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国外撩妹句子 精选80句

1. 你离开了我的视线,我的眼泪就断了线。

2. I want to hold your hand, from the heart to the antique.

3. 你等着,总有一天,你会是我孙子的奶奶的!

4. 其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。

5. I will not waste todays time to remember you yesterday.

6. You stay there, I'll run!

7. 为你倾尽天下,与你共赏盛世繁华。

8. 我没法看你长大,但我想看你和我一起到老。I can't see you grow up, but I want to see you grow old with me.

9. I miss all told the heartbeat, in the heart you have not overheard.

10. 你是我的今天,以及所有的明天。

11. 爱是一种信仰,把你,带回我的身旁。

12. 牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。

13. 时光温柔,还需你懂,生活可爱,也需你宠。

14. 华严瀑布高千尺,不及卿卿爱我情。

15. I refuse so much ambiguity just for your uncertain future.

16. 女人之所以花心,是因为曾有一个人狠狠的伤过她的心。

17. 没遇见你之前,我,随遇而安,遇见你之后,我,以你为安。

18. You will never meet a person who loves you like this, and I will never love a person like this again.

19. 简单的生活,何尝不是一场华丽的冒险。

20. 这辈子太短,我只想好好爱你一个。

21. 心相印,爱相随,爱你一生一世不后悔!

22. Life is short and the days are down and look at the moon.

23. 自从喜欢上了你,我就脱离了地球引力,因为我的重心是你。

24. Don't be sad, the kite has the wind, the dolphin has the sea, you and I.

25. 谢谢,在我最孤独的时候有你陪伴真好。Thank you. Its nice to have you with me when Im lonely. 要和你秉烛夜游,要和你一醉方休。

26. Before I meet you, I will be happy with you. After I meet you, I will be happy with you.

27. 一生只爱你。天涯海角,永不言弃。

28. 做自己的决定,承担自己的后果。

29. 在认识你之后,我才发现自己可以这样情愿的付出。

30. In the middle of the night, is the time when people want to cry, because it is the most lonely time.

31. 我们以为自己苦苦暗恋着某人,而其实,我们暗恋着的,只是一个我们在想象中美化了千百遍的人,愈是得不到愈是肝肠寸断。到了后来,那浮不上面的单思,只好沉落在暗恋的湖底,化成荒芜的青苔。——张小娴

32. 在午夜,是人最想哭的时候因为那时是人最寂寞的时候。

33. You are the love of your mouth,the joy of your eyes,the love of your heart,the love of your heart.

34. 你这么针对我,是不是想睡我。

35. 和你在一起的日子才叫时光,否则只是时钟无意义的摇摆。

36. 我以为开学前见你一面,到学校后就不会想你。

37. The smile after letting go is only used to cover up the scar of pain.

38. 有一种思念,叫好想见你一面,一起聊聊天。

39. 花儿虽多,但却没有重复的,你注定是我生命中独一无二的。

40. 如果我有超能力,就帮你把内心的暗角点亮,把怪兽打跑,再悄悄塞一点糖果进去。

41. In my heart, nothing is more important than you.

42. 你就想我心里的一株藤蔓,依附在我的心上生长。

43. 十句搭讪百句晚安千句闲聊万句废话,只为有一天在婚礼堂上听到一句我爱你。

44. If you leave my sight, my tears will be broken.

45. 桀骜不驯的我,最终还是顺从了你。Rebellious, I finally obey you.

46. 有你相伴的日子,即使平凡也浪漫!

47. 你是哪里的啊?我是广州的,不,你是我的

48. 喜不喜欢,合不合适,能不能在一起,是三件不同的事。

49. The street is so empty, but your shadow covers every corner.

50. 你怕,我怕,我还没说怕什么呢,关于你的所有,我都怕。

51. 对你的喜欢早已浮出水面,如今漫山遍野,日后连绵不绝。

52. 悄悄等你很久,你没来,我却习惯了等待。

53. So many twists and turns, it's better to say you like it.

54. 温暖的你,是我最想遇见的风景。Warm you, is the scenery I want to meet most.

55. The days with you, even ordinary romantic!

56. 如果我说我想一个人静静,其实我比任何时候都需要你。

57. The Starry Sea in Mr. A's eyes is the vast sky I've never seen before.

58. 你我除了爱意,还有漫长的人生可以细讲。

59. 你的可爱,你的倔强,你的温柔,你的担忧,从现在起就专属于我一个人。

60. 亲爱的,我真的很爱你,你知道吗?Honey, I really love you, you know?

61. 总有一个人的名字,是你拒绝所有人的理由。

62. 从前有个人,她在背后说我的坏话,后来她死了。

63. 小姐姐我可以向你问路吗?到哪里?到你心里。

64. 想要的明明不是这样子的,是时候未自己努力一次了吧。

65. 我爱你,不光因为你的样子,还因为和你在一起时,我的样子。

66. 纵然万人如我意,怎敌你一句我喜欢你。

67. People who are really happy are busy realizing, and who is busy showing off.

68. 幸福就是,我爱你,然后你也爱上我。

69. Miss you, is sweet and heartache, is willing to wait, only hate can not always together!

70. 静下来想你,觉得一切都美好得不可思议!

71. 积石如玉,列松如翠。郎艳独绝,世无其二。

72. 曾经想征服全世界,到最后回首才发现,这世界滴滴点点全部都是你。

73. The hot light stabbed me so hard that I couldnt open my eyes, so that I went blind all the way.

74. 祝福那些不懂得相思的人,至于我,则愿意永远想念着你。

75. Things in the world are not as good as they are. People in the world are not as good as you.

76. What you want is not like this. Its time for you to work hard.

77. 在心里藏一个人,千生万世,甜蜜不已。

78. 阳光明媚,温暖如初,你还没来我怎敢老去。

79. The most romantic thing I can think of is growing old with you.

80. 我想像个小朋友一样,在你身后,在你左右。

国外撩妹句子 精选148句

1. 我还是很喜欢你,像空谷幽兰猗猗,面南山居,昼夜赏菊。

2. 我喜欢你,笨拙而热烈,一无所有却又倾尽所有。

3. 即使生活再难再苦,到最后,你一定会找到那个与你傻傻相伴终生的人。

4. 我想牵你的手,从心动到古稀。

5. 我要你当我孩子的妈,我孩子指名要你喔。

6. 你的名字只有两个字,虽构不成一句话,但已经装满了我的心。

7. You eat vats of popcorn with you,drink vats of juice with you,and walk with you no matter how long the road is.

8. 我家狗狗让我捎句话给你,我想你了。

9. 未经允许,私…私自喜欢你。Without permission I like you personally.

10. 希望你梦到最温柔的月亮,最喜欢的人,和最爱你的我。

11. I like you,clumsy and warm,with nothing but everything.

12. 我们慢慢慢慢,离开了一切可以在深夜里打个电话聊聊的人。

13. 不好好走路非得跌进我心里,太重了,撵不出去了。

14. Old wine and new tea, small things in the city, I want to tell you.

15. 人生苦短,来日方长,不妨,躺在一起看看月亮。

16. 我真的好想你,却不敢打扰你。

17. 在遇到你之后,结婚这事我没有想过别人。

18. 也许这就是爱情,最初红了脸,最后红了眼。

19. 人不对,付出再多,用情再深,最后感动的也只有自己。

20. 我们结婚吧,好想和你生个孩子。

21. 那些令我歇斯底里的感动,总是电影里别人的故事。

22. 第一眼看见你就想上你,斯文人把这叫做一见钟情。

23. 你这一生我只借一程,这一程便是一生。

24. If I say I want to be alone, I need you more than ever.

25. 部分文人之所以能在流放的苦难中显现人性、创建文明,本源于他们内心的高贵。他们的外部身份可以一变再变,甚至终身陷于囹圄,但内心的高贵却未曾全然销蚀。这正像有的人,不管如何追赶潮流或身居高位,却总也掩盖不住内心的卑贱一样。——余秋雨

26. 听过一个故事没有?弓在箭射出之前低声对箭说:你的自由是我的。

27. 我要在你身上去做,春天在樱桃树上做的事情。

28. 喜欢一个人的感觉,大概就是听别人讨论爱情,我只想起你。

29. You give the promise is actually a lie, how can I believe you until now.

30. 想你时你在天边,想你是你在眼前,想你在我心上。

31. Simple life is not a gorgeous adventure.

32. 你不会叠衣服一边呆着去!以后我来叠!

33. I want you to be my child's mother. My child named you.

34. 这世界上一共三种人,坏人,人妖,我的人。

35. There is always one persons name, which is the reason why you refuse everyone.

36. 尽管眼下十分艰难,可日后这段经历说不定就会开花结果。

37. 比喜欢多一点是心动,比心动多一点是爱,比爱多一点的是妳。

38. 你是我最想遇见的特别。

39. 被迫放弃一段情,你一定是珍视又被漠视过。

40. 爱人和我说:到老的时候,你先死,爱人逝去的痛苦让我来承受。

41. Although its hard at the moment, the experience may come to fruition in the future.

42. 你生是我的小猪猪,死是我的五花肉。

43. I want to swim at night with you by candlelight, and I want to get drunk with you.

44. 愿有人给你波澜不惊的爱情,陪你看细水常流的风景。

45. 我能想到最浪漫的事,就是和你一起慢慢变老。

46. 一生一世一双人,一朝一夕永相伴。

47. To your city, blowing through the wind you have blown, count as embracing.

48. 等风,等雨,等你,可否等来一场春风得意马蹄疾。

49. 我希望你会心肺复苏术,因为你美得让我停止呼吸。

50. 不会说什么浪漫的情话,只想和你有以后。

51. 放手后的微笑,只是用来掩盖疼痛的伤疤。

52. Like is the joy at first sight, love is a long time.

53. 想把你占为己有,但又怕你想要自由。

54. 因为不曾相识,所以也不曾悲伤。更不曾快乐过。

55. 如果心凉只需一瞬间,暖一颗心要多少年。

56. 我见过的最美的春天,是我穿过人群找到你的那个四月。

57. 眉毛之间的故事要么深情,要么失败。The story between the eyebrows is either affectionate or failure.

58. 这辈子就跟我在一起吧,不行的话我再等等,还不行的话我再想想别的办法。

59. 我愿意做你的小尾巴,你走到哪我就跟到哪。

60. 哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。

61. I hope you dream of the gentlest moon, the favorite person, and the one who loves you the most.

62. 大桶的爆米花和你一起吃,超大杯的果汁和你一起喝,以后的路再长也要和你一起走。

63. Say I love you ten thousand times, better be together.

64. 因为懂得你的好,所以才愿意在你背后给你支持。

65. 你怎么这么霸道!霸住了我整颗心。

66. 你看过的所有风景都与我无关,我看过的所有风景都与你相关。

67. If the whole world is malicious to you,I will say to you last love words.

68. Im the kind of person who thinks everything is bad. Its better to be disappointed in advance than to despair suddenly.

69. 我想要的很简单,时光还在,你还在。

70. 你要相信我不是善良的,我现在的懦弱,是为了将来的强大。

71. 如果来生太远寄不到诺言,不如学着放下许多。

72. The bell will ring when it meets the wind. When I meet you, the deer in my heart will bump.

73. 天寒地冻日短夜长,长路远马亡,书信几行唯你难忘。

74. If the heart only needs a moment to cool, warm a heart how many years.

75. You have to believe that I am not kind, I am now weak, is for the future strong.

76. Like a person's feeling, probably is to listen to others discuss love, I only think of you.

77. 那炙热的光芒,刺得我挣不开双眼,以至於一路盲目前行。

78. Forced to give up a love, you must have been cherished and ignored.

79. 曾经你是我的所有,一度陪在我左右。

80. 你要知道这个世界上总有一个人会等你,只要你回头就可以看得见。

81. 去到你的城市,吹过你吹过的风,算不算相拥。

82. Although there are many flowers, but no repetition, you are destined to be unique in my life.

83. 我们的故事,没法长话短说,就像喜欢你这件事,我从未怠慢。

84. 你的名字写出来也不过几厘米,却贯穿我的梦,自始至终。

85. 载着你仿佛载着阳光,不管到哪里都是晴天。

86. 如果没有那么多在乎怎么会有那么多难过。

87. Say less,afraid into regret;Say a word more,be afraid is like right.

88. Since the day I met you, all my plans for the future have added you.

89. 我看到你的.第一眼就喜欢上你,他们斯文人把这个叫做一见钟情。

90. 我只是想再见一次,往后对思念便绝口不提。

91. 你是东半球,我是西半球,我们在一起,就是整个地球。

92. 你眼里有春和秋,胜过我见过的一切山川河流。

93. 有一天,那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

94. 欲尽此情书尺素,浮雁沉鱼,终了无凭据。

95. You are the eastern hemisphere, I am the Western Hemisphere. Together, we are the whole earth.

96. 能拥有个可以依赖,可以完全信任的人真好。

97. This is the back of my hand, this is the instep of my foot, you are my baby.

98. I will always be,even lonely open into the sea;I will always love,even if the scenery is dust.

99. 我希望拣到一片叶子上面写满了你的名字

100. 不知道爱你算不算是一个贴心的理由?

101. 少说一句,怕成遗憾;多说一句,怕是惊扰。我喜欢你,四个字,刚好。

102. Life is an invisible piggy bank. Every effort you put in will not be in vain.

103. 在我离开的那一刻,忘记我,也希望我能忘记你。

104. 答案很长,我准备用一生的时间来回答,你准备要听了吗?——林徽因

105. 老鹰呼叫小鸡,老鹰呼叫小鸡,收到请回答。

106. 你我是回忆里的主演,配角是甜蜜和浪漫。

107. 看着微笑的你,突然发现,我真是世界上最幸福的人。

108. 不要刻意去挽留,也不需刻意去强求。

109. 我一点也不担心未来没有你,我知道会有你。

110. All you have is my world.

111. 世界这么大,我遇到了你,你也遇到了我,真好

112. 彼此沉默太久,就连主动都需要勇气。

113. The person you really love always makes you angry, but you can't find out what he did wrong.

114. 我爱你,亲爱的愿你幸福安康,开心如意!

115. 有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。

116. Each others silence is too long, even the initiative needs courage.

117. 你的小可爱没电了,请亲亲激活。Your little cute is out of power. Please activate it in person.

118. 我不管此生路远天涯,相爱之人必要白头与忠。

119. If you have the ability to take good care of yourself, you will let me take care of you honestly.

120. 三十晚上的鞭炮再想,都没有我想想你那么想。

121. In this beautiful world, April God, the beauty of the world is waiting for you and me.

122. 看见你趴在我背上睡着的时候,我真的希望那一刻能够静止,就算一直要背着你,我也不会觉得累。

123. I want to fulfill every little wish of you.

124. 你的前半生没有我,那么就让我陪你走完后半生。

125. 这里有一份热烈的欢喜,请你注意查收。

126. 我爱你,为了你的幸福,我愿意放弃一切包括你。

127. I want to sublimate the very short poems you love into the long life prose.

128. 曾经迷惘的心中,是你牵引我走出寂寞。

129. Let's get married and want to have a baby with you.

130. One day, that person into your life, you will understand that true love is always worth waiting for.

131. You are the robbery that I can't get through in my life. If you look at it more, you will be soft hearted. If you hug me, you will fall.

132. 突然很想跟自己说声对不起,对不起,再也找不回原来的自己。

133. 时间会淡化一个人的记忆,却永远没有办法消磨一个人的悲痛。

134. 你闻到什么味道了吗?没有啊?怎么你一出来空气都是舔的了

135. 我只是须要一个可以让我休息的港湾。

136. If you are poor, I will be your last luggage.

137. The devil in others' eyes is the angel in my heart.

138. 我不敢说我会永远爱你,但我敢肯定,只要我还爱,那便是真的爱。

139. 我爱你,就像血液一样,循环到不息。

140. 我还是很喜欢你,像等了很多年故人的老城门,茕茕孑立。

141. 理解归理解,可是醋我还是要吃的。Understanding means understanding, but I still want vinegar.

142. In fact, I've been behind you all the time, and I'm short of you.

143. 我不会浪费今天的时间,来回忆昨天的你。

144. Dont be nice to me if you dont like me, otherwise Im trapped in you and dont want to.

145. Even if all people are like me, I like you.

146. 只缘感君一回顾,使我思君朝与暮。Only the feeling of your retrospection makes me think of your morning and evening.

147. Once you were all I had, once with me.

148. Thank you for a long time to meet again, thank you for a round of more cherish.

国外撩妹句子 精选68句

1. If you dont care so much, how can you feel so sad.

2. If I had superpowers,I'd light up the dark corners of your heart,beat the monsters out of your face,and sneak in a little candy.

3. 我想住在你心里,没有邻居的那种。

4. 你每个小小的心愿,我都想要去兑现。

5. Its so boring to expose. I just like watching you play.

6. 你吃东西的样子真可爱,是练过吗?

7. 时光是琥珀,泪一滴滴被反锁,情书再不朽,也磨成沙漏。

8. 听着,我允许你喜欢我。除了白头偕老,我们没别的选择!

9. Time is gentle, you need to understand, life is lovely, you need to pet.

10. 我喜欢你,漫山遍野的喜欢。

11. You ah,is basically the old clear brew,that July rain,is that inarticulate gentle,is my sweetheart,the day last month.

12. 遇见你,是我最美丽的意外。

13. 我有罪。什么?我正在你的芳心纵火

14. 像所有人认为的那样,你就是我整个世界。

15. 我不要别人的拥抱,因为那里没有你的心跳。I don't want other people's hugs, because there is no your heartbeat.

16. 我希望在我们以后的生活中都因为拥有彼此而快乐无边。

17. I have no time to participate in your past, I will accompany you to the end in your future!

18. 我还是喜欢你,像小时候吃辣条,从不看日期。

19. 我愿意做你的一颗牙,至少,没有了我,你会疼。

20. 你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我奉陪到底!

21. 风里来,雨里去,为了这个家,你拼搏的样子,真的好美丽。

22. 你要我等多久啊?能不能稍微短一点?

23. Once I wanted to conquer the whole world, but when I looked back, I found that you are the world.

24. 我就是那种什么事都往坏处想的人,提前失望总好过突然绝望。

25. 别人眼中恶魔的你,却是我心中的天使。

26. 你怎么老是和我聊天,你实话讲是不是喜欢上我了,不是?不是的话,那我就再想想别的办法。

27. 行了,别说了,知道你爱我,我会对你负责。

28. You and I are the stars in the memories, and the supporting roles are sweet and romantic.

29. 在每一个有你相伴的夜,不再寂寥。

30. Once upon a time, there was a man who spoke ill of me behind my back, and then she died.

31. 这街道那么空,可你的影子却布满每个角落。

32. 你是年少的欢喜,我想把这句话反过来告诉你。

33. 我莫名其妙的笑了,只正因想到了你。

34. 多希望梦醒时,是一米阳光和你熟睡的样子。

35. 铃铛遇到风会响,我遇到你,心里的小鹿会乱撞。

36. People who dont believe in love at first sight are not confident in their appearance.

37. 很后悔认识了你,你让我感受到你不在我身边时的痛苦。

38. 不管你在乎不在乎我,我依旧会在乎你。

39. I want to be like a child, behind you, around you.

40. 揭穿多没意思,我就是喜欢看着你演。

41. 你别难过,风筝有风,海豚有海,你还有我。

42. The person is wrong, pay again much, use affection again deep, finally move also only oneself.

43. 我想对你爱恋的极短诗篇升华为漫长的生活散文。

44. Learn to be heartless. I dont care about anything.

45. 我这么喜欢吃伊利巧乐兹,只因为那句喜欢你,没道理。

46. 你说我们俩掉进河里会怎么样?冷死吧!我们不会有事,因为是坠入爱河

47. 我也许不是最好的那个人,但我会给你最好的那个我。

48. 你是口中情,眼中喜,心中爱,意中人。

49. I was going to travel in the world, but I think I can stop when I meet you.

50. 在我心里,没有什么比你更重要。

51. 你啊,大抵就是那陈年清酿,那七月急雨,是那词不达意的温柔,是我的心上人,天上月。

52. 在互相喜欢的路上,谁先放弃谁就是小王八蛋。

53. 初时只作乍见之欢,日后惊于久处不厌。

54. 在这个明媚的人间四月天呀,这世间的美好都在等着你和我啊。

55. 我还是个孩子,给我个拥抱好不好,不要嘲笑我的偶尔发脾气和撒娇。

56. 陪你到你想去的地方,用心走完我们人生的余下的旅程。

57. What I envy is not how deep love is, but how long it is.

58. 没什么大理想,就是想和你一直一直在一起。

59. 你是我今生渡不过的劫,多看一眼就心软,拥抱一下就沦陷。

60. 我在心里上了无数把的锁,只为不愿让你走。I locked countless locks in my heart just for not letting you go.

61. We slowly and slowly, leaving all the people who can make a phone conversation in the late night.

62. I am stupid, but your good, your bad, I see in the eye, remember in the heart.

63. 雨水透过窗。思念传彼岸,你在我心房。

64. 有本事你照顾好自己,不然老老实实地让我来照顾。

65. 你给的诺言其实都是谎言,我怎么会一直相信你到现在。

66. Its not easy to get this person in ones life. We love each other till we get old and not tired.

67. The rain came through the window. Miss the other side, you are in my heart.

68. Looking at you smiling, I suddenly found that I am the happiest person in the world.

国外撩妹句子 精选143句

1. 学着没心没肺。对什么事都渐渐无所谓。

2. I like you. I like you everywhere.

3. 我始终带着你爱的微笑一路寻找遗失的美好。

4. Remember, in the future, the sincerity should be saved.

5. Our story, can not be short, like like like you this matter, I never neglect.

6. 佳人相约,在月上柳梢头之时,黄昏之后。

7. 自从认识了你,我都穿得很厚,因为我怕冻着了你。

8. Stay with me for the rest of your you can't,I'll you can't,I'll think of another way.

9. No one of you is allowed to bully her. I'm the only one in the world!

10. Like a person,from the appearance of the level,trapped in talent,loyal to the character,crazy in the flesh,obsessed with sound,drunk in deep feeling.

11. 心灵深处,是默默的支撑;灵魂之间,是静静的聆听。

12. I dont care about the distance in my life, the one who loves must be white headed and loyal.

13. 我把思念都告诉了心跳,心里的你有没有偷听到。

14. Suddenly I want to say sorry to myself, Im sorry, I cant find myself again.

15. 想和你一起驾着小船,在爱情海里兴风作浪。

16. 我所羡慕的不是爱有多深,而是爱有多久。

17. 抱着梦见你的心睡去,怀着想见你的心醒来。

18. 想你是甜甜的,念你是长长的,爱你是久久的。

19. 生活是一只看不见的储蓄罐,你投入的每一份努力都不会白费。

20. 我从未怪过你只是偶尔会失望。

21. I really miss you, but I dare not disturb you.

22. 下辈子我们还在一起,你不来,我不老。

23. 比起天黑和鬼,我更害怕你心酸皱眉。

24. 有的人你以为永远没法忘记,但总有一天时光会模糊了记忆里的笑脸。

25. In the moment I leave, forget me, and hope I can forget you.

26. Sharing love doesnt mean losing love, because love is endless!

27. 我愿用我一生倾尽全力去呵护你,保你一生周全。

28. Miss you when you are in the sky, miss you are in front of you, miss you in my heart.

29. 你是揉碎的日光,落入我梦境的一片温暖。

30. Sleep with your heart in your dreams, wake up with your heart in your dreams.

31. 我需要的不是一个每天说多爱我的人,而是一个会关心我踏踏实实的人。

32. 你再也遇不到一个人这样爱你,我亦不会再这样爱一个人。

33. 突然发现每次看到你眼睛里总会出现一样东西,会出现坏坏的我啦。

34. Although we can not be together, but I will always put this love in the heart.

35. 喜欢一个人,始于颜值,陷于才华,忠于人品,痴于肉体,迷于声音,醉于深情。

36. 真正幸福的人都在忙着体会,哪有人在忙着炫耀。

37. 真正你爱的人,其实总惹你生气,你却发觉不了他到底做错了什么。

38. If the next life is too far away to send a promise, it is better to learn to put down a lot.

39. 你历经山河走向我,胜过所有遥远的温柔。

40. There is a kind of silent love, called giving up, sighing gently, leaving for love.

41. 因为有了因为,所以有了所以。既然已成既然,何必再说何必。——周立波

42. 喜欢是乍见之欢,爱是久处不厌。

43. 情无长短,爱无距离,缘分总在你身边。

44. 没什么特别的事,只想听听你的声音。

45. Huayan waterfall is thousands of feet high, which is less than Qing Qing's love for me.

46. 委屈一下你,余生栽在我手里行不行。

47. 从前慢,爱很长,一生只够爱一个人。

48. 你就是我最困难时的那位永远支持我的人!

49. 我等不及了,我想牵着你去扯证了!

50. 感谢久别重逢,感谢绕了一圈后的更加珍惜。

51. 喜欢你大概就是把生活中没一丝巧合,都活成我们可能在一起的证据。

52. 不想撞南墙了,想撞进先生的胸膛。

53. Not only because of what you look like,but because of what I look like when I'm with you.

54. Time will dilute a persons memory, but can never kill a persons grief.

55. Wronged you, the rest of my life planted in my hands, OK.

56. 我喜欢在夜色里拥抱你,因为夜色温柔,而你更甚。I like to embrace you in the night, because the night is gentle, and you are even more.

57. Habit is a terrible thing. Dont take it as a habit.

58. Because I have never known each other, I have never been sad. Never been happy.

59. 你知道你适合穿什么衣服吗?漂亮的衣服!不,是被我征服。

60. 一般不相信一见钟情的人,对自己的相貌不自信。

61. 幸而有你相伴,才不至于徒手人间。

62. 你站在那别动,我飞奔过去!

63. 想你,是甜蜜和心痛,是甘心情愿的等待,只恨不能时时刻刻在一起!

64. You are the one who always supports me in my most difficult time!

65. 先生眼里的星辰大海,是我从未见过的浩瀚明空。

66. You are the most special I want to meet.

67. One day we are all old, but I still remember the way you made me feel.

68. 天理伦常在上,没有什么是你想要而我不能为你做的。

69. 如果全世界都对你恶意相加,我就对你说上一世情话。

70. 假如你是一棵仙人掌,我也愿意忍受所有的痛来抱着你。

71. I like to eat yiqiaolez so much, just because that sentence like you, no reason.

72. The reason why a woman is flowery is that she has been severely hurt by a person.

73. Mingming heart is very tired, but also every day, pretending to laugh very happy.

74. 习惯是一种可怕的东西,千万不要把习惯当作习惯。

75. 我觉得我跟你在一起,会是我的人生更加完整!I think my life will be more complete if I am with you!

76. “你能不能别老问我,你在干嘛?”“我无时不刻都在想你。”

77. I wish someone could give you the calm love and accompany you to see the scenery of fine water and constant flow.

78. 世界上最温暖的两个字是从你口中说出的晚安。

79. 你有多特别呢?万千人中走过,即便近视也能一眼望到你。

80. 与你相遇,如入梦中,从此不愿醒矣。

81. Because I know your good, I am willing to support you behind your back.

82. 这是我的手背,这是我的脚背,你是我的宝贝。

83. You don't fold your clothes and stay! I'll fold it later!

84. 如果可以重来,我宁愿我从没存在过。

85. 虽然我们不能在一起,但是我会把这份爱永远放在内心深处。

86. Accompany you to the place you want to go and finish the rest of our life with your heart.

87. 若你一贫如洗,我愿做你最后的行李。

88. 你们谁也不准欺负她,全世界只有我才可以!

89. 愿你惦记的人能和你道晚安,愿你一个人的日子里不觉得孤单。

90. 若你不高兴了,就随便折腾我,谁让我喜欢你呢。

91. 那么多弯弯绕绕,不如直接说喜欢。

92. 南风知我意白首不分离

93. 我想用我的全部,换取一条通往你心里的路。

94. 一生得此一人,不易,彼此相爱到老,不腻。

95. 你的一切就是我的世界。

96. 说一万遍我爱你,不如好好在一起。

97. 择一城终老,遇一人白首。挽一帘幽梦,许一世倾城。写一字决别,言一梦长眠。我倾尽一生,囚你无期。

98. I don't want to run into the south wall. I want to run into my husband's chest.

99. More than like is the heart, more than the heart is love, more than love is you.

100. I love you, for your happiness, I am willing to give up everything including you.

101. 记住,以后的真心,还是要省着点用。

102. 就算我不相信爱情了,没关系、我爱你与爱情无关。

103. 能量是守恒的,就像我给你的爱永不消失。

104. Calm down to think of you, think everything is wonderful incredible!

105. 我一直在关注你,用一切你知道的或不知道的方式。I've been watching you, in all the ways you know or don't know.

106. 总有那么一座城,让你流连忘返。总有那么一个人,让你怦然心动。

107. 能不能把我们的革命友谊再升华一下。

108. 明明心很累,却还要每一天,假装笑的特别开心。

109. Listen, I allow you to like me. We have no choice but to grow old together!

110. 原来快乐不能假装,原来瞬间也能永远。The original happiness can not be pretended, the original moment can be forever.

111. 有一天我们都老了,但是我依然记得当初你让我心动的样子。

112. 从遇见你开始,凛冬散尽星河长明。

113. 我在等一个人,一个可以陪我很久很久的人。

114. Do not deliberately to retain, do not need to deliberately force.

115. I never blame you for being disappointed occasionally.

116. Those who make me hysterical moved, is always the story of others in the film.

117. 陪你走山山水水,不累,只为能微笑你的嘴。

118. Maybe this is love, the first red face, finally red eyes.

119. 世上之事,皆难如意,世间之人,都不如你。

120. Your name is only a few centimeters, but throughout my dream, from beginning to end.

121. I want to use all I have for a road to your heart.

122. 不喜欢我就不要对我好,以免我深陷你又不要。

123. 你还想要一个妈妈嘛,我把我妈妈分给你。

124. 全世界只有一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。

125. Make your own decisions and take your own consequences.

126. 自从遇见你的那天起,我未来的所有计划,都把你加上了。

127. 我是笨,可你的好,你的坏,我看在眼里记在心上。

128. 早早早,就知道早,下次说我爱你。

129. This life is too short, I just want to love you.

130. 一个骗子对一个傻子说“我爱你”骗子说完离开了傻子相信了。

131. I just need a harbor where I can rest.

132. 我本来是要行走江湖的,但遇见你我觉得可以先停一停。

133. 旧酒新茶,大城小事,我都想说给你听。

134. 想要你满脑子是我,更想我往后余生都是你。

135. 有一种默默的爱,叫放弃,轻轻地叹息,为了爱而离开。

136. Whether you like it or not, whether you are suitable or not, and whether you can be together are three different things.

137. 我遇见的人越多,我就越庆幸能够遇见你。

138. As everyone thinks, you are my whole world.

139. May the people you care about can say good night to you, and I hope you dont feel lonely in your own days.

140. 我拒绝那么多的暧昧,只为了你一个不确定的未来。

141. 不敢许你三生三世,只愿给你两厅三室。

142. I would like to use my whole life to do my best to care for you, to protect your whole life.

143. You are the sunlight, falling into the warmth of my dream.
