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论自由经典句子英文 精选39句

1. 要么做一个十足的奴隶,要么享有充分的自由。

2. The less he needs, the greater his happiness, and the less he hopes, the more freedom he has.

3. If you can't break the confinement of your heart, even if it gives you the whole sky, you can't find the feeling of freedom.

4. Giving others freedom and defending one's own freedom are equally lofty undertakings.

5. People fight for freedom, but victory only brings them new domination.

6. Without freedom, everything is fantasy.

7. 一个人为自由和真理出征时,决不应穿上自己最好的衣裤。

8. 个人的自由必须有所限度,不得因为自己的而妨碍他人。

9. Every person's identity is a kind of self-kidnapping, only loss is the way to freedom.

10. Too close to freedom, too far to forget, keep a distance is the most important.

11. 谁需要的越小,他的幸福就越大,谁希望的越少,他的自由就越多。

12. 只要不是所有的人都已自由,那就谈不上自己的真正自由。

13. 人不做自己的主人,就不会有自由。

14. Life is like dandelion, seemingly free, but involuntarily.

15. 心灵是自由的,鼓起勇气随心飞翔!

16. 人的每一种身份都是一种自我绑架,唯有失去是通向自由之途。

17. What is the guarantee of freedom? Is no longer ashamed of oneself.

18. 自由就是人权在所有地方高于一切。

19. Loneliness and freedom are often just between thoughts.

20. 给别人自由和维护自己的自由,两者同样是崇高的事业。

21. If a person does not need to obey anyone, but obeys the law, then he is free.

22. I want to have the freedom to be myself and the courage to be myself.

23. 只有在履行自己的义务中寻求快乐的人,才是自由地生活的人。

24. Real freedom is not to do what you want, but to do what you don't want to do.

25. 谁无感情投入,谁就无权干涉对方的生活和自由。

26. As long as not all people are free, there is no real freedom of their own.

27. All theories are against free will, and all experience is in favour of free will.

28. 自由人最少想到死,他的智慧不是关于死的默念,而是对于生的沉思。

29. Beware of being tied down for so long that even physical freedom has no direction in life.

30. 若想获得自由。就要承受自由带来的疲惫。

31. 人民为自由而斗争,可胜利却只为他们带来新的主宰。

32. 自由固不是钱所买到的,但能够为钱而卖掉。

33. Freedom is too luxurious for people who run for their lives.

34. Freedom is determined by its own survival value, spirit and realm.

35. Individual freedom must be limited and must not interfere with others because of oneself.

36. Waiting has nothing to do with practice. It's a habit. It grows freely, and he can't resist it.

37. I yearn for freedom and always believe in hope and dream.

38. There is no freedom for greed and stability, and there are dangers for freedom. There are only two roads.

39. 人生就像蒲公英,看似自由,却身不由己。

论自由经典句子英文 精选29句

1. Speaking and going is the most luxurious luxury in life and the most brilliant freedom.

2. People always want more freedom, but more freedom is not necessarily a good thing.

3. 生活像云一样,我们在地上看天空的云,自由飘荡,说不尽的美丽。

4. Freedom is not impossible, but it requires a lot of strength and a little bit of luck.

5. 只有这样的人才配生活和自由,假如它每天为之而奋斗。

6. 真正的自由不是想做什么就做什么,而是不想做什么就可以不做什么。

7. Real freedom does not mean how much space you have to move, but how many feelings you have to understand.

8. Your heart is free. Follow it with all your courage.

9. If you are not your own master, you will not be free.

10. 民主在自由之中寻求平等,而社会主义则在约束和奴役之中寻求平等。

11. Human beings are like animals. Some are willing to be confined in the bars, and some are obliged to wander freely.

12. If you want to be free. You have to endure the fatigue of freedom.

13. 有时候你需要一个人呆着。不是寂寞,而是享受只做自己的自由时光。

14. 自由,是由自己的生存价值、自己的精神、境界决定的。

15. Freedom, peace and equality are what I want and what I am pursuing.

16. To do what you like is freedom; to like what you do is happiness.

17. 真正的自由,不是指你有多宽的空间可以行动,而是有多少心情被了解。

18. 不惜牺牲自己以图苟安的人,既不配享受自由,也不配获得安全。

19. 当心被束缚久了,即使肢体自由也没了生活的方向。

20. Freedom is not presumptuous, although the shape is like, the nature is very different.

21. Letting oneself go is not real freedom. Freedom means a life on the right track.

22. Life is like clouds. We look at the clouds in the sky on the ground. They float freely and are beautiful beyond words.

23. 随心所欲的人,看来自由,结果却是失去了所有的自由。

24. Tolerance is our resistance to the world. When you have it, you are entitled to freedom.

25. 你是我唯一可以推诚相见的人,在你面前我可以自由思想,自由交谈。

26. 只有人人都有自由,个人才能真正获得自由。

27. Democracy seeks equality in freedom, while socialism seeks equality in restraint and slavery.

28. 太近了不自由,太远了渐忘记,保持一个距离最要紧。

29. 个人的自由,以不侵犯他人的自由为自由。

论自由经典句子英文 精选48句

1. Work hard for better play and follow the rules for freedom.

2. 隐忍,是我们抵抗世界的力量,当你拥有,你才有资格自由。

3. Only when you leave my memory can I be free.

4. 自由不是放肆,外形固然仿佛,性质则大不相似。

5. Freedom means that human rights are above everything else.

6. 用倔强来包裹脆弱,用自由来等同不寂寞。

7. Heart is free, courage to fly with your heart!

8. Only such a person deserves life and freedom if he struggles for it every day.

9. Whoever has no emotional involvement has no right to interfere in the life and freedom of the other party.

10. 向往自由,并永远相信希望,相信梦想。

11. 自由,对于为生活而奔波的人们来说太奢侈了。

12. 孤独与自由,往往只是一念之间。

13. 人总是想获得更多自由,但自由多起来,未必是好事。

14. Only when everyone has freedom can an individual really be free.

15. You are the only person I can honestly meet. I can think freely and talk freely in front of you.

16. Freedom is not purchased by money, but can be sold for money.

17. 一切理论都反对自由意志,一切经验都赞成自由意志。

18. Either to be a full slave or to enjoy full freedom.

19. Memory is a form of meeting, forgetting is a form of freedom.

20. Sometimes you need to be alone. It's not loneliness, it's enjoying the free time just to be yourself.

21. 如果不能打破心的禁锢,即使给你整个天空,你也找不到自由的感觉。

22. Those who sacrifice themselves for their safety are neither entitled to freedom nor to security.

23. 我要有能做我自己的自由,和敢做我自己的胆量。

24. 做你喜欢的事是自由;喜欢你做的事是幸福。

25. Individual freedom is freedom without infringing upon the freedom of others.

26. 如果一个人不需要服从任何人,只服从法律,那么,他就是自由的。

27. 放任自己并不是真正的自由。所谓自由是指步入正轨的生活。

28. 人和动物一样。有的乐于被关在栏中,有的非要去自由的流浪。

29. Free man thinks of death at least. His wisdom is not a meditation on death, but a meditation on life.

30. 想自由的理由很简单,就只是不满足罢了。

31. 如果没有自由,一切都是空想。

32. The reason for wanting freedom is simple. It's just unsatisfactory.

33. 记忆是相会的一种形式,忘记是自由的一种形式。

34. 自由的保证是什么?是对自己不再感到羞耻。

35. Tell people exactly what they want, and then let them play freely.

36. To wrap up fragility with stubbornness and to equate freedom with not loneliness.

37. 为了更好的玩而努力工作,为了自由而遵守规则。

38. 明确地告诉人们自己所希望的事项,然后放手让其自由发挥。

39. 说走就走,是人生最华美的奢侈,也是最灿烂的自由。

40. Only those who seek happiness in fulfilling their obligations are those who live freely.

41. 你的心灵是自由的,用尽勇气去追随吧。

42. Freedom seems to be the result of the loss of all freedom.

43. 自由而又平和,平等,这是我想要的,也是自己在追求的。

44. 自由,不是不能获得,但是需要万分的坚强和一点点运气。

45. 等待与实践无关,它是一种习惯。它自由生长,而他无力抵抗。

46. When a man goes out for freedom and truth, he should never wear his best clothes.

47. 贪安稳就没有自由,要自由就要历些危险。只有这两条路。

48. 只有当你从我记忆里离开,我才可能自由。
