
admin 2024-05-31 网站管理员 admin

卖方还盘英文范文 第1篇

其他日常工作的函电写作Other routine letter 1. 出差的自动回复说明你正在出差、发送你的暂时联系方式、表示不便的抱歉2. 职务调动通知你提早改变的你的职位、告诉顾客说继续负责并提供联系方式、表示客户理解的感谢。3. 休假的通知简单描述具体的休假时间、安排交接、希望客户理解。4. 通知客户展会安排给潜在客户的具体展会信息、展示展会细节、希望客户来参展。5. 通知客户公司新规定通知代理人你公司的新规、解释新规的细节、希望业务能够继续壮大。 节日问候Holiday Greetings

CAT辅助翻译工具Trados, Memsource, MemoQ, Word fast, Aegisub.

卖方还盘英文范文 第2篇

支付 Payment1. 催款函提及相关订单。催促买家付款,说明金额和支付条款。表达你的态度。 2. 收到客户付款通知通知支付已经被创建。附上银行水单如果有的话。询问原始单据和电放提单。 3. 请客户提供银行汇款凭证提及相关订单。寻求银行水单并说明理由。表达你的态度。 4. 发现付款错误跟客户重新谈论说明付款错误。请求重新支付。推进解决。 5. 告知客户款项收到提及相关订单号货物和合同。说明支付已经收到。表达你对未来业务的期待。 6. 请客户接受信用证不符点说明不符点和导致不符点的原因。请求买家告知银行接受不符点。表达你的态度。 7. 讨论新订单付款方式表达你对实际业务完成的满意。询问新的支付方式。说明为什么你需要新的付款方式的理由。期待同意并提前说明你的态度。 The order has executed to the entire satisfaction of customers.这笔订单执行令顾客完全满意。 We regret to find that there is a discrepancy in the amount od your L/C我们很遗憾的发现你放信用证金额有误。 It is expensive for us to open an L/C and it will tie up the capital of small company like ours, so it is better for us to adopt the collection of D/P or D/A.开立信用证费用很高,会影响像我方这样的小公司的资金周转。因此最好采用付款交单或承兑交单的托收方式。

卖方还盘英文范文 第3篇

信用证的开立与修改 Establishment and Amendment of L/C1. 催证函 urging establishment参考货物,相对订单或者合同、抱怨未收到未接受信用证,表达你对信用证急切的需要、促进买家开立信用证、期待尽快收到信用证。 2. 通知信用证已开立参考货物,相对订单或者合同。说明你已经介绍了银行开立信用证,并表明信用证的细节。希望有个尽早的转运。 3. 改证函告知已经收到信用证。指出不符点并修改。希望尽快修改。 4. 展证函告知已收到。扩建的理由。希望有个尽早的转运。 5. 催款函参考货物,相对订单或者合同。抱怨没收到的提前支付:说明你急切需要提前支付希望引起关注。催促买家加快支付。希望能尽快收到提前支付。 Cheques should be written in favor of Oxfam.支票上请写明以牛津饥荒救济委员会为收款人。 Be punctual for an appointment/punctual delivery准时赴约/准时交货 We enclose a check in partial payment for the goods shipped on consignment.随附一张支票,作为所装运来的寄售货物的部分款项。 I’ve changed the last paragraph. It now reads as follows…我已经修改了最后一段。现在是这样的。 The goods will be dispatched on receipt of an order form.订单一到即发货。 The period of validity of the agreement has expired.本协议的有效期已过。 The extension of a loan货款偿还期的延长 The shop promised to keep the goods for me if I paid a deposit.商店答应,如果我付定金就给我保留这批货。 Kindly remit the balance without delay,请立刻将余额汇来。 D/P: document against payment 付款交单D/A: document against acceptance 承兑交单T/T: telegraphic transfer 电汇C/D: cash against document 凭单付现

卖方还盘英文范文 第4篇

投诉,索赔及理赔 Complaints,claims and settlement 1. 原因大致有:货物的品质和规格与合同规定不符,质量低劣、货物数量短缺、货物延误,未在预定时效内到达、货物包装不良,或货物损毁等。2. 赔偿内容:请求赔偿损失、补运、调换、修理、减价和折让、拒收货物。3. 索赔程序:发现问题后应该在合同索赔期内通知对方,并声明保留索赔权利、准备证明文件、正是索赔。4. 索赔解决办法:和解、调解、仲裁、诉讼。 If the warranty is limited, the terms may entitle you to a replacement or refund.如果保修有限制,根据条款你也许可以要求退还或者退款。 The company deducted this payment from his compensation.公司从她获得的赔偿金中扣去了这笔付款。 The company sustained losses of millions of dollars.公司遭受了数百万美元的巨大损失。 We object to dumping substandard machines on the market.我们反对将次品机器向市场倾销。 Upon examination, we discovered to our surprise that they were inferior on quality.经检查,我们惊讶地发现它们的质量不佳。 we have received your remittance in settlement of our claim我们已收到您的汇款,以解决我们的索赔.

卖方还盘英文范文 第5篇



After receiving your letter of have to regret to reject it again the second time because your price has a long distance with our prospected ones.

However to step up our trade ,we consult our clients for several times and they agree to purchase at please response quickly for this price .So that we can make further decisions.

We await you good news.

Your faithfully,

Miss ****

卖方还盘英文范文 第6篇

Dear sirs,

We write to thank you for your letter and for the booklets you very kindly sent us

We appreciate the good quality of the captioned goods ,but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side and out of line with the prevailing market level . To accept the process you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales since this is a area in which the principal demand is for articles in the medium price range .

We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handle our enquiry and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you . May we suggest that you allow us a discount of 3% on your quote prices that would help you to introduce your goods to our customers ?

Much as we would like to cooperate with you , we just can not see our way to entertain your offer, as the price quote is too much high to be workable . In view of our long-standing business relations , we counter-offer , subject to your reply here within two days ,

As the market is declining,we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and fax us your acceptance as soon as possible .

We are anticipating your reply.

Yours faithfully

卖方还盘英文范文 第7篇




counter-offer 还盘,还价

offering date 报价有效期限

wild speculation 漫天要价

subject to 以...为条件,以...为准

to withdraw an offer 撤回报盘

to reinstate an offer 恢复报盘

to decline an offer 谢绝报盘

unacceptable 不可接受的


I'm afraid the offer is unacceptable.


The price you offered is above previous prices.


We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced by 5%.


卖方还盘英文范文 第8篇

Dear Sir or Madame.

Hello ! I ’m XX ,I feel I will be fit for the job needed in your company. I’m 22 years old and in good health. After graduation from XXXXa middle school, I have studied IT for many years. I am a better well in personal responsibility ,I am good at both operating a PC,I like palying and listening to the ’m interested in the position .

I want very much to be accepted by your company. I’ll work hard if I can be a member in your company.


卖方还盘英文范文 第9篇

A: Well,we are discussed he offer you quoted.. And we found your offer was too high. It is difficult four us to accept it.

B: But I think my offer is reasonable and realistic.

A: What do you mean y “reasonable” ?

B: Our price is based on reasonable profit,it comes in line with the prevailing marked

A: If you insist on your price and refuse to make any concession,there will be to not much point in further discussion . We might as well call the deal off.

B: Well, what is your counter offer?

A: The best we can do is 60 dollars per set CIF Shanghai .

卖方还盘英文范文 第10篇

may 2, xxxx

dear lucy,

next monday is my 20th birthday. imagine, there are already twenty years behind me! no wonder i feel old!

my parents are giving a dinner party to mark the party. the first person they wish to invite is you, my childhood pal. indeed, all of those 20 years are more or less associated with you.

we'll be expecting you any time after six. see you then. yours,


卖方还盘英文范文 第11篇


上述报盘,以你方答复在不迟于本月底前到达我方为有效。一旦此报盘过期, 此货不可能存留不售。

This offer is firm subject to your immediate reply which should reach us not later than the end of this month. There is little likelihood of the goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.

为使你满意并维持顾客, 对贵公司的需求, 我们不计较数量多少, 均提供最低价格。 In our offer, we shall make it our business to charge you the lowest possible price for any quantity you may require, in order to give you an entire satisfaction and to retain your customs.

相信贵方能接受我们的报价, 此盘有效期可到回电为止。

卖方还盘英文范文 第12篇

A:What do you think of our price?


B:Your price has gone up sharply, hasn't It?


A:Yes. We regret we cannot maintain our original price. Since the prices of the raw materials have been raised, we have to adjust the price of our products accordingly.

A:是的。很遗憾我们不能保持原价了。由于原材料价格 上涨,我们不得不对产品的价格做出相应的调整

B:l agree with you there, but your price is unreasonable.


A:l don't think so. You must compare our price with that of other export houses. I'm sure our offer is in line with the prevailing market price level.

A:我不这么认为。你必须比较一下我们的价格和其他出 口公司的价格。我确信我们提出的价格符合市场价 格。

B:l don't think we'll be able to pay the price. To have this business concluded, you need to lower your price at least by 3% .

B:我认为我们不能支付那个价格。为了达成这笔生意, 你们至少应该将价格降低3%。

A:I’m afraid that there is no room for any reduction in price.


B : Don't you agree with me that in the long run, moderate prices will bring about large sales and more profit?

B:我认为从长远考虑,公道的价格会增加销量,从而得到 更多的利润,难道你不这么认为吗?

A : We've already cut down our price to cost level.


B:ls that all?


A:Yes,this is the best we can do.


B:I'm sorry we can't handle the price you offered.


卖方还盘英文范文 第13篇

Chifeshel Company-栖芳草有限公司


Import and Export Trade


18F Trade Building, Fenghuang Road,

Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, China

December 20h 2014

Our Ref. CFE/520

Your Ref. ZML/HD202/183/004


Import and Export Trade Corporation

Beijing Institude of

6 Jinfeng Road Tangjiawan

Zhuhai China

Dear Sirs,

We acknowledge receipt of your offer and samples of your goods, and thank you for


In reply, we very much regret to state that our end-users here find your price too high

卖方还盘英文范文 第14篇

1. Inquiry

Dear sirs

I need your quotation for 425g canned mushroom pieces&stems including

packaging/delivery time/price term is CIF/port of destination: in advance. Best regards


Manager of MINC


Dear sirs,

We well received your inquiry in canned mushroom pieces&stems dated on xx. as per your requirement,we quote the price as below:

Name of item: canned mushroom

Pieces&stems specification:24tinned/ctn

卖方还盘英文范文 第15篇


Dear Mr. Zhao:

We acknowledge with thanks the receipt of your E-Mail, that as exporter of Chinaware, you are interested in establishing business relations with us. It is also our wish.

At present, we are in the market for a lot of Chinaware. And we want to know the prices of the DR series, the DR2010, DR2202, DR2211, DR2300 and DR2401 as you mentioned. We will be glad if you can offer some specimen. And we will be also glad to receive your best quotation with indications of detailed specifications, package, terms of payment.

卖方还盘英文范文 第16篇

We are willing to make you a firm offer at this price. We can offer you a price according to the international market. Well, we will give you an official offer next Monday.

I'll listen to your offer for chemical fertilizer. My offer is based on reasonable profit. No other buyer offers higher than this price.

We can't accept your offer unless the price is reduced. I'm afraid your price is not competitive I'd like to give you a special offer. Our offer is based on market expansion and competitive offer.

It is valid until 8:00 . Beijing time. All prices in the price list are subject to our confirmation.

Our offer is valid for days. I'm afraid the offer is unacceptable. We can't make any progress with your quotation.

We prefer to keep the offer that the buyer doesn't welcome. Now we look forward to reply to our offer in the form of counter-offer. Your price is too high and the buyer is not interested in counter-offer.

We reduce your counter-offer by three dollars. We appreciate your counter-offer, But it's too low.



卖方还盘英文范文 第17篇
























卖方还盘英文范文 第18篇

