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描述生活美好的英文句子 精选121句

1. All victories are insignificant compared with the victories ofself-conquest.

2. Believe in yourself and your partner. Seize the opportunity, easy to succeed.

3. I have no good talent, but I am more serious than anyone else.

4. Never stop smiling, even when you are sad, maybe someone will fall inlove with you because of your smile.

5. There is only an unpleasant axe, and there is no wood that cannot besplit.

6. Live with love, and you will make yourself happy! Work with love, and you will make many people happy!

7. A wonderful life is created in setbacks, and the world is bleak. Youcan't afford to go out after playing.

8. It is rare to fight back in life, so when will you stay?

9. If a person does not feel suffering, it is not easy to show sympathy toothers. If you want to learn the spirit of salvation, you must suffer first.

10. Pay kindness for kindness.

11. The best things in our world are created by labor and intelligent hands.

12. Growing up is lonely, growing up is silent, the pain is quiet, the painis quiet, the growing up is silent, and the understanding is better. Instead oftrying to explain, it is better to work hard. Silence does not represent theweakness and helplessness of adults, but it is precisely the strength andstrength of adults, and it is also a manifestation of adults' maturity.

13. There is indeed a high wall on the road to dreams, but it only blocksthose who do not love enough.

14. I want to live like a piece of lime. The more people pour cold water onme, the more my life boils.

15. Happiness will only be given to those who are not afraid of labor and those who have worked selflessly for many years.

16. Life belongs to you. You should live according to your own wishes.

17. Personally, this is the road of life, which is always repeatable andunique.

18. Taste life with a little heart, and look around with a grateful heart.

19. Live alone, clean and tidy.

20. To live, be kind to yourself, and don't run into other people's lives as interludes.

21. There are no obstacles for talented and labor-loving people.

22. Everyone has a grateful heart; The world respects those who are grateful.

23. Wise men have long aspirations, and those who have no aspirations havelong aspirations.

24. Love is sometimes an educational work, which takes pains to sort outthat person and then return that person to the world.

25. Always endure loneliness without being hot-headed, because tossing is the standard for testing talents.

26. The best mentality is that even green vegetables and tofu can make the spring snow fall.

27. There are two kinds of energy in life: one is financial resources and the other is ability.

28. Tomorrow's road must be tenacious even if it is hard, and only the bullycan create glory.

29. Those who have made great achievements in ancient times are not only the super-material, but also have the will to persevere.

30. Don't slam the door too hard when you leave. Maybe you will come back.

31. Confusion is like walking in a maze. You can never know where the exit is.

32. Where there is an ideal, hell is heaven.

33. perfect new people should be trained in and for labor.

34. If you care about the person in front of you, you will lose yourfuture.

35. Fools worry and suffer for themselves. Wise men are others, so they arehappy.

36. There is no road farther than feet, and there is no mountain higherthan people!

37. Only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions.

38. What you must not lose in life: the power of self-control, calm mind,hope and confidence.

39. It's better to retreat and catch a net.

40. Work for one day and get a night's sleep; A lifetime of hard work can lead to a happy sleep.

41. It's better to eat salt all over the world.

42. In life, a good attitude can make you optimistic and open-minded; Helpyou overcome the suffering you face; Let you be indifferent to fame and fortuneand live a happier life.

43. A lofty goal will become a feat as long as it is pursued unswervingly.

44. Knowledge comes from labor, and any achievement is the result of hard work.

45. Although science is not a complete circle to enrich life, it is animportant arc of this complete circle.

46. There is no need to yearn for others' understanding and recognition inlife, because others do not have these obligations. Live your life quietly. Ifyour heart doesn't move, the wind can't help it. If you don't hurt, the yearswill be fine.

47. Life should be planned, don't think about what to do after the year,think about the goals in the year, and don't give yourself too many ideas.

48. You will never see my loneliest time, because I am loneliest only whenyou are not around me.

49. Time is not regrettable because of experience, but full because ofvicissitudes of life. Life does not grow old because of time, but changes withmentality.

50. All the good feelings in the world together are not worth a nobleaction.

51. Labor is the destiny of mankind.

52. If you don't give up one second, there will be hope the next.

53. In the flute, who knows the heart of a strong man, but the sand head isempty.

54. Please savor everything left by pain! Once suffering is over, it becomes sweet.

55. It is not good to wait for opportunities, but to createopportunities.

56. There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, that is, the mother's call.

57. If you can't avoid fate, you can't meet it. Cherish your fate!

58. What kind of person to be, the decision is up to you; It's up to you to decide what kind of life to live.

59. Labor can turn the Gobi Desert into an oasis, while laziness can turn the oasis into ruins.

60. In October, the birthright is heavy, but the third life pays off lightly.

61. Labor is the most reliable wealth.

62. Parents are a big part of our life. Without them, life is not perfect.

63. Meeting is just the beginning; Cherish, can accompany a lifetime.

64. Life is like the weather, which is predictable, but often unexpected.

65. Gratitude is the preservative of the soul. Giving is painful, but its fruit is sweet.

66. No matter how cold Stone is, it will be covered with heat, not to mention people's hearts.

67. If you are discouraged before victory, you will often only embracefailure; If you persist in difficulties, you will often get new success.

68. He gave you favors, but he gave you favors. Now, thank him!

69. Life is like kneading clay. Even if you do something wrong, you canstart all over again.

70. Every time you are disappointed in your life, you can pin your thoughtson noble character, pure feelings and happiness, and you can masturbate.

71. The most painful feeling in the world is not to lose love, but to becheated when you give up your heart.

72. If you know how to be tolerant, your life will be wider and wider.

73. The armed forces can win the handsome, but the ordinary man can't winthe ambition.

74. Life is just like a hike. You only learn to smile when you are in pain and love.

75. In life, I have my wonderful and beautiful, so I don't have to look upto envy others and add unnecessary troubles to myself. xxxYou stand on the bridgeand watch the scenery, while those who watch the scenery look at you upstairs.xxxYou are the most beautiful scenery in the eyes of others! I don't have wealth.As long as I have happiness and pursuit, I may not succeed, but I have workedhard and have no regrets. Failure is also wealth in life.

76. Don't give up too early. Only when you bite your teeth can you remember.

77. Maybe your love for one day can be exchanged for others' gratitude for a lifetime.

78. Women are fragile, but mothers are strong.

79. There are four magic weapons: one teaching method, two reasoningmethods, three practicing methods and four fruit methods.

80. You must think highly of yourself before others can think highly of you.

81. Giving up when enough is enough won't lose too badly.

82. Believe that the power of time can dilute many things.

83. Time, running around us at the same speed, gives people the same timeto create life. Those who don't cherish time let it flow away in vain, and thosewho cherish time are the real WINNER.

84. The future will belong to two kinds of people: those who think and those who work. In fact, these two kinds of people are one kind of people, because thought is also labor.

85. If the ambition is not true, the heart will not be hot, and if the heart is not hot, the merit will not be good.

86. Some things can't be forced, such as love, such as trust.

87. We can walk towards a bright future through the bridge of gratitude.

88. There are four seasons in life, alternating cold and heat, quietlyappreciating the sadness and joy of life, laughing and watching the ups anddowns.

89. It is often lamented that living is really tiring. Tired, it is mentalpressure; Tired is a heavy psychological burden. Tired and not tired are alwaysrelative. If you don't want to be tired, you must learn and understandrelaxation; Life is expensive because of its relaxation. Tired heart makespeople fall into sub-health for a long time; Tired heart, will make the selfdepressed. Don't be too tired, learn and understand to free yourself.

90. Life needs a grateful heart to create and a grateful heart needs life to nourish.

91. In the sense of soul, life is composed of countless emotions.

92. ungrateful people fall into difficulties and cannot be saved.

93. It turns out that the best thing is not to meet you in the mostbeautiful years, but to feel the beauty of your years after meeting you.

94. One day, I am used to your straightforwardness, and you have guessed myduplicity. We smile at each other, hold your hand and grow old with yourson.

95. Life seems simple, but it is so difficult to live.

96. I also feel good about my heart, although I still have no regrets afternine deaths.

97. How much is face? Why should we care about other people's opinions?

98. Recognize the world and love it.

99. To live in a good-looking manner, learn to decorate your life, keepfit, love reading, learn to make up, and make yourself a delicate andconnotative person.

100. The ending and the process are all there, and if you go on pestering, you will feel greedy.

101. What others can do can be done by themselves.

102. I hope you often say to yourself that I am the happiest person when Ismell the Dharma, and there is nothing else but this happiness.

103. All living beings are parents who have lived through the ages. How canwe read their parents' mistakes?

104. Being neither rich nor expensive, being free, and having no accidents, roughly this is the best life.

105. Not relative, already in my heart; Don't complain, already know. Sincerely see the truth, and the truth sees the real person.

106. The winner of life will never lose courage in the face of setbacks.

107. Who you are, in yourself; Small self, big world.

108. Science is home everywhere.

109. Life must always believe in something, so as not to deviate from thedirection of life!

110. Look ahead when something happens, what is happening now is just apassing day.

111. Life is a process from need to need, not a stage from enjoyment toenjoyment.

112. To be angry is to punish one's folly with others' mistakes. The settingsun is like gold, the bright moon is like silver, and the happiness andhappiness of life are still inexhaustible. Where can there be time to get angry?Look on the bright side!

113. From then on, I will no longer look up at the blue sky, no longer look down at the white water, but only watch my steps carefully. I will step on the soil and make deep footprints!

114. In the world, there is a kind of pressure, which is called old andsmall; There is also a duty, that is, there are old and small; There is a kindof pleasure, that is, there are old people and small people! What is thegreatest pleasure in life-that is, there are old people in the top and smallpeople in the bottom.

115. I have obviously missed you, but I still miss you.

116. On the way to growth, you are not allowed to return home. The waves of years push you forward.

117. People always have something that they can't give up anyway, and even ahumble life has beautiful persistence.

118. Meditation is labor, and thinking is action.

119. The life of the strong is always endless pursuit, and the life of the weak is always wandering in place.

120. Sometimes you have to jump out of the window and grow wings in the process of falling.

121. No matter how much thought there is, no matter how much energy thereis.

描述生活美好的英文句子 精选39句

1. Raising a child knows how hard it is for a mother, while raising a woman knows how grateful she is.

2. Filial piety, the experience of heaven, the meaning of the land.

3. Don't make excuses for failure, just find ways for success.

4. Don't care what others think of you behind your back, because thesewords can't change the facts, but they may upset your heart.

5. People can't be idle. When they are idle, they will think too much, andwhen they are idle, they will overflow with feelings. The so-called affectation,fartness, emptiness, loneliness and coldness are all due to laziness anddegeneration.

6. Live better than the heavens and the earth, and live better than the sunand the moon in Qi Guang.

7. It's a long road to Xiu Yuan, so I will go up and down.

8. A fine horse comes out, but Qiang Bing comes out.

9. Everything will pass, living a lonely life with a fidgety mood, andit's useless to work hard.

10. The past belongs to death, but now belongs to oneself.

11. People are animals and are active; Labor is not only for life, but also for health.

12. Forever is too far away, I don't expect you to promise forever, I justhope you can spend the rest of your life with me.

13. There is always starting from nothing; It was created by two hands and a smart head.

14. From the avenue to Jane, a thought is clean, the moon is clear and the heart is clear.

15. No matter whether you are bitter or happy, you will not revisit your past unhappiness, and recalling the past will only increase your sadness.

16. Don't think a girl is naive. If she doesn't like you, she is more mature than your mother.

17. Mom, wherever you are, it is the happiest place.

18. Life is a process of struggle. My scripture is not for the dead, butfor the living.

19. I would rather be strong enough to make people jealous than weak enough to make people miserable.

20. Time is the place where capabilities and so on develop.

21. There are two kinds of people who are working for nothing and working for nothing: those who have accumulated wealth and don't use it, and those who have learned science and don't use it.

22. The aspiring people fight for the sky, while the unappreciated people hate the sky.

23. Maybe you and I are the hearts that have just grown up, just like achild who doesn't know what the future is. But only an indifferent heart cankeep the precious childishness and sincerity.

24. To love someone is not to get her, but to make her happy. This is yourbest love for her.

25. Don't take those things too seriously. In the sky of life, you willfind that they are just stars.

26. Gratitude is a virtue and a realm.

27. Whoever doesn't look ahead will face many difficulties.

28. The human body wants to work, but if it doesn't work properly, if it is shaken, the valley gas will disappear, the blood will circulate, and the disease won't be born. For example, Hu Shu is immortal.

29. If a person decides to achieve a certain happiness, he will surely get it.

30. If you hold the past too tightly, how can you free your hand to embrace the present?

31. Doing things may not be successful, just try your best. Don't ask toomuch in life, just be happy.

32. A little more hope in your heart, a little more light in your life.

33. Courage is to control your fear, not to have no fear in your heart.

34. Please love labor, even if you don't eat by it, you can love it for the sake of your health. It can improve your physical and mental health and avoid the fruit of laziness.

35. If you are right and others insist that you are wrong, you shouldconfess to others. Practice is to fix these. You can endure everything beforeyou can make progress. Even if you are right, you have to ask others forconfession, which is practice. When your mistakes are revealed, don't lose yourtemper. Don't think that you can hide or overcome your shortcomings by beingwillful or noisy.

36. If we are good at using our heads and recognizing ourselves, we can findour own advantages and open your life.

37. When you know many people of all kinds and feel lonely. Then, you willface reality, know cruelty, feel heartache and be forced to grow up.

38. Labor is the only way to guide knowledge.

39. Life in the world, if you can't make others live better, but make themlive worse, it's too bad.
