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大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第1篇

With the development of society,people attached more importance to the kid's education. And it's quite unniversal for the senior high school students to further their education in university nowadays. However, people's views on university are various.


A majority of people hold the view that university is a place to help broaden one's horizons. In univerity, one gets the chance to learn what he is interested in, Maybe the skill or knowledge that he learns cannot meet the demond of society exactly, but he do enjoy the process of exploring and researching. Meanwhile, the university provides one with more oppotunities to make friends.


Some people, however, are not in favor of the oppnion talked above. To some extent, they believe the university is just a place which wasting one's time ,energy and money. In their point of view, one cannot learn the skills which is needed for surviving. Because nowadays so many studens in university are spenting the valuable time on useless things. So it would be better for them to find a job in society.


As far as I an concerned, I think the university education is necessary for students. Not only can it help promote one's self-improvement, but also it can provide with a better understanding of the society.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第2篇


Recently, we have made a survey of the people on physical training. Only 35 percent of the people surveyed have taken part in physical activities.

Over half of the people say they haven’t got enough time to take exercises. percent of them complain they don’t have places where they can relax themselves and that there are not enough training facilities, while another percent of the people feel that they live too far away from the training centers. Some of them even don’t know how to train.

For lack of physical training, many people are not in good health. People should realize the importance of it, and measures should be taken to provide people with training facilities.





大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第3篇

Days ago when I was doing my listening practice, I found my idea was quite different from the author’s. He insisted that family should be the first while I hold the opposite idea. Let me explain my opinion step by step.

Drawing a conclusion to which one should be the first, career or family, we should depend on the following two aspects: Which one will do more to your life-long dreams and value; And which one promotes the development of society. It’s normal that there always be a conflict between career and family. However we should have an objective comment. That is which one gives more contribution. I wonder how can a family be permanent without the guarantee of career.


Talking about achieving our value, we ought to combine it with our needs. What we need includes three sides: The need of existance, the need of enjoying and the need of development. At this time, we must have a clear mind that career or family which one has more ability to satisfy these, which one is related to these from the beginning to the end. There is no doubt that the answer is career. Referring to the value of society, we automatically think of work and creation. I do agree that family have something to do with these sometimes, but the productivity it brings to us is far less than what the career gives. What is the resource of the develpoping society? Of course, productivity. And through which the improvement of productivity can be shown. The answer is career as well.



When asked what is the final destination for our career, you may said because you want to support a big family. I think maybe this answer belongs to one of our destination, but not the final one. We pay more attention to our career mainly because we desire to do something to meet the need of our society.


If a country wants to be more powerful, it needs creative thought and continuous work, which obviously comes from career. As our country becoming stronger, we become stronger, too. In the contrary, if we never put career first, how can a family exist without the support of the society.


A person who really has a deep understanding of his value, he/she should fight for his career first!


Actually, the spirit of pursuing higher career is also the spirit we indicate in present day. No matter which period of age we are at, we should keep our passion for reaching the higher level. Only in this way can we really get self value.


Compared the truth and value, yourself and the society, with a overall mind. You will come to a conclusion that career is rather significant!


Above is my statement for my opinion. Different people have different viewpoint. Some people, especially ladies, always think it’s their duty to do the housework and they are fated to be the housewives. Never will I agree. Doing more housework is OK for ladies but ladis should have independence. As a lady in 21th. Century, we ought to spare no effort to gain our position in the society. Therefore, I won’t get married until I have an achievement in my career!!


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第4篇

When students go into college, they need to join in the group, because there is no way for them to live alone. They have new classmates and roommates. How to fit in the group is the main problem for them to solve. A successful student can handle it well.


To fit in the group, the students must have the collective consciousness. As most students are only child in the family, so they don’t know how to get along well with their roommates. They always notice themselves and ignore others’ feelings. But as they live in a dormitory, they need to realize these. Only in this way can make everybody live in a harmonious environment.


To fit in a group, students also need to be honest. As many students live in a common surrounding, it is easy to have conflict, because different cultures happen among students from different regions. Then it is important to be honest and try to talk about the problem, or the conflict will bigger.


It is a big lesson for students to learn get along with others. The one who handles well are trend to be get successfully easily.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第5篇



Dear David,

I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


Wang Ming






大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第6篇


Christmas is a beautiful festival, is the dream of many children, although not in our country, but deep in my heart, still longing for Christmas, it is said that on Christmas Eve night, there will be a Santa Claus, give them the gift they want,children will put a sock. In front of the bed, I look forward to Santa Claus putting gifts in their socks. Every time the children wake up, they have gifts in their socks. And I also got a very precious gift for me on Christmas Eve.


She was a good friend of mine when I was 7 years old. When I was a child, because she robbed my doll, I had a bad relationship with her. At school, I was disgusted that she always grabbed the limelight with me. But on the way out of school, she suddenly ran in front of me and told me if she could stay at my house. I didn’t want her to come to my house, but she used to come to my house. We spent Christmas Eve together and gave presents together. I think I’d better let her come to my house. After all, we used to be very good friends.


On Christmas Eve, I put a sock on the table. In the middle of the night, I secretly watched in the quilt to see if she would give me a gift. Suddenly, I heard her come to the table and put something in my sock. She left early the next morning. I looked up. It was the doll of my childhood. I cried, but I didn’t think she remembered the doll. Next Christmas night, I invited her to our house. On that night, I gave her a heart-shaped necklace, one of my most precious gifts. On behalf of my friendship with her, it will never change.


The next day she left early. When I got up, I looked at the table. The necklace was gone. I ran to her house and said sorry to her. She also said sorry to me. Then we became good friends again.


I can’t forget it. The Christmas gifts - dolls, necklaces, represent the friendship between me and her.

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第7篇


Different Job Outlooks

Nowadays university graduates have different job outlooks. For most of them, to find a job with satisfactory pay is their most important wish while majority want to be self – employed. However, a certain number of graduates are not in a hurry to hunt for jobs. They are just waiting for better chances. Toward this point of view, some experts warn that it is not wise to be just waiting. They advise that graduates should find a regular, full-time job as quickly as possible so that they can earn money to support themselves and get working experience, which will help to find a better position later. Moreover, it might be more difficult to find a satisfactory job next year.



如今大学毕业生的就业前景不同。对于大部分孩子来说,要找到一个令人满意的支付工作是他们最重要的希望,而多数是希望能够自我 - 就业。但是,一定数量的毕业生不急于寻找就业机会。他们只是在等待更好的机会。对这一观点,一些专家警告说,只是等待这是不明智的。他们提醒毕业生应该找到一个正规,全职工作,以便尽可能快的挣钱来养活自己和获得工作经验,这将有助于找到更好的更高的位置。此外,明年可能更难找到一个称心如意的工作。

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第8篇

^v^Although I am from the earth, I will find you, who from the other planet as long as you are shining and excellent enough, and you will have the opportunity to get our offer.^v^ This is the opening remarks in the special job fair of City College of Wuhan University of Science and Technology from a personnel manage, Zhang Jiajun. His words enclose the distance between the job seekers at present.


But, then, some special requirements of the company make the students feel unexpected.


“Are there any couples seeking job at present? If, you can leave now, because we do not need lovers.^v^ Zhang Jiajun explained, “If two lovers work in the same company, they will bring personal emotions when dealing things, which will lead to some unnecessary conflicts, affect the work efficiency as well.”


^v^Can you play mahjong?^v^ Zhang Jiajun suddenly asked when a female job seeker finishing her self-introduction. He explained that playing mahjong can observe a person's interest and inside attitude.


A boy with wild-curly hair style sat in front of Zhang Jiajun. Zhang Jiajun asked ^v^Do you think your hair style is suitable for this position?^v^ The boys said confidently, “Yes.” ^v^Do you have driver's license?^v^ ^v^Yes.^v^ luckily, the wild-curly hair style boy got the second chance to be interviewed under a lot of pressure.


The whole interview lasted for four hours. Finally, there are thirteen students smoothly into the back, waiting for the final interview result notification.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第9篇

Exercise is something common but significant. Although nearly everyone knows its importance, I still want to emphasize today.

In the first place, exercise is significant to health. It goes without saying that the importance of heath to people. There is a Chinese saying,” Health is the source of revolution.” And the most important way to keep health is to do exercise. Exercise is the best and directly way to keep health. When you are doing exercise, your whole body can get moved, which will make you become heathy.

Secondly, exercise helps you to save money. As what I said above, if we do not does exercise often, we may in a bad health. Thus, we have to go to the hospital to see the doctor. It is well-known that the medical industry is very expensive. It may cost your one’s month salary for going to the hospital once.

Last, exercise will make you become more and more beautiful or handsome. As you exercise your body, your body will get fit, which will make you look better.

There are others benefits to do exercise; I just do not list here. Move, try yourself to do some exercise, do not always sitting on the chair.






大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第10篇

It is said that parents are the children’s best teachers. Indeed, childen spend most of the time to stay with parents, so they imitate their habits. So the good parents have their ways to educate children, while some hurt their kids by saying the following sentences. Such the following five.


1. You Idiot


Some parents will say it when the children make mistakes. Acutally, the words of inspiration can work much better.


2. Shut up

A rude parent will call their children to be quiet when the kids are making noise or giving their opinion. A good listener is much better than a judger. So let the children give their words.


3. I will never supervise you


Parents like to force their kids to do what they want and treat the kids’ doing as none sense. Once they are angry, they will hurt the kids by saying of leaving them alone. The kids should be respected.


4. When you get the full mark, I will buy…


Most parents like to encourage their kids with full mark. Actually, the meaning of study is to get improvement instead of being the study machine.


5. You only know how to play


It is kids’nature and right to play, so parents should not force them to focus on study all the time.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第11篇

Create a Green Campus

It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college. Obviously, a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days, since the concept of “a green world” has become the focus of the society.

The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment. To begin with, the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable. Some of the authorities’ budget should be on how to reduce of the waste. What’s more, we’d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us. Thus the idea of environmental protection may become a common occurrence in our daily life.

It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution, and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Certainly, there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.





大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第12篇



(1) 家乡的地理位置;

(2) 解放前的情况;

(3) 解放后的变化;

(4) 对家乡的感情。


My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.







大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第13篇


Career or Family: which is more important?

When asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. Some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life.

It goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. In the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. Without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. What’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. Most of the people earn their income from a job. On the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. Family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. In addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. Without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate.

In my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. Rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better. Therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.






大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第14篇

After graduating from high school, some graduates choose to enter the work world. As a result of this choice, they may become financially independent from their parents. But college students have chosen to grow and learn new skills that take years to develop, so they probably need at least some degree of dependence of their parents.


As a college student, how to independent from your parents? Forcing students do things they dislike only makes them resent things all the more. So it is depend on you. As far as I am concerned, first, we should take full use of our spare time to do some part-time job rather than sleep in the dormitory day and night. Meanwhile, you can earn extra money from it. Second, college is designed to be a time of personal growth and expansion. You are supposed to get along with new people who have the same hobby with you that can enhance your competence of communicating with others. Third, as young adults, you have the opportunity to decide for yourself what kind of life you really want in the future, so it is a way to become independent from your parents as well.


In conclusion, you have many ways to grow and improve yourself without your parents’ protection.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第15篇

A girl who lives next to me never talks to me, because we don't know each other. My mother tells me that the girl goes to the same school with me, but she is ill and has to leave school for a year. Now the girl is better and she keeps to study. I am so surprised, and the girl is such strong that I admire her so much. I want to be friends with her.

一个住在我隔壁的女孩从没跟我说过话,因为我们互不认识对方。我妈妈告诉我那个女孩和我上的是同一所学校,但她病了,不得不休学一年。现在女孩康复了,她要There is no doubt that Rio Olympic Games is the hottest topic at that time. The world’s watching the exciting match and everyday we can find funny things. Recently, a Chinese female swimmer is really hot on the Internet, because people love her facial expressions.

Most people pay attention to the champion during the matches, while other athletes are easy to be forgotten. But this positive girl shows her charm after the match. After the semi-final, she walks to the journalist and accepts the interview. When being asked how she feels about the competition, this girl says she has done her best. Thenwhen the journalist tells her the result, the girl is surprised and just couldn’t believe that she could create the new record of her life, even though she falls behind others.


When people see the episode of this interview, the girl’s exaggerating facial expressions are soon popular. They think she is funny and positive. Though she does not win the first place, people love her, and admire her to show what the real spirit of Olympic Games.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第16篇

When it comes to the most popular thing in china in ’m sure we will think of the outbound tourism. The latest data shows that our Consumption Aboard is trillion RMB in 2015, which accounting for of GDP. Compared to 2014 increased by 。This is really an amazing data.


So where did Chinese people go? The top four are Japan , South Korea , America and Australia. There are several reasons that these place became popular tourist destination 。Firstly, these places are famous for tourism. Secondly they launched a convenient visa.


Tourist aboard is so popular these years, which reflects a problem. That is in short supply in China. Chinese people have more money than before and traditional lifestyle changed a lot now. People are willing to improve their quality of life. On the one hand they 白话文…think the quality of products in foreign countries are better than in the other hand the same product is cheaper in foreign countries, which causes overseas purchasing.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第17篇

Going to college is an exciting thing for me, because I have been studying so hard to realize this dream. Before I went to the campus, I had good imagination about the college life. But the first year in the college makes me recognize the campus life.


The first year in college, I spend a lot of time in studying. Before I went to college, I thought the college life would be very easy and I just could do whatever I want. But I did not expect that I still needed to pay so much attention on study. Everybody around me went to the library and I would be very guilty if I played. So college life was not that easy.


When I lived far away from my home, I was so free, I enjoyed the freedom so much. My parents always kept their eyes on me, so I couldn’t be myself when I lived with them. Living in the dormitory, I could stay up and join the activities at night. It is the young guy’s right.


Though the first year in college isn’t that easy for me, I still enjoy the campus life.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第18篇

Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment. They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. What is the cause of this phenomenon.


In my opinion, there are four causes:


First, graduates lack experience. They spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training. Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs.


Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter. The supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job.


Third, some students don’t study hard. Some of them skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects. Some play computer games or pursue other interests. Some sleep in class or in the library. Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated.


Finally, some graduates are conceited. They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical.


So, university students should try their best to change this situation. When they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies. They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience. They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible. When they graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第19篇


Tourism in China

Recent years have seen a tendency in China that tourism is growing faster. According to a recent survey made by some experts, about 47% urban residents travel regularly, and 28% rural residents also make their tour across the country. The survey also shows that more people are interested in tourism, and will join the army in the future.

Facing this tendency, we can’t help exploring some underlying factors that are responsible. In the very first place, with the policy of reform and opening up, Chinese people’s living standard has been greatly improved, and therefore, most of them can afford to travel around. What’s more, it is believed that people now take a more positive attitude to tourism, and regard it as a life style. In addition, tourism facilities are becoming better and better. For example, transportation develops fast, and many scenic spots are available now.





大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第20篇

Many people believe that money is the most important thing in life. It seems impossible to live without money in today’s society. With money, people can buy bigger house, fancy cloths, expensive food, luxurious cars and travel all around the world. Money leads to a better life and ensure people’s basic needs. Money is also stand for wealth and social status. If one makes countless money, then he is a successful man. As to some young girls, money is the only measure to access a man. If a man has a new apartment and a new car, he will be the “hot stuff” in the girls’ eye. They marry for money rather than for love. Just like the old Chinese saying goes, money makes the mare go. Making more money has become a major goal in the eye of some people. They value money more than anything else in the world.


Different people have different opinions of money. Some people spare no effort to make money, such as stealing, gambling and cheating. They believe money can bring them everything. However, I don’t think money can make people really happy or bring people everything. People can not use money to buy health. Steven Jobs, the founder of the Apple Company, died of cancer. He was a billionaire, but he couldn’t use money to buy himself a longer life. And money can not buy the time that already slip away. Money is also a tool for us to exchange materials, but not all the stuff. We should have a right attitude towards money. We should earn money by honest means and spend it probably. Only in this way, money can make us happy.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第21篇

Your address

Month, Date, year

Receiver's address

Dear ...,

I am extremely pleased to hear from you./ to see your advertisement for the position in .... And I would like to write a letter to tell you that.../ I am confident that I am suitable for the kind of the job you are advertising.

.../ I feel I am competent to meet the requirements you have listed. On the one hand, .... On the other hand, .... I am enclosing my resume for your kind consideration and reference.

I shall be much obliged if you will offer me a precious opportunity to an interview. I will greatly appreciate a response from you at your earliest convenience/ I am looking forward to your replies at your earliest convenience.

Best regards for your health and success.

Sincerely yours,


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第22篇

The Dream of Traveling Abroad

When I learned English, I had no idea why would I learn it, but as I was in high school, my English teacher showed me many things about the foreign country, then I came to know what the foreign country was like。 They are so different from China, the world is so big, I must travel abroad someday, I want to see the other countries, having access to their tradition。 I am very interested in the culture, I know our country’s culture well, I want to know more beyondChina。 I learn thatParisis very fashionable,Egyptis an old city with its famous tower,Veniceis a water city, all of there are so interesting to me。 English is a basic tool that I can communicate with the world, so I must learn English well, making enough money and realize my dream。


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第23篇

As the invention of the computer, people’s life has been changed greatly, they search the Internet to know more about the world. People like to read the hot news on the Internet, and then share their opinion, but some people use the network to assault other people for the purpose of getting famous. The network civilization should be built.

In order to be famous, some people use the Internet to say some CRItical words, so other people will pay attention to them, then they will be on the headline of the news. A man whose name on the Internet called Liu Jishou, he likes to make some comment on the picture which there is a girl or boy, then he uses the mean words. The more mean word he uses, the more fans he gains. This situation reflects people’s attitude toward the Internet civilization. Of course, people are interested in gossip, so they are willing to hear the bad words, their curiosity makes promotes the unhealthy network environment.

Internet is the tool for people to communication, people can share the idea and know more about the world, but the network civilization should be on the first place.

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第24篇

In 2014, it has been said that the College Entrance Exam will be reformed by Education Ministry, people have waited for the outcome these days, it is a great thing for the students, because it will decide their future. Now, the reform has come out, in the future, there will be no separation between liberal art and science, this decision has good side and bad side.


On the one hand, it can improve students’ overall education. Since there will be no separation between liberal art and science, students need to pay attention to overall education, they must learn all the subjects. The overall education is popular in western education, the students take part in activity, making themselves learn more skills. I believe our education can catch up with western education.


On the other hand, everyone has their talent in some subjects, it is hard for student to learn all the subjects. For most girls, they are good at liberal art, while for boys, most of them are interested in science. If they have to learn all the subjects, they can’t focus their attention on their advantaged subjects.

另一方面,每个人在一些科目都有他们的天分,对学生来说,很难去学习所有的科目。对于大部分女孩子来说,他们擅长文科,然而对于男孩子来说,他们中的大部分人都对理科感兴 趣。如果他们学习所有的科目,他们无法集中精力在他们的优势科目上。

In all, it needs time for students to get used to the reform, I believe it will do good to students’ future development.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第25篇

Self-discipline is absolutely important in today’s society, especially for college students. Compared with high school students, college students are comparative free to choose what to do and how to do. However, it is such a change that requires our college students to be more self-disciplined.


Self-discipline is a key to improving ourselves. For one thing, without self-discipline, some college students would be distracted by other temptations, like playing games. To the contrary, college students will motivate themselves and learn something useful to improve their ability under self-discipline. For another, as college students are in an important period of forming characters and quality, self-discipline is indispensable for shaping them to be better. A college student who is self-disciplined will take his responsibility and try to be a better man. He will overcome laziness, greed and other temptations and focus on his way to be better. In addition, self-discipline will help him to be an estimable man in that a self-disciplined man will control himself to follow general rules or morals and avoid doing something harmful to the society and the public.


In a word, self-discipline is very important and necessary, especially for college students since they are in a crucial period that determines their worldview and sense of value.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第26篇

“The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstance they want, and if they cannot find them, make them.” Such is the remark made by Bernard Shaw, a great writer. This view has been shared now by more and more people. I’m very glad to receive college education and i reached the conclusion that i have come to college not for one single reason, but for many.


First, university is such an ideal place to broaden my horizon and make more friends. The youth of 21stcentury should be open-minded, instead of being a person with a tunnel vision. I’m ready to meet more challenges and make more friends during the four years.


Second, I’m unwilling to step into the society straight after high school. I’m afraid I’m not fully prepared for the working environment: complicated interpersonal problems, jockeying for position, a tremendous amount of pressure and etc. I have to face various kinds of major conflicts as well as trivial things. I seem to be over-pessimistic, but that actually accounts for part of my choice.


Finally, thanks to the all-out support from my parents, i am able to further my study in university. I’ll spare no efforts to live up to their expectation on me to be a well-trained and well-rounded person.


I will learn experience and challenge myself in my college life and be an outstanding person of future.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第27篇

When students enter college, it is natural for them to relax, because they have went across the important stage and start to open the new chapter. Most students believe that college life should be full of fun and they don’t need to study hard, so they sleep in the class. While they get the wrong idea.

College is the very important stage for students to learn the major knowledge. What they learn will decide what kind of work they will take in the future. If they want to take advantages over other students in the job market, then they must have the skills. This is what they learn in the class, sleepy students will miss have important part of learning knowledge.

To learn better in the class, college students should take the regular schedule. Most students are addicted to playing computer games and stay up. They always sleep a few hours and then just go to class for the presentation. They don’t care about what the teacher say.

It is the terrible situation for college students to use their energy on the activities instead of study. Sleeping in the class has become some students’ choice. They need to balance the activities and study.





大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第28篇

As the contemporary society develops dramatically, a worrying problem has sprung up that the degree of trust among individuals has decreased. For example, when we meet a man begging for money due to his handicapped leg in the street, we are considering whether he is cheating us. Plus, in the business circle, we consumers couldn't easily believe what the merchant has guaranteed. All these problems mentioned above are reduced to adverse consequences. Especially, in the corporate world exists the prevalence of dishonesty. Influenced by these phenomena, we, invariably, become increasing cautious about other’s guarantee, even a piece of word. Thus, this trend does much harm to the commodity economy. The underlying reason for these phenomena is that current people fail to trust each other, so keeping trust counts most, because the foundation of any relationship, whether it be with a business associate, spouse, parent, client or, friend, is trust. Trust is not something that can be built with quick fix techniques. Rather, it is something that is cultivated through consistent habits in personal interactions.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第29篇

As China continues along the road of economic development, new demands are being put on the transportation infrastructure of the country.


This is particularly evident in the cities, where daily traffic jams are unavoidable facts of life.


Faced with a mounting traffic crisis, I believe the government should focus on improving public transportation instead of improving roads and highways.


Public transportation is cheaper, better for the environment, and a better long-term solution for meeting the transportation demands of the future.


The traffic crisis in large cities is mainly due to the increase in the number of private cars on the road.


If 30 people each drive their own private cars to work in the morning, polluting emissions from these 30 cars pollute the air.


Having 30 extra cars on the road not only means more traffic, it also means that all cars on the road will run their engines longer to produce more pollution while they idle in traffic jams.


On the contrary, if those same 30 people take the bus to work, there would be less traffic, and even less pollution.


More bus and subway lines would also save much space now wasted on parking lots, which makes sense from both environmental and city-planning perspectives.


Investment in public transportation also makes sense for the customer.


The most expensive public transportation in the city costs about 5 yuan.


Two trips across the city every day for a whole year would still be less than a fifth of the cost of a new car, not to mention the inevitable expenditure of maintaining a good performance of the car.


Taking into account the considerable upkeep expenses of a car, gas, insurance, and repairs, owning a car is much less economic and convenient than is taking the bus or the subway.


While some people would argue that investing money on highways is imperative for holistic benefits of our country, I personally believe the need for solving current traffic disasters that are prevalent in most such major cities as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou is more urgent.


The problem has already become the biggest headache of local governments and their residents, and would cost even more if not handled promptly.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第30篇

Travel has become a world-wide activity. Never before have so many people travelled to so many different parts of the world. With new modes of fast and comfortable transport,more and more people are tempted to leave their homes to see more of the world.


People travel for many reasons but perhaps the most common is travelling for pleasure. It provides an effective way to get your mind off your work. When you return, you are fresh and energetic and ready to work harder.


Travel is also one of the best means for learning. One may have heard or read about something, but one can never get an accurate picture of it until one sees believe that the knowledge obtained from actual experience is more valuable than that obtained from books.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第31篇

It is a common phenomenon that when people go to find jobs, they usually need to take their diploma with them since most vacancy have certain requirements, especially they demand certain diploma. Some people think that we should pay attention to diploma because they think people with diploma can be competent to do certain jobs. However, some people don’t think so. They believe people with experience can do jobs better than those people with diploma. In my opinion, I think diploma do nothing difference.


First of all, diploma proves nothing. Diploma is a certification that people have attended some classes while it can not prove that they have practical experience. It is said by many people that some students only know how to study while with no ability to deal with things.


Secondly, diploma can be faked. In order to get good jobs, some people spend money on buying fake diplomas so that they can be hired by big company. In recent years, many fake diplomas have been exposed by press. On this point, diploma is not trustable.


All in all, diploma has no relation to people’s ability. Besides, diploma can be faked. Therefore, we shouldn’t pay too much attention to diploma.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第32篇

For college students, when the graduate season comes, it is time for them to think about their future and figure out what kind of job they want to work on. Some students choose to work in the company while others decide to start a business on their own. Both options have their advantages.


For the ones who work in the company, they can gain the work experience directly. For a new in the job market, they don’t have the resource, so it is a good choice to work in a big company. They can earn money and make their ends meet. At the same time, it is very important to fulfill themselves.


For the ones who start a business, they don’t have to be limited by the place and the working hour. They can do whatever they want with their talent. It is good to take control of everything by one’s own. They can learn a lot of things in the process of running their business.


Everyone's job option depends on the individual’s situation. No matter what choice a student makes, the most important thing is to gain experience.

工作的选择取决于个人的情况。不管学生做出什么样的选择, 最重要的是获取经验。

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第33篇

When the children get six years old, they need to go to school and finish the compulsive education. It has been admitted that reading more books brings people more knowledge and broadens their vision. But some people believe that reading books selectively is the right way. Both ways have their advantages.


Reading books selectively helps people get the details of the books. Reading a book needs a lot of time, let alone to study the book, if people choose the book to read, they can have more time to study the details, so they can enjoy the books and know more about the authors’ purpose of writing these books.

Reading books extensively can make people know more about the books. People can have the main idea of the books, knowing what the authors have written. The more people read, the more knowledge they can gain. In Chinese old saying, if you read all the books, you will not be afraid of travel around the world.

For me, I think people at first should read as more books as possible, when they start to choose the major, then they should read selectively, so they can have more time to study a book.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第34篇

1、It is high time that we put an end to the (trend). 该是我们停止这一趋势的时候了。

^v^It is high time^v^ 打头,为该句增色。注:that 后跟虚拟语气,后跟动词的一般过去式,表示“是某人做……的时候了”或者“是某人不做……的时候了”

2、It is time to take the advice of ... and to put special emphasis on the improvement of ... 该是采纳……的建议,并对……的进展给予非常重视的时候了。

去掉一个^v^high^v^,画风完全不一样,不用过去式,只需用^v^to do^v^来替代。

3、There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of ... 毫无疑问,对……问题应予以足够的重视。

^v^there is no doubt that^v^+被动还是蛮经典的组合。

4、Obviously,.... If we want to do something... , it is essential that... 显然,如果我们想做某事,我们需要……

这句有些老生常谈,稍微不“常”的就是^v^essential^v^ 替代了^v^important^v^。

5、Only in this way can we... 只有这样,我们才能...


6、It must be realized that... 我们必须意识到...

把人人都会的^v^I realized^v^升格为被动语态,省略了主语,监考老师绝对会眼前一亮的!

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第35篇


Doing sport builds up our body strength and reduces diseases.

Though we lead a better life, our health is becoming worse now. So ^v^EXERCISE ONE HOUR A DAY,KEEP ILLNESS AWAY^v^ has been raised by the government.

At noon or after school we play ball games, swimming and running. Look!The playground seems smaller because lots of students are playing on school life has become colorful and we are a result we study harder and better.

The Sunny Sports has brought an exciting change to us. Let’s keep on doing it.






大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第36篇

Born in 1935, Mr. Smith spent his childhood in a mining village in a state. When he was a child, he hated school but had a talent for writing and he wrote his first poems. After his leaving school, he did his first job in a village shop for six years. During this period, he wrote a large number of poems in accordance with his own experiences and mental activities. Later, he left for S city in 1957 and published poems and his first novel. Delightfully, his works were popular when they published and he became a famous writer at once. However, he found that his life was meaningless though he led a luxurious life and started becoming depressed. Consequently, he first committed suicide unsuccessfully in 1960.


Later, Mr. Smith got married when he was 30, but his family life was not so happy because the couple did not have a common goal in marriage. Thus, he divorced his wife quickly and moved to another state to start a new life. But his works lost earlier popularity as time elapsed. Hence, he had to find another way to make a living. When he was fighting for his new life at the age of 32, Cupid fired another arrow at him—he fell in love with a girl at first sight. He ran after her fanatically. At last, they had a love child and moved back to his home state in 1972.


However, there is a crook in the lot of every one. With the growth of his son, Mr. Smith found that his life was so empty and boring in that he could not write any poems any longer, let alone published them. As the result, he committed suicide in 1975, at the age of 40.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第37篇

There are so many people smoke in the world, though they know smoking is harmful to their health, they just could not get rid of it. The number of smoker increases very year, the worse thing is that some smokers don’t realize they had bad effect on others. For the health, we should stay away from smoking.


Once people smoke, it is hard for them to get rid of it. Take my father for example. My father started to smoke when he had the job annoyance at the age of 30. Since then, he smoked now and then, the tried to quit many times, but he never made it, because his mind told him smoke all the time. My father is a typical smoker, many smokers like him have given up quitting smoke.


Smoking not only hurts one’s health, but also brings bad effect on others. The second-hand cigarette is harmful to the people who are around the smokers. The innocent people should not have to suffer from it. For everybody’s health, it is our duty to keep away from smoking.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第38篇

Recently _______,what amazes us most is______________,it is ture that__________.

There are many reasons main reason is____________________.

what is a result_______________.

Considering all there, one thing_____________________,for another________

http:// Conclusion____________________.

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第39篇

When students go into college, they need to join in the group, there is no way for them to live alone. They have new classmates an student can handle it well.


To fit in the group, As most students are only child in the family, so they don’t know how to get along well with their roommates. They always notice themselves and ignore others’ feelings. But as they live in a dormitory, th environment.


To fit in a group, surrounding, it is easy to have conflict, different cultures happen among students from different regions. Then it is important to be honest and try to talk about the problem, or the conflict will bigger.


It is a big lesson for students easily.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第40篇

Nowadays, house husband has become a hot phenomenon in modern society. As we all know that no matter what country, it’s a tradition that men play a core role in family who always take the burden to earn money to support their family. But things are kind of different as society develops, more and more men are beginning to take over housework while women go out from house. In my point of view, I think this is not a big deal.


In the first place, house husband may be a shame title for men, but when it comes to money, there is no room for reputation. As society develops, the life standard are rising, and everything for living is much expensive than before, if couples want to guarantee their life quality, then they should let the one who earn better to work, although the one is female.


In the second place, it’s fine for women to support family as long as they earn better than men. In the past, women always were treated very badly, and they got no rights to be educated, to work. In some countries, they can’t even show their face to others. A traditional female role is to stay at home, taking care of children and do all of the housework. But now, lots of women have a good job, so that they totally have the ability to be the economic backbone. Therefore, in order to take good care of family, men are likely to stay at home to do housework. I don’t think it’s a shame for men, because no matter what you do, as long as you do it well, you are successful.


To sum up, people should change their opinion about core role of a family. It’s acceptable for women to support the family, and there is no shame for men to do the housework. As long as you remember life quality comes first.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第41篇

A library is a building for a collection of books,magazines,periodicals and books are kept on the shelves in the stack room whereas the magazines,journals, the reading libraries also have xerox rooms,and computer rooms.


If you want to borrow books,you can go to the loan desk,look over the correct call numbers in the card catalog and ask the librarian to take them out for you 。 Or you’re allowed to enter the stack room to find books for yourself,you can look up the bound volume of index for the articles relative to the subject,on which you are going to write a thesis.


If the library doesn’t subscribe to the magazine which carries the article you want,you can borrow the magazine from other libraries by means of inter library loan ’t forget to show your library card or ID Card to the librarian before you go into the reading room, where you can read magazines or newspapers.


If you find a good article and want to keep it,you can have it duplicated in the xerox room. Besides,if you want to watch films or slides , you can ask the projectionist to play the videotape for you in the audio-visual room, where you can also listen to language tapes and music tapes.


大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第42篇

I will finish my middle school life soon, before I graduate, I need to take part in a very important test and it will decide which high school I will be in. I am so nervous now, I want to do my best and go to the ideal high school. My mother told me yesterday that no matter how the result was, she would be happy for me. She did not want me to have too much pressure and she believed me I could do well. Thinking about my mother’s words, I am not nervous now, what’s more, all of my families support me so much.

The result is not that important, happiness comes first.



大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第43篇

Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____.

Just As a popular saying goes, ^v^every coin has two sides^v^, __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______.

To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.

大学生英语作文范文带翻译 第44篇

Last summer holiday, I visited to Xiamen with my parentsby plane. My English teacher once told us that Xiamen is a beautiful city that worth of visiting. We stayed there for four days. We lived in a small fishing village. On the first day, we visited to Xiamen University and Nanputuo Temple. Xiamen University is consideredas the most beautiful and romantic campus in China. Indeed, its fantastic and its buildings are distinctive. On the second days, we enjoyed the scenery of Jimei District. On the third day, We visited to Gulangyu. Its amazing and I like it very much. There are many small specific stores. However, the huge tourist visitors make the small island crowed. Anyway, it was a pleasant trip.


