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关于乒乓球英文的句子 精选46句

1. Give it another shot.

2. I think you are the best in the world.

3. Many people like the pehold grip.

4. What are the basic shots in the table tennis?

5. Is it necessary to improve skills?

6. Why are you keen on playing ping pang?

7. 因为此潭颇像月牙,故名月牙潭。

8. What are the different kinds of service?

9. What's the standard of your table tennis?

10. Playing ping pang is my best way to relax.

11. 我们乘公交车到了七佛山山脚下。

12. I am on the school team of ping pang at college.

13. 远远望去,盘山公路像一条蛇似的盘旋在七佛山上。

14. I like playing football best, but occasionally I play table tennis, too.

15. Do you know one of the best ping pang players in China.

16. 终于,我和车义路到了半山腰的月牙潭,远处的七佛寺已经清晰可见了。

17. Do you have talent for ping pang?

18. 走完一小段长长的阶梯,就到了七佛寺。

19. He can play table tennis, badminton, basketball, anything.

20. A game shall be won by scoring 11 points.

21. 白塔上挂了许多铜铃,风一吹,铜铃就叮叮呤呤直响,显得七佛寺更加静寂。

22. Do you regard ping pang as a major?

23. I am good at the backhand topspin.

24. 隐隐约约可以望见山顶的白塔。

25. 佛寺虽是重修的,可是仍有古代气息。

26. 这时,郭宇浩和刘子昂也追上来了,我们便到月牙潭边吃出发时带的零食。

27. What are your questions about ping pang?

28. 下棋没劲,还是去打乒乓球吧。

29. What kind of grip do you like?

30. 走山路虽然近,但是崎岖不平。

31. Pingpang is a popular sport in the world.

32. 不一会儿,我们就喘开粗气了,但我和车义路继续向上爬。

33. Can you play ping pang well?

34. Some people prefer the shakehands grip.

35. Do you know how to play ping pang?

36. Can you help me with table tennis?

37. 绕过正殿,有一座白塔,白塔周围有八座小塔。

38. I am glad you love playing ping pang.

39. Playing ping pang is one of my favorite pastimes.

40. Playing chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis.

41. 我最喜欢踢足球,偶尔也打打乒乓球。

42. 我提议道:“这公路弯弯曲曲,太长了,如果咱们走山路,就少走许多冤枉路。

43. 什么乒乓球啊,羽毛球啊,篮球啊,他都会玩。

44. What do we play each other today?

45. 前几天,我,车义路,郭宇浩和刘子昂一起去爬七佛山。

46. 吃完零食,我们接着向上爬。
