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悲伤快乐伤感英文句子短语 精选125句

1. 幸福皆幻想,希望皆虚妄。

2. You go over the bridge, I take the underground road.

3. 我们分开了,留下的只有时间和回忆。

4. As long as they read, short but fickle.

5. 冷不过人性,凉不过人心。

6. 忘了你,甚至忘了我自己。

7. 我的黑夜比白天多,不要太早离开我。

8. 无话可说比争吵更难熬。

9. 你走了,但我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。

10. 回忆起过去,就连呼吸都是痛的。

11. Heart is dead, but also afraid of being hurt you!

12. Two people sad, a personal taste.

13. Forgive me, there is no reason to be forgiven.

14. 我还是会等,只不过没了当初的热情。

15. Those she about you, I can only laugh it off.

16. In the face of you leave, I chose to not cry.

17. 选择了,便注定了孤独。

18. 从最初不相识,到最终不相认。

19. I understand everything, it's all my trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.

20. 世界还是很美好,只是我们之间不再美好了。

21. 最怕一时温暖一世寒冰。

22. 她给的甜蜜是那么的致命。

23. 风确定要走,云怎么挽留。

24. 习惯了久伴,怎能承受一个人的孤单!

25. 是不是在寂寞的时候才会想起我。

26. 看见你和别人在一起,有一种莫名其妙的心痛。

27. 徘徊在过去,你让我好累。

28. 他宁愿沉默,她宁愿错过。

29. Meet with you at the beginning, but looking back into the war.

30. 知道的越少越快乐,知道的越多越难过。

31. I wish Wojiu in deep sea, alone.

32. Finally, you Yongming guardian.

33. 不选择,也是一种选择。

34. I'm sorry! I shouldn't be thinking of you.

35. 时间没有让我忘了你,而是让我习惯了想你。

36. The bigger the city is, the more it feels lonely.

37. 假如你知道我有多想念你那该多好。

38. We walked through the happiness, but can't walk insipid.

39. I write thoughts on paper, folded into a boat drifting into the distance.

40. 你的世界我曾来过。我的世界你在哪?

41. The more of the person you like, the more don't know how to speak.

42. 口口声声说着无所谓,深夜却哭的撕心裂肺。

43. 你的心,我没有访问权。

44. 决定人生的那一瞬间,绝对不能够欺骗自己。

45. 有些事,不是不在意,而是在意了又能怎样。

46. 除了心是冷的,其他地方全温和。

47. Love always has no perfect ending.

48. 紧握在手中却流逝于指缝。

49. The witty moonlight, deduce sadness under the stars with me.

50. 还喜欢还在意,但不再渴望和你在一起了。

51. 你放开我的手,说余生分开走。

52. I leave you, I will send you away.

53. 你微笑的脸,好久不见。

54. 我会坚强到让你们心疼。

55. 原谅,已经没有了被原谅的理由。

56. I was crossing the road, where are you.

57. Time passed, the youth in hard, is the end of the world where return!

58. Without my bother, you can be ok?

59. Memories will always be embellish, towards the direction of your imagination.

60. Originally, love is smiling drink wine.

61. 你的空间,我为什么要用寂寞独挡一面?

62. 别在没我的地方,哭我怕没人给你擦眼泪。

63. 你想走就走吧,我给你想要的自由。

64. 心中种下快乐,就不会悲伤。

65. 年华逝,青春难驻,天涯何处是归路!

66. 我姓苏,所以输给了你。

67. The time did not let me forget you, but let me used to miss you.

68. 伤感撕心裂肺的英文短句子

69. 没有什么公不公平,只要动了心,你就别想赢。

70. You dear John, I break righteousness, parallel to the line forever from now on!

71. Habit cannot forget everything, only numb to everything.

72. 你走天桥,我走地下道。

73. She gave the sweet is so deadly.

74. 我们和好吧。这句话,越长大越说不出口。

75. 我两手空空,但心事重重。

76. 别让过去悄然偷走了你的当下。

77. I speak all you, you did not.

78. 记忆是尘,纷纷扬扬在空气里诉说着过往。

79. Some words with the wind, some people dream.

80. Sometimes it is not important to be needed.

81. 既然喜欢决绝,那就祈祷我们都干脆的彻底。

82. i will be strong enough to make you feel bad。

83. He finally rolled back into the crowd.

84. Love is not enough, just a lot of excuses.

85. 最坏的事情总会过去,好运正向你走来。

86. 若无其事,原来是最狠的报复。

87. 祝我久居深海,孤独终老。

88. Waiting for your concern, wait until I shut the heart.

89. The initial strangers, and eventually not Joseph.

90. 与君初相见,回首却成殇。

91. I most afraid of a warm ice.

92. 电影再好看,终究要散场。

93. 给不了你要的幸福,所以选择退出。

94. Broken a promise, put together back yesterday.

95. The world's most poignant regret.

96. 有没有一个地方,让我可以不惧悲伤的躲藏!

97. Happiness is fantasy, hope is false.

98. Is I push you to leave, what qualifications I have to sad.

99. Happy to give you, lonely to yourself.

100. 把我想的太复杂,说明你也不简单。

101. 生活再恶心也得自己过,没人能够替你扛。

102. You scold me silly, and then red eyes.

103. When will you see me behind me.

104. 你骂我傻,然后红了眼眶。

105. 回得了过去,回不了当初。

106. 不是我们不适合、而是那么更合适。

107. 不奢求永远,因为太远。

108. Life looks be like simple, life is so hard.

109. 我可以遇见世界的全部,却再也不会遇见你。

110. 伤感英文说说

111. 放纵自己,也是一种解脱。

112. Grip in the hands but the passage of the fingers.

113. 请放手,这无奈的感情。

114. 主动久了会很累,在乎久了会崩溃。

115. I have no reason to not let you go, also have no reason to let you turn back.

116. I is the most true most true expression, utterance but silence.

117. 别因为你身边的***,而放弃你爱的人。

118. 原來,愛情是含笑飲毒酒。

119. You said commitment, one by one back to laugh at me.

120. 我喜欢你,喜欢到费尽心思不去喜欢你。

121. 我在怀念,你不再怀念的。

122. Does not choose, is also one kind of choice.

123. 会离开就别说爱我,会推开就别抱紧我。

124. 我想说千言万语,却说了句祝你幸福。

125. 青春还未开始,苍老早已来临!

悲伤快乐伤感英文句子短语 精选67句

1. 我想我不可以走,或许再等等你就来了。

2. 我等的人是你,你等的人又是谁?

3. Your eyes, like beautiful flowers.

4. You to my smile is just a superficial?

5. 才发现眼泪可以流这么多。

6. 水凉了还可以喝,心凉了连笑都寂寞。

7. 心中有座坟,藏着未亡人。

8. Once the voice, now the joke.

9. 后来,我爱的人都像你。

10. Is the dream will be broken, is the heart will always be tired.

11. I like you, like so much trouble to don't like you.

12. 浮华褪尽,人比烟花寂寞。

13. don’t let the past steal your present。

14. Choice, will be doomed to loneliness.

15. Some people, you never have to wait.

16. 我,没你想得那么坚强。

17. 一个人的日子真的好难熬,好辛苦。

18. 经不住似水流年,逃不过此间少年。

19. 简短伤感的英文句子

20. 一次原谅会换来两次背叛。

21. Don't lose heart, heart won't die.

22. Because of expectations, will be disappointed.

23. 幸福就像在一瞬间,来得快,去的也快。

24. The wind is determined to go, how to retain the cloud.

25. I hesitate in human, can't find your heaven.

26. Is there a place, can let I don't fear sad hide!

27. Time would not stop, only life continues to accelerate.

28. 我明白一切的一切,都是我庸人自扰。

29. 不想哭,眼泪却藏不住。

30. 相爱时,生死不离。分手后,我不认识你。

31. 有的人很好不认识更好,省得最后的失望。

32. A pardon will trade for the two time.

33. 有些人,你永远不必等。

34. 结局已经写好,咱们拿什么改变?

35. Forget, so cool, unique, but the most acacia!

36. I have never abandoned the love, only love abandoned me.

37. 我最爱的他,除了不爱我,其它什么都好。

38. Back to the past, can not return to the original.

39. There are so moment, I feel the world is gray.

40. 有些话随风,有些人如梦。

41. In fact, I know, I'm waiting for the joy of redemption.

42. Blossom is the end of the fall, the flower will eventually become empty.

43. 过去的真能过去,现在的就真的是现在了吗?

44. 经典悲伤英文句子

45. 我能放弃选择,但是我不能选择放弃。

46. 退一步安然,进一步黯然。

47. 鱼那么爱水,水却要煮鱼。

48. 如果不是因为在意,谁***会那么爱生气。

49. Broken wire you have a few friends?

50. 现实用真名说假话,网络用假名说真话。

51. 时光总嘲笑我的痴心妄想。

52. 关于心情不好的英语句子

53. 时间过得真快啊,一眨眼你就喜欢上别人了。

54. Because love you, so afraid to lose you!

55. Can't remember together of the day, remember to break up the day.

56. Floating Liang smiles, lonely sad.

57. 关于你的那些她,我只能一笑而过。

58. Ending is already written, let's take what to change?

59. With the wind into my body, from now on my heart.

60. 一直在等一个人,一个懂得珍惜缘分的人。

61. Planted in your heart, it will be sad.

62. 你说过的承诺,一个个回头嘲笑我。

63. Break up too many words is just one way to interpret sadness vent.

64. While love each other, life and death. After break up, I don't know you.

65. Only to find that tears can flow so much.

66. Your smiling face, long time no see.

67. Sad is a very beautiful rhythm, create memorable melodies.

悲伤快乐伤感英文句子短语 精选85句

1. 念念不忘,必有回响。

2. After break up thoughts, destined to finance.

3. Think of me is too complicated, you will not be easy.

4. Grave price is up, can not afford to die ah.

5. 断了网线你还有几个朋友?

6. Open not happy according to day, no who cannot leave the who.

7. 伤感是很华丽的节奏,奏出难忘的旋律。

8. 春草年年绿,伊人归不归?

9. 别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心!

10. Wait for a person or a story.

11. I hope you remember angelica.

12. 等一个人还是等一个故事。

13. The heart is lonely, only with the heart to accompany.

14. 等待,是一生最初的苍老。

15. 快乐给了你,寂寞给自己。

16. The past can really past, now is really now?

17. My name is Sue, so I lost to you.

18. Don't exaggerate the lonely is not such as hand!

19. Fish love water, but water to cook fish.

20. 心痛英语句子

21. I want to say words, say a sentence I wish you happiness.

22. not crave forever, because too far。

23. Step back safely, without further.

24. 只想听到你说,祝我幸福。

25. 你是我抽了一晚的烟,也是我回不去的从前。

26. Will leave just don't say love me, would open don't hold me tight.

27. 长不过执念,短不过善变。

28. When you turn around, my heart is broken.

29. Waiting is the first old life.

30. 你走之后,我得了一场大病,疼得我痛不欲生。

31. 回忆那么重,我怎么背的动。

32. 到最后,刻骨铭心的都淡忘。

33. 对不起!我不该还想着你。

34. Memory is dust, swirl tells the past in the air.

35. 是梦总会碎,是心总会累。

36. 曾经的情话,现在的笑话。

37. From Mo love and cherish.

38. is our love doesn't come, still can not love。

39. You are my in the mind of a wall to block foreign injury.

40. 我有个好朋友,名字叫做没有人。

41. 最后的最后,用命守护你。

42. I, not you think so strong.

43. Can't give you want happiness, so choose to leave.

44. The movie will look good, will eventually end.

45. The past has in the past, it never stops to go!

46. 伤感的句子想流眼泪的英文

47. 是我们爱不来,还是不能爱。

48. 自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人都早已忘记。

49. 记忆总是会添油加醋,偏向你想象的方向。

50. 于兵荒马乱中,惊鸿一瞥见你。

51. 要把快乐放在外面,失落放在心里。

52. Tuijin flashy, people more lonely than fireworks.

53. The heart is not dead.

54. You let go of my hand, said the rest of my life apart.

55. 相离莫相忘,且行且珍惜。

56. I wait for the person is you, you and other people who is?

57. 爱得不够,才借口多多。

58. Forget you, forget me.

59. 不是不死心是死不了心。

60. Whether in the lonely time will think of me.

61. 因为爱你,所以害怕失去你!

62. 诙谐的月光,陪我演绎星空下的哀伤。

63. 敞开心扉这种傻事,以后就不要再做了。

64. 寂寞旳悲伤。

65. 相思树,流-年渡,无端又被西风误!

66. 没有话题的情侣,分手是必然的。

67. 习惯不能忘记一切,只能麻木一切。

68. 假如有一个人爱你,那么你就是重要的。

69. Happiness is like in a flash, come fast, go too fast.

70. 谎言全当安慰,多些温情即便虚假我也宽慰。

71. if someone love , you are important。

72. 世界上所有的久处不厌,都是因为一直用心。

73. 有些事,有些人,一转身就一辈子。

74. 我从未遗弃爱情,只是爱情抛弃了我。

75. 失去的人那么多,唯独你离开最难过。

76. 等待你的关心,等到我关上了心。

77. 你的眼睛,如花般斑斓。

78. 离开你之后,我快乐不起来了。

79. 你是我的单曲循环,只是你别总扯我耳机。

80. 幸福如同饮水,冷暖自知。

81. 哭出来才能解决悲伤,笑出来才能疏解心情。

82. 分手过多话语只是一种诠释悲伤的发泄方式。

83. Memories so heavy, how do I back.

84. 你哪里都好只是无缘到老。

85. If not because of who care, his mother will be so angry.

悲伤快乐伤感英文句子短语 精选50句

1. Don't want to cry, but can not hide the tears.

2. 谁人曾照顾过我的感受,吻过我的伤口。

3. 长痘有什么的,那是我可爱的冒泡。

4. In addition to the heart is cold, all mild elsewhere.

5. 你何时才能看见身后的我。

6. back to have in the past, returned to the original。

7. Indulge oneself, is also a kind of liberation.

8. 你是我心里的一道墙,挡住外来的伤。

9. my world as you well no, you will be a blank。

10. Their life was wonderful.

11. The youth has yet to start, old already coming!

12. Your world I have been here. My world, where are you?

13. Do you want to go you go, I'll give you want freedom.

14. Wandering in the past, you let me very tired.

15. 你没有错,是我飞蛾扑火。

16. 不管爱多深,都变陌生人。

17. 他终于滚回了大众分组。

18. 我们走过了幸福,却没能走过平淡。

19. How long is forever? How far is it forever?

20. Recall the past, even breathing is pain.

21. 我句句皆你,你字字非我。

22. You are not wrong, I like.

23. 时间不愿停住脚步,只有生活在不断加速。

24. 谁来将悲情隔离,谁来缓解这格局。

25. Don't give up just because you bitch, the one you love.

26. Don't live for others, to live for yourself.

27. Your heart, I do not have access to the right.

28. 不要为他人而活,要为自己而活的精彩。

29. I love him, in addition to do not love me, other what all good.

30. We separated, leaving only the time and memories.

31. 忧伤英文语录

32. 等待也许不容易,伤害却轻而易举。

33. He can't find a person, will only remember you.

34. 记不清在一起的日子,记不住分手的日子。

35. borrow your life-long sorrow, go away, say goodbye.

36. 随欲而安的缈茫,虚空的一如既往。

37. Please let go, the helpless feeling.

38. 这样下去我们都累!长痛不如短痛分手吧。

39. You accompany her, my home.

40. 我们曾相爱,想到就心酸。

41. Some things, not don't care, but care about and how.

42. 躲得过对酒当歌的夜,躲不过四下无人的街。

43. Some things, some people, a turn round is a lifetime.

44. Lies when all comfort, warmth even more false I also relieved.

45. 他找不到人了,才会记得你。

46. 看了一夜的聊天记录,结果伤心哭了一夜!

47. 其实我很难过,只是骄傲不让我说。

48. 碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的昨天。

49. 在寂寞中爱上的人,只能在爱中各自寂寞。

50. 你好好陪她,我四海为家。
