威尼斯商人著名句子 精选63句
1. Take but degree away, untune that string, and, hark, what discord follows! (Troilus and Cressida 3)
2. A young man is an unrestrained hare that jumps over the barriers of reason set by an old man.
3. Sadness has made me a fool, I just don't know myself a little bit.
4. Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet 2)
5. Victory is in your arms, don't look for it anywhere else.
6. Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. (Othello 2)
7. Blow, winds, and crack cheeks! Rage! Blow! (King Lear 2)
8. 一个人做了心安理得的事,就是得到了最大的酬报。
9. Any sin that is manifestly obvious can be pretended to be sanctimonious on the outside.
10. 人们为了希望得到重大的利益,才会不惜牺牲一切;一颗贵重的心,绝不会屈躬俯就鄙贱的外表。
11. 因为一个人的感情完全受着喜恶的支配,谁也做不了自己的主。
12. 理智可以制定法律来约束感情,可是热情激动起来,就会把冷酷的法令蔑弃不顾;年轻人是一头不受拘束的野兔,会跳过老年人所设立的理智的藩篱。
13. 爱情的⽕在眼睛⾥点亮,凝视是爱情⽣活的滋养,它的摇篮便是它的坟堂,让我们把爱的丧钟鸣响。
14. 世间的任何事物,追求时候的兴致总要比享用时候的兴致浓烈。
15. 因为凡是常在一块儿谈心游戏的朋友,彼此之间都有一重相互的友爱,他们在容貌上、风度上、习性上,也必定相去不远;
16. 那“众人”也许是指那无知的群众,他们只知道凭着外表取人,信赖着一双愚妄的眼睛,不知道窥察到内心,就像燕子把巢筑在风吹雨淋的屋外的墙壁上,自以为可保万全,不想到灾祸就会接踵而至。
17. Reason can make laws to restrain feelings, but when passion is excited, it disregards cold laws.
18. These silly tears are about to drown my manhood.
19. As long as I have considerable wealth and can compete with any of them, then I feel that I have full confidence that I will achieve my wish.
20. 那永远不会错误的判断,也必须经过七次的试炼。
21. 毁谤和评判,是两件作⽤不同、性质相反的事。
22. 有的'⼈终⾝向幻影追逐,只好在幻影⾥寻求满⾜。
23. 理智可以制定法律来约束感情,可是热情激动起来,就会把冷酷的法令蔑弃不顾。
24. O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes! (As You Like It)
25. 外观往往和事物的本⾝完全不符,世⼈却容易为表⾯的装饰所欺骗。
26. The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1)
27. 在法律上,哪⼀件卑鄙邪恶的陈诉不可以⽤娓娓动听的⾔词掩饰它的罪状?在宗教上,哪⼀桩罪⼤罪极的过失不可以引经据典,⽂过饰⾮,证明它的确上合天⼼?
28. 富贵催⼈⽣⽩发,布⾐蔬⾷易长年。
29. 吃得太饱的人,跟挨饿不吃东西的人,一样是会害病的,所以中庸之道才是最大的幸福:富贵催人生白发,布衣蔬食易长年。
30. 您把世间的事情看得太认真了;一个人思虑太多,就会失却做人的乐趣。
31. 其学问才识,虽穷极赞辞,亦不足道其万一,务希勿以其年少而忽之,盖如此少年老成之士,实鄙人生平所仅见也。倘蒙延纳,必能不辱使命。敬祈钧裁。”
32. Don't rely on beautiful women to return, strong men have no color.
33. Not all that glitters is gold.
34. I’ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no word to save thee. (Measure for Measure 1)
35. 老天造下人来,真是无奇不有:有的人老是眯着眼睛笑,好像鹦鹉见了吹风笛的人一样;有的人终日皱着眉头,即使涅斯托发誓说那笑话很可笑,他听了也不肯露一露他的牙齿,装出一个笑容来。
36. 爱情啊!把你的狂喜节制一下,不要让你的欢乐溢出界限,让你的情绪越过分寸;你使我感觉到太多的幸福,请你把它减轻几分吧,我怕我快要给快乐窒息而死了!
37. My small body is tired of this big world. Merchant of Venice Quotes
38. The judgment that is never wrong must also be tried seven times.
39. The fire of love lights up in the eyes, staring is the nourishment of love life, its cradle is its graveyard, let us ring the death knell of love.
40. Some people chase after phantoms all their lives, so they have to seek satisfaction in phantoms.
41. 我这⼩⼩的⾝体已经厌倦了这个⼴⼤的世界了。威尼斯商⼈名⾔语录
42. 毁谤和评判,是两件作用不同、性质相反的事。
43. 年轻⼈是⼀头不受拘束的野兔,会跳过⽼年⼈所设⽴的理智的藩篱。
44. People didn't really invite me, they just flattered me.
45. 胜利既已⼊你怀抱,你莫再往别处追寻。
46. 你们享尽⼀切快乐,也剥夺不了我的快乐。
47. Slander and judgment are two things with different functions and opposite natures.
48. 只要我有相当的财⼒,可以和他们中间⽆论哪⼀个⼈匹敌,那么我觉得我有充分的把握,⼀定会达到愿望的。
49. 忧愁已经使我变成了⼀个傻⼦,我简直有点⾃⼰不了解⾃⼰了。
50. 不要因为我的肤⾊⽽憎厌我。威尼斯商⼈好句摘抄
51. Laughter is the root of all evil.(As You Like It, 2)
52. Don't hate me because of my skin tone. Excerpts from the Good Quotes of the Merchant of Venice
53. In the law, which despicable and evil statement can't be used to cover up its guilt with sweet words? In religion, which of the most sinful faults can't be quoted from scriptures, written in deeds, and proved Is it really on the sky?
54. The appearance is often completely inconsistent with the nature of the thing, but the world is easily deceived by the decoration on the surface.
55. 不惧黄昏近,但愁白日长;
56. 不挟美⼈归,壮⼠⽆颜⾊。
57. Love is merely a madness. (As You Like It, 2)
58. 任何彰明昭著的罪恶,都可以在外表上装出⼀副道貌岸然的样⼦。
59. Wealth promotes white hair, and cloth is easy to grow for many years.
60. ⼈家⼜不是真⼼邀请我,他们不过拍拍我的马屁⽽已。
61. You can enjoy all the happiness, but you can't deprive me of it.
62. 这些傻⽓的泪点,快要把我的男⼦⽓概都淹没啦。
63. 闪光的不全是黄⾦。