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2016专四作文真题范文 第1篇

There has been much talk recently about whether we should learn from books or we should learn from experience. Some people think that learning from experience is more important while others hold the different opinions. Personally, I side with the former, in the belief that experience is the best teacher.

Admittedly, learning from books, as advocated by many, has its active role to play in our academic life. It can put us in touch with the great minds and arm our heads with massive knowledge.

However, there are numerous merits for learning from experience,too. First things first, experience is the source of knowledge and understanding as well as meaning. Nowhere can the importance of learning from experience be described so vividly and accurately as in the old saying- “Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced”. Take the human progress as an illustration. Dating back to hundreds of thousands years ago, we human beings were utterly ignorant. But by incessant practices, our ancestors cumulated massive experience, from which they acquired a great amount of knowledge, transforming our world from a primitive society into a highly-developed one. Second, unlike the theories recorded in books, experiences can apply to practical use. When we are at work, what we need is the experience of practical application instead of the abstract theories in our books.

Taking all these into account, we can draw a conclusion that learning from experience is more important than learning from books. Always remember the old saying given by Einstein

2016专四作文真题范文 第2篇

Traveling can be wonderful. It introduces us to new experiences, broadens our minds and helps us relax. However, not everyone likes to travel in the same way. Some people prefer to travel alone so that they can do what they like during their trip without having to worry about anyone else. Others like to have a companion to share the experience with. I am one of the latter, because I believe that traveling with someone has many advantages.

When I travel with a companion, I have someone with whom to share what I experience. We can talk over the day’s events and discoveries, and this will make them more interesting. In addition, it is often comforting to have a familiar person around when we are in a strange environment. When I am traveling in a foreign country, I may be unable to speak the language or may be confused by the local customs. With a travel companion, I will always have someone to talk and share my feelings with. Finally, a travel companion can make the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take the journey easier and safer. We can help each other to take care of our bags and get information, as well as keep each other company while waiting in long lines.

To sum up, I prefer to travel with a companion rather than travel alone. I believe it adds enjoyment and comfort to may trip. And when we return from our journey, my friends and I can share our wonderful memories.

2016专四作文真题范文 第3篇

Nowadays, more and more college students are addicted to online games. Those games may be funny and exciting, but are very harmful to those addicts.

In my opinion, there are many disadvantages of game , online games take up a lot of players’ time for study. Many of the addicts found themselves forced to drop out of school for poor academic performance. Secondly, addicts tend to isolate themselves from the reality. What’s worse , indulging in the virtual world for a long time, they are more liable to suffer mental problem and physical collapse. Thirdly , players are exposed to too much violent and unhealthy material, which is definitely harmful to their growth.

In short,I cannot see any benefits from online should be the primary concern of college students. Therefore,I do hope they can step away from online games.

2016专四作文真题范文 第4篇

Nowadays, it is difficult for us to consider how our lives would be like without television. Although television addict some adolescents to situation comedies; although televisions put glasses on millions of students’ noses; although television reduce communications between families and friends, I still think the advantages television brings to us is far more than the harm it does to us.

To us individuals, when we finish a whole day’s work and feel exhausted both physically and mentally, we may turn on televisions and have a good relaxation; when we want to get information on sports、entertainment or large events in the world, we turn on televisions and get it from all kinds of TV programs; even when we want to learn English、etiquette or custom of foreign countries, we can turn on the television and get what we need from them, always. As to the corporate world, television is also of great use. By advertising their products or service on television, corporations can improve their sale and make more benefit.

In a word, I think television is a great invention which is of great significance to the evolution of human society.

2016专四作文真题范文 第5篇

When it comes to whether parents should take their children to spend holidays during term-time, views on the issue vary from person to person. Parents claim that by doing so, they can save a lot of money born of busy school holidays. Educational officials strongly oppose this tendency on the ground that it encourages truancy, which in turn damages a child’s education. From my perspective, the merits of banning term-time holidays outweigh its demerits.

To begin with, taking tough measures on this kind of truancy is conducive to the normal teaching process, one of the key elements to guarantee kid’s academic performance. As we know, currently, teachers have the discretion to approve a certain time of absence from school for each child, which is supposed to be for illness and is not supposed to be granted for holidays. By definitely abolishing the right of head teachers to “authorize absence” from the classroom, those teachers can rarely be pestered by parents who want to take children to go on a holiday just to save money, which severely disrupts teaching process. What ‘s more, without strict penalties imposed on the parents who lead to their kid’s playing truant, those parents can gradually view asking for holiday leave as a right. Once this cultural expectation is formed, the level of truancy will dramatically increase.

Accordingly, the growing trend of term-time holidays should be banned with no delay. In this way, teachers can impart knowledge without disturbance and parents will be deterred from saving money at the expense of sacrificing their kid’s education.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

2016专四作文真题范文 第6篇

Since 20xx the ban was lifted by the Department of Education on college students’ getting married, it has been a hot topic for students, parents and educators and their attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view and others think differently. In my view, I believe they’d better not get married for the following reasons.

First and foremost, though mostly adults, college students are actually immature psychologically . Their wishes to get married are, more often than not , impulses. I admit that it is a basic right for those who have reached the appropriate ages to get married marriage is more solemn and requires more than just reaching the age. In addition, the university or college is a place to study instead of a community to lead a family life. Allowing college students to get married would adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend too much time attending to their family and love, thus unable to concentrate on their school work. Besides, as tudents, they are not ready to support a family nancially.

Weighing the arguments of both sides, I would still say “no” to getting married in college, though it’s their legal right.

2016专四作文真题范文 第7篇

I am not supportive of the idea that either takes priority. It is necessary and absolutely possible that economic development and environmental protection co-exist, in the sense that both of them are indispensable factors for the prosperity of society.

Economic development is seemingly more important, due to the fact that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. Yet, the above goals can only really be reached on condition that the environment is well protected. And, interesting, it is the economic development per se that provides the money and personnel resources required for the protection of the environment. A well-preserved environment is the groundwork for the economy and in a way promotes economic growth. A fast-development and well-functioning economy calls for a good environment, which offers essential resources, . wood, coal, water, and so on. Once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even halted. What is worse, natural disaster that comes with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyze the whole economy and pose a severe threat to human life. The pursuit of short-term economic profit is the destruction of our home and that of our posterity.

So economic development and environmental protection are equally important. In this case, we are actually working on an environment-friendly economy.

2016专四作文真题范文 第8篇

I am not supportive of the idea that either takes priority. It is necessary and absolutely possible that economic development and environmental protection co-exist,in the sense that both of them are indispensable factors for the prosperity of society.

Economic development is seemingly more important, due to the fact that it creates enormous job opportunities, improves living conditions and increases government revenues. Yet, the above goals can only really be reached on condition that the environment is well. protected. And, interestingly, it is the economic development per se that provides the money and personnel resources required for the protection of the environment. A well-preserved environment is the groundwork for the economy and in a way promotes economic growth. A fast-developing and well-functioning economy calls for a good environment, which offers essential resources, . wood, coal, water, etc. for production. Once the environment deteriorates, the production process is likely to be disturbed or even halted. What is worse, natural disasters that come with the worsening environmental conditions might even paralyses the whole economy mid pose a severe threat to human life, The pursuit of short-term economic profit is the destruction of our home and that of our posterity.

So, economic development and environmental protection are equally important. In this sense, we are actually working on an environment-friendly economy. Given the status quod, it is possible to realize the co-existence of the two as long as we are conscious and determined enough.

2016专四作文真题范文 第9篇


Nowadays, micro blog has become a prevalent shared platform used by youth and old who can use mobile phone flexible. Why does it become so popular?


First of all, it is convenient. Whenever and wherever you are, with your phone or other appliance which is online available, you can share a sentence or a section to your fans. They can read and comment it immediately. In my opinion, it’s the most important function that is different from the traditional blog. Micro blog is more easy to use. Secondly, it will remind you more and more people whom you may be familiar with, so that you fans circle can be larger and larger. What’s more, with more and more famous person join in micro blog, you can catch much news in this platform, including political, economic, cultural and stars’ news. There are also some jokes that you can read them to relax in your spare time.

In a word, micro blog is a platform that helps people get in touch with others more conveniently and frequently. In such a busy era, it’s no doubt to be a good choice for people to know what happen around us.


2016专四作文真题范文 第10篇

With the background of education playing an increasing big role in society,more and more students study abroad from middle discussion about studying abroad has never ’s analyze the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad before drawing the final conclusion.

The biggest advantage is that students can learn different ways of teaching and learning,and adequate research ’s more,students can develop a more reasonable view about the world by meeting different but not least,the experience of studying abroad will be invaluable to students’ character study has its ’s essential to take the condition of family as an important premise when deciding to go abroad to costs are much higher than those in our native the second place,if a person does not make full preparations before going abroad,he will have great difficulty in adapting to the new environment.

Through the analysis,we can draw the conclusion that the advantages are far outweighed by the the students return home,they will make great contributions to our country.

2016专四作文真题范文 第11篇

Few things in the modern world have so much influence on people as the television does. Being besieged with TV news, absorbing teleplays, well-masterminded programmes, one can easily conclude that TV is a real blessing to the human society, offering affluent entertainment and information. Yet, convenient and helpful as it is, the television also brings negative effects.

To begin with, TV makes people more passive than before: since everything on TV is ready-made, there is no space for audience’s initiatives. The news has been carefully edited, teleplays well shot, programmes rehearsed, so all you need to do—and all you can do is to sit on a comfortable sofa and look at the screen. Though a lot of people enjoy doing this, the undoubted truth is that people are becoming more passive simply because there is no interaction and no efforts on them.

Television also contributes to the fact that people nowadays are more distant to each other. Since most of our free time is taken away by the act of watching TV, we can no longer find enough time to visit friends, call on relatives or go to interesting places. This is also true within a family, parents and children and other members are less close to each other, because family get-togethers and conversations are disturbed by TV—when one member is watching TV, he would like others to keep quiet.

Of course I am not denying the great conveniences and huge benefits the TV brings us, but to make it a really blessing to us, we should try to avoid its negative effects.

2016专四作文真题范文 第12篇

Nowadays, with the improvement of the people’s living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets. Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.

However, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets. To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings. On the other hand, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings, for example, dogs’ chasing people on the street and so on. What’s more, some animals will transmit some diseases.

In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals as pets. We should not deprive them of their natural right. In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.

2016专四作文真题范文 第13篇

Many people in the workforce are unhappy with their current salaries or career and consider a change or a betterment of their lives through discovering new avenues of education is on the personally hold that adult education is highly advisable and completely achievable3 and therefore is highly important.

Firstly, adults starting a new or returning to school most often have found within themselves a strengthened desire to succeed. Studies have shown that 80% of adult students graduate as compared to a 50% average graduation rate among traditional have a bank of knowledge from life or work experience that can contribute to what they will learn in is a fantastic advantage over their younger also view their professors as peers and are less intimidated by them,Last but not least,higher education for the adult is a life-changing often, adults go to school to further their education in hopes of salary increases,chances for promotion,or they go to school for change,hoping to enter into a better field or pursue a field that they have a deep-rooted passion for.

In conclusion,the importance of having adult education overshadows the difficulties in pursuing your degree later in that most colleges and universities have tailored their programs to fit adult student's needs and schedules,going back to school for adult education is feasible and highly advisable.

2016专四作文真题范文 第14篇

Thesedays there is a general discussion about the issue of judging a person by theirappearance.


Peoples opinions differ greatly concerning this phenomenon.


Is it wise to judge a person by their appearance?


Itis definitely not。


Thereare numerous reasons explaining this phenomenon.


First and foremost, although good appearance is helpful to leave others agood impression in the first meeting, kindness and inner thought are the mostimportant to make friends for all life time.


Secondly,many facts reflect that some people with charming appearance make no successfulevents, while others without handsome appearance achieve a lot.


Last but notthe least, with thedevelopment of science and technology, plastic surgery can change onesappearance, so maybe the people with sourness only alter their appearance but not develop their virtue。


Admittedly, it is unwise tojudge a person by their appearance.


So people should have more communicationwith others to find the beauty of their inner thought。

2016专四作文真题范文 第15篇



American parents are banned by government from taking children out of school on term-time, intending for a cost-effective holiday. I consequentially approve of this measure.

On the one hand, it's not good for student's growth. In school, students have systematic study calendar, which acquire students to follow. Once students are taken out for holidays, they would fail to acquire some knowledge, ending with failure. More seriously, those students who were out for vocation will have excuses for their failure.

On the other hand, it's not beneficial for school to make education more academic. Education is the foundation of a country so that it's something that needs full efforts. To save an ounce of family finance is not equivalent to a pound of government educational investments.

In conclusion, it's a wise measure that prevent parents from taking their children away for holiday during term time.



2016专四作文真题范文 第16篇

It would be an amazing wonder decades ago to even think about purchasing our favorite gifts by clicking the mouse and just a few days wating. While, today, just a few glances and you will find that your dreams have come trueonline shopping has been interageted into our daily lives.

No doubt that unprecedented convinence has been brought by online shoppingnot to mention the time and labour saved via the Internet. However, more concerns have been given to the inherent shortcomings that born out of online shopping. The images you see on the Internet may seem completely different from the items which have been just delivered to your hands. Besides, the time saved on browsing in a department stroe may be replaced by the time the goods finally find its way to your house.

Faced with such dilemma, what is our resolutions? First and foremost, relevant laws and regulations must be introduecd to supervise the quality and delivery of online commodity. Furthermore, bodies should be establishe to oversee and eradicate the websties which sell fake goods. Zero-tolerance should become the prevailing discipline to preserve consumers rights and benefits.

2016专四作文真题范文 第17篇

Admittedly , ensuring sustainable development will require a certain level of sacrifice and arduous efforts on the part of all people . Nonetheless , the accrued returns will both strengthen the nation and ensure a better life for all Chinese citizens .


The rapid emergence of homes for senior citizens represents a sharp divergence from the traditional Chinese practice of maintaining the nuclear family at all costs .


Participating in interactive experiences beneficial to all is something that no one should miss . The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed , but should instead be treasured .


Abortion advocates may be correct in their assertion that the practice is a necessary tool of population control , but they seem to neglect the preciousness of human life in its earliest stages .


Some people assert that nothing is impossible . Such people should get a grip on reality and understand it’s impossible to create another Universe . In more down-to-earth terms , it’s impossible to know with any certainty whether you will live or die tomorrow .


Two major factors contributed to devastating summer flooding along the Yangtze River and its tributaries . First , erosion resulting from excessive deforestation in the upper reaches of the river and , second ,heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main channel .


Greed and a total lack of social consciousness have been cited as major reasons for the dramatic rise corruption .


There are several reasons for the marked increase in China’s crime rate—the dramatic influx of itinerant workers in urban areas ; declining social values ; and widening disparities between the haves and have-nots .


Why are an increasing number of elderly Chinese parents living apart from their children ? One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation . Another is expanding social opportunities for the elderly . Perhaps the main reason , however , centers on dramatic changes in traditional concepts .


What has sparked the increasing interest in exercise ? For one thing , people have gained a greater awareness of the need for physical fitness . For another , the constantly improving standard of living enables Chinese people to patronize the increasing number of recreational venues . The main thing perhaps centers on the healthcare and psychological benefits exercise provides .


2016专四作文真题范文 第18篇


It has always been a hot topic whether collegians should go on study at a graduate school or just find a job when they graduate. Some people think that students should broaden their knowledge circle and attend graduate school. Some hold that students should find a job to make a living. In my point of view, I’m for the former for I think student should keep on study to get more knowledge.


To begin with, most students in college just have a comprehensive knowledge which is not professional, so they should keep on studying to become an expert in certain field. If they go to find a job after graduate, they may do a bad performance in the job because of the pertinency of the job. Therefore, students should attend graduate school after they graduate.


Second, collegians can get a better paid job in the future if they attend graduate school. Generally, there are too many job seekers with bachelor’s degree, so they are paid little when they find jobs at the first time. However, students with master’s degree are paid more than the bachelor’s degree when they find a job for the first time. Moreover, many companies prefer to hire students with a higher degree, so the master’s degree holders will be the priority of recruiters compared with the bachelors.


In conclusion, when students graduate, it is good for them to attend graduate school in order to become more professional in their area and get a better job in the future.


2016专四作文真题范文 第19篇

In the past ten years, computer technology has been developed a lot. In the train of computer games come to alive. It is the product of high technology. Some people treasure it, but some afraid of it. It is interesting, relaxed, but easy wallow. It is necessary to figure out how to use it properly. As far as I am concerned, I have a few suggestions.


First of all, playing computer games is a good way to relax in the great stress society. It is well-known that living in the current society is full of great pressure. People need to find ways to relax themselves, to solve their emotion problem. There is no doubt that playing computer game is a comparable way to relax. When people playing computer games, they will forget everything annoyed them. They can absolutely get a good rest.


On the other hand, computer game is full of attractive. Most people do not do well in self-discipline. So they are easily got addicted in it. And then they may play computer games for a long time, making themselves become more tired. As a consequent, they can’t get relax from playing computer games, but also affect their life quality.


To sum up, nothing is good or bad for everyone and all the time. If people can make use of computer games, they will get lots of benefits from it. Otherwise, the result may be not good. So, I suggest people play computer games for a short time, not a long time, and play it now and then, not all the time.


2016专四作文真题范文 第20篇

Many people describe their college years as the best time of their lives. However, not every student achieves the same level of success. This raise the question: What is the most essential quality needed to succeed in one’s higher education?

Personally, of all attributes that can contribute to a successful college career, the most important one is effective time management. To begin with, students who know how to manage their time effectively will be able to ensure strong academic performance. While getting high grades in by no means the only aspect of success for undergraduates, students who fail in most or all of their courses could hardly be considered successful. In addition, time-management consciousness can enable students to become more socially successful. University is not just an academic experience, but also a social one. Students who fail to budget their time and, in turn, fall behind in their studies, will have fewer opportunities to hang out with friends and classmates.

For the above reasons, I believe that time management is the most important quality for a college students.
