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有关admire的英文句子 精选52句

1. You may not like him, but you have got to admire his persistence.你可以不喜欢他,但你不得不佩服他那种坚韧不拔的精神。

2. I admire your persistence enormously.我非常崇拜你的毅力。

3. I must say I admire your determination.我得说我钦佩你的决心。

4. We have to admire him is an extremely shrewd businessman. 我们不得不佩服他是一个极其精明的商人。

5. It's easy to admire his aspiration, but his hopes were all dashed.他的抱负很容易得到钦佩,但他的希望全部落空了。

6. In my opinion, most of chinese very admire zhugeliang, because all his record in the book were so wonderfully. everything he dose were anyother human can't to do. just like wonderful foresight, or beat million enemy only use several soldier. he was so clever, have so many stratagems, He could know tomorrow weater only need see the star. and so on. 我的英语非常不好,所以写这些里面不知道有多少错误,很多诸葛亮的神奇之处我不会表达。我看了<三国志>之后,觉得关公的义气,张飞的勇猛,曹操的谋略等等等等或许很有过人之处,但都不能给我诸葛亮的那种感觉,所以在我眼中,他已经是神,而不是人了。

7. You are very clever, I admire you very much. 你真聪明,我很羡慕你。

8. Fanny:I really admire his eloquence.我真的很羡慕他口才那麽好。

9. It is not that we do not admire them as they deserve.这并非因为我们不愿恰如其分地加以赞赏。

10. They stopped for a while to admire the scenery.他们停了一会儿来欣赏风景。

11. I admire his bravery and strength.人佩服他的勇气和力量。

12. I don`t like the man, but I admire his tenacity 我不喜欢这个人,但是我佩服他的顽强精神。

13. He would admire to be a soldier.他喜欢当兵。

14. The people of then need not admire big male have Duo La A dream那时的人们就不用羡慕大雄有哆啦A梦了

15. You have to admire her superb draughtsmanship.你不得不佩服她那一流的绘画水平。

16. You have to admire the man who evoked those words from those people.你必须得尊敬一个博得那些人言辞的人。

17. I admire him, not just because he is an excellent teacher, he is also a sagacious person and a bosom friend. 我很敬佩他,不仅是因为他是一位出色的教师,更因为他是一位睿智的长者和知心的朋友。

18. I admire your talent in jumping rope. 我钦佩你在跳绳上的才能。

19. They can easily admire and learn from each other, and therefore not only helping each other dealing with blind spots in life but also broaden each other's horizon. 至于说她看了信气得直哭,以至于朋友劝解时说让她当我放P,那只能说是时也命也,天亡我也,前不见古人后不见来者,我散发弄扁舟去也

20. admire的解释

21. The quality you most admire in a woman? Gentleness, naturalness, intelligence.女人的品质中你最欣赏哪一种?亲切柔和,自然,智慧。

22. I admire Steve so much for pushing forward.我非常佩服史蒂夫的勇往直前。

23. People from all parts of the world come to admire it.世界各地的人到这儿来为的是观赏它。

24. I admire her coolness under pressure.我佩服她在压力下能保持冷静。

25. Admire the hanging in the branches of the Kun-yellow leaves, I think, is to retain a tree in the deep feelings do? 仰慕着挂在枝头的焜黄叶子,我在想,是大树在深情挽留吗?

26. The target appears, hero developed the past instantly, odd genu genuflect is before Yi Ren, both hands Feng Shanggong is colourful the rose that admire is held in both hands greatly, the friend that ambuscades aside also takes out watch for a chance pat madly, here romantic setting falls, heroine is moved deeply, a paragraph of the fate brings lovers together is knocked at this point calm. 目标一出现,男主角立即冲了过去,单膝跪在伊人面前,双手奉上红艳艳的玫瑰花一大捧,一旁埋伏的朋友也拿出相机一阵狂拍,在此浪漫的背景下,女主角被深深打动,一段姻缘就此敲定。

27. He stood back to admire his handiwork.他退后几步欣赏他的手工制品。

28. I admire Microsoft's keyboards which are well designed and solid. 微软的键盘以其良好设计和坚固耐用博得了我的好感。

29. He was in a disposition to admire everything他想要赞美一手。

30. I admire Claire.我真羡慕克蕾尔.

31. But of course there is art where we admire the touch--as in Guston or de Kooning. 但是,当我们欣赏那种触觉的时候——像在古斯顿或者德·库宁的作品里那样,当然是存在艺术的。

32. I admire the way you speak to your students.我钦佩你同学生讲话的方式。

33. I admire your frankness.我钦佩你的直率。

34. I admire your tenacity which is coupled with comedic wit and a caring spirit. 我很欣赏你的毅力是加上喜剧的智慧,以及一个充满爱心的精神。

35. After listening to so many classes, this is the real taste of Ju-Yuan Road Primary School in talented people felt the fighting spirit of Juyuan: knowledgeable, expert style of Li Jin, Li Zhao, Liu-Ying, NING Xi-Ping, Rui-Xia Wei, etc.; Diligence progressive young teacher Zhang Meng, Chen, Zhao-core and so I admire, all that I deserve to learn. 听了这么多的课,这才真正领略了聚源路小学人才济济感受到了聚源人的拼搏精神:知识丰富、有专家风范的李金锦、赵丽、刘荷英、宁喜平、魏瑞霞等;勤学上进的年轻教师张志猛、陈平、赵生芯等都令我佩服,都是我值得学习的。

36. I'm very admire of you! 我非常羡慕你。

37. I feel guilty beyond words about some things. Which is something I totally admire and envy. 对于一些我赞赏与嫉妒的事我感到了一种难以用文字表达的负罪感。

38. Rereading these words of Voltaire and Emerson today, I cannot but admire their wisdom and farsight. 所有这些,对家庭、国家和社会起到了巨大的维系与调节作用。

39. We stopped on the mountain pass to admire the scenery.我们在山口停下来欣赏风景。

40. She never ceased to admire the stoical courage of those soldiers.她一直很敬佩那些士兵的坚忍的勇气。

41. The person that seeks admire power now is very much. 现在追慕权力的人很多。

42. You know I admire you for not being afraid to stick your neck out for your old friend whos running for mayor. 这位朋友说:「你不怕出面帮你朋友竞选市长,我很钦佩,这你也知道。

43. The sunny terrace is a great place to admire the view across the Eternal City.阳光明媚的露台是您欣赏这个永恒之城的完美地点。

44. I admire him for his eloquence.我佩服他的口才。

45. I admire their dedication and devotion to their duties and to the students. 我敬佩他们忠于职守的奉献精神和对学生的关爱精神。

46. I really admire the efficiency of your secretaries.我真佩服你们秘书的办事效率。

47. I admire his impudence.我佩服他的厚脸皮。

48. xxxI admire your immensity,xxx whispers a bulrush.“我崇拜您的广阔无垠。”芦草轻声呢喃。

49. I cannot but admire her courage.我不得不佩服她的勇气。

50. 好好学单词·英语单词

51. Be like and admire by sb.受。。。。。。什么欢迎

52. I've got to admit, I admire your tenacity. 不得不承认,我很欣赏你的不屈不挠。
