
admin 2024-05-31 网站管理员 admin

发盘函范文中文模板 第1篇

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of 10th March. We are gratified to receive your request for men and women’s raincoats on approval.

As we have not previously done business together, perhaps you will kindly agree to supply either the usual trade references, or the name of a bank to which we may refer. As soon as these enquiries are satisfactorily settled, we shall be happy to send you the items you mention in your letter.

W sincerely hope this will be the beginning of a long and pleasant business association. We shall do our best to make it so.

发盘函范文中文模板 第2篇








发盘函范文中文模板 第3篇


are prepared to order 20 cases of black tea at 10 pounds per kilogram. 我公司准备订购二十箱红茶,每公斤十英磅。

now order 10 machine tools at US $ 10 000 per set CIF Shanghai. 我公司现订购十台机床,每台CIF(到岸价)上海1万美圆。

are ready to purchase 200 tons of copper at the price closed at London Metal Exchange on 15 th.


can book 20 000 tons of fertilizers at US $ 200 per ton FOB Osaka. 我公司可订购二万吨化肥,FOB(离岸价)大阪,每吨 二百美圆。

'd like to buy 100 tons of bitter apricot kernels as per the terms and conditions reached last time, to be shipped at the end of March.



can supply 1000 tons of tallow at US $ 300 per ton FOB Sydney. 我公司可供一千吨兽脂,每吨300美圆,FOB(离岸价)悉尼。

'd like to supply you 100 tons of walnuts at the price reached last time plus 5%.


now offer l00 tons of bitter apricot kernels at the lowest US S 1000 per ton CIF Shanghai.


are prepared to offer 1000 tons of groundnut at the market price for immediate shipment.


is our offer for 10 000 pieces of table cloth at US CIF New York. 这是我公司的报盘,一万块台布,每块5美圆,CIF(到岸价)纽约。 Stipulating the Term of Validity 规定有效期

offer is open for three days.


发盘函范文中文模板 第4篇

Geiger, dear sir, I need your quotation for G cans of sliced mushrooms and mushroom stalks, including packing / delivery time / price. The terms are CFR / German port task: Thank you for your advance best Dear XXX, dear XXX, we have received your inquiry on XX for sliced mushroom and canned mushroom handle according to your requirements. Our quotation is as follows: name product: canned mushroom slice and mushroom handle specification purpose: can / carton NW: G Packing: ordinary export Brown cartons, buyer's brand quantity: CTN / conta USA $cfrdaman payment terms: L / C on site delivery date: no later than / / term validity: / (if any) if you have any questions, please let me know at any time.

Thank you very much for your offer, but after careful study, we find that your price is too high, we know the quality of your goods Good. Compared with the products made in Europe, your price is higher than that of your competitors. We hope you can reduce the price by about USD / box.

We think this concession should be accepted by you. Dear XXX, thank you for your comment. We know that our samples meet your requirements and our quality is acceptable, but unfortunately, you think our price ratio is higher than that of your company Similar products from other countries should be higher.

We hope to cooperate with your company to expand business. I'm sorry, we can't accept your counter-offer. Please believe us, this is our firm offer.

In fact, we have received many orders from other companies and the price is very competitive. If you accept our price, please don't hesitate to inform us. Considering that the price of raw materials has been rising, we hope you can make a final decision as soon as possible.

We hope you can make a decision as soon as possible, and pay high respect to your active press. After our careful consideration, we have received your letter dated, and thank you very much Subject to the following offer: Please note: we will. Please send the trademark ^v^Rose^v^ to you by DHL as soon as possible.

In addition, please scan the trademark before packing for our final confirmation. Please send us your S / C, we will have a good start and do long-term business in the near future. Sincerely.


盖伊格,亲爱的先生,我需要你方对g罐装蘑菇片和蘑菇柄的报价,包括包装/交货时间/价格条件是cfr/德港任务:谢谢你advancebest RegardSxxx亲爱的xxx,我们很好地收到了你方于xx日根据你方要求对蘑菇片和蘑菇柄罐头的询盘,我们的报价是以下:姓名产品:罐装蘑菇片和蘑菇柄规格用途:罐头/纸箱nw:g gw:包装:普通出口棕色纸箱,买方品牌数量:ctn/conta美国$cfr达曼付款条款:信用证现场交货日期:不迟比//期限有效性:/(如有)如有疑问,敬爱的先生,请随时通知我,非常感谢你方报盘,但经过我们仔细研究,我们发现你方价格太高,我们知道你方货物质量很好,与欧洲生产的产品相比,你方价格比你方竞争对手高,我们希望你方能将价格降低大约美元/箱,我方认为这一让步应该被你方接受亲爱的xxx,谢谢你方的评论,我们得知我们的样品符合你方的要求,我们的质量是可以接受的,但很遗憾,你认为我们的价格比其他国家的同类产品要高,我们希望与贵公司合作,扩大业务。很抱歉,我们不能接受你方的还盘,请相信我们,这是我们的实盘,事实上,我们收到了很多其他公司的订单,而且价格很有竞争力。如果你接受我们的价格,请不要犹豫地通知我们,考虑到原材料的价格一直在上涨,希望你能尽快做出最后的决定,希望你方能尽快做出决定,并向你方积极的新闻界致以崇高的敬意,经过我们的仔细考虑,我们收到了你方年月日的来信,并深表感谢,我们决定接受以下报盘:请注意:我们会的请尽快用dhl将“玫瑰”商标寄给您。


发盘函范文中文模板 第5篇


We are very grateful of receiving your samples today.

Provide you with our customers very satisfied with the results of sample is too high, converting to accept, counter-offer to the various products are:

Article No. DR2010 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2202 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2211 CIFC5 Toronto per set

Article No. DR2401 CIFC5 Toronto per set

I think you may think it worth while to accept this price.

发盘函范文中文模板 第6篇

Dear Frank,

We have already done a test for the samples, I have to say that the quality and function are really good.

But comparing to the price which is showed in the price list, the new price has not changed much. We hope you can give us a discount of 5% on the basis of the order, 5000 pieces of Angle Grinder.

Best Regards,


发盘函范文中文模板 第7篇

Dear Mr. Jones:Thank you for your enquiry of 12 March cate 9 appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the following material as a close substitute:Cate 5, US$__ per meter FOB Shanghai, including your commission 2%.Please visit our catalog at http://www. for more information on this item. If you find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as ,

发盘函范文中文模板 第8篇

Dear Mr. Jones:We have received your L/C issued by the Yemen Bank for Reconstruction & Development for the amount of $19,720 covering 1,600 dozen Men's reviewing the L/C, we find that transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed. As direct steamers to your port are difficult to find, we have to ship via Hong Kong more often than not. As to partial shipment, it would be our mutual benefit because we could ship immediately whatever we have on hand instead waiting for the whole lot to be completed. We, therefore, are writing this afternoon, asking you to amend the L/C to read: ^v^TRANSSHIPMENT AND PARTIALSHIPMENT ALLOWED^v^We shall be glad if you see to it that amendment is cabled without any delay, as our goods have been packed ready for shipment for quite some time. Sincerely,


Dear Mr. Jones:We thank you for your L/C for the captioned goods. We are sorry that owing to some delay on the part of our suppliers at the point of origin, we are not able to get the goods ready before the end of this month. As a result, we sent you a cable yesterday reading: L/C1415 PLSCABLE EXTENSION SHIPMENT VALIDITY 15/31 MAY RESPECTIVELY LETFOLLOWSIt is expected that the consignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and we are arranging to ship it on s/s ^v^Fanyang^v^ sailing from Dalian on or about 10th are looking forward to receiving your cable extension of the above L/C thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goods in question. We thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely.



发盘函范文中文模板 第9篇

Dear Mr. Li,

Your firm has been recommended 1 to us by the Dickson Electrics Company, with whom we have done business for many


We are interested in your Electric Typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your

illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list.

Yours sincerely,

Susan Block


A Reply

Dear Ms Block,

We welcome you for your enquiry of Fed. 1 and thank you for your interest in our commodities. We are enclosing 3 some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the

details you asked for.

We trust that you will agree that our products and price

发盘函范文中文模板 第10篇















发盘函范文中文模板 第11篇

Dear Adam,

The new price has already reached to the bottom of price range. You can not buy Angle Grinder of similar quality at such a price anywhere else. However, as this is the first time to do business with you, we accept your request to give you a discount of 5%.

As we have received large numbers of orders from our clients, it is quite probable that our present stock may soon run out. We would therefore suggest that you take advantage of this attractive offer.

We look forward to receiving your first order.



发盘函范文中文模板 第12篇

yes CBECemail:Becbece E-mail (non firm offer subject to our final confirmation / Pre-sale / subject of firm offer: Dear Sir, this is to confirm your email of July asking for our firm offer CIF Singapore for rice and soybeans) we have sent you an email this morning offering us Australian dollars per metric ton, CIF Singapore, time of shipment This offer is firm for August / September, subject to your reply received before July. Please note that we have quoted our best price and can not accept a counter-offer for soybeans. We inform you that we have only a few batches in the quotation.

If, as you know, you intended to give us a suitable quotation, as you know, it is possible for us to supply these goods. Recently, there is a great demand for these goods, which leads to an increase in price As requested, we will reply to you immediately, xxx xxx, and our offer is as follows subject to our final confirmation: due to the recent shortage of goods, we are sorry to be unable to offer you the following goods: with regard to your email of July, we are pleased to make you the following offer: we will continue to consider your requirements for shirts, and we will contact you as soon as we have the goods. Unfortunately, we can't quote on FOB basis because our usual practice is to do business with all customers on CIF basis.


是CBECemail:Becbece电子邮件(报盘(非实盘报盘以我方最终确认/预售为准/(实盘主题:报盘亲爱的先生,这是为了确认您7月份的电子邮件,要求我们对大米和大豆的实盘新加坡到岸价)我们今天上午发邮件给您,报每吨精米,每公吨澳元吨,新加坡到岸价,装运期为8月/9月,此报盘为实盘,以7月前收到你方答复为准。请注意,我方已报出我方最优惠的价格,不能接受大豆的还盘,我方通知你方,我方目前仅有的几批货在报价中,如果,你方原打算给我方一个合适的报价,如你所知,我方有可能供应这些商品,近来对这些商品的需求量很大,这导致了价格的上涨,但是,如果你方按要求立即回复贵公司,Xxxx xxx,我方报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准:由于最近货物供不应求,很抱歉不能向你方报如下货物:关于你方7月日的电子邮件,我方很高兴向你方报盘如下:我方将继续考虑到你方对衬衫的要求,一旦有货,我们将立即与你方联系。很遗憾,我们不能以FOB为基础报价,因为我们的惯例是以到岸价与所有客户做生意Bece电子邮件:BECBEC BECBEC。

发盘函范文中文模板 第13篇

Dear Sir or Madam,

Your letter of 日期asking us to offer you the product has received our immediate attention . We are pleased to be told that there is a

great demand for our products in 某市场。

In compliance with your request ,we are making you the following offer subiect to our final main products

are as follows:






We hope the above will be acceptable to you and await with

interest your early order.(We hope this offer will be of interest to you,

and look forward to hearing from you soon.)

Yours faithfully,

发盘函范文中文模板 第14篇













发盘函范文中文模板 第15篇


1通过实习培养我们的自学和动手能力、理解能力以及思维能力。通过进出口贸易实习,让我们能够在一个国际商业环境中切身体会商品进出口 交易的全过程,也能够在实际业务的操作过程中使其全面、系统、规范地掌握从事进出口 交易的主要操作技能。



4让我们具备扎实的专业知识。国际贸易专业人才必须掌握国际贸易专业基本理论知识和基本技能,要通晓我国外贸政策和理论、国际贸易规则与惯例进出口 交易程序与合同条款等。










我从事的职务是外贸业务员。主要职责就是搜索联系客户,利用电话或者外贸函电和客户交流商谈相关事宜,最 后与客户建立合约。









发盘函范文中文模板 第16篇

Dear Mr. Jones:We confirm having received your telex of May 17, asking us to make a 10% reduction in our price for Men's Shirts. Much to our regret, we are unable to comply with your request because we have given you the lowest possible price. We can assure you that the price quoted reflects the high quality of the still hope to have the opportunity to work with you and any further enquiry will receive our prompt ,
