1963 a Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island, a remote place in the South Pacific, a long way west of Samoa. The plane wasn't too badly damaged, but over the years, the crash was forgotten and the wreck remained undisturbed. Then in ^v^, twenty-six years after the crash, the plane was accidentally rediscovered in an aerial survey of the island. By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable condition was rare and worth rescuing. The French authorities had the plane packaged and moved in parts back to France. Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. It has four Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, but the group will need to have only three of them rebuilt. Imagine their surprise and delight when they broke open the packing cases and found that the fourth engine was sweet as honey -- still in perfect condition. A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax!


七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第15篇

We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years. The English language possesses a vivid saying to describe this sort of situation. The terrible secret is called 'a skeleton in the cup board '. At some dramatic moment in the story the terrible secret becomes known and a reputation is ruined. The reader's hair stands on end when he reads in the final pages of the novel that the heroine, a dear old lady who had always been so kind to everybody, had, in her youth, poisoned every one of her five husbands.

It is all very well for such things to occur in fiction. To varying degrees, we all have secrets which we do not want even our closest friends to learn, but few of us have skeletons in the cupboard. The only person I know who has a skeleton in the cupboard is George Carlton, and he is very proud of the fact. George studied medicine in his youth. Instead of becoming a doctor, however, he became a successful writer of detective stories. I once spent an uncomfortable week-end which I shall never forget at his house. George showed me to the guestroom which, he said, was rarely used. He told me to unpack my things and then come down to dinner. After I had stacked my shirts and underclothes in two empty drawers, I decided to hang in the cupboard one of the two suits I had brought with me. I opened the cupboard door and then stood in front of it petrified. A skeleton was dangling before my eyes. The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me. Dropping my suit, I dashed downstairs to tell George. This was worse than 'a terrible secret'; this was a real skeleton ! But George was unsympathetic. 'Oh, that,' he said with a smile as if he were talking about an old friend. 'That's Sebastian. You forget that I was a medical student once upon a time.'


这种事发生在小说中是无可非议的。尽管我们人人都有各种大小秘密。连最亲密的朋友都不愿让他们知道, 但我们当中极少有人有柜中骷髅。我所认识的的在柜中藏骷嵝的人便是乔治.卡尔顿,他甚至引以为自豪。乔治年轻时学过医,然而,他后来没当上医生,却成了一位成功的侦探小说作家。有一次,我在他家里度周末,过得很不愉快。这事我永远不会忘记。乔治把我领进客房,说这间很少使用。他让我打开行装后下楼吃饭。我将衬衫、内衣放进两个空抽屉里,然后我想把随身带来的两套西服中的一套挂到大衣柜里去。我打开柜门,站在柜门前一下惊呆了。一具骷髅悬挂在眼前,由于柜门突然打开,它也随之轻微摇晃起来,让我觉得它好像马上要跳出柜门朝我扑过来似的。我扔下西服冲下楼去告诉乔治。这是比“骇人听闻的秘密”更加惊人的东西,这是一具真正的骷髅啊!但乔治却无动于衷。“噢,是它呀!他笑着说道,俨然在谈论一位老朋友。”那是塞巴斯蒂安。你忘了我以前是学医的了。^v^

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第16篇

During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador. 在一次斗牛时,一个醉汉突然溜达到斗牛场中间。人们开始大叫起来,但醉汉却没有意识到危险。那公牛正忙于对付斗牛士,但突然它看见了醉汉,他大声说着粗鲁的话,手里挥动着一顶红帽子。对批评很敏感,公牛完全撇开斗牛士,向醉汉冲。观众突然静了下来。喝醉了,然而,似乎对自己很有信心。当公牛靠近他,他笨拙地让它过去。观众们爆发出一阵欢呼,醉汉鞠了一躬。在这个时候,然而,有三个人进入斗牛场,迅速地把醉汉拉到安全的地方。好像连牛也在为他感到遗憾,因为它一直同情地看着醉汉,才重新将注意力转向斗牛士。

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第17篇

My HabbitsI have some habbits, some are good, but some are like reading very much. From reading science books, I get a lot of knowledge. From reading novels, I lose myself in the stories. I like doing sports, too. It helps me keep healthy. Also I never put today's work till tomorrow. They are all my good habbits.

They help me a lot in my daily , I also have some bad habbits. For example, sometimes I do my homework slowly, and stay up till very late. During meals I prefer meat to vegetables. And sometimes I play computer games too long without having a reat. They are all harmful to my now on I'll try to keep my good habbits, and give up the bad ones. Then I'll live better.

七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第18篇

Chinese people are now face to a serious problem--pollution. And this problem is a little bit different from others--the goverment can not solve it by themselves. We need everyone to protect our environment. But we also know that it is very hard to call everyone to join us to protect the environment.

But it seems that they have found the way to let everybody know it. In a report, Anhui Daily called on residents to help protect the river against pollution. I am so glad about it. And i believe that somewhere the pollution must stop.



七年级上册英语作文范文1~12单元 第19篇


















