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简单的晚安唯美英文句子 优选148句

1. Forget is a kind of demeanor, willing is a kind of wisdom, good night.

2. 爱本是泡沫,如果能够看破,有什么难过。晚安!

3. If I love you less, I can say more. good night!

4. a woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around、如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。

5. 愿这个好梦带给您无限的快乐之水,淹没所有烦恼和忧愁。

6. good night, these two simple words, who can one day does not fall to the ground to say to me for a lifetime、 晚安这两个简单的字,有谁能一天不落地对我说一辈子。

7. 晚上好!传递祝福,温暖今宵的你;亲切问候,愿你好梦多。

8. you are the one、你是唯一,晚安!

9. What kind of flowers are there? Come and grow strawberries with me. good night!

10. I will accompany you to grow up, send you far away, and wait for you to come home. good night!

11. 在我们的一生中,有很多事没有答案,我们总要勇敢地向前。一生其实也很短,所以,能快乐就不要难过。愿你在孤独难熬的时光里,始终没有辜负那个拼命的自己。

12. 问候片语只言,却牵出一串挂念,祝你晚安,朋友!

13. Sleep well and dream well. Dream with me, will not be lonely; dream with you laugh, no longer worry.

14. 开开心心睡大觉,好梦连连来拥抱,朋友,睡吧。

15. 谎言容易越说越爽,因为谎言比现实要美好,但是谎言像多米诺骨牌一样,说一个慌要十个谎来圆,最后难以自拔。

16. 一个人起码要在感情上失恋一次,在事业上失败一次,在选择上失误一次,才能真正的长大。所以,别怕输不起,一切来得及。

17. Love is eating a lot of meals together and talking a lot of nonsense. good night!

18. 简单的喜欢最长远,平凡的陪伴最心安,懂你的人最温暖。晚安。

19. The thought of talking to you makes me laugh like an idiot. good night!

20. If you encounter something bad, deal with it as appropriate, filter it properly, and good night.

21. 不必抱怨身处灰暗,你尽管提着灯前行!晚安!

22. I've been very busy recently. I like you very much. good night!

23. Your name is easy to write and easy to read. good night!

24. I like you. I like you without permission. good night!

25. If you miss, you will have a new meeting; fate is that it's not too early or too late, just right. good night!

26. I love the way you come to me. good night.

27. memories can make you smile, but it can very well make you cry hard、爱心回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。

28. At night to cover the quilt, do not catch cold, drink milk before going to bed know!

29. It is not easy to get such a person in one's life. We love each other until we grow old. good night!

30. May this beautiful night let you harvest extraordinary life, good night!

31. 祝大家身体健康,天天开心,晚安,好梦。

32. My love for my husband is always palpitating. good night!

33. I miss you very much now. Please take care of yourself for me. good night!

34. 晚上要盖好被子,不要着凉了,睡觉前喝点牛奶知道吗!

35. 遥寄相思与日月,点燃祝福心灯。

36. After meeting you, happiness needs no prayer. good night!

37. 生活明朗,人生可爱,人间值得,万物可期。晚安。

38. 以后的日子,不奢望做的每一个选择都正确,只希望每一个选择造成的结果,自己都能接受。

39. Sometimes, you don't want to think too much, follow your heart, go where it is. good night.

40. I like you the most among all the things that have changed. good night!

41. 想送你一颗星星,有我给你俏皮的祝福。

42. 我希望你读很多书,走很远的路;我希望你爱很多人,也被很多人爱;我希望你走过人山人海,也遍览山河湖海;我希望你看纸质书,送手写的祝福;我要你独立坚强温暖明亮,我要你在这寡淡的世上,深情的活。

43. 舒舒服服的睡一觉,梦游到桃花源中,朋友们,晚安!

44. 前途风光正好,追风赶月莫停留。晚安。

45. 愿你安心入眠,好梦甜甜,晚安!

46. 我喜欢你不止是狼子野心,还贼心不改。晚安!

47. With you, I have never envied anyone. good night!

48. 你要记得那些大雨中为你撑伞的人,黑暗中默默抱紧你的人,逗你笑的人,陪你彻夜聊天的人,坐车来看你的人,在医院陪你的人,陪你哭过的人,总是以你为重的人,是这些温暖使你成为善良的人。晚安!

49. The egg yolk is happy because she has a shell that loves her. good night!

50. 好好睡,美梦相随。梦中有我陪伴,不会孤单;梦中陪你说笑,不再烦恼。

51. I like you without permission. I'm sorry. good night!

52. Want to send you a star, I give you playful blessing.

53. 你要学会捂上自己的耳朵,不去听那些熙熙攘攘的声音。这个世界上没有不苦的人,真正能治愈自己的,只有你自己。

54. 是我的东西,我会好好收着,哪怕它是有瑕疵的;不是我的东西,我会毫不留恋地扔掉,哪怕它是干干净净的。

55. I wish you a sweet dream, a sweet dream and a round dream.

56. 人总爱跟别人比较,看看有谁比自己好,又有谁比不上自己。而其实,为你的烦恼和忧伤垫底的,从来不是别人的不幸和痛苦,而是你自己的态度。

57. every night before going to bed to listen to you say good night, belongs to me, the most simple and lasting happiness、每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。

58. I want to accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress, and then spend the sunset together. good night!

59. 每晚记得给我一句晚安,让我知道明天还有你在。

60. As long as you are always with me, other things are no longer important. good night!

61. The days with you are romantic even if they are ordinary! good night!

62. nobody could ever replace you 爱心从来没有人可以取代你。

63. 老天不给你困难,你又如何看透人心;老天不给你失败,你又如何发现身边的人是真是假;老天不给你孤独,你又如何反思自省;老天不给你生命中配上君子和小人,你又如何懂得提高情商!老天对我们每个人都是公平的,有人让你哭了,一定会有人让你笑。

64. Do you like sugar? I like it. No wonder you are so sweet. good night!

65. 身累了歇一歇,心累了无处安放。

66. I started thinking about many things since you. good night!

67. Please keep the moon and I love you. good night!

68. Wake up in the morning, you are a star falling from the eaves. good night!

69. maybe for those that have been missed,they are fated to be this way、爱心也许那些错过的,是因为注定就要错过。

70. get used to stay up late is just for waiting for someone to persuade me sleep early and say good night to me、 习惯晚睡只是为了等一个劝我早点睡然后跟我说晚安的人。

71. The best revenge in the world is to use that injustice to make yourself move towards success. good night.

72. Today's event is tomorrow's small matter. The biggest event of the year will be next year's story. good night!

73. 你万箭穿心,你痛不欲生,也仅仅是你一个人的事,别人也许会同情,也许会嗟叹,但永远不会清楚你伤口究竟溃烂到何种境地。

74. 你可以要求自己的对人好,但不能期待人家对你好。你怎样对人,并不代表人家就会怎样对你,如果看不透这一点,你只会徒舔不必要的烦恼。

75. I'm so lucky to meet you. good night!

76. Body tired to rest, heart tired, no place to place.

77. 我不贪心。只有一个小小的愿望:生命中永远有你。

78. AI Ben is a bubble, if we can see through, what is sad. good night!

79. You are always envious of others, but you are proud of yourself. good night!

80. 无论是对事还是对人,我们只需要做好自己的本分,不与过多人建立亲密的关系,也不要因为关系亲密便掏心掏肺,切莫交浅言深,应适可而止。

81. May life not be too crowded, may smile not be deliberate, good night and good dream.

82. Yesterday's departure, there will be reunion, blessing as usual, good night friends, wish everything beautiful! good night.

83. 祝福你,美梦香,好梦甜,佳梦圆。

84. I waited for you one day, and you said good night to me for two minutes.

85. 我不知道什么叫恰到好处,我只是不想辜负谁和被辜负,该拥抱的时候我不会退步,该笑的时候我绝不会哭。

86. 你害怕发生的事情,其实根本不用担心,因为它一定会如期而至,也一定会如期离去。

87. The day I met you, my star lit up. good night!

88. The first time I saw you, I knew I had fallen. good night!

89. 认真生活,就可以找到生活藏起来的糖果。

90. People who really like you will say good night many times. Good night.

91. Years of quiet good, from young to dusk, only a total of deep feelings. good night!

92. Sleep, I stand guard outside your door, you sleep at ease, bold sleep, good night.

93. 别当烂好人,因为总有人把你的忍让与迁就当成软弱无能来践踏。晚安!

94. May this wonderful dream bring you infinite water of happiness and drown all your troubles and worries.

95. Meeting you and falling in love with you is my greatest happiness in my life. good night!

96. Adult peace, half understanding, half forget, good night.

97. 愿生活不太拥挤,愿笑容不必刻意,晚安好梦。

98. With me, you can rest assured that everything has me! good night!

99. Don't stay up late if you don't have anything to do.

100. you ve got to get up every morning with determination if you re going to go to bed with satisfaction、 爱心如果晚上带着满意入睡,早上就会更有决心起床!

101. 你习惯了每次都说,“我没事你不用管我”,都会收获一句,“那你一个人小心点”,忽然有那么个人把一句,“我不管你怎么行”丢给你,把你的心砸的稀软。晚安!

102. Thanks for your presence, I have been happy for several years. good night!

103. good night , two simple words,who can say it to me every day for a whole life、 晚安这两个简单的字,有谁能一天不落地对我说一辈子。

104. In the early summer of that year, I made an appointment with you to go home at the end of winter. good night!

105. 夜深了,送上温馨的晚安祝福,愿你温馨笑一笑舒舒服服睡个好觉!

106. 睡吧,有我在你门外站岗放哨,你安心的睡吧,大胆的睡吧,晚安。

107. 世间最好的报复,就是运用那股不平之气,使自己迈向成功。晚安。

108. I want to be loved, loved by him, favored by him, and loved by him most. good night!

109. 别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心。我们真的要过了很久很久,才能够明白,自己真正怀念的,到底是怎样的人,怎样的事。

110. good night, the two words are not especially sweet or important、what makes them important is who is saying it、不是 晚安 这两个字特别甜蜜和特别重要,而是重要在说的那个人是谁。

111. 那些扬言要陪你走完一生的人,总是走到半途就迷路了,别轻易对谁说爱,别轻易对谁付出所有,你要努力要坚强要好好爱自己。最后你会发现,很多人最后的关系,就是没关系晚安!

112. I wish you good health, happy every day, good night, good dream.

113. Little miss with you good night, sound blessing, hope you dream!

114. 以上就是关于晚安的英文句子唯美,晚安温馨句子英文简短,希望可以帮助到你哦。

115. hold your hand and grow old together with you! good night!

116. Worry, close your eyes, have a good sleep, good night!

117. Think of ordinary people do not dare to think, do not dare to do ordinary people. good night!

118. Greetings only words, but led to a string of thoughts, I wish you good night, friends!

119. 早点睡吧,你想要的,梦里都有。

120. 想常人之不敢想,做常人之不敢做。晚安!

121. 月亮伴你走进你的梦乡,自由坦然。

122. 你今天也会来梦里找我叭。晚安!

123. You don't know me yet! I will know you all my life. good night!

124. the greatest grief in life is insistently loving someone who doesn t love you、爱心人生最大的悲哀就是偏执地爱着一个不爱自己的人。

125. The stars and the moon will not come to you, but I will. good night!

126. May you have a good sleep, sweet dream, good night!

127. I only have two wishes, you are beside me, beside you. good night!

128. May you have a light in the dark and an umbrella in the rain. Cherish when you meet, try hard when you don't see.

129. The moon accompanies you into your dreamland, free and calm.

130. I've given you the happiness you want. Jesus can't stop me! good night!

131. Don't feel inferior. You are no more stupid than others. Don't be complacent. Others are no more stupid than you. good night!

132. 今日限定,本人全糖去冰。晚安,亲们。

133. The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the person in front of me is my sweetheart. good night!

134. 昨日的离别,终有相聚,祝福如昔,朋友晚安,愿一切美丽!晚安。

135. 不要急,很多美景总是在风雨之后才能相遇,不要燥,很多惊喜总在最后才揭晓,别让等不了而失去更多的美好。

136. Good, brave, excellent, never compromise, wish you and me. good night.

137. 只要你一向在我身边,其他东西不再重要。晚安!

138. 忘记是一种风度,舍得是一种智慧,晚安。

139. Go to bed early. Everything you want is in your dream.

140. 把“放松”拌在灯光里,在睡床上按摩你。

141. Whether you are tired or not every day has been running in my mind for a whole day. good night!

142. You come from the mountains, rivers and forests, and you are startled to see a hundred flowers blooming. good night!

143. The mouth is sweet because the heart is sweet, and the heart is sweet because you are inside. good night!

144. You know, time is meaningless before meeting you. good night!

145. Give me your hand to hold you until you die. good night!

146. 人类都是这样,谁都有活不下去的念头,可最后没几个选择去死的。无论前路多么坎坷,多么绝望,也要挣扎着拼命活下去。

147. 愿这唯美夜晚让你收获人生非凡,晚安!

148. In the first half of my life, I wandered everywhere, and in the second half, I cooked soup for you. good night!

简单的晚安唯美英文句子 优选49句

1. The future is just right. Don't stay in pursuit of the wind and the moon. good night.

2. Today limit, I sugar to ice. Good night, dear ones.

3. people who say good night are always working on something aimlessly、 说了晚安去睡的人,往往半小时以后还在得瑟。

4. 有的东西不过很久,是不可能理解的。有的东西等到理解了,又为时已晚。大多时候,我们不得不在尚未清楚认识自己的心的情况下选择行动,因而感到迷惘和困惑。

5. I'll only borrow it once in your life. This journey is the rest of my life. good night!

6. The life is bright, the life is lovely, the world is worth, everything can be expected. good night.

7. good morning, and in case i don t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and 假如再也碰不到你,祝你早安,午安,晚安。

8. Just because you are so beautiful that I can't tell you that I love you. good night!

9. 遇到不好的事情,酌情处理,适当过滤,晚安。

10. You are the only one who can make me run, except the heavy rain. good night!

11. You saw a movie, I saw you. good night!

12. I'm not greedy. There is only one little wish: you will always be in your life.

13. Every night remember to give me a good night, let me know you are still there tomorrow.

14. In my ten cents, I love you and love you, and each has five cents. good night!

15. Don't complain about being in the dark, just carry the light! good night!

16. Mix ^v^Relaxation^v^ in the light and massage you on the bed.

17. With you in my life, there's nothing I can't do. good night!

18. good night,my dear、 even if i know you will never hear it、 亲爱的 晚安。 即使我知道你永远也不会听到。

19. From any angle, you are my beauty. good night!

20. hearing you say good night to me every night is the simplest and the most lasting happiness i have、 每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的,最简单而持久的幸福。

21. the warmest words in the world-good night、 世界上最温暖的两个字是:晚安

22. 有时候,你不要想太多,跟着自己的心走,走到哪算哪。晚安。

23. How long is my life? I love you so long! good night!

24. Between lips and teeth, between eyebrows and eyes, I like you year after year. good night!

25. May the world become a sea, and may you and I return to our first sight. good night!

26. Appreciate every day of life, because only this life, no afterlife. good night.

27. I like you better than last year. good night!

28. you are the one、爱心你是唯一,晚安!

29. I have too much romance to show on you. good night!

30. 好好体会生命的每一天,因为只有今生,没有来世。晚安。

31. There are no right and wrong feelings. People who love deeply always bow their heads first. good night!

32. The heart is simple, the world is simple, and happiness will grow. good night!

33. maybe only the night a warm quilt and a good dream, can comfort every day there are so many unhappy things we、也许只有夜晚一床温暖的棉被和一个好梦,才可以慰藉每天有太多不如意的我们。

34. I want to have a serious love, starting from you and ending with you. good night!

35. good night, sleep tight!晚安,睡个好觉!

36. You should wrap up your quilt and go to bed early, or I can't find you in my dream. Good night.

37. I'm not good at expressing. Loving you well is the only way for me. good night!

38. Late at night, send warm good night blessing, wish you a warm smile, comfortable sleep!

39. Happy sleep, good dreams come to embrace, friends, sleep.

40. 多花一些时间了解自己,少花一些时间在应付他人身上。因为最后,能够给你提供最有利帮助的人,除了你自己,没有别人。

41. Nothing, go to sleep. May God kiss your lovely forehead and send you the most beautiful blessing.

42. 你总是羡慕别人哪里都好,却忘记自己也有很多值得骄傲。晚安!

43. 今天的大事是明天的小事。今年最大的事件将是明年的故事。晚安!

44. The sea is deep, I think you are real! good night!

45. The world is just a dream, only a beautiful woman can caress my heart. good night!

46. 没啥事别熬夜,晚睡容易催人老。

47. I have so much in my life. I don't mind giving it all to you. good night!

48. I copied the love letter, but it's true that I love you. good night!

49. May you have the courage to move forward an inch and the ease to step back a foot. good night.
