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雅思小作文考官范文 第1篇

第一段:复述文章主题+引出论点 典型的大作文文章开篇,中规中矩,不失为实战中最好用也是最稳妥的写法。

词汇学习:on the face of sth. 从表面看

句子学习:文中:It is true that many parents purchase a multitude of playthings for their offspring. “purchase a multitude” -可用来直接替换三俗词”have different views towards” 用法完全一致。

另文中:Whether or not this is a good thing for the child, is a moot point. “moot”一次解释为有争议的,悬而未决的。此处用法可以完美替代通俗句型whether … , is widely debated.

第二段:主题句+理由分析 此写法常见于各类考官范文,主题句直接清晰的点明此段论述主题,然后围绕此主题进行展开。玩具有助于孩子身体,智力的发展同时兼具教育意义

相关词句学习:optimum brain development 开发大脑

hand-eye coordination 眼手协调

colour recognition 颜色识别

sth. Is designed to be educational as well as fun 寓教于乐

speed children’s acquisition of numbers or the alphabet 加速孩子对数字和字母的认知

第三段: 主题句+理由分析 此段结构同第二段,依旧是常见的正文段写作结构。而且从篇幅上看此段为考官的立场所在,玩具的弊大于利。所以笔者在此在此强调,一般双边分析的文章建议大家以第三段来奠定文章基调。

理由整理:spoil their children 宠坏孩子

concentration span may suffer 集中力下降

too many tempting objects 诱惑太多

become targets of envy from classmates 被妒忌

be dangerous for infants to suck on or ingest 有误事的风险

词汇学习:multiple 许多,可替换“many”

detrimental 有害的, 可替换“harmful”

pitfall 缺点,可替换“drawback”

be perceived as 被认为,可替换“be regard as”

句子学习:文中:For one,wealthy parents might spoil their son or daughter by showering him/her with toys, resulting in a negative effect on the child’s character. 句中考官形象的使用了shower 一次写出了给孩子提供了大量的玩具。shower sb. with sth. 可替换“give sb. a large number of …”, 同时考官用了resulting in 一词的非谓语结构引导结果。此写法笔者在前几期的文章中反复强调的重点句型。

第四段: 陈述观点。

句子学习:It is clear then that this situation is not as straightforward as it first appears. 此句几乎可以算是万能句,表示情况并不如看起来那么简单。几乎可以用于各种雅思与论文中。


雅思小作文考官范文 第2篇


范文如下:happiness is very difficult to define,because it means so many different things to different some people link happiness to wealth and material success,others think it lies in emotions and loving personal others think that spiritual paths,rather than either the material world or relationships with people,are the only way to true people interpret happiness for themselves in so many differen ways,it is difficult to give any definition that is ture for there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the first step in achieving it would be to have a degree of person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know what it is that makes him or her course,factors such as loving relationships,good health,the skill to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving that i mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives(the welfare of our families,the quality of our relationships,making other people happy,etc.)and what is not(a problem at work,getting annoyed about trivial things,etc.).全是手工输入的哦,希望对你有所帮助

雅思小作文考官范文 第3篇

in terms of 在某方面…

substantial difference in 在…方面存在巨大差异。substantial可以替换big,significant等词汇。

by contrast 相比之下。用于连接不同的情况。

marginally 少许地,轻微地。可以用在比较级之前用于修饰程度。

outnumber (在数量上)压到,比…多。可以用于替换比较级。

counterpart 对应的事物/人。可以用来指代句子中之前已经提到的主语或者宾语的对应对象,如这篇文章就用了female counterparts来与前面的men对应。

constitute 构成。可以与make up, consist, represent等代表比例的词替换。

雅思小作文考官范文 第4篇

Task achievement

1. 文章基本呈现了图表中的所有数字。为了避免数字过多的情况,同一学位水平中男女所占比例只出现了一个(总和为100%)。不影响我们对图表的认知。2. 文章结尾处总结了图表的整体特点,即文章来自老烤鸭雅思男性在高等学位和低等学位所占比例较多,而女性则在本科阶段所占比例较多。3. 文章对数据进行了合理对比。主体段一开始先指出男女差异最大的类别。然后将剩余类别按照男性多于女性或者女性多于男性进行分类比较。

Coherence and Cohesion

1. 文章逻辑结构合理。分组之间没有出现重复的情况,而且点出了最大的差异所在。2. 使用了各种各样的链接手段。如第二段开头的immediately, 第二段结尾处的by contrast, 第三段开头的at the higher levels of education等。也就是说链接手段并不一定得是and或者however,重要的是让文章整体行文流利通常。3. 指代方面,利用定语从句和词汇(counterpart)来避免混乱和重复。

Lexical Resource


Grammatical Range


雅思小作文考官范文 第5篇














雅思小作文考官范文 第6篇

随着手机拍照的流行,大家应该都已经快忘记可以冲洗的照片的珍贵了吧,偏偏我们的最新雅思口语机经中出现了这样的话题卡,为了防止大家在回答雅思口语的过程中说“跑偏”到手机内存中的照片,我们可以在开头的介绍中就提到相框 frame,胶卷film, 悬挂hang 这类的词。这样给考官的最初印象就是你完全理解了题目的要求。


For the favorite picture I have in my room is the one with my boy friend and I smiling in front of the Disneyland Park. It is put right on the wall facing my bed so every time I lie down I can remember those moments.

The memories still come to me that the photo was taken on a rainy night when everything seemed dim in the distance and noises were replaced by the profound serenity of raindrops.

We had a great time at the Carousel with many other couples taking photos of each other. And minute upon minute, note upon note, the little horses would go up and down.

When the music faded out and the fantastic tour came to its end, the dark night sky was kindled by fireworks rising behind the Disney castle where all fairy tales dwelled in. Those dancing images of mascots were projected on the castle, reviving the happy moments although the fact that the park was closing soon made us a little sad.

But at least we still have the photo. It is always reminiscent of that lovely time at the park and I believe there are more happy moments to be filmed with us together.


1. Dim: (light) not bright

Ie: This light is too dim to read by

2. serenity:the quality of being calm and peaceful

Ie: The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city

3. Fade out: to become less clear or quieter

Ie: Fade out the music at the end fo the scene

4. Reminiscent: remind you of somebody/something

Ie: The way he laughed was strongly reminiscent of his father.
