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关于cometo的句子 精选72句

1. 后来耶稣回到他的门徒身旁。

2. hecomesbacktoseeusatregularintervals.

3. away from 除了…之外

4. 他每隔一段时间就回来看看我们。

5. Now,we come to the top of the Longevity Hill.现在我们到了万寿山的山顶。

6. What is a croquette but hash that have come to a head油炸肉酱薯饼是什么,不是化了脓的肉丁烤菜吗?

7. I’ve come to beg a favour of you.我是来请求你帮忙的。

8. I've come to inquire about whether the remittance has arrived.我来问一下汇款到了没有?

9. Would you like to come to our home for dinner tomorrow?你明晚愿意来舍下用餐吗?

10. What do they come to in round figures?一共多少钱?

11. Come to think of it, he did mention seeing you. 想起来了,他确实提到看见过你。

12. Those who try to profit at the expense of others will come to no good end.那些企图损人利己的人不会有好下场。

13. comingbacktocaliforniahasmademefeelyoungerandhappier.

14. grow常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程。

15. People who need a sanatorium must not come to me.需要一个疗养院的人们不要来找我。

16. Themother-in-lawcontinuedcomplainingbecauseshewasill»婆婆继续抱怨,因为她生病cometodosth»来做某事.

17. Mine is not the only family in California to have solar dreams come to naught.在加洲,象Mine这样有着安装太阳能梦想却又泡汤的家庭不止一家。

18. Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician.这些年我得出的结论是,她是位非常伟大的音乐家。

19. theoldtimescamebacktohimindimprocession.

20. John is well enough to come to class.约翰身体好了可以来上课了。

21. We haven't come to a decision on the matter yet.关于这件事,我们还没有决定呢。

22. 过去的日子一幕又一幕朦胧地浮现在他的心头。

23. When he came to and raised his head, he saw Barney. 当他苏醒过来抬起头时看见了巴尼。

24. Walk till you come to a white house走下去, 一直走到一座白房子为止。

25. How’s it going with you? 你近来如何?(固定搭配)

26. 尤其有一件事总萦绕在她心头。

27. ismiledastheconversationcamebacktomymind.

28. She is unconscious now, but may come to in a little while.她现在失去知觉了,但过一会儿可能会恢复知觉。

29. by oneself 靠自己,独自

30. itisallcomingbacktomenow,i.e.iambeginningtoremembereverything.

31. New evidence has recently come to light. 新的证据最近已披露出来。

32. I hope you will come to Shenyang again.希望你能再次来沈阳做客。

33. I'vecometodovoluntaryservice.我是来尽义务的.

34. Come to the karaoke night—it should be a good laugh.来参加卡拉OK晚会吧—一定很开心。

35. The market-place and street were crowded with those who'd come to barter.市场和街道上挤满了来进行物物交换的人。

36. look after…照顾

37. cometopower是执政的意思Obamacametopower.奥巴马上台执政了。Nowthatwehaveenteredthecitiesandcometopower,shouldweactasbureaucratsorworkasservantsofthepeople?我们进了城,执了政,是做官呢,还是当人民的勤务员呢?

38. When did thousands of miners first come to the Yukon?数以千计的矿工何时首次来到育空地区?

39. look on/upon A as B 把A视为B

40. NoiseSourcetoMicAmpOutput»。Butbethisdesire,alsodonotknowtobeabletocometrue,forNeteasehiscannothelpdoingSTH.

41. In this way, they will come to have the proper amount of deference to reason.通过这种方式,他们将有适量的尊重的原因。

42. comebacktomypad.

43. 请今晚上尽可能早点儿回来吃晚饭。

44. The plan has been approved but goodness knows when it will come to pass.计划得到了批准,但天晓得什么时候能实现。

45. Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed.资金审查期间工作暂停。

46. laterjesuscomesbacktowherehisapostlesare.

47. 现在我全都想起来了。

48. Others have come to depend on public money.还有一些大学就只能依靠公共资金。

49. 回到我的住处。

50. onethinginparticularkeptcomingbacktoher.

51. To bring or come to a standstill成僵局带来或致成僵局

52. 可是就是这个愿望也不知道能不能实现,为了网易他身不由己。

53. Thou shalt not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to pass.你不必害怕,我们害怕的大部分事情,决不会实现。

54. 往事浮现在我眼前。

55. Wearelookingforwardtoourclientscometodobusinesswithus.我们欢迎新老客户前来洽谈业务.

56. be in possession of…拥有

57. Excuseme,wouldyouliketocometodomeafever?对不起,请您过来一下,我有一个问题想问一下您.

58. The overuse of the work expedite come to mind here.这里又涉及到“尽快”这个指令的滥用问题了。

59. pleasecomebacktodinnerthiseveningasearlyaspossible.

60. on impulse 冲动地,一时兴起(副词词组,修饰动词)

61. in quest of…寻求 = in search of…

62. thepastcamebacktomymind.

63. dead相当于extremely极端地 (dead属口语用法,后接形容词)

64. 当这段谈话在我的脑子里重新出现的时候,我微笑起来。

65. These plans take time to come to fruition.这些计划需要时间才会有收效。

66. Let my thoughts come to you, when I am gone, like the afterglow of sunset at the.当我死去时,让我的思绪奔向你,如落日晚霞在繁星的静默的边缘。

67. 来做某事

68. Now that he'd come to the door, he thought he might as well go in with the others to have a look.他想,既然来到了门口,莫如跟着进去看看。

69. 回到加州使我变得年轻多了,快活多了。

70. Scientists are still unable to come to a conclusion as to the probable cause of the earthquake.对这次地震可能的成因,科学家尚未能作出结论。

71. I decided to come to Sierra Leone to try and gain some perspective on life.我决定到塞拉利昂来是想认识人生。

72. be out of work 在工作/上班中
