
admin 2024-03-03 网站管理员 admin

我把所有的美好都刻在了光盘里,选择 了一个明媚的午后,把它丢进海里!

I engraved all the beautiful in the CD, chose a beautiful afternoon, and threw it into the sea!


You broke your heart and left without saying sorry, leaving me in a daze!


I dare not go home at night, because there is no light waiting for me at home!



I think the good, in fact, but you have regret as a gift on me!


I picked up a shell by the sea, put it in my ear and listen to it tell you the love story with others!


I gave up all the answers, want to create a new future with you, but you choose to let me lose!



You put all the answers on your face. Why should I stay!


You give the feeling, swallowing feel tingling, spit out feel pity!


I really hope that at some point, you will send me a sentence, even if it is late at night, I will return to you, I miss you too!



I believe Cupid did not forget me, he is just looking for a more suitable person for me!


Do not have my day you are still OK, you will think of those promises you said to me!


I deliberately drunk myself, in order to have the courage to tell you, I miss you!


Thank you for teaching me that people who are not worth it will not be rewarded!


我告诉你我喜欢你,并不是一定要和你在一起,只是希望今后的你,在遭遇人生低谷的时候,不要灰心,至少曾经有人被你的魅力所吸引,曾经是,现在是,以后也会是。I tell you that I like you, not necessarily with you, just hope that you in the future, in the face of life, don't lose heart, at least someone was attracted by your charm, once was, now is, and will be.

你要做一个不动声色的大人了,不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看,去过自己另外的生活,你要听话,不是所有的鱼都会生活在同一片海里。You have to be a quiet adult. Don't be emotional, don't miss secretly, don't look back and live another life. You have to be obedient. Not all fish will live in the same sea.

不必太纠结于当下,也不必太忧虑未来,当你经历过一些事情的时候,眼前的风景已经和从前不一样了。Don't worry about the future, and don't worry about the present. When you have experienced something, the landscape is different from the past.


爱,是什么都介意,又什么都原谅。Love is to mind everything and forgive everything.

哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望罢了。Where can some people like lonely, just don't like disappointed.

任何事物都有光明面,哪怕云层再黑再厚背面也银光闪闪。Everything has a bright side. No matter how dark or thick the clouds are, the back is silver.

如果你只读每个人都在读的书,你也只能想到每个人都能想到的事。If you read only what everyone is reading, you can only think of what everyone can think of.

不存在十全十美的文章,如同不存在彻头彻尾的绝望。There is no perfect article, as there is no complete despair.

每当我看到大海的时候,我总想找人谈谈,等到我总想和人交谈时,我又总想去看看大海。Whenever I see the sea, I always want to talk to someone. When I always want to talk to someone, I always want to see the sea.

如果你掉进了黑暗里,你能做的不过是静心等待,直到你的双眼适应黑暗。If you fall into the dark, all you can do is wait until your eyes get used to the dark.

所谓努力,就是主动而有目的的活动。Efforts are active and purposeful activities.

每个人都有属于自己的一片森林,也许我们从来不曾去过,但它一直在那里,总会在那里,迷失的人迷失了,相逢的人会再相逢。Everyone has his own forest, maybe we have never been there, but it is always there, always there, lost people lost, meet people will meet again.

如果我爱你,而你正巧也爱我,你头发乱了的时候,我会笑笑地替你拨一拨,然后,手还留恋地在你发上多待几秒。但是,如果我爱你,而你不巧地不爱我,你头发乱了,我只会轻轻地告诉你,你头发乱。If I love you, and you happen to love me, when your hair is in a mess, I will dial it for you with a smile, and then my hand will linger on your hair for a few seconds. However, if I love you and you don't love me, your hair is in disorder, I will only tell you gently that your hair is in disorder.

你要记得那些黑暗中默默抱紧你的人,追你笑的人,陪你彻夜聊天的人,坐车来看望你的人,带你四处游荡的人,说想念你的人这些人组成你生命中一点一滴的温暖,是这些温暖使你远离阴霾,是这些温暖使你成为善良的人。Do you want to remember those who quietly hold you in the dark, after you laugh, accompany you through the night chat, car come to see you, take you wandering, said miss you one of these people in your life every bit of warmth, is the warm set you apart from the haze, as these make you a warm kind person.





