因为英语句子 精选40句
1. 他之所以有今天的成就,是因为他努力的奋斗过。
2. Owing to the reason known to all the relations between the two people were suspended for over twenty years.
3. He is called Mitch, because his name is Mitchell.
4. Owing to the road construction, the bus will be on diversion this month.
5. I didn't give my name because if I did I thought you might not have come.
6. We succeeded by reason that we'd better organized.
7. The business is for sale by reason that the former manager died.
8. 因为今天下雨,所以运动会不开了。
9. The match was postponed on account of the weather.
10. Owing to the help from his comrades, he has made rapid progress.
11. He is in a state of deep depression on account of his failure to pass the examination.
12. 因为你的学习成绩不好,所以你应该好好学习。
13. He was out of work owing to a physical injury
14. 因为英语工作中非常重要,所以要努力学习英语。
15. If not for John, Brian wouldn't have learned the truth.
16. 我爱夏天,是因为它的姹紫嫣红。
17. 好学生之所以聪明,就因为他们学习刻苦,上课听讲。
18. 我们之所以礼貌,就因为我们是个乖小孩啊!
19. 如果就因为电脑坏了而不能查资料就放弃的话,那就太容易放弃了!
20. He had a great desire to have a home of his own for he had always lived with my grandmother.
21. Owing to the rain the match was canceled.
22. 电脑之所以受我们喜爱,就因为它是一个真正的大字典。
23. I'm forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily.
24. 花儿之所以这样红,是因为我们的`努力。
25. 因为我们俩是同学,所以我要帮助他。
26. 因为我们今天的幸福生活是革命先烈们用生命和献血换来的,所以我们要珍惜眼前的生活。
27. 我成功了!是因为我付出了努力。
28. 因为他平时很刻苦学习,所以他的成绩很好。
29. 因为我做梦都想着上大学,也因为是父母对我的期盼;所以,我必须努力读书,奋勇拼搏。
30. I want you to get him for as much as he is worth.
31. I suppose people do it because there is that element of danger and risk
32. The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.
33. 我喜欢冬天,因为它像一阵阵寒风,吹落了满地的黄叶。
34. Owing to staff shortages, there was no restaurant car on the train.
35. 因为我复习得充分,所以考出了好成绩。
36. 悲伤之所以不在我的生活里,就因为我敞开心胸,每天快快乐乐的!
37. 因为长江正在遭受污染,人们的健康也已受到威胁。
38. 他之所以有今天的成就,是因为他努力地奋斗过。
39. 我们之所以不去上课,是因为今天放假了。
40. I had a sense of d é j à-vu because I could recognise everything in London.