北京时间9月12日凌晨,在美国网球公开赛女单决赛上,18岁的英籍华裔资格赛选手艾玛·拉杜卡努(Emma Raducanu)以6-4,6-3直落两盘击败19岁的加拿大网球选手莱拉·费尔南德斯(Leylah Fernandez),完成了她的梦幻般的美网首秀,并一举赢下了她的第一个大满贯赛事冠军。由于她是华裔的后代,所以备受国内网友关注,也得到了中国网友的祝贺和鼓励。她的母亲祖籍东北,网友们亲切地称呼Emma“东北妞”。英国女王也对她表示我祝贺。
In interviews, Raducanu has paid tribute to her mum and that side of the family." They are so mentally resilient - it's like nothing can bring them down. I would say I take a big part of my inspiration from her. My mum has worked very hard." she said, adding that she learned about discipline and respect for other people from her.
感言三段式:1.感谢某人(家人、爱人等)2.叙述他们的付出以及优秀的品质 3.说明自己受到的影响,表示如果没有他们你也不会取得这么大的成绩和荣誉。
Many thanks goes to my father. He is a very kind-hearted, brave, open-minded person and above all mentally-resilient. In my memory, it seems nothing could bring him down. I believe I've taken a big part of my inspiration from him. Without his enlightenment and encouragement, I couldn't make it.[惊喜]
