
admin 2024-05-24 网站管理员 admin

简短亲子英文句子 精选60句

1. Don’t be picky about your food.

2. Let’s get out.

3. Are you done with your homework ?

4. Good morning !

5. Let me comb your hair.

6. Push button one.

7. Don’t bother your sister.

8. Let’s get dressed.

9. Time to wake up !

10. Put your toys away.

11. What do you want to wear today ?

12. Give me a kiss !

13. Did you put some lotion on your face ?

14. Are you sick ?

15. Do you have any homework ?

16. 他亲自带你去见狮子。

17. Do you want me to hold you ?

18. 当狐狸见到他在那里坐了很久,而且了解到他如此做的原因。

19. Don’t hit your brother/sister.

20. Are you hungry ?

21. I’m sorry, Let’s make up.

22. Turn off the TV now.

23. Here’s the elevator. Let’s get in.

24. It’s time to go to bed.

25. 谁来照顾他还没有被决定。(这里用xxxwhoxxx并不是起到连接的作用。)

26. Do you want a piggy-back ride ?

27. Recess is over !

28. Watch out for cars.

29. jackdaw是“寒鸦”

30. Good job !

31. Don’t talk back !

32. Don’t forget that I love you.

33. Let me read you a story.

34. Play nicely with your friends.

35. Don’t fight with your little brother/sister.

36. Did you do well on your test ?

37. Stop whining.

38. Hurry up , Honey ! You’ll be late.

39. 但这个希望对你来说太过勉强。(再说白一点,就是你的希望,实现几率非常渺茫。Too strong for you 对你来说太过激烈=承受不住)

40. but this hope is too strong for you.

41. Wash your face and brush your teeth.

42. It’s time to study.

43. show you the lion himself.亲自让你看看狮子。

44. Do you want to pee/poop ?

45. Jackdaw 寒鸦;一种鸟类的名字。

46. Sit properly.

47. Come and eat your breakfast.

48. Let’s have a snack.

49. Move back from the TV.

50. How was school today ?

51. Did you sleep well ?

52. Good night ! Sweet dreams !

53. What score did you get on the test ?

54. Do you want some more ?

55. It has not been decided who look after him.

56. When a fox sees him sitting so long and learns the reason of his doing so

57. Daddy is leaving. Say goodbye.

58. Have a nice day.

59. Go wash your hands.

60. Who made such a mess ?
